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Everything posted by DeathBug
You know, it occurrs to me that if you believe a superstition, you do'nt call it a superstition; it's a fact to you. As it is, I never swear near gravesites, and believe that seriously bad karma comes your way if you defile one.
The reformating of Cybertron, the balance between techonology and organic life that Optimus Primal died to produce... ...has been shattered. Unbeknownest to the Maximals, Megatron had launched an orbiting space station, the Inferno, into orbit, in the event that his plans should fail. The commander of the Inferno space station is a powerful jet vehicon, Sky Shadow. Sky Shadow has unleashed the power of the Key to Vector Sigma on on Cybertron, plunging the planet into chaos. Sky Shadow and his three new Generals plan to reclaim the planet with an army of new and more advanced Vehicon drones, and return Cybertron to the "technological perfection" Megatron envisioned. Positions are opened on both sides. However, there can be only three Vehicons: Aerial general, land-based general, & the heavy artillary general. Character names: Alligence: Alt. form: Weapons/Abilities: Personality: History: Pre-existing BM characters that are open: Cheetor Silverbolt Blackarachnia Rattrap Botanica Nightscream Waspinator Obsidian Stryka (This is my first OB RPG, so I might not be the greatest game master, but still...^^; )
Exactly what Karna said. This isn't a complex situation. Besides, sense it's an issue of right and wrong, my morality/feelings determines entirely how I feel about it. Ther'es no other factors.
I think that some things are clearly right, and some things are clearly wrong. Sure, there are many situations with grey areas, but I don't think this is one of them. If you're unhappy in your relationship, leave it before you start sleeping with other people or whatever. It's clear and dry.
Let's see: Jun, from Shaman King: She was evil-cute, and her dub accent was so sexy. ^^;; Mihoshi, Tenchi Muyo: She's not the brightest knife in the port, but she tries so darn hard, and she's so sweet. Aisha KlanKlan, Outlaw Star: When i mentioned to a friend of mine that I thought Aisha was cute, her words were "I can totally see you two dating; it'd be hilarious." I do'nt know if that's good or not... Excel, Excel Saga: I can't explain this one...I really can't...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nate [/i] [B] Think about that post, then tell me if infidelity is wrong.... [/B][/QUOTE] Infidelity is wrong. Human beings created the concept of right and wrong, so it's only logical that it would not apply to animals. Humans and animals are different, so it makes no sense to compare them. If I'm in a relationship, I'm not going to cheat because it's wrong, and I don't care what a dog would do.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]Yeah, when I first saw that, I thought the same thing. Maybe it is. [/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler] It is. In the past, I believe the Theif Bakura killed him, then stole the ring. [/spoiler]
Genetic excuses, as it has been said, are no excuse for infedelity. If you can't keep you (Insert naughty part here) in check and remember which head is supposed to decide things, then you're little better than a dog.
"Hello," Seth said as Jason and Amanda came into veiw. "Ms. Amanda, so nice to see you again. Let's cut right to it, shall we?" He glanced towards Shonya. "Do not act yet," he whispered. "You are my reinforcements." He returned his attention to the other duelists. "We're going to duel, obviously. I plan to destroy your guardian monsters. When those are gone, you automatically, loose, and will be ejected from the game. Once that happens, the Big 5 will trace you to your access port, and block its ISP. You'll be unable to re-enter the game, at least through there." Seth drew some cards from his deck, and placed five of them face down. "I call upon my own guardian monster, Dark Baltar the Terrible!" The demonic creature emerged from the darkness, greinning evilly. "With my Mystic Plasma Zone card in effect, Baltar's attack raises from 2000 to 2500. Go on, give me your best shot."
"Stand back, Ms. Shonya," Seth told Shonya. "What? Why?" "Because the lights are about to go out." Seth activated his Mystic Plasma Zone card once again, and the area around them was shrouded in darkness. His guardian monster, Dark Baltar, grinned evily. "I work best in the dark, Ms. Shonya," Seth explained. "I also have just the card to deal with Amanda's Dark Magician girl. I assure you, I am in control of the situation." Shonya sighed. "Trying to make up for last time? Fine; just stop calling me 'Ms.'..." Seth was awaiting the arrival of Jason and Amanda. "Come on, now. Enter the darkness. You won't be leaving..."
Wait, wait wait...are we talking dubs or edits? The Tenchi OAV was edited from the original dub. So was Cardcaptors With DBZ and SM now releasing unedited versions of the dub, (hopefully with accurate dialoge), I'm not going to pick on them anymore.
Okay, here's a pet peeve of mine that's recently been amplified. Is it wrong for me to want venues of entertainment to keep political opinions out of said venues? For example, I buy a CD. Is it wrong for me to hope that they didn't put any pro/anti-war songs on the CD? If I read a comic, is it wrong for me to hope the writer doesn't try to imbue political bias into the comic? If I watch a sitcom, go to a concert, etc? Not that I'm questioning the artists' rights to express their political opinions, but could they possibly choose another venue then the one I go to for escapism? I'm a politically minded person; I'm in a government class, I watch CNN and Foxnews regularly, (and the Daily Show), I'm involved in a political action club, but, after a hard day, you don't want to think about something as incindiary as politics. When I watch TV, I'm not doing to to exercise my mind; I've got books for that. I watch TV because I want my half-hour of escapism. I don't want a politcal bias to be shoved down my throat. Same with comic books. (Im' talking to *you*, Peter David!) I didn't have a problem with Micheal Moore voicing his opinion about the war and the president; I had a problem with him choosing the Emmy's as the timd to do so. (You know if I'm watching the Emmys, I don't want sny brain activity whatsoever.) Is it wrong of me to ask that artists use the many other venues of political expression availible to them rather than the ones I go to to kick back and relax for a while?
"Ms. Shonya," Seth said. "Why...why didn't you finish them? If their guardian monster card is destroyed in battle, they'll be ejected from the game, and removed from the Virtual World And I doubt the Big 5 will let them sneak in so easily a second time." "Well, I don't see you going out there and risking things with your monsters," Shonya said. "So, please don't critisize me." "You're right, of course," Seth said. "I will take it upon myself to destroy the dark Magician Girl and the Deepsea Warrior, and thus elimuinate those two from the game. And I'll use my own guardian monster: Dark Baltar the Terrible!" A scary winged demon with a green felt cape ad ornate dress appeared out of the shadows behind Seth. He grinned, showing rows of jagged teeth. "Ehhh..." Shonya and Masu edged away slightly. THat thing was creepy... "See you around, Masu, Ms. Shonya." ------ Seth walked in the general area where Shonya had found the intruders before. All he had to do was challenge them, and eipe them out. He had the perfect card prepared for that Dark Magician Girl, as well.
"Then let me go and take care of them," Seth said. "You and Ms. Shonya may wait here; I will handle them." He pulled his Mystic Plasma Zone field card from his deck, and activated it. The cave was filled with darkness. "They will not know what hit them," Seth said.
My dad used to say that your integrity is only worth whatever you're willing to loose it for. Congrats, your integrity's worth a free showing of "2 Fast, 2 Furious"! Aren't you proud? Movie hopping is stealing. There is no justification for theft.
Seth handed it to her. "My apologies, Ms. Shonya. I was merely surprised that you had a card this powerful in your deck. It's quite impressive."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cahoots34 [/i] [B]If, indeed, we can classify this scarring peice of television waste as a childrens' programme, I do not understand why Cartoon Network is intent on subjecting older and less reasonable viewers (myself definately included) to it through Toonami, a self-styled devotee of everything truly action-oriented. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, gee, you could just not watch it. No one's being 'subjugated' to anything. Don't like it? Don't watch it. Problem solved.
I watched every single Big O...and then the last one...and I didn't understand the entire last fifteen minutes.... Uh...am I stupid?
Seth sighed. "It won't happen again," He said. "Listen, we've got a situation. There are at least three people in from the outside trying to save Kaiba." "Yeah," Shonya added. "We might be in trouble." "We need a plan," Seth concluded. "I propose that we isolate them and duel them seperatly. Alone, we can easily eject them from the virtual world."
"It's simple," Seth said after a few minutes. "If we want them out, the easiest way is also the simplest." "How?" Shonya asked. "Divide and conquer," Seth said. "I can take care of them...unless you'd rather go?"
"No sweat," Seth said. "It's simple: you can play traps and magic cards from your hand. Now that we know, we might be at an advatage against Kaiba's little rescue party. Don't worry." He shuffled his deck. "They still would have to get past the two of us to free Kaiba. He's not going anywhere."
Seth was subdued, even in defeat. He still wasn't used to the Virtual World rules. In a regular duel, he'd have wiped her out. Next time... "Ther'es a problem," Seth said. "Someone has come after Kaiba; she was in contact with Mokuba." He hesitated. "She was very adept using the new rules. I underestimated her." Shonyra thought. "So...you lost?" "Well....I experienced a setback..,.nothing major..." Shonyra smiled. "Heh, you lost." "Well, anyway," Seth continued. "We've got to be ready...."
Seth smiled slightly. "You fell for my ploy exactly, rookie," he said as he studied his new card. "You did'nt know about the Dark Jeroid's ability. When a monster destroys it, it lowers that monsters attack by 800." "So..." Amanda did the math. "2500 minus 800....1700?" Seth nodded. "Exactly. And now, I summon a much more powerful monster, the half-demon spellcaster Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer!" A shaman with a disfigured face appeared before them. "He had 1800 attack, but with the added bonus, he goes to 2300." Seth smiled slightly. "Kycoo, attack."
"Well," Seth sighed. "Let's get this over with, then." "You bet," Amanda bragged. "I can beat you, no problem!" He drew a card. "The lights are about to go out; don't let it scare you." He activated his card. "I activate the Magic card 'Mystic Plasma Zone!'" A dark void formed over the card, and spread around the both of them. "W...what's going on?" Amanda asked, looking around. "This magic card will raise all Dark monster by five hundred points. It will work well when I summon this monster: the Dark Jeroid." A hideously deformed insect monster appeared in front of Amanda. "He's got 2000 attack points as long as the plasma zone stays on the field," Seth explained. "By all means, please attack."