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Everything posted by DeathBug
My fave chapter was when Mihoshi and Ryoko got into that fight, followed by Washu's security system. The art is very good, and the stories have that carefree feel that the original Tenchi series had. I love this manga. I also have volume two, which introduces new characters ands evil bunnies. ^___^
Let me tell ya'll about Mr. Smith. Way back when the Spider-Man movie came out, Smith signed a deal with Marvel to write a five issue mini-series called: "Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do". All he had to do was script five comic books. It's been over a year, and we've only gotten three issues. The scripts for the fourth and fifth don't even exist yet. He hasn't written them. Exactly the same scenario with "Daredevil/Bullseye: The Target". Those projects are never going to be finished, and Marvel puts up with this because Smith's name = $. Meanwhile, the Black Cat's character isn't going to be used until the series is done, because, in some archaic concep, the other writers at Marvel actually respect other writewrs, and don't want to mess up whatever Smith was trying to do with the character. Brian Micheal Bendis, the writer of Daredevil, took heat for using Bullseye, after delaying the storyline he wanted to write about six months (thus loosing any chance of tying in with the movie), when it finally became apparent that issue #2 of DD/B:T wasn't coming. When asked about the completion of these series at a convention, Smith replied he was simply working on other things, apparently things more important than finishing the cointract he entered into. He then proceeded to tell those assembled that it was "Just a comic book", and they should "get a life". Suffice it to say, I have issues with Mr. Smith, as well as the suits at Marvel who let this prima donna run rampet. Were it me, I would have slapped a breach of contract lawsuit on his rear a long time ago. On the other hand, Dogma was a great movie.
Kofman2155, I'm not a Tournament player, so I can't help you. If you want help on a Tournament level deck, I'd advise you to PM tyrant_dragon. I know him, and he'd tell you how to prep for a tourney. In anticipation of the release of "Dark Crisis", I'm dusting off my Light deck. However, a slight change has been made; it's gone from a Light-deck to an [b]all[/b] light deck. No Witch, no Serpant, no Jinzo, just Light. In honor of the change in focus, I've renamed my deck, and started it over from the ground up. [u]LIGHT v 1.5[/u] [i]Tribute monsters[/i] Mystical Knight of Jackal Airknight Parsheth Kaiser Glider (Formerly Soul of Purity and Light) [i]Monsters[/i] Thunder Nyan Nyan x3 Roulette Barrel x2 White Magical Hat x2 Shining Angel x2 Reflect Bounder (Formerly Pixie Knight) DD Warrior Lady (Formerly Pixie Knight; Jp name: Dimensional Warrior Girl) Maha Valio x2 Asura Priest [i]Traps[/i] Mirror Force Destruction Ring Call of the Haunted Waboku Imperial Order [i]Magic[/i] Monster Reborn Premature Burial Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Regeki Dark Hole Change of Heart Harpie's Feather Duster Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Luminous Spark x3 Terraforming Swords of Revealing Light Big Bang Shot x2 And the info on the new cards, courtesy of Edo: MAGIC REFLECTOR REFLECT BOUNDER Light/Machine/4/1700/1000 If this card is in attack mode and is attacked by an opponent's Monster, do damage to your opponent equal to the attacking Monster's attack strength, and destroy this card after damage calculation. 304-027 FEMALE WARRIOR FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION ("Twlight Zone Female Warrior") Light/Warrior/4/1500/1600 When this card Battles an opponent's Monster, you can remove this your opponent's Monster and this card from the game. 304-051 KAISER GLIDER Light/Dragon/6/2400/2200 This card cannot be destroyed as a result of Battle with a Monster that has an equal attack strength. If this card is destroyed and goes to the Cemetery, return 1 Monster on the Field to its owner's hand. Kaiser Glider owns. ^__^
Bonus answer: Curtain of the Dark Ones
Heh...what would be the ultimate funny scene in the whole anime would be Serenity choosing Mai. Then you get to see the reactions of Tristan, Joey and Duke all at once. =)
OOC: It's cool; I would have assumed he'd come back in anyway. ^__^ Seth was silent as he returned to the base. Those stupid old men had no right to talk to him that way! Maybe if they'd done a better job designing this world, they wouldn't have this problem in the first place! "Ms. Shonya, I am fine," he insisted. "I am rather frustrated with our employers, however." "Why?" Shonya asked. "They cannot keep these random punks from entering this world, yet they blame us when things fall apart? I do not like this." "So...what'd they do to you?" Shonya blinked. "They tore apart my deck, and replaced half of it with cards of their own choosing!" Seth spat, showing anger for the first time. "I put my heart into my deck. They have no right to reorganize it as they see fit! I will get back at them for that...later..." He regained his composure. "What is our current situation?"
Well, I figure I'd let my fiance (assuming I ever got one) do whatever she wants with her name. However, I am the only male offspring in ,my family...so if I don't have a son with my last name, that last name wouldn't continue... I guess I'd just ask my wife if, in the event we ever had son, if we could give him my last name. Huh...guess I'll cross this bridge when I come to it. What my mom did was to drop her middle name, make her maiden name her middle name, and take on my dad's last name. Compromise, I guess.
OOC: I'm confused; was Seth logged out of the system, or wasn't he?
Here's my opinion, dealing exclusivly with the card game. The show will go on for years, (Pokemon: Advanced, anyone?), but the card game is in trouble. After Upperdeck releases Dark Crisis, (The set planned after Magician's Force), they [b][i][u]must[/b][/i][/u] release Duelist's Legacy. What is Duelist's Legacy? In Japan, it's like the "Best of Yu-Gi-Oh", a series of re-releases of the most useul and popuar cards. The English Duelist's Legacy must contain the following cards as commons and rares: Mirror Force Call of the Haunted Jinzo Magic Cylinder Exodia pieces Ax of Despair Megamorph Yata-Garatsu Regeki Heavy Storm Harpie's Feather Duster Gemeni Elf Injection Angel Lily Pot of Greed Toerriential Tribute Goblin Attack Force Limiter Removal Snatch Steal Swords of Revealing Light And more. Why? Many of these cards are the "staple" cards, that all competative decks run. They are *very* hard to find, and usually quite expensive. In addition, the sets they come from are no longer being produced. Some fans might say, "Wait! I payed a lot for my Mirror Force/Regeki/Yata! Why should some new punks get them as commons?" To which I reply: "Yes, you did a lot to get the cards you have, and what you got for your efforts was time. For a long time, the only way to get those cards was by trading/spending a lot. You had them when no one else did. Now, however, the game has progressed and the playing field must be equalized." (It's similar to buying a car; if you buy a 2004 right now, you'll pay a lot more than if you wait until next summer to buy it.) However, that is only half of what the English Duelist's Legacy must provide. They must also provide promos. That's right, the holos for this set should be the most useful and popular Japanese promos, cards like: Black Luster Soldier/Chaos Mage/BEUD Dimensioinal Warrior Twins Blade Knight Des Guardius Multiply Meteor Dragon Time Machine Gilford the Lightning The ever-popular Vampire Lord And it's early, so I can't think of anymore, but you get the idea. However, for this move to work, English Duelist's Legacy [b]must[/b] be released as the set directly following Dark Crisis. Why? One word: Messengers. If you are not aware of the awesome powers of the Chaos soldier: Messenger of Creation, and Chaos Emporor Dragon: Messenger of Destruction, check out Altrn Gundam's review of CED, at [url]http://theotaku.com/yugioh/cardreviews/set07.shtml[/url] . CED is the most powerful, but the Chaos Soldier is also a beast; it can either skip its attack phase to remove one monster from the game, or attack twice. It has a BEWD's stats. Imagine what happens when these guys come out: everyone plays a Messenger deck. However, because these cards will be secret rares, (one would think), the only people who can readily get and utilize them would be the same people who can get the Mirror Force, the Jinzo, the Yata, and the Cylinders. What follows next is a perfect example of the worest scenario for capitalism: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Green players can't stand up in tournamemnts, and will now have no chance of winning against a duelist who, in addition to having all the most powerful traps and magic, has two seemingly unstoppble monsters. New players are discouraged in the face of such odds and quit. Several old players get tired of the lack of originality, and quit. The game stagnates, then dies. How can I predict this? The same stagnation almost happened in Japan. In Japan, you would expect to see the most divirsity among decks, but when the Messengers came out, every deck was a Messenger deck. I have several friends abroad who play the Japanese game, and they kept remarking how deck creativity was drying up, because everyone played Messengers. A messenger deck is a perfect fusion, IMO, between beatdown and hand control, the two most prominant arcgtypes in the game. You can't tell me that most people wouldn't use it here. I, mself, casual player of this game, have dropped out; I simply can't afford to make a tournament worthy deck. I can't get Regeki, Mirror Force, etc, and, like it our not, you need those in tournaments. So, basically, if Upperdeck wants the game to survive, they need to release an English version of Duelist's Legacy. If they did, I would forgive them of all previous misgrievences, and even stop saying that Wizards of the Coast should have gotten the game. (Because they should have, you know?)
Well, I've been saying for years that if Yugi and Joey would put down those stupid cards and pay attention to what [b]really[/b] mattered, they'd realize that Tea and Mai have the hots for them, respectivly. In the manga, hikari Yugi is clearly smitten with Anzu/Tea, but she swoons over Yami Yugi. Alas.
You know what the single largest problem at my school is? People calling in fake bomb threats. We all have to evacuate, and bam, there's half an hour of class down the drain. >=( Other than that, we have it pretty good. No guns (that are reported), no drugs (that are reported), and no teen pregnancies (that I am aware of). We're pretty lucky. For a point of reference, I go to Bloomingdale High School, in Brandon.
Ever since they cancelled "Invader Zim", "My Life as A Teenage Robot" and "Fairly Oddparents" have been that network's only reason for existing. I like MLATR, especially the animation. I also tend to get the theme song stuck in my head.
Heh...I'm with Solo; OS rocks. ^__^ However, to say EVA is the greeatest anime of all time...well, that's rather overblown. To start with, "of all time" indicates that there is no chance of anything greater ever being produced. I don't see that happening; eventually, some series will top EVA, and will then be topped itself, etc, until Japan undergoes one of those horrible apocalypses they seem to experience every third Monday in movies, and there's no more anime. More importantly, though, I'm not going to say "greatest of all time" until I know for sure there's nothing out there that's greater. So, after I've seen every anime series in Japan, I'll be sure to tell you what's the greatest. ;)
If Tara Reid is who played JDs' new girlfriend, (I really don't keep up with actor names), then she showed up last episode. Whilst JD was all moody and cynical over Elliot being in a relationship, she appeared at random times in the hospital and proved to be just as quirky as JD. (She also has an inner monologue.) JD is heistant to approach 'cuz he's not over Elliot, but he then learns not to let opportunity pass him by. He asks her out, and she says yes, and then JD learns that she's Dr. Cox's sister-in-law. Hilarity ensues. ^__^ As you can see, I keep up with the show. I even review it on myOtaku. ^__^;
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B] Another from Trigun: [spoiler]Legato. I'm surprised no one's mentioned that, but that was IMHO the saddest death in the whole series. I sniffled once more. . .such a pathetic character, such a pathetic end. . .forcing Vash to kill him in order to serve Knives, and Knives laughing afterward. . .:bawl::bawl::bawl:[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] You know...you're right. That was pretty sad, but the reason it really didn't phase me because [spoiler]Legato really didn't stand out as a character, at least not IMO. He was a front for Knives, and told the other Gung Ho Guns what to do. I hope he's more fleshed out in the manga. ^__^[/spoiler]
I do'nt think it would work, Snodin, because HoCW prevents cards from being "Destroyed". Exiled Force offers itself as a "Tribute". It's the same as if you tributed it to summon Hades or something.
Maybe I'm a heartless cretien, but most anime deaths really don't get to me.... The last time I was really, really bothered by a character death was in....1998, watching Beast Wars. (Not really anime, but hey.) [spoiler]The episode "Code of Hero", with Dinobot's death, was really emotional for me. Dinobot remains my favorite Transformer of all time, and he got the best death scene in American cartoons to date. I don't want him ever brought back, although his clone being brought back would be okay.[/spoiler] In terms of general emotion, I thought the scene in Tenchi in Tokyo [spoiler]where Ryoko finds Tenchi kissing Sakuya on the roof[/spoiler] was really well-done. TiT was the worst Tenchi series, but that scene was one of the best out of all of them. Also, I know most people choose [b]That Scene[/b] as the most emotional in Trigun, but the one I thought most emotional was when [spoiler]Vash tells Meryl his entire past. With no dialogue, that scene conveyed a lot. It really showed how much Meryl meant to Vash if he would tell her everything, even about Rem.[/spoiler] Lest we forget, that simple scene in Big O when [spoiler]Dorothy checks back to where she found Perro just to see if he might be there.[/spoiler] It's the little moments that can jump out sometimes. I also tend to get very emotional while watching InuYasha, whenever [spoiler]InuYasha and Kagome are about to kiss. I'm practically yelling at the screen: "Kiss her, you moron!!"[/spoiler] Sigh.
Hmmm....I'm not one to rate movies very well, but...in no particular order... 10) Dogma: No matter how many times I watch Loki and Bartleby shoot up the heads of a pseudo-Disney corporation, it's still funny. 9) X2: Two words: Nightcrawler, Pyro 8) Spider-Man: Sure, the Goblin was a little cheesy, but this movie kicked the crap out of any Batman movie made in the last ten years. 7) The Matrix: The original is always the best. 6) Star Trek: First Contact- This was the last time the Borg were really scary. It was also the best NG movie...well, it beat the crap out of Generations and Insurrection. 5) 12 Angry Men: Come on, just 'cuz it's in B&W doesn't mean it can't be cool. 4) The Lion King: 'Nuff said. 3) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: When I was a kid, I watched this movie until the tape broke. Ahh, the days of VHS... 2) Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery: Back in the day, before he got watered down with pointless and disgusting sequals. 1) There is no movie number one. That's right, I only listed nine.
Most recent movie I saw was Matrix: Revolutions. It owned majorly, and further confirmed my suspicions that Matrix: Reloaded was a puffed-up piece of garbage just filled with useless fight scenes so they coluld have enough material to make three movies.
This time, I've built a deck based around a set of Japanese cards known as the Masked Beast: Des Guardius and the Bequethed Mask. They were shown in the anime when used by Luminus and Umbra, as well as Marik. Here's the text for them: (From Edo's site.) G5-B1 BEQUEATHED MASK Type: Normal Magic Effect: Shuffle this card into your deck. Or, if the [Masked Beast Death Guardius]'s effect has been used, this card becomes an Equipment card. Gain control of the Monster this card is equipped on. Ultra Rare G5-B2 MASKED BEAST DEATH GUARDIUS Type: Effect Monster Dark/Demon/8/3300/2500 Effect: This Monster can only be Special Summoned, and only if you sacrifice 2 Monsters, 1 of them being a [Masked Magician Cursed Gyura] or [Melkid Four-Masked Beast]. When this card is placed in the Cemetery from the Field, you may equip 1 [Willed Mask] from your deck on 1 Monster on the Field. Shuffle your deck afterward. Ultra Rare Tribute Monsters: Masked Beast Des Guardius x3 Non-tribute monsters: Melkid the Four Faced Beast x3 Blood Vors/Vorse Raider x2 Goblin Attack Force Maurading Captain x2 Sangan Witch of the Black Forest Mystic Tomato x2 Sinister Serpant Spirit Reaper Twilight Zone Female Warrior Breaker the Magical Warrior Traps: Ring of Destruction Imperial Order Call of the Haunted Mirror Force Magic cylinder Magic cards: Monster Reborn Regeki Dark Hole Pot of Greed Harpie's Feather Duster Graceful Charity Heavy Storm Premature Burial Change of Heart Bequeathed Mask x3 Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Well, I've noticed that the ETSR episodes all have a degree of cheesy cuteness to them. Yugi's deck master is Kuriboh, Tea's opponent is a penguin, etc. I suspect they did this to balance out the incredibly dark and somber tone of the previous episodes with Marik. You have to admit, Marik made the show darker than it has ever been.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Some of the people I know are straight ticket Republican, and some Democrat. I urge all of you to never vote that way. Sometime you will end up regretting it. I say vote your belief's. [/B][/QUOTE] See, I find this statement confusing, because, to me, the opposite is true. If you want to vote for your beliefs, you should vote for the party, not the person. No person is ever going to hold all of my beliefs. However, a party philosophy, unlike a person, is unchanging (or, actually, changes very slowly.) As long as I tend to agree with the Republican philosophy and the majority of their party's total actions, I will vote for them, unless they do something I greatly anf fundamentally disagee with. Granted, it's a year until I register, so they still have a year to alienate me. Likewise, the demoratic party still has a year to convince me that they actually aren't a bunch of lying incompetent whiners. Granted, any political affiliation is better than saying "my vote doesn't matter; why bother?" A lot of people complain about Bush Jr., but maybe if voter turnout hadn't been so damn low in '00, Gore would have been President instead. (Granted, we'd all be screwed then, but I digress.)
With the knowledge that next year I'll be able to vote, and that I'll be able to vote in the upcoming presidential election, for several months now I've been doing political research in hopes of finding a political affiliation. I've taken several tests to place my personal political feelings, and always wound up as "moderate". Sadly, that's not a party. (Until the Independant party gets their act together and becomes a legitamate political force that does more than take votes from the two main parties, I do not consider them a viable option. No offense to any Independants.) However, I've been reading editorials, watching CNN and FOXNews, listening to talk radio and surfing the web...but for a while I could have gone any way. I agreed with the basic principles of the Republican party, but didn't like everything they did, and certain Democrat ideas appealed to me. Then, playing a hunch, I made a list of all the politicians who ticked me off. Nine out of ten of them were Democrats. I went to noindoctrination.org, a non-partisan site that asks college students to report cases of teachers abusing their power to force political opinions on students; each case was always of a liberal teacher behaving badly. There is a Young Republican party at my school, but no Young Democrats. Does the Democratic party not consider me a viable voter? Celebrities with ties to the Democratic party constantly say things I disagree with. It also bothers me how celebrities preach charity, yet the most outspoken have more money than they can ever spend. (Strisand) Ever since Bush was elected, the Democratic party has been disorganized and whiny. I've found some of their behavior disgraceful, and many of their political tactics underhanded. Whenever I hope they can show me a glimmer of professionalism, they let me down. Do I agree with everything the Republican party does? Nope. I was against the California recall, even though a Republican was the frontrunner. Some Republicans downright torque me off. However, in the end, I am now an ideological (if unregistered), Republican voter. The Republican party and Democtatic party were once both viable options, but the Deocratic party alienated me with a string of disgusting behavior. That said, how did those OB'ers with political affiliation come to their decision on a party?
"Elf"? It sounds like Will Farrel is getting despreate.....
DeathBug replied to Chichiri's Girl's topic in Noosphere
Will Ferral is expanding his market as an actor by appealing to kids. Nothing wrong with that. I'll probably end up seeing it, but only after "Matrix: Revolutions". (Priorities, you know? ^_^) -
Check out [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] and their YGO articles. They tell you all about deck-building and staples. ^_^ Also, for info on the Japanese game, go to Edo's YGO website.