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Everything posted by DeathBug
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] You lose respect for someone because they're proud of their heritage? I'm so sorry, but you'll get over it some day. [/B][/QUOTE] What heritage? A heritage of political degredation? Bloodshed? Treachery? The North was not opressing the South; the North was changing with the times, while the South was remaining stagnant. The majority of the South was dirt-poor, slaves excluded. Rather than modernize, the leaders in the south remained stubborn, and resorted to violence prematurely. Slavery would not have ended in the south; it was too thoroughly entrenched in their economy. The Confederation was doomed to start with, and there's nothing worh celebrating. As a Southerner, I couldn't think of a worse symbol to represent my region.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi1827 [/i] [B]Newsflash Deathbug: The nnorhteners took the southern economy. The Southerns had their economy fine, then SNorth took it by deleting slavery. Talk about yuorself if you talk about us, too. We retaliated because without up, the norht wouldn't get the coton to make clothes. We did the smark thing. By north gettnig rid of slavery, south could make no cotton, could have no cotton to ship up there, hence they dont' have fancy 100%cotton shirts. [/B][/QUOTE] First off, what's this "we" crap? None of us were alive when this happened, so "we" and "They" are two different groups. Second, the Emancipation Proclimation was issued after the Civil War had already started; however, because it abolished slavery in areas in rebellion against the Union. Of course, these areas wouldn't abide by the Proclimation, because they were rebelling. It was both a symbolic gesture and political move on Lincoln's part. Third, the South's economy was stagnant while the North's was expanding. Why? Because they had placed themselves into an economical rut, and refused to progress with the rest of the nation. The South had other options, but they choose not to use them. They did not do the smark thing, as the chaos and poverty that followed can clearly illustrate. I am aware that the Confederate flag has become a "symbol" of the South; that is what I'm protesting. It's not a fitting symbol; of all the things this region could use to represent us, why choose such an ignomonious symbol of a horribly bloody time period?
I am well aware of the circumstances and history prior to the Civil War. Yes, the South was in a slump. However, rather than try to change their economy or improve their lot, they voted to leave the Union. They weren't in a corner; there were plenty of alternatives, but they took the road most bloody. why? Ego. The southern economy's ability to sustain itself does not make the Confederacy wrong; they were wrong for other reasons. Rather, it made them ignorant. Ignorance should not be celebrated. The Southern states were ruled under the original Articles of Confederation; their economy fell under this system, as did all the other states. Their economy was precarious enough to begin with placing it under a government who could do little more than watch it rot. They weren't trying anything new; they were trying something old that had already failed. tHe only difference is that they were trying it under much worse circumstances than the last time. Of course Northerners had slaves. However, the Northerners were far closer to doing away with slavery than the South was; the south couldn't, because it was so deeply ingrained within their economy. Had there been no Civil War, the south would not have abolished slavery under their own accord. The Confederacy was wrong: morally, civilly, economically and intellectually. They were not "glory days", to be celebrated; it was an embarassment, and I don't see how any educated person could come to a different conclusion. For all of these reasons and more, I again say Southerners would do better to totally drop the Confederate flag, and move on with their lives.
Shout-out to other Southeners. Okay, am I missing something about the "Stars and Bars", the Confederate Flag? I've livced in the south most of my life, and live there currently, and I've got to say, this misplaced reverence for the Confederate Flap torques me off. Why in the heck do so many people brandish it? Do they kow history? Let's see... *The Confederate Flag is the flag of traitors, who tried to back out of a binding Union. *The South lost the war because their economy never could sustain itself. *The Confederacy was a political step backwards, run along the same principles as the Articles of Confederation. The Articles were a failure, and everyone knew it; who's bright idea was it that just because it failed horribly last time, it might work this time during a war? *Do I even need to mention slavery? Every time I see someone wear a flag, cap or patch with that flag on it, I loose some respect for them. Why embrace such a spectacular failure? See, here's the thing: the south is pretty much the only place people can constantly mock with impunity. This bothers me, but I see people holding on to a flawed idol like the old Confederacy, and I see how it can happen. Rather than revere a really crappy idea, why not create a new heritage and tradition, one that doesn't...what's the word....suck. News flash: The South ain't rising again. Sucession was a bad idea, and look where it got them. As an extension, look where it currently puts the south. The southern regions have been behind the rest of the country ever since the war, mostly because the Union wiped their economy out. If anything, people should be furious with the old Confederates; if they hadn't been so selfish, the entire region would be more prosperous today. I have been told that some of my ancestors died fighting for the confederacy. Serves 'em right. I mean, it's too bad theyr'e dead, but let's face it: they were [b]wrong[/b]. So, I call upon those that place an undeserved faith in the old confederacy: discard that tattered travesty of a legacy, and works towards building a new legacy for your region, one of prosperity and culture that we can all be proud of.
If you could be anyone? who would you be
DeathBug replied to XC SpydeR's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]general consensus: be yourself hey, what a concept, cause if your not yourself, then who are you? [/B][/QUOTE] Hopefully someone better. I'm not too fond of myself. I think it would b nice to be someone else. Granted, this might be a "grass is always greener" scenario, but still... -
I don't like drinking; I know these guys who go out and get hammered, then can't remember anything that happened to them...God, to hear them talk... Underage drinking is the worst, though, because most kids are idiots who immediatly think they know what's best. Here's a clue: you really don't. Also, by drinking around the ages of 13-16, you run the risk of seriously screwing up your body for life. Drinking during puberty totally f's up your body's development. I'm not even going to start on drunk driving. All that said, I think the drinking age should be lowered to 18. Either that, or raise the voting/draft ages to 21. However, this is a matter of principle, not personal opinion. I find drinking to be disgusting and unhealthy, and I will never do so.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I guess that's why I like it: because it's so different. Sure, there are lots of flaws, but it sounds to me as though you are just nitpicking. I like they way they move around. It almost reminds me of playing with Barbies...I don't know... And I don't like the way MJ acts like she has no guts. She just submits herself all the time. I hate that. But she is still my favorite character and I still adore her. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I would have actually preferred if they'd just made an "Ultimate Spider-Man" cartoon, CGI or no. In "Ultimate", MJ's not such a whiner...she actually once saved Peter's life, taking him to the hospital after he was shot in the arm. (Yep, shot in the arm. In 40+ years of Spidey, he never *once* got shot...) Anyway, MJ's a lot more gutsy....but she also knows Peter's secret. Sadly, Harry isn't a recurring cast member. :(
I'm a huge Spider-Man fan, as anyone would tell you, but, for the most part, I didn't like the series. The animation didn't bother me, but I just found it...boring... I hated what they did with Electro, but I loved their Lizard, so I guess it balances out. However, I think it became way too formulamatic. I didn't find it bad; this rendition of Spidey just holds no interest for me. I'll probably rent the whoe season when it's released on DVD. IMO, the defentive Spider-Man cartoon was the first season of the Fox Kids cartoon, in '94. Sadly, it went off track after that. As it stands, there's no perfect Spidey cartoon, in my eyes. Alas.
Writing Ultimates (Pseudo-Official Comics in General Thread!)
DeathBug replied to Semjaza's topic in Creative Works
Heh heh...got quite a haul this week... [u]Ultimate Spider-Man #43[/u] This issue is a narraction from the POV of Shield Agent Carter, who was tracking Doc Ock last year. Apparently, shortly after Spidey put the hurt on the good doctor, another creature was released from the Hammer Genetic Testing Facility. Spider-Man, of course, saves the day. Worst part: The Doc Ock story was a year ago...this is a good issue, but feels out of place. Best Part: agent Carter's view on guys like Octavious and Osborn. Good stuff, and a logical viewpoint to take. Spoiler: [spoiler]The villain that escapes is Flint Marko, the Sandman.[/spoiler] [u]Spider-Girl #64[/u] Part 4 of "Marked For Death", the sG version of "Hush"< is a bit of a breather after the all-action issue last time, but there's still plenty of stuff going down. A new crimelord is making his way to New York; meanwhile, May does'nt know what to dowhen one of her classmates is revealed as a mutant. As Spider-Girl, she's approached by the assassain Mister Nobody, who claims to be working for government special ops. now. He gives her info on Kaine, which she quickly makes use of. Worst Part: This issue features the single most ugly panel in SG histroy....aside from that, it's all good... Best Part: The last page. Mr. Nobody pwns you. Spoiler: [spoiler]Kaine was telling the truth last ish; Nobody has gone rogue.[/spoiler] [u]Transformers Universe: Abduction[/u] A year after the events of "Beast Machines", a group of Autobots returns to Cybertron. Their homecoming is interrupted when several of the bots gathered are teleported to a nightmare world. Several prominent baddies oversee their capture, but most of them are robots that were already dead! The bad bots put their captives in a horrible Collisium called "The Pit", where they're made to fight to the death so that Unicorn can feed on their Sparks...eww...Meanwhile, on Cybertron, an unlikely champion emerges. Worst Part: The art...what's wrong with these guys?! Obsidian, Rattrap and Tankor look nothing like they're supposed to. What's the deal? Best Part: Obsidion's back! Yahoo! Now, if they'd just write him in character...oh, and bring back Inferno, Dinobot, Jetstorm, Thrust/Waspinator, Rampage, Nightscream, Botannica, Strika.... Spoilers:[spoiler] The champion selected to save Cybertron is a revived Optimus Primal.[/spoiler] [u]Spectacular Spider-Man #4[/u] Spider-Man's wrestling with the Venom symbiote, who's still trying to posess him. With the help of the Fantastic Four, they et the bugger off, but the slimy critter escapes. Meanwhile, Eddie Brock is coming to terms with the fact that the symbiote no longer wants him. Spidey tracks him down, and Brock makes a rather unnerving announcement. Worst Part: The drawing of the Thing...he don't look strong...just fat.... Best Part: the flash of the symbiote's memories that Peter recieves. Spoilers: [spoiler]Eddie is dying of cancer. (I'd like to point out that I guessed at this back with ish #1. Read my review![/spoiler] [u]Eden's Trail #1-4[/u] Early this year, Marvel published an anime mini-series with the inventive "Marvel-scope" format; the issues were elongated for art purposes. Thanks to the magic of the dollar bin, I picked up most of it. On a dessert planet (Think Trigun), a youngf woman named Tila owns a prosperous bar. When a gang of thieves tries to rob her, an enegmatic stranger steps in to save her, but destroys the bar in the process. This sets off huge series of events which I wish I could tell you all about...but apparently, it went on longer than four issues. Darn it, I thought I got them all! It was a very enjoyable series with likeable characters; Il'l render a better synopsis when I read the whole thing. Worst part: Untapped potential. All of the characters are unique and interesting postions, but not much detail is given to how they got there. Best part: Aside from the amazing art, Id' have to say the characters. We've met Tila, Latch, Unit, Magpie, Pod, and the totally-insane Yune; all are unique, and each have shining moments. My fave scene is the opening of ish 2, where Magpie is about to be hanged. Priceless. :) It was a *very* good week... -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B] Some fairly good cards, then. I'm looking forward to this set's release, with or without Dark Magician Girl. I'm more interested in Black Paladin myself anyway, heh. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, you don't have BMG and BP in the same deck anyway. If you run a DM deck, you should choose between a Dark Magician Girl deck (which powers up DMG) or a Dark Paladin deck (obviously, forms DP). You could try to work both, but it would suck; too many tributes. (Later we'll have Black Magician of Chaos decks...yeah!)
Tribute Monsters: Swift Lightning Demon King-Skull Demon Normal Monsters: Genocide King Demon Inferno Queen Demon Dark Bishop Demon x2 Death Rook Demon x2 Shadow Knight Demon x2 Hell Pawn Demon x3 Hellish Bear x2 Demon Soldier x2 Traps: Demon's Cry Bark of Dark Ruler Blast With Chain Regeki Break Destruction Ring Magic: Monster REborn Premature Burial Lair of the Ten-Thousand Demon Lords Terraforming Mystical Space Typhoon Axe of DEspair Dark Energy Big Bang Shot Nightmare's Steel Cage Makiu Degredation Demon's Declaration Diskabaado Attack Babel Tower Twilight Zone Segregation Machine Cost down Devil's SAnctuary Curse of Pain
Okiee-dokiee, should the rest of us post our decks? I can't know, but I will this afternoon. :demon: Of course, it will follow the Yu-Gi-Oh anime guidelines. (Stick to your theme above everything.)
Seth grinned. "So, if I loose, I'll be hospitalized, possibly killed..." "This is the extreme challenge I've been waiting for! I'm in!" He hooked the grenade to his Duel disk. "Let's rock! I draw..." He examined his cards; he had a nice opening hand, but he wasn't going to blindly rush in. "I place two cards face down," he said. "And..." He stopped. He had wanted to set his Thunder Nyan Nyan, but he'd forgotten that his and Hiro's fields were the same. Gearfried was on the field, and Gearfried wasn't a Light type; if he summened the Nyan nYan, she'd be destroyed. "Actually, I'll hold this card in reserve," he said. "Instead, I summon the Reflect Bounder in attack mode!" The mirrored robot appeared on the field. "If you attack it, you'll be hit with the full force of your attack, while I'll only loose the difference in the the monsters' attack." Seth grinned. "Bring it on, tough guy."
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
DeathBug replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by harpiesbrother1 [/i] [B]you're the funniest guy I know [/B][/QUOTE] I'm going to take this opportunity to point out that Bandit's a girl. NEway, I hope [b]she[/b] continues the propject. It's funny.... Oh, and [spoiler]Pegasus ain't dead, it turns out. Yay.[/spoiler] -
All of the cards you listed are negated, I believe, as are Sinister Serpant, Hell Poemer, Marie the Fallen One, Kycoo, Bazoo and others. Basically, if an effect takes place after/during a card is in the graveyard, NecroValley negates it for oth you and your opponent.
"First we need to lay out the rules," Seth said calmly. He didn't have anything to loose or gain by this match, so it was sure to be fun. "Each player has 4000 life points. The tag teams must eliminate both players completely to declare victory. Each team has five monster slots and five magic card slots, so they have to plan their use of them. We'll alternate our turns: First Yugi goes, then I go, then Kaiba goes, then Hiro." Seth activated his duel disk. "No one can attack until all players have had a turn, and any card that effects an opponent, like Mirror Force or Swords of Revealing Light, effects both opposing players. Finally, you can't control a teammate's monster unless you use a magic card that allows you to. Understand?" Yugi nodded. "It seems simple enough. Kaiba, will you work with me this time?" Kaiba sneered. "I don't need help, but if I have to keep you in the game, I might bail you out." "I'm in," Hiro said impatiently. "Let's go!" "Hold on, hotshot," Seth said. "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. But don't worry; my deck has tons of angels." "Very well," Yugi said. "I draw..."
Name: Seth Niteshade (Yeah, I know I played him once before; I like him. ^_^) Age: 15 Deck Theme: Chess Demon deck Description: Tall, lanky, dress from head to toe in black, very snide and confident Rarest Card: Swift Lightning Demon King-Skull Demon
Seth smiled, clearly enjoying the whole situation. He had no idea why Hiro was so psyched up to duel Kaiba, but it promised to be a good show. "Just so you know, Hiro," he said. "I've already got all four cards needed to go to the semi-finals. Also, I snagged three new, very powerful cards. You'd better not loose out and be disqualified, because I'll be peeved if I don't get to beat you myself." Hiro sighed. "Seth, this isn't the time..." "Hang on, now," Seth pulled a magic card from his deck. "I want you to use this card in your deck for this duel; you'll have to give it back when you're done." Hiro took the card. "'Creature Swap?'" "Yeah," Seth nodded. "You give your opponent one of your monsters in exchange for one of theirs. It could save your hieney in a tight spot. Just remember, if you loose, I'll be ticked."
"...And he's about yea tall..." Seth said, describing hiro. "Seen him?" The duelist thought for a second. "Actually, I saw a guy who looked like that go into the Kaiba Corp building a while ago," he said. "Thanks," Seth said, running in that direction. "Don't tell me Hiro's gonna' jump right in and challenge Seto Kaiba," he said to himself. "Even I'd think twice before doing that, and I'm awesome. Either Hiro's got a lot more guts than I gave him credit for, or he's crazier than me. Still, I gotta' see this!" He passed into the building, then saw the receptionist at the desk. "Hey, I'm looking for a duelist. You seen one?" The lady stared at him blankly. "Sir, this is Kaiba Corp. Iv'e seen more duelists this morning alone than you probably have in a month." Seth sweatdropped. "Uh...yeah, I guess that makes sense. It's a guy about my age, probably in a huff to duel Kaiba himself..." The lady nodded. "Him? He seemed very upset; do you know what's going on?" "Nope; where'd he go?" "Upstairs," she gestured to the stairwell. "Thanks! Remember me when Im' famous!" Seth called as he ran up the stairs. "Hey, Hiro!" he called, looking up the stairwell; it seemed to go on forever. "You up there?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Neptunecat13 [/i] [B]I remember someone saying earlier that they don't know the effect of the Living Arrow card... or...maybe I just read it wrong...IDK.... But anywayz....I wish they'd make up their minds what that card does.....cuz my bf said that it's the only card Yugi owns that not in print.....cuz it has WAY too many different effects in the show... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I looked up what LA does, on Edo's website. It's a Quick-play magic card that, once activated, destroys all opposing magic cards on the field, and does 500 points damage per card to your oponent. So, when yugi used it against Pegasus to destroy toon World, that was the correct use of the card. When he used it against Kiaba....ack, that made no sense at all.
BP is an Ultra-Rare, not a secret rare. He's on the booster pack as the monster pictured behind Yugi.
If you could be anyone? who would you be
DeathBug replied to XC SpydeR's topic in General Discussion
Well....isn't this a loaded question? I would not be myself, because I do not really like myself. If I weren't me, but someone else who knew me, I wouldn't want to hang out with me. I'd try being my Ideal Version of Me, the good qualities strengthened while the negative qualities are eschewed. Sadly, the IVM is simply an ideal, and could probably not exists as a person. And if he did, I'd hate him because I'd want to be him, unless, of course, this stopped being rehtorical and I actually was. Confused yet? -
Well, TP4 still isn't confirmed, so UD might make VL an UR there rather than a SCR in MF. (Dang, that's a lot of acronyms.) I remember last time people said VL would be the 000 SR in PHG, but it turned out to be D. Ring (A much better card, IMO). It'd be great if VL were the SCR, but I wouldn't get excited yet.
Well, if you're making a REBD deck, you could just stick to one Skull and three Versago the Destroyer. He can take the place for both the Skull and Meteor Dragon. However, if that's not possible, stick with the Summoned skull.
In the CCG, the Gods are illegal. They're strictly promos, and have no effects written on them. As such, there are no card rulings regarding them. If, however, you want to use them for casual play, (I'll admit I'd like to slip Obilisk into my Warrior deck), you must agree with your opponent on the rules ahead of time, regarding magics and whatnot. If you want to follow the anime/manga, no magic or traps effect them while they are on the field. However, were they legal, I would think that HoH (and Solemn Judgement) would work on them because their self-protection effect only works while they're on the field, and HOH & SJ prevent them from reaching the field. (In the same way, HOH & SJ stop Jinzo from being summoned; his trap nullification effect doesn't work until he hits the field, and HOH stops that from happening.) Don't ask for any further clarifications; as I said, they are banned at tournies and have no rulings. The preceeding was strictly my own conjecture.