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Everything posted by DeathBug
*Any* AMV is an honor for an anime, because it shows that a person enjoyed it well enough to actually make the durn thing. Granted, it might be misguided or poorly produced, but it's the thought that counts. Interesting side-note: I've never seen a porrly-done Cowboy Bebop AMV, but I've never seen a well-done DBZ AMV.
Name: Terrorsaur Age:Aprox. 1500 Gender:Male Race: Decepticon Alliance: Decepticon Weapons: Two sharp sickles on his forearms that can slice through most metals. Other than that, hes' mostly unarmed. Transformation: Mechanical pterodactyl History: {I do not intend this character to have any relation to Beast Wars Terrorsaur other than the name and alt. form.} Terrorsaur was once a Decepticon recon agent on Earth; while there, he studied the history of human warefare, as well as earth culture. Selected his alternate form from DNA samples collected in an Earth facility. Returning to the War, Terrorsaur quickly rose in esteem by single-handedly salvaging an aerial attack mission. He gained a reputation as a quick-thinking fighter, and one of the fastest, most agile Decepticons. By his own request, Terrorsaur was placed in the front lines of the war, wishing to further advance his career. Appearance: See attachment Personality: Terrorsaur talks fast and thinks faster, despite being underpowered in the weaponry department. Although loyal to the Decepticon cause, he is very concerned with his own advancement through Decepticon circles. He thinks very highly of himself, and has a sarcastic attitude. Despite this, he accepts any new mission with enthusiasm, endearing him to others. He is very intelligent, and believes himself to be the most superior DEcepticon due to haveing organic components. Whereas most Decepticons have the Decepticon symbol on their armor, Terrorsaur has only his own name. Terrorsaur looks down upon non-flying Transformers, as well as those who link with Mini-Cons, with a single exception: he desires to control the Dark Saber components, in order to finally command respectable firepower, the one area he believes himself to be lacking in. Quote: "I am not bound by the law of the land!" Specs: Strength: 5.5 Intelligence: 9.0 Speed: 10 Rank: 5 Firepower: 3.5 Endurance: 7.0 Skill: 8.0 Courage: 7.5
Shakespeare was an excellant writer, but modern audiences have to be willing to put in a little work to understand/enjoy his plays. This creates a problem, because if you dislike the play, you're also going to be frustrated with your effort going to waste. If you like the story, though, you won't mind putting in the extra effort for comprehension. I personally enjoyed Julious Ceaser, Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and MacBeth. I wasn't too fond of King Leer, and I absolutely hated Romeo and Juliet.
A card you might want to experiment with is, (and this is just a thought), Morphing Jar #2. I've never played it myself, though, and am not really sure if it would be efffective.
My Warrior deck, updated for Magician's force. [b]Gettysburg v 3.0[/b] Tribute monsters: Freed the Matchless General Monsters: Maurading Captain x2 Exiled Force Goblin Attack Force x2 Zombrya the dark x2 Don Zolong x2 Breaker the Magical Warrior Dark Blade x2 Gearfried the Iron Knight x2 Traps: Destruction Ring Reckless Greed Call of the Haunted Imperial Order Royal Command Magic: Monster Reborn Premature Burial Regeki Dark Hole Pot of greed Graceful Charity Painful Choice Harpie's FEather Duster Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Heavy Storm Reinforcements of the army x2 The Warrior Returning Alive x3 United We Stand Fusion Sword Marasamu Blade x2 Total Cards: 40 Pretty cut & dry, actually. Remove M/T ASAP and swarm my opponent. Royal Command disable flip effects, and D-Ring is my only defensive card. Dark Blade, btw. is a lvl. 4 dark/warrior with 1800 attack & no effect. Hes' got a union card, but this isn't a Union deck. The only non-warrior is Breaker, but he has built-in M/T removal as well as the ability to attack for 1900 damage, so it's okay. Max draw power and max recursion, as well. Also, Don Z. provides standard hand-control. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Demensional Warrior Girl to replace one of my GAF, and Blade Knight to replace Gearfried.
Oh, oh! DM, you need "Giant Orc". He's got 2200 attack for a lvl 4, and has Goblin Attack Force's effect. The best part is, though, that he's a common in Magician's Force. It shouldn't be too hard to get a pair. (I would run three, with Spear dragon & Airknight Paraseth running around, plus Big Bang Shot also coming in MGF).
If you draw Wall Shadow, you're in a bind. The only card I know off the top of my head that returns cards in your hand to your deck is "Monster Recovery".
Try "Magic Reflector". Later on, when it's released, "Curse of Anubis" would also do the job. You could also play "Imperial Order", set "Magic Jammer"< or use "Prohibition" to prohibit "Heavy Storm", "Harpie's Feather Sweep", or MST.
There is no Dark Sanctuary card, not even in Japan. Devil's sAnctuary is completely different, and is used by Kaiba against Yugi in Battle City.
Well, let's examine Yugi's duels in BC: Rare Hunter: In the original manga, the Rare Hunter's Exodia pieces are counterfiet cards, and that's why YUgi doesn't take them. I reckon that the reason he didn't take any of them in the anime is that he *still* wouldn't have Exodia, and his new deck couldn't support the Exodia theme. Arkana: The Dark Magician is a card Yugi has a very personal relationship with. As such, he decided to only keep his own, and not take his opponent's. Lumis/Umbra: All of their cards are useless on their own, b/c their decks work together. Masked Beast needs the Ritual, Death Guardius needs the 4-Faced Beast or Tiki Elder...their decks relied on too much support for a single card to be effective on its own. Besides, in the Arkana duel, Yugi was more involved in talking with Marik, and in the Lumis/Umbra duel, he was more concerned with getting his friends back than cards. (Remember, it was Kaiba who remembered to take the two locator cards.) The simple explanation might be that he simply was too concentrated on other matters, and forgot to grab some new cards. It's not like his deck needed them. As for the different-colored DM, it's possible that Yugi's DM is unique to himself, and all other DM are the red color. It makes sense; Arkana alone used two red DM and had a third waiting in the wings, and we've never seen another purple DM.
The Dark Sanctuary card does not exist in real life. Sorry.
Seth got off of the train and surveyed the station. It was busy, which meant that the city was busy. He smiled. Busy city = busy people = busy ghosts. {So you're lookin' to replace me?} A voice jokingly asked. Seth grinned. "You know I'm not, BT," he thought to his ghost. "BT", or Black Travis, as he was known in life, was a western desperado who had died in a duel. He had refused to rest in peace because the man who killed him had cheated, calling in back up to gun him down. He haunted the spot where he died until Seth found him, and the two became a team. {Now, are you sure this here's the place?} Travis asked. {Do they really expect to hold the Shaman whatsit here?} "It's tradition," Seth said, taking in the new sites of the city. "After all, Yoh Asakura won here....They won't even remember him, though, when *we* win the tournament..."
Yes, it is, although I don't see the point to it, as you would be giving your opponent 1000x life points every other turn.
Name Seth Age 15 Sex Male Apperance Tall, lanky boy clad entirely in black, with silver hair and bright blue eyes Bio Seth is an expert duelist; unfortunatly, he became one at the cost of his social skills. He remains insecure, but puts on a mask of emtionlessness and coldness. He's an excekllant strategist, ans is determined to make his way to the top. Deck Warrior deck
"Fiends" and "Spellcasters" are *types*; I'm looking for *attributes*. The attributes are: Light, Dark, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and, debatably, God.
I don't really care about the issue itself, but I'd like to give Maladjusted mad props for the thread title. That was just funny. :D
He threw dice at them. (They had to be the crappiest henchmen ever. Dice!!) Q: Both of Yugi's decks consist mainy of monsters with which two attributes? (IE, what are the two most common attributes in Yugi's decks.)
He claimed that he didn't know whether to spin it like a top or roll it like a ball. He rolled it on its side, then offered to have Mokuba play it. Kaiba then refused. Ouestion: Which of Duke Dvlin's monsters did Joey destroy with the Mad Sword Beast?
Very nice looking deck, Snodin. ^_^ Here's what I thought: *If you want to clear your opponent's field for Yata, then yo should probably have a few more M/T removers. I'd recommend droping a trap, a Genie and a Crow to play three Mystical Space Typhhons; those little buggers are the most useful cards in the game, IMHO. *I'd drop the Jackal, because of the ease of getting THTD out; it's easier than summoning Jackal. Overall, nice deck. (I really can't say much else; I've never run a burn deck before.)
A: Kaminarikozou Q: Whayt was the last complete duel fought uinder the Duelist Kingdom rules, and who was the victor?
two; Masked & Rogue Doll. Masked doll was a trap that cancelled out the negative effects of their Masks of Brutality, and Rogue Doll was a monster used to attack Kaibas' Blue Eyes. Easy one: Which of Joey's Battle City duels wasn't Serenity informed about?
Well, actually... BEUD counts as one component to the DMK, so if you had a Versago or Goddess with the Truthfuk Eye, you could substituee that in BEUD's place. But anyone, if monsters like GG & FGD were easy to get out, they would be far too powerful. Why do you think Gemeni Elf was such a big deal? Strongest non-tribute monster with no side-effect.
Para & Dox fused the shadow Ghoul to the Labiryth Wall to create the Wall Shadow, but that's not how he's created. Wall Shadow is created by the effects of Magical Labiryth. How many fusion monsters did Pegasus play, and what were they?
I'll try! Light of Intervention, Lightforce Sword, Chain Destruction, Dust Tornado... That's all I got...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] What about radio stations such as NPR with their program All Things Considered? Is [i]that[/i] more of a conservative bias? Maybe I was just incredibly wrong when I assumed it held more liberal views than conservative ones.:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, NPR is the most liberal scource of media information Iv'e ever heard. Really. It's in no way "Unbiased".