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Everything posted by DeathBug
See, Fox News is "Fair and balanced"; it balances out the incredibly liberal policies of CNN. (Ever watched "Crossfire"? You know what I mean.) In order to get a truley "unbiased" news station, you'd have to split your time between watching CNN and watching Fox.
Well, don't you all hold negative veiws of today's world? Who says the "rat race" can't be honorable? We all know the guy who's stuck in a job he hates, but keeps going so he has enough money to provide for his family. Isn't that honorable, to put your dreams on hold so your family can have a more comfortable life? Besides, you're mixing up "Honor" and integrity. Integrity is what really counts.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xaru Silverfire [/i] [B] Imagine the [b]inbreeding[/b] that would have taken place with TWO people starting all of mankind... impossible we would all be retarded and dead. [/B][/QUOTE] You mean we're [b]not[/b] all retarded? Huh, must just be the population of Hollywood... See, I think that's a rather weak arguement, to say that just having two people would cause inbreeding. If yu look at evolutionary theory, that species will arise from a sporadic mutation/adaptation, then logically the human race didn't start with two people. It started with one single person, who was forced by biological necessity to mate with the primates that s/he had just evolved from. Eww. (Now you see why Victorians got miffed at Darwin.) Anyway, this process of semi-bestality/inbredding continued until it reached it's natural climax: the guests on the Jerry Springer show. Evolution doesn't answer everything, but creationism does. Why do you think so many people believe it? No loose ends! (I myself subscribe to a merger of the two beliefs, which is even more convenient.) Although, I always did wonder about the Adam/Eve thing...Justin, if you're still following this thread, can you answer that? (I'm not being snide; I'm actually curious to know. =) )
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] As for the Bible's infallibility: If you believe God can bring the Word to men, can you not also believe that He can protect it from those same, weak, men? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I know He can, but I doubt He would. It would be the same as a parent giving their child the answers on their homework. If they want they child to learn, the child must figure out the concepts themselves, with the parental unit providing occasional guidence. Anyway, I think that's all I'm going to say on this, because I've gotten off-topic, unless someone can explain the bat thing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yami Asura [/i] [B]It doesn't affect WotBF or Sangan, because they're SENT to the Graveyard, not special summoned. [/B][/QUOTE] I know that; I meant if their effect would activate opnce insidre the graveyard. I think it will, but I'm not positive.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]You're an idiot. There's no proof God exists, therefor there is no God. Thats the way it is, end of subject. How do you like it thrown back at you? [/B][/QUOTE] Way to welcome the newbies, Trastic. Really, was that called for? God forbid someone feel very strongly about something, and just happen to disagree with you. So, instead of trying to logically convince them through a well-presented argument, you call them names. Yes, that's a way to promote your veiwpoint righ there. Vash's Girl: If you have completely closed your mind off to the possibility of other theories, then your'e setting yourself up for disappointment. And let's not get this wrong, that's just what evolution is: a theory. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, unless I am mistaken, Christianity is the belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ, who was the Son of God. Did Jesus ever saw, maybe as an aside at the Last Supper, "Oh, by the way, evolution is wrong and Statanic...pass the bread." On the other hand, did evolutionary theory ever say "Yeah, God, Jesus, they don't exist, you losers. Nya nya!" Evolutionary theory coflicts a few Bible verses. But you know something? The Bible isnt' infallible. It was written by men, and men are fallible. The Bible contradicts itself, for one thing, so if you're holding it as your single source of information, you're in for a rude awakening. Don't get me wrong, the Bible's great, but its' not perfect. It wasn't written by scientific men. For religius information regarding Christian beliefs, it's the best scource around, but it's not supposed to be a lesson in biological history. It is possible to believe in both, because neither deal with the same subject. Until Jesus comes before me personally and tells me, in ten-foot tall flaming letters, that evolutionary theory conflicts with the Bible and is therefore wrong, I will believe what I currently believe. However, I do agree with one point you brought up: It was unrealistic to expect that a discussion about evolution would not, at some point, mention religion.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vash's girl [/i] [B]Don't bring up religion? For me, evolution can't be brought up without evolution. Evolution is stupid and it does not exist. I don't wanna start fight or a debate. There is basically no proof of evolution. It's all circular reasoning. God created all things and that's the way it is! End of subject. [/B][/QUOTE] I consider myself a Christian, and I don't see how the evolutionary theory and the beliefs of Christianty must *always* conflict. Who's to say that evolution isn't an act of God, so He doesn't have to watch over all the species in the Universe every single second of the day?
Whenever people speak about evolution, I love to point out the common bat. Now, we all know that the bat has an advanced system of navigation known as sonar, which bounces high pitched sound-waves off of objects, then judges the size and shape of them by the echo they recieve back. The sonar system in bats comprises several different, and very precise, sets of organs. However, if evolution is simply a collection of randomly sucessful mutations, what are the odds that one species of nocturnal lying rodent just [i]happened[/i] to be born as a mutation that came complete with a full sound-based navigation system? Don't get me wrong; I think the theories of evolution, mutation, natural selection and all are very valid. Niether do I believe that any of it directly conflicts with my own religious beliefs. However, though they might be on the right track, those theories can't explain [b]everything[/b], at least not yet.
Any effect that activates from within the Graveyard, *or* handles cards within the Graveyard are negated. Cards that activate while in the Graveyard are: Sinister Serpant, Hell Poemer, Marie the Fallen One, to name a few. Cards that handle the graveyard include Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted, Premature Burial, Quiz, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, Bazoo the soul Eater, Soul Release, The warrior returning Alive, etc. I'm not sure whether NecroValley affects Witch of the Black Forest, Sangan, or the 1400 Elemental searchers.
You know, God forbid a show not be targeted at your age group... SD Gundam is a vehicle to get younger kids to like anime. Most younger kids like bright colors, silly voices and cute (subjectively) characters. [b]You're not supposed to like it; it's aimed at a different audience.[/b] You might as well pick on Barney. The ideal situation is that some kid who likes SD Gundam will eventually watch the other Gundam shows, thus Gundam makes more money and continues producing shows. You would think that "fans" of the genre (of which I am not) of Gundam would be more appreciate of ways to gain new fans. Not everything in the world is made just for you. Grow up.
Silver Fang, Spellbinding Circle, Valkiryon the Magna WArrior Question: Which character first played the trap card "Ring of Destruction", and whose monster did it destroy?
The posts aren't blocked; they have spoiler tags. If you highlight them with your mouse, you can see what was written. To answer your question, I believe they are showing all the episodes again.
[spoiler] So...the Earth decided to kill everyone who didn't think the way it thought? Really...if that's the way the Earth "thinks", I say stop recycling. In the show's scenario, the Earth could simply have given everyone B-cells, thus opening their eyes like Yuji, and stopping the problem. Where did they say that none of the other characters cared about the Earth? This was never brought up in the show. In fact, some of the military soldiers were downright noble; the idea that they would become a huge threat to the eArth doesn't make sense. Also, it seems highly unlikely that the Earth-conciousness would care about other planets, or space, with the attitude it presented. The uber-Blue only killed a single military squad...kind of a waste. Really, the whole "Earth-conciousness" thing was flawed to begin with, especially because who introduces it is Toni, when he's gone completely insane. I found the whole series inconsistant, and often stupid, but the one thing about it that *really* bugged me was the scene in the last episode, where the Earth shows the image of new plant life sprouting from the deformed carcasses of people the Blue killed. Isn't that a peachy, uplifting message? The Earth is reborn; it just had to kill billions of people in horible, nightmarish ways to do so. Aww... Blue Gender is the worst kind of series, IMO: one that had a lot of potential, but wasted it all. [/spoiler]
I understand it; it simply contradicts itself. [spoiler] For example: If the only purpose of the Blue was to wipe out excess humans straining the Earth, then why create that uber-Blue at the end? Why attack Earth-2 when they had resigned themselves to space? Also...why create the Blue *at all*? A simple plague would have been simpler, more effective, and quicker. Also, no explanation was given for the suicides of those on Earth-2. What was sick about Alicia? Toni drove her insane (for no logical reason; he had everything under control anyway.) What's not sick about that? The political strife was just boring; been there, done that. It was Gundam Wing, but less developed. Yawn. Regarding the frequent deaths of characters: I don't expect every character to survive, but, really: *every single character but Yuji and Marleen died!* Really, then, why did Marleen survive? Yuji was part of the Eath's "plan", but she sure wasn't. To kill off everyone except the hero and his girlfriend is just sloppy writing. [/spoiler]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]*Shudders* I hate this show. I hated it when I got the first volume, and I hated the animation, and I started a thread about it, no one responded, and now all of sudden it comes on CN and everyone loves it. It makes me hate it even more.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Preach it; BG bites. >:P God, it got so repetative: meet characters, get to like characters, kill characters off in horrible ways. That whole thing with Alicia was just sick... And, of course, then end...made no sense....at all... It was just a crappy show.
The absolute [b]best[/b] card to stop Yata is the Sinister Serpant. You'll always have it availible to stop Yata. Other cards that would work are House of Adhesive Tape (ick), and Destruction Ring.
Writing Ultimates (Pseudo-Official Comics in General Thread!)
DeathBug replied to Semjaza's topic in Creative Works
"Ultimate Six" Came out today. Did anyone get it? I have high aspirations for it, for two reasons: *A recurring theme in Ultimate Spider-Man is the irresponsible use of genetic technology for selfish purposes, and how it always blows up in a big way. The Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Venom, the Lizard and Electro are all branded as results of such experiments. I think Bendis might bring this to a head in Ultimate Six, what with so many of those said characters in the same place at once. *I generally think Bendis is a far superior writer to Miller, and what to see his take on the Ultimates. So, did anyone get it? -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan Egret [/i] [B]Also, trying to convince people with your opinion's is not helping your argument. It makes it seems as if you are on some divine quest to right the wrongs of the past or something... [/B][/QUOTE] What is wrong with trying to convince people with my opinion? I could be truley arrogant and say that "The Confederate flag is bad" is a [i]fact[/i], but I am well aware that it is my opinion, and is a fact only to me and others who share that opinion. As I said, the goal is to convibce others that my opinion is right. Your last statement makes no sense whatsoever, for two reasons: *Sharing my opion on a message board is hardly a "divine quest"; it especially can't be when I haven't envoked religion at all. I merely presented my view on a subject that was of interest to me. *The only only "wrongs of the past" that are any of my concern are any that I have personally participated in. Why should I feel any responsibility for what some dead guys who share some cromosomes with me did? I do not appreciate personal insinuations. I have been trying very hard to keep this strictly an ideological debate, and would like it if other posters on the thread would maintain the same level of healthy debate, and not indulge in ad hominen. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Well that explains it all right there. And if you dont' understand what I mean, Mississippi is one of the most racist places in the U.S. [/B][/QUOTE] The above is a perfect example of the kind of personal attacks I'm talking about. Harry, even though we are generally on the same side of the issue, it was entirely innappropriate and downright rude to make that statement. Even though I don't agree with what that OBer posted, to instantly assume that their viewpoint is inherantly flawed souly because of their region is wrong. S/he had a right to his/her opinion, and should not have been personally attacked for stating his/her position. At the same time, Harry instantly proved my point. "Confederate flag=Racism". He made an instantly degrading judegement on that person because they support that flag. The reasoning behind that snap-judgement doesn't matter; it occured, and will continue to occur until we in the south disregard that flag.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] I am not posting this to attack you, but I am unsure of where you are coming from. I am not a fan of most people that wear or hang the confederate flag, mainly because 90% of the people that I have met that do so are racist, ignorant people. But I don?t think that the flag was intended for that, it seems that you are upset at an icon, not the people that have soiled its intended nature.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Where I am coming from: I am proud of my region/heritage, but I think that the Confederate flag is one of the worst symbols for it that could have been choosen. I never said that it should be removed from other state flag designs; I don't know where that issue came from. I think the Confederate flag is a poor emblem for a variety of reasons. Admittedly, I've been bouncing around on which reasons I cite, because everyone I reply to responds to a different issue. To simplify, there are [b]a lot[/b] of reasons I think the Confederacy was bad, and therefore the flag is bad by association. Many people have said the flag looks cool; I agree, but fail to see what that has to do with anything... What really bothers me about the whole thing: the flag has become a symbol of the region, and a large group of people wear it to display Southern pride; "heritage, not hate". The reality is, the rest of the nation instantly thinks less of people who wear/display the flag, and we do ourselves a disservice by encouraging it. I think the south can do better. I am not an advocate for using political resources to take down the flag; that infringes free speech. My whole goal was to convince others that it is a bad idea, so they drop it because they agree with me. I stand by my position, and, despuite all the heat this thread has generated, I would start it again.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] Just because you have no pride for your ancestors doesn't mean that others don't; and you don't have the right to ask us not to.[/B][/QUOTE] How dare you say that I have no pride in my ancestors; I never once said anything to that effect. In fact, I've stated several times that I do have pride in my heritage and my region; I believe that the Confederate Flag in an innappropriate symbol to represent them. That has been my standpoint from the beginning. I did say that the Civil War was not something to be celebrated, but it is my opinion; I never presented it as anything else. My entire goal was to convince others to adopt my point of view. I have never tried to do anything else. I have tried to present my views in a calm, professional matter, but I take great offense to your flippant dissmisal of them. If you do not think this matter is important, then please refrain from commenting. I have said it before, and I will say it yet again: I am proud of my heritage, but I do not think the Confederacy was a part of the history to celebrate, and its battle-emblem is not a fitting symbol for the south.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan Egret [/i] [B]. The Confederate flag now represents a Southern spirit, whereas it used to represent slavery and racism. [/B][/QUOTE] You've actually got that backwards: the Confederate flag has been used by the Ku KLux Klan since its wretched conception 160 years ago. It used to be a symbol of Southern pride, but it was co-opted by hate groups shortly after Reconstruction. Which is yet anotherr eason proud Southerners shouldn't use it; it was nothing to write home about in the first place, and now its conotations are downright profane.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]However, if you want states to rid their state flags of a confederate symbol, then I think you are being ridiculous. color] [/B][/QUOTE] I believe that I've never said that. However, when you say that "80% of those that wear it are racist rednecks", you illustrate my point perfectly. You've made a very vast generalization based soley on that flag, which is exactly what vexes me. I know several people who wear/display it, and the vast majority of them are not racist, nor rednecks. Yet, they, and by assocation, myself and many other Southerners, are branded as such instantly. I feel they are doing a disservice to themselves and the very region they which to exhault by holding onto the flag. The South is not a bunch of hicks, and it irritates me greatly when people assume so, or joke exclusivly at our expense. I believe that by keeping that flag, we invite more of the same.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] I am not racist, and I am sorry that slavery happened. But you all just need to let it go. It happened over 200 years ago. And besides, the slaves were sold to the Americans by other Africans. It's not like we went over there and captured them ourselves. I feel so angry sometimes because people try to make me feel as if I OWE someone something because I'm a white southerner. Look, the only people owning slaves were the RICH white southerners, not the poor ones. It was such a small majority. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with that, which is why I only briefly touched on slavery in my opening argument. (Why should one person be held accountable for the actions of some dead person who they just happen to share DNA with? Also, being a white Southerner myself, I have been in the same situation before.) Look, I hold two things very dearly: my country and my region (in that order). There are three things, however, that I dislike about my region off the top of my head: sucession, resistance to the Civil Right's movement, and the Clintons. Two of the three are gone now, but people still parade that flag. I'm not saying that the Confederate Soldiers weren't brave or noble in their own right, but a flag represents political ideals, not the people who uphold them. And I strongly disagree with the ideals that the Confederacy stood for. Also, like it or not, the Confederate flag [i]is[/i] used by hate groups and white supremists. They're not going to stop using it, either. You can try to explain "Heritage, not Hate", but face it: it doesn't really help. I say, let them keep it, and really prove how far the South as come. I would like nothing more than a better symbol to display pride in my region's history/heritage. The Confederacy was a failure from the onset, as well as being a de-evolution in terms of government. (The entire country [b]knew[/b] a confederation of states wouldn't work; they'd already tried it.) It was a bad idea, period. This is [b]not[/b] the part of our history we should celebrate. The Civil War drove the South into a greater level of poverty than any that existed at the time. Basicaly, the orchestrators of the rebellion really screwed the average southerner over, for the long haul. Incidentally, most of the politicians involved [i]were[/i] the plantation/slave owners. It wasn't them on the front lines of battle, either. Several supporters of the Confederate flag say that one should "put the past behind us" and not be offended. This is, perhaps, the weakest argument for their cause, for a simple reason: it's a completely double-edged sword. Why can't Southerners put [b]this[/b] very ignoble part of the past behind them, and move on to a greater future?
I liked Gorrillaz, and would definatly buy a new album if they released one. Why's everyone hate "Rock the House", anyway? ...Well...now I've got to pull out their CD and listen to it.....
Sign-Up Name: Seth (I really like the name Seth...dunno why...) Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall, lanky kid; wears black denim jeans, black cowboy boots, and a black shirt. Bio: Seth was born in America, and immersed himself in the teachings of the great shamen as a substitue for friends. Hearing of the new Shamen Tournament, he's decided to compete, caring more about recognition than merging with the Great Spirit. Spirit: Seth controls the spirit of Black Travis, a skilled Western desperado. Personality: Seth is rather laid back, and keeps to himself. In groups, he acts confident and sarcastic.