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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. The original Mobile Suit Gundam. I didn't expect to love it or anything, because I'm not a huge Gundam fan. However, i figured it had to be an extraordinary series, if it could spawn so many spin-offs. Well, shows what I know. It was crap.
  2. [QUOTE=Dagger]That's because it wasn't originally a TV series, but rather an OVA. ;) [/QUOTE] Well. There you go, then. Well, Tenchi Muyo was pretty neat...oh. Wait. The Big O was pretty solid. I know it's a TV show...
  3. Furi Kuri blew my mind in terms of visuals for a TV series. The animation quality was high, and consistant from episode to episode.
  4. What I'm getting from the original post is a bit of self-centeredness. Allow me to translate: "I don't like what's on the air, so anime must be in trouble!" And, in terms of dubs, this season has been the best for Yu-Gi-Oh!, period. Yes, I'm aware there are better, more complex anime shows out there; I watch some of them as well. But I still want my Yu-Gi-Oh!.
  5. I don't know the situation in Quebec, so I won't comment on it, but I think the idea of a student strike is inherantly flawed. As my father often reminds me: "Teachers get paid whether you show up or not." The students have no bargaining power; they need the schools more than the schools need them.
  6. The first movie I ever saw in theaters was the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Turtles > You.
  7. Alexander dropped his bags in his room, sighing slightly as he sat down in a chair. He was exhausted from the flight over, but was also too wound-up to sleep. "Vell, if I am too tired to see the sights, then I suppose I have no choice but to prepare for the tournament. If I have two days, I vill train today and tour the city tomorrow." There was a small table attatched to the wall, with a screen alligned to the wall next to it. "Vhat is this?" Xander wondered aloud. He pressed a button on the side. "Welcome, guest duelist. Please feel free to use the Kaiba Corp dueling simulation computer to practice for the tournament." Alexander sat down and placed his deck on the table. The screen in front of him showed the computer's hand. "Make your first move, guest duelist." "Very vell; I play my Vampire Lady in Defense mode!" As he placed the card on the table, a six-inch holographic image of the monster rose from the table; Alexander gasped. He'd never dueled using a holographic system before. "And the one in the tournament vill be far more advanced..." he realised slowly. This would be fun. He continued dueling against the computer for several hours, then got some sleep.
  8. [QUOTE=Dark Pyro][COLOR=Indigo]what does every body think of the tounament rules?[/COLOR] i think they are gay if they have the cards thet them use them!!!!!!![/QUOTE] My, aren't we short-sighted? Listen very carefully: the implimentation of the Forbidden card list saved this game. Yata Garasu, Regeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Dark Hole, Imperial Order, Chaos Emperor Dragon; these cards were mistakes. Simply put, they are far too powerful, and threw the entire game out of balance. I could easily explain the concept to a non-player: "Regeki was a card that destroyed all enemy monsters at one, with no cost. It was too powerful, so they banned it." "Yeah, that makes sense." Konami had backed themselves into a corner, where no matter what they did, only one deck type prospered: Chaos Control. So, they actually used the Forbidden Card List, which had always been there, but had simply been empty. Now, guess what? You can't play Regeki, Duster, and Yata in a row. You can't nuke the entire field with your Chaos Dragon. You can't negate a Spell card for free anymore. What can you do? You can summon Archlord Zerato, and actually keep him on the field. You can place three Burn cards on the field and not see them washed away with a single card. You can play a tribute monster with more than 1500 defense. The game slowed down, and the strategies went up a notch. Other games, like Magic and Pokemon, impliment Forbidden card lists, and you can see how it destroyed them. :rolleyes: The only reason I'm even replying to your childish complaint is because I want this thread to look good, so it's not locked. If you want to play Forbidden cards, you can, just not at official tournaments. Get over it.
  9. Your race can only control and dictate your actions if you let it. And if you let it control and dictate your actions, you're admitting you have a preconcieved notion about what behavior is acceptable for your race. That's no way to live. Be yourself.
  10. Well, the old saying used to be that you can't judge a book by it's cover. But that was back when all books had mono-colored covers with just the titles on them. Nowadays, books have summaries and critcs' reviews on them, and lists of other books by the same author, as well as descriptive blurbs from the publishers. You can totally judge books by their covers, and be right at least half the time. The same trend applies to people.
  11. "Master Dimitrikov?" "Ah, yes, that is me." "I'm the representative from Kaiba Corp; I'll be escorting you to the virtual tournament." Alexander nodded slowly, still a bit intimidated; Domino, Japan, was a much larger city than any he'd been in before, and any city was huge compared to the village he grew up in. However, there he was a big fish in a small pond; he'd be regonized as the Eastern European Duel Monsters champion for the past three years. This was how he'd gained the attention of Kaiba Corporation, as they organized this mysterious Virtual Tournament. he slid into the back of the KC limo and meant to review his deck, but rather looked out the window, amazed by the sights. Eventually, the limo arrived at the KC Tower. "Here we are, sir. You'll be shown to the tournament site inside; please enjoy your stay."
  12. Then Alexander is good when does the RPG start?
  13. I think angst is the biggest turn-off for me. Mobile Suit Gundam and Blue Gender were both series I found to be exercises in sadism; how much can we possibly make these characters suffer? You think they've suffered enough yet? No? Here's some more! Granted, the fact that Blue Gender became increasingly non-sensical yet increasingly predictable as it went on probably also takes it down a notch, to offically become the Worst Anime Show I've Ever Seen.
  14. [quote name='IceWolfEyes']Well, I'd have to say I'm all for body mods. I love what I've done to my body and I expect to always love it.[/quote] Yes, because people never, ever regret things they did when they were younger. Ever. [QUOTE] Even when I grow old and saggy, lol.[/QUOTE] There's a lovely thought. Seriously, I have no idea of even the thought process behind body modification. Why would I want hot ink injected beneath the surface of my skin, that's only removable by surgical procedures? Why would I want metal-filled holes in my face and tongue and...other parts?
  15. First off, "otaku" is its own plural, like ninja or moose. Now, everyone else has been saying it's about 50/50, or slightly in favor of girls. Well, I hate to just follow the crowd in my assessments. But I have to this time, because they're right. Damn.
  16. I used to have terrible self-esteem, until recently when I realised just how awesome I am. However, there are certain girls who, just by their presence, can flush my self-esteem right down the toilet.
  17. I don't care about Korn, but don't you go bashing Creed, guy.
  18. Oh, there are sides? I didn't know. What side does what?
  19. "Hey, I like you. Wanna' go to a movie?" Don't complicate things.
  20. Name: Alexander Dimitrekov Age: 16 Deck: Vampire Plague deck 1. Vampire Lord 2. Vampire Genesis 3. Patrician of Darkness 4. Curse of Vampire 5.Pyramid Turtle 6. Pyramid Turtle 7. Goblin Zombie 8. Gelina 9. Polymerization 10. Vampire Lady 11. Spirit Reaper 12. Nightmare Horse 13. Makyura the Destructor 14. Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower 15. Double Coston 16. Despair from the Darkness 17. Fear from the Darkness 18. Return Zombie 19. Call of the Haunted 20. Rope of Life 21. Unholy Calamity 22. Magic Drain 23. Deck Devestation Virus 24. Crush Card 25. Line of Soul 26. Card Destruction 27. Card of Sanctity 28. Pot of Greed 29. Graceful Chairty 30. Monster Reborn 31. Book of Life 32. Premature Burial 33. The Shallow Grave 34. Mystical Space Typhoon 35. Mirage of Nightmares 36. Painful Choice 37. Foolish Burial 38. Swords of Concealing Light 39. Magical Shard Evacuation 40. Creature Swap 41. Reaper on the Nightmare (Fusion) Appearance: Alexander is a tall, pale-skinned young man that wears all black. He has white hair and blue eyes, and wears a gold cross medallion around his neck. Description: Alexander is the Eastern European Duel Monsters Champion, which prompted his inclusion in the Duel of the Century Bio: Born in a small European village, Alexander was ostricized by the other children because of his stark white hair, the result of a recessive gene from his parents. Spending a lot of time alone, Alexander developed his prowess as a gamer and began to attend Duel Monsters tournaments in his area, quickly rising to stardom. With his Vampire Plague deck,Alexander hopes to win enough in tournament prize money to take his parents and sister, who have never left their village, on a tour of the world.
  21. Hmmm... JUst about every direct-to-video sequel Disney's ever made sucks. Lion King 2, Little Mermaid 2, Aladin 2...ugh. Every Batman movie after Batman Returns sucked. The Blade sequels sucked, even though the first wasn't that hot to begin with. The Jurassic Park sequels sucked. The Lost World novel sucked, as well. In general, all of Crichton's writing took a plunge after the release of the first Jurassic Park. The Matrix sequels sucked, although Revolutions was much better than Reloaded. Yes, I'm aware of the symbolism they're trying to convey. The symbolism doesn't matter if the symbols themselves are pretenscious and convoluted. The Star Wars sequals and prequels sucked all the fun out of the initial movie. Both prequels were god-awful films, and Return of the Jedi was mundane and predictable for the most part. Empire was solid, but pointless without Jedi. I'm not going to count films in the horror movie genre like Child's Play and Friday the 13th; they're supposed to suck. Really, until about three years ago, it was accepted as a given that sequels would suck...
  22. Magnonimy is a sign of trust and devotion. As a Male with Male Hormones, it is the ultimate sacrifice to tell all those Male Hormones to shut up and only focus on one woman because I'm in love with her. Since I seem to think about sex every five seconds, I can verify the difficulty of the task. I've thought about sex twice since I started typing.
  23. [QUOTE=Cazzilla] Poeple who kill for sport are just like murderers, and humans shouldn't consider themselves better. [/QUOTE] Why not? We are better; we're smarter, deadlier, and have kicked the crap out of every other species on the planet, without horns, fangs, venom or anything of the sort. There's a reason we're on top of the food chain. People> Animals, for the most part.
  24. I only have three or four close friends, and the rest are just meat puppets stumbling into my way...
  25. Human beings are inherantly ignorant. I'm not trying to contradict your question, but I think you're giving the basic human too much credit to assume his behavior will automatically conform to such concepts as good and evil. How many things in this world have been horribly screwed up not because we went out and wanted to horribly screw it up, but because we just didn't think things through? Example: there's a lake on the side of a road in my town, and ducks hang out there. Often, you'll see people who have pulled their cars over and are feeding the ducks bread. What they don't realise is that by doing so, they're inadvertantly removing the ducks' natural fear of cars. What happens later? Duck pate` a la` road side. Granted, if these people realised what they were doing, they wouldn't. The harmful results of their actions aren't a result of malice, but simple ignorance of these results. For the most part, human beings are a cosmically blind species that fumble around their planet, knocking over furniture on their way to the bathroom.
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