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Seth shook his head. "No, you have it all wrong. I don't have anything against Hiro." "Wait," Serena said. "Then why did you...?" "See," Seth explained. "It's a matter of pride. Hiro beat me before, when I was a rookie player. Now that I'm a hot commidity, I have a reputation to maintain. So, part of that rep means that I can't be defeated. So, obviously, I have to defeat Hiro and keep my reputation intact. It's just a matter of business."
Seth shook his head. "Jerk..." he muttered. "I can't believe that a nice girl like you can get messed up with a loser like him. If he bother you again, you can tell me, okay?" Seth blushed slightly. "It's kinda' late. Do you need someone to walk you home?"
Seth smiled. "Well, I guess you see the Light...my face-down monster was the Forgiving Maiden. She has a super-high defense." (850/2000) The nun smiled as Seth continued. "Because her defense is so much higher than your monster's attack, you loose 700 life points." (S:4000, D:3300) Dereck wasn't happy. "Now way!" "Way, drop-out," Seth snapped. "You're going to find out what happens to people who harass my friends! It's my turn!" Seth drew a card and smiled. "I play Polymeroization! With this powerful magic, i fuse my Maiden on the field with one of the monsters in my hand, Marie the Fallen One." There was a bright light as the fusion took place. When it was done, a towering yet elegant warrior woman stood on the field. She had a holy radience about her. "This is Saint Joan," Seth said. "She's one of the most powerful monsters in the game! And I'm going to use her to teach you a lesson you won't forget!" (SJ: 2800/2000) Dereck stepped back. "No freakin' way......." "I play the field magic card, Luminous Spark!" Seth sneered. "It raises my warrior angel to 3300 attack points. However, I respect my cards. I have way too much pride and faith in Saint Joan to have her soil herself in a battle against a jerk like you. So, I activate my face-down card: Destruction Ring!" A ring of flame rose from Seth's trap card. It engulfed St. Joan, and she disappeared, smiling to Seth. "You destroyed your own monster?" Dereck asked. "Yes, but not for nothing. Her noble sacrifice will wipe you out in one turn. Destruction Ring not only destroys a monster, it subtracts that monster's attack from both of our scores. Isn't it convinient, then, that you only have 3300 life points left? Hey, isn't that exactly the same as Joan's boosted attack?" Dereck watched his LP gauge with shock. "No way! I'm down to zero!" Seth deactivated his duel disk and stood next to Serena. "You lost, creep. Now stay away from Serena."
Machiavelli Earth/Warrior 4/1900/1400 Effect: When this monster is normal summoned, place one Magic counter on this monster. You may remove this counter to destroy one magic card on the field. Disciple of the Forbidden One Spellcaster/Dark 4/1500/1200 Effect: When this monster destroys another monster in battle, add one Exodia part from your deck to your hand. Your deck is then shuffled. Son of the Wicked God Dark/Spellcaster 6/2400/0 Effect: This monster's name is treated as "Thousand eyes Idol". When this monster destroys an opposing monster, look at the top card of your opponent's deck. you may pay 2000 LP to send this card to the Graveyard. Snake Skin Magic/Equip This card may be equipped to one Sinister Serpant on the field. If the monster this card is equipped to is destroyed, no Battle Damage is recieved. If this monster this card is equipped to is sent to the graveyard, you may Special Summon one [Deadly Python] to the field in face-up defense mode. Deadly Python Water/Reptile 6/0/3000 Effect: This monster can only be special summoned with [Snake Skin]. If this monster is switched to attack mode, it is immediatly returned to Defense Mode. This monster cannot be destroyed by the effect of Magic or Traps cards. THis monster may not be used as a Tribute for any purpose.
Seth activated his Duel Disk. "Alright, here are the terms," he said. "After I finish soundly thrashing you, you leave Serena alone. But, on the off-chance I should suddenly die right here, which is the only possible way I'd ever loose to a jerk like you, then Serena will have to suffer through the evening with you. Are those terms acceptible?" "Yeah, whatever," Dereck snapped. "Shut up and play, dweeb!" Seth sighed. "Don't worry, Serena," he said. "If I can't beat this cretien, I'll eat my duel disk. I'm going to spank him so badly he won't be able to tie his shoes, much less bother you." He drew a card. "I place one card face down, and play one monster in defense mode, and end my turn." Seth turned to Serena for a second. "Oh, I'll have to ask that you not tell Hiro any of the cards I play or moves I make; I'd like to keep the element of suprise." He turned back. "Your move, tough guy."
Seth shook his head. "Sir, you've got quite the attitude problem. I was just being polite. I find it hard to believe that a nice girl like Serena would hang out with a guy as rude as you." He turned to Serena. "You should probably tell him that dueling me is a bad idea. On the other hand, if this guy's being a jerk to you, I'd be happy to scrub the ffloor with whatever monsters he can produce."
The Terminator/Politician (Arnold runs for Governor)
DeathBug replied to OtakuSennen's topic in General Discussion
...So how long do we keep having to have a serious political discussion, and at what point can we drop that and start making Terminator jokes? We all know what his re-election slogan will be: "I told you I'd be back". I'd vote for him, anyways. He always seemed like a stand-up guy to me. -
As Seth was out walking, he ran across Serena and Dereck. "Heyo, Serena," Seth said happily. "How ya' doin'? I hope you're at the tournament; I'll be in prime form." He saw Dereck. "Oh, Im' sorry; where are my manners. I'm Seth Niteshade. Remember my name; you'll be hearing it later." He offered his hand. "Serena, is this guy a friend of yours?"
Play Sinister Serpant in attack mode. Play Metamorphasis. Tribute your Serpant to summon the ultimate eyesore, Thousand Eyes Restrict. This is really the only good use for Metamorphasis I can think of. You get TER for only one card, as opposoed to three monsters the other way. Of course, it's vulnerable to IO, MJ, & all magic negation, but it's impervious to Bottomless Trap Hole. It might suck; I haven't played it. But I just want to say that I made it up myself.
Seth finished checking through his deck a final time. "It's ready," he thought. "I've modified it perfectly, using my huge card library and the experience I gained in all my dueling today. He'd be so proud..." On his way home, he passed by the Kame Game store. "Huh," he thought. "That's the store where Yugi Motoh hangs out. Well, Yugi, I'll be back come the tournament time, and you and Hiro and Kaiba and anyone else who straps on a duel disk will fall to my new deck!" Humming to himself, Seth went home to make some more minor alterations.
Enters rant mode: (Minor comic spoilers) [spoiler] Harry never becomes the HobGoblin! (Sorry if I appear harsh, but Hobby is one of my fave characters, so this is a petpeeve of mine. ) The HobGoblin is a businessman named Roderick Kingsly. A thug fleeing Spider-Man found one of Norman Osborn's Goblin hideouts and sold the information to Kingsly. Kingsly killed the thug, raided all the hideouts and used the equipment to become the HobGoblin: just as powerful as Norman, but not insane. HobGoblin was a powerful enemy and a meticulous planner. Harry becomes the second Green Goblin, carrying on in his dad's place. The goblin formula poisons him, though, and he dies. Before he dies, he makes peace with Peter.[/spoiler]
It is not. (That's why NoC is cool.) The flip effect is *not* activated. Back to my question from a few posts up. Can Hades destroy a Spirit Reaper? Hades's effect negates the effect of monsters destroyed by Fiend monsters; however, Spirit Reaper's effect says that it can't die in battle. Does Hades negate this effect?
"...And with that, your Life Points drop to zero," Seth laughed. "Game over, kiddo." The kid stood there gasping. "I can't believe it...my deck...you must have cheated! There was no way you could have beaten me so quickly! It's impossible!" "But I did," Seth grinned. "Don't let it get you down. You're the fourth victem of my new deck today. I've been going through every duelist in this comic shop." "Well," the kid sighed. "I guess you want my rarest card." He produced a Gia, The Fierce Knight. "Not at all, kid," Seth said. "What do I need it for? My new deck's already unbeatable. You just get the satisfaction of knowing that the guy who beat you down was Seth Niteshade, future Duel Monsters champion. Have a nice day." Seth turned to the remaining duelists in the shop. "Next!"
Okay...here's an easy one. In Joey's duel with Mako, Mako used one monster that didn't have "Water" as its element. Which monster was this?
Seth was alone in his room, pouring over his card collection. "I've got to improve my deck," he muttered. "I've got to beat Hiro, and Kaiba, and Yugi. I've got to be champ. I've worked hard. I've earned it!" Sighing, he pulled out his cell phone. "Hello, Ms. Masaki," he said. "Is Ki there?" Ki was a classmate of Seth's who was usually good for card combo ideas. Seth often asked him for advice. "I'm sorry," his mom answered. "But Ki's got the flu. He's been laid up for three days." "Oh, okay," Seth said. "Tell him I said hi." Seth hung up the phone and examined it. Its case had a stylized yin-yang design on it. "On the other hand...maybe I don't need Ki's advice after all....I've got just the strategy to wipe Hiro out! I'll own that tournament!"
Seth frowned. "A draw? Man,I could have taken a spectacular defeat, you know, going out in a blaze of glory...but a draw?! It's impossible!" He examined his deck. "Well, I'm going to radically alter my deck, Hiro. Next time the two of us cross paths, I'm going to wipe you out!" He left as quickly as he'd come.
The only monster of Rishid's that I know of is the Holy Beast Selket. However, I don't know if this is the answer.
Okay, if Dark Ruler Ha Des attacks a Spirit Reaper, does Ha DEs' s effect mean that the Reaper's "no death in battle" protection effect is negated, and the Reaper is destroyed?
Seth examined the Magician's stats. "Aw, man, you have got to be frickin' kidding me!" he snapped. "The card I choose was the Twin Headed Thunder Dragon," he said, sighing. He flipped it over, and a large red dragon-like creature with two mouths and a long horn appeared. "He has...ugh...2800 attack power. According to the rules of the Last Turn card, if the monsters have an equal attack strength....it results in....a draw!"
So, I've decided to try something completely different with my Light-deck; I'm going to split it down the middle, and replace half of my Light monsters with Dark-attribute monsters. Also, I've decided to give Cyber Jar another chance, but it's on probation.... [b]Tribute Monsters[/b] Mystical Knight of Jackal Jinzo Dark Ruler Ha Des [b]Non-Tribute Monsters[/b] Thunder Nyan Nyan x2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2 Witch of the Black Forest Spirit Reaper Sinister Serpant Cyber Jar Dice Jar Hysteric Fairy x2 Zombrya the dark x2 Asura Priest Kuriboh [b]Traps[/b] Mirror Force Imperial Order Call of the Haunted Ring of Destruction Barrel Behind the Door Woboku [b]Magic[/b] Monster Reborn Dark Hole Regeki Change of Heart Harpie's Feather Duster Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Mirage of Nightmare United We stand Mage Power Swords of Revealing Light Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Tribute to the Doomed Nobleman of crossout
"Not so fast, hotshot!" Seth said quickly. "I activated my Trap card before your monsters destroyed my life points. It's called 'Last Turn'. I think you know how it works. We each select one monster in our deck to do battle. The monster with the highest attack wins. This card negates the effects of my Luminous Spark, your A-Forces, and any monster effects, so it's just mano y mano." Seth took out his dueling deck and selected a single card. "Well, I've got my card selected." He placed it on his duel disk in face down defense mode. "Place your card, Hiro. When you do, they'll switch to attack mode and fight it out. Whichever monster wins the battle, that player wins the duel."
Seth chuckled and drew a card. "I respect your determination, Hiro," he said. "Don't worry; there's no harm in being beaten by the best. Now, I know that it's rather cliche to say this, but I wanted you to do that. I put Neo into defense mode on purpose. Why? Very simple." Seth ran his finers through his hair. "See, if you'll notice, there are now more than two Light monsters in my graveyard. That means that now, their souls may join together, creating a new creature of holy raidience." A bright light emerged from the graveyard portion of Seth's Duel disk. It split into two, and an image of the Thunder Nyan Nyan and Neo the Magic swordsman briefly appeared. The lights returned to one, and a new monster appeared. "This is the Soul of Purity and Light," Seth explained. "My first two monsters are gone from the graveyard, lending her their energy. (2000/1800) And with Luminous Spark, she gets even more powerful. Her strength is equal to your Warrior. (2500/1400)" "Soul of Purity and Light! Destroy the Maurading Captain!" The angel released a blast of white light, and the Maurading Captain was destroyed. (Seth's LP: 2350, Hiro's LP: 600) "Well...this duel's almost over," Seth declared. "Oh, by the way, in case you were thinking of using your Warrior in a kamikaze attack against my Soul of Purity and Light, you should know about her special ability." The angel seemed to smirk as Seth described her powers. "On your turn, your monsters attacks will all drop by three hundred points. Them's the brakes. Well, make your move. You've dueled well, but I really don't see how you can win at this point."
Writing Does anyone here even know that Spider-Girl exists?
DeathBug replied to DeathBug's topic in Creative Works
As it stands currently, Felicity has stopped being the Scarlet Spider, and Kaine has dropped out of sight. (Kaine with a "K".) And yes, it is the real Peter Parker....sheesh, one bad storyline for three years and suddenly the spideyverse is "Fraught with clones"... There's not a lot of continunity IMO. However, remember that I've been reading Spider-Man for a while, so I might take some of it for granted. Also, there was a decade-long period between the "Current" unvierse and SG universe, so all sorts of things might have changed since. There is one Trade paperback, appropriatly named "Spider-Girl." It has her origin and the first eight issues of the comic. If anyone really wants a detailed assessment of how thew status quo stands, I can give it. -
"You hurt my kitty," Seth said. "Well, I'm still in control of this duel. I'll draw..." Seth examined the card that he drew. "Hmm...I play Eternal Rest. It destroys all monsters with equip cards. I'm well aware that Maha Valio is a powerful monster who also gain an advatage from my playing style, so I'm always prepared for one. I'll still fall because of the Pendant's effect, but it's a small price to pay!" Seth plaed his magic card, and a ring of energy flew around Maha Valio. It enclosed the monster and destroyed it. Seth's life points fell to 2850. "Now to avenge my kitty," Seth said. "I summon the Shining Abyss. (1600/1800). Its attack raises to 2100 because of the Luminous Spark card. Shining Abyss, attack!" The Shining Abyss monster raised its hands and a beam of blue energy went out directly to Hiro's Life points, dropping them to 1900. "To finish my turn, i switch Neo to defense mode." The Swordsman kneeled. "I will wipe you out next turn, Hiro. If you actually knew my plan, you'd surrender right now."
Seth glowered. "What? No one wants me to win? Aw, come on! I'm going to be the next Dule Monsters champion! Bigger than Raptor or Kieth or Wheeler...I'm going to be bigger than Seto Kaiba, or Yugi Moto himself! And you actually don't want me to win?" Serena shook her head. "Hiro's my friend; of course I want him to win." "Humph...fine, be that way. It's all the same to me. I'm still going to win; I have to. Hiro beat me before I became a rising star, so I have to take care of him to protect my reputation. It's nothing personal."