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Everything posted by DeathBug
"That's it for you, Hiro," Seth said. "Your monsters are done." He drew a card. "Just what I needed! I play Pot of Greed!" He drew two additional cards. "All right, I play Harpie's Feather Duster," he said. "Neo, get rid of those pesky face-down cards." A large feather appeared before Neo; he wiped it over the face-down cards, and they were destroyed. "Now...Serena, you want to see a cute monster? I have one for you. I summon the Thunder Nyan Nyan in attack mode." A cartoonish, cat-like girl appeared on the field. Electricity sparked behind her eyes. (1900/800) "Don't let the Nyan Nyan's looks decieve you," Seth said. "She's the strongest level four-light monster in the game. Now, you might want to shield your eyes..." Seth reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of black sunglasses. He put them on, completing the Matrix motif. "I activate my face-down card, Light of Intervention!" he declared. The card rose into the air, and a bright light engulfed the field. "With this card on the field, no one can set face-down monsters," Seth explained. "The light pierces through any surprises you might have. And it' only going to get brighter. I play a field magic card, Luminous Spark!" A compartment popped out of the side of the duel disk, and Seth paced his card down. An orb appeared over the field and gave off a bright, shining light, like a miniture sun. "Luminous Spark raises the attack poiints of all light-attribute monsters by 500 points," Seth said. "Itr also lowers their defense by 400 points. Gee, I wonder who has a Light-monster in defense mode?" (N: 2200/600), (TNN:2400/400), (ME: 1300/1600), (WotBF: 1100/1200) "Now, it's time to clear the field! Neo, Nyan Nyan, attack!" Neo slashed his sword through the Witch, and she was destroyed. The Thunder Nyan NYan unleashed a ball of electricity that destroyed the Mystical Elf. "Finally, I place one card face-down and end my turn. But on my next turn, your Life points are gonna' be hurting. In fact, i might even finish you off completely. I told you, I've improved by light-years since we last met. You're just out of your league."
OOC: So....do we start at 4000 LP, or 8000? IC: Seth chuckled to himself. "A Mystical Elf? Nice choice; I approve. However, she'll have to go." Seth drew a card. "I place one card face down, and once again, summon Neo, the Magic Sowrdsman, in attack mode. (1700/1000)." A hologram of Neo appeared, as well as a face-down card. "However, I will not attack just yet. I can't break through the Elf's defenses yet. However, once I draw the proper card, you'll be done for. Right now, I end my turn."
OOC: I'm being assertive. IC: Seth suddenly deactivated his Duel disk and left the duel. "Hey!" Zach yelled. "What are you doing?!" "I've had a change of heart," Seth said. "This duel is void. I came here to duel Hiro, and every card I play gives him an advantage, because he'll know what's in my deck. Screw that. You can call it whatever you want, but I've got to stay focused on my true objectives." He walked over to Hiro. "So...do you wanna' duel?"
Actually, I did know about Blade Knight....I just forgot about him when putting the deck together. ^^;; ... For the record, I'm not too keen on any Flip-effect monsters, mostly because of all the Flip-effect negation. (Let's see....Hades, God of Hell, Heavenly Light, Royal Command, Emissary of Obliteration...) As for Cyber Jar, it still seems to me a chance card; you're hoping that you'll pull better/more monstrers and magics than your opponent. The only advantage that I see it really giving is that you know what will happen, and your opponent doesn't. That's just the way it's worked for me, anyway. All of my info came from Edo, naturally. My pix came from various sources. (I hadn't gotten to 307 yet; would have put GA:SJ there if I'd seen her effect.) I'm a bit surprised you took Mirage of Nightmare off. With 3 Cyclones plus Imperial Decree, I would have had no problem negating the penalty effect. Why would I drop Royal Decree? If it's effect is the same as Jinzo's, wouldn't I want that? I'm done with Light-decks for a while....I'm happy with what I've done with my English deck. I think I'll be completely bi-polor and develope a demon deck next. (I'll never call them Fiends if I can avoid it.)
[b]Radient Assault v1.0[/b] Tribute Monsters: Holy Warrior Jackal Paladin Gilford the Lightning Kaiser Glider Non-Tribute Monsters: Volt Girl x3 Hysteric Angel x2 X Head Cannon x2 Kaiser Seahorse x3 Wandering Hero Freed Asura Magical Reflector Reflect Bounder Female Warrior From Another Dimension Mimic Illusionist Traps: Holy Barrier Mirror Force Imperial Ordrer Royal Decree Royal Command Bell of Destruction Cry of the Living Dead Magiks: Raise Dead Thunderbolt Black Hole Jar of Greed Power of Teamwork Power of Magicians Harpy's Feather Sweep Cyclone x3 Shine Spark x2 Angel's Gift Force Mirage of Nightmare Black Core
A single ballon fell from the ceiling. Or, if you're looking for more, he became a celebrity, then became over-exposed and lost popularity, met Ron Howard, compared himself to Jesus (In bowling ability), became dejected, met the mole people on a bungee cord, tried to seek his children's love in order to validate himself, bonded with Maggie, was saved from drowning, and was diagnosed as having shark eggs in his stomach. When Marge became a real-estate agent, which denzien of Springfield did she find sitting in an empty room in his/her underwear, eating from a can?
I'm gonna' make up some cards based on my favorite characters from various mediums; i don't know why. Vash the Stampede Light/Warrior/4 1900/1500 Effect: Once per turn, you may destroy one trap card at the cost of 1000 LP. If this card's target is face down, turn it face up. If the card is not a trap, return it to its original position. Venom Dark/Warrior/6 2400/1500 Effect:When this card is normal summoned, you may equip it to a face-up opposing monster and gain control of that monster. If this card is destroyed, the opposing monster is also destroyed. Yeah...I'm done now.
Writing Does anyone here even know that Spider-Girl exists?
DeathBug posted a topic in Creative Works
So, I think I might be the only person around here who likes the much-underappreciated comic book Spider-Girl. Does anyone else like it? In the future, Peter Parker and Mary Jane have a daughter named May. She inherits Peter's powers and carries on the good fight. Other characters include Normie Osborn, (Harry Osborn's son), DarkDevil, (A man powered by the original DareDevil's soul), Raptor, (A reformed super criminal), and the LadyHawks, (A pair of twin crimefighters). Recently, at the conclusion of "Season of the Serpent" stroyline, Peter and MJ gave birth to a new son, Ben. This book is the longest-running series at Marvel to feature a female lead. Also, it has been saved by fans from cancellation three times. It has the most dedicated fans in comicdom. Any comic readers interested? Go here: [url]http://www.2099comics.com/SpiderGirl_Welcome_wagon.htm[/url] Anyone wanna' talk about it? I'm interested in [spoiler] whoever shot Normie. Poor Normie! [/spoiler] -
The show is Police Cops. (Sounds like a deadly combination!) On a related question, when Homer changes his name, what were the silly lyrics to the James Bond-type song he sung to celebrate?
Well, you're here and I'm here; I'm waiting for "Zach" to post. Come on, guys! All other OB RPG's I've been in have died; don't let this one die, too!
OOC: Hello? *echos* Where is everyone?
"Ill start this little expose off with my favorite quote from "Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl". (A really good movie, BTW.) "That's called irony." What irony? Well, we're going to break the anime's fourth wall for a second and consider how the characters would do with their decks in the real game. Our Heroes are, as always, Yugi, Kaiba and Joey. ................ Here's the funny part: Yugi, Kaiba, and Joey actually have some of the worst recurring decks on the show. They lack a defined theme, and are too bogged down with various strategies to actually be viable. Most of you gprobably realised this a while ago. But here's the other side of the coin: Minor duelists like Rex Raptor, Mako Tsunsmi, Mai Valentine and Weevil Underwood actually have better decks. Let's examine this. Characters with theme decks are: Rex Raptor (Dragons/dinos), Bandit Kieth (machines), Mako Tsunami (Aquatic), Mai Valentine (Harpies/Amazons), Maximillion Pegasus (Toons/Relinquished), Arkana (Dark Magician), Tea Gardner (Fairies), Panik, (Fiends), and Weevil Underwood (Insects.) Characters with strategy decks are: Rebecca Hawkins (Power up Shadow Ghoul), Strings (Get out Slifer), the Rare Hunter (Summon Exodia), Para & Dox (Pick off monsters as they go through the maze), Ryuo Bakura (Hand depletion), Umbra & Lumious (Uses mask cards to screw with opposing monsters), and Weevil pulls double duty (Insects are too weak to support themselves head on, so he uses tons of tricks.) (The only character who doesn't fit in at all was Esper Roba. His cards just looked cool.) IMO, the main duelist with the best deck is Joey, because it's pretty much a standar beatdown, despite the extra crap thrown in. He also has Jinzo, which is a big plus. Yugi would be the next most powerful, but he has two completely different themes, (DM & Magnet Warriors) that cost a lot of cards. Finally, I think Kaiba has the worst deck. He's got four two-tribute monsters, plus a God card, plus the XYZ combo....he's all over the place. Ick.
I believe it's damage resulting from a card's effect. (Rather obvious, I know.) What this means is that cards that have effects that reference battle damage don't effect the GV, because his damage is counted as effect damage. I'm not sure about the details, though.
1. What were your favourite toys (if you had any)? Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, the short-lived Inspector Gadget, Power Rangers, Spider-Man and Transformers: Beast Wars/Machines. Also, I have a three-inch Beelzemon figure on my desk. (It raises its claws if you press the button on his back.) 2. What did you think of the toys then? Toys were cool! My all-time fave line had to be the Spider-Man line, b/c every character I loved from the comics was a very possible candidate for toy-dom. 3. What do you think of the toys now? I think that if I had more money I would buy a lot of them. I like certain characters from the Spawn line, as well as the Digimon figures. I also am interested in Bionicle, and several of the anime lines. I want the Black Metal Dragon model kit, the Ainme Invasion line (Big O, Outlaw Star *and* Cowboy Bebop? W00t!), and Alien figures. Sadly, most of the new Transformers toys don't interest me. But the Spider-Man movie toys do... At the end of this year, I'm getting "Ultimate Venom", from the Marvel Selects line. It's exclusive to comic & specialty shops, and is one sweet piece. :demon: 4. What do you think of the stereotypes that some toys seem to encourage? I have absolutly no opinion on it whatsoever.
My name means, "An insect that is capable of killing". Wow....it sounds stupid when I explain it....
Well, anything is better than Spider-Man Unlimited. ~_^ (60's Spidey? Better. Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends? Better. At least those two have camp appeal) I've been watching MTV Spidey, and find it passible entertainment. It's not the best, but there's been a lot worse, mostly Spider-Man Unlimited. (Have I made it clear how much I don't like Spider-Man Unlimited?) Anywho, there's only two things about it that bugged me. First, they're showing the episodes out of order. (That's why last week's eps had Maxwell Dillion as a supporting character, but the first episode shows hi going all ee-vil.) Second....I hate the origin of Electro. Anyone else tired of variations on the Carrie theme? Notoriously, DC Comic charachters get better cartoons than Marvel characters. I wish they'd done a Spidey show in the style of X-Men: Evolution; that'd be sweet.
Niether; Wingweaver was a common in Pharoah's Servant. ^_^
I just need to vent on the frustrating events of my YGO hobby this weekend. So, it starts on Saturday: There's a YGO event at my local Toys R Us, so while my mom & sister are in the mall, I walk across the busy intersection to Toys R Us. I'd never been to this type of event, and didn't knoww hat to expect, so I left my cards in the car, figuring I could get them later if I needed them. So, I get there, and there's some hotshot with a binder full of foils. I say I'm only looking to trade, and I only want certain Light-attribute monsters. He opened up his binder, and my jaw metaphorically dropped. Right on the first page, he had Airknight Paraseth and Mirage of Nightmare! On page two, he had Asura Priest!! Keeping a cool poker face, I say I'll go get my cards. I make it across the intersection, narrowly avoiding being hit by a car. I unlock my mom's car.... ....And the car alarm goes off. My first inclination is to let it go off and deal with it after I trade some cards. But no...that's not right. I can't very well expect good things to happen in my trades if I'm shirking my responsibilities. I made the alarm go off, so I'd have to do the right thing and turn it off before I went to profit for mysel. Panicing, I race into Dillards and ask the lady if she can page from the check-out counter. (The car alarm can only be turned off with the remote lock; I only have a normal key.) The lady tells me that only the customer service desk can page, and the CSD is upstairs. Racing up the escalator, I ask her to quickly page my mom to the desk. The lady behind the counter kept asking question after question....I wanted her to page a woman, not arrest her! Jeez! Then...she delivers the same intercom message I gave her in the first place, thus making all the questions I answered a big waste of time. Fortunatly, my mom showed up, and gave me the remote lock. I ran to the parking lot and turned off the alarm, then ran back inside to give my mom the lock back...but she was gone!! After more searching, I finally give her back her lock. I go back to the car and get my cards, and make it across the intersection yet again! I make it into Toys R Us and... ....everyone's gone. I can't imagine why they left! There were two kids left, and I completed two trades. (The Fiend Megacyber netted me a Royal Command, and I got a two for one when I swapped my Goblin Force for a Right Leg of Exodia and a Tribute to the doomed) Rather disappointed, I decided to just buy a PGD pack and leave... ...And they had no new boosters. The Helpoemer is larger than life on the front page of the stinkin' TRU newspaper ad, and they have no PGD boosters!!! So...I went back to the mall and found one shop that has some PGD. I bought one pack... ....All rags. Let's see, if I ever want to play a zombie deck, I've now got plenty of strage support cards. Just a lame normal rare, too. Sigh. It gets better!! There was a YGO tournie taking place the following day across town. My family and I were actually in the area, and my mom asked if I wanted to go. My father had to complete a project for work before he has minor surgery next week. My mother had to volunteer at our church to help a Children's project. Of course I wanted to go, and I know my mom offered, but she did'nt really want to deal with it. It would have been selfish and downright mean spirited to ask to go. I'd have screwed up everyone else's day. I'd also have enjoyed the tournie greatly, and probably made some killer trades, and gotten most of my Light deck done. (It's mostly commons.) So I said don't bother. *Sigh* again. But wait! There's more! My father's second cousin invited us to her house for dinner. While there, my tiny cousins showed me there modest collection. They had an Imperial order. They didn't even know what they had. It wasn't 'cool' like their other cards. They offered to just give it to me. I could have taken it.... But I didn't. Instead, I explained to them how rare it was, and told them to hold onto it. I also told them that they could name their own price if they wanted to trade it. So, that's three times this past weekend that doing the right thing totally screwed me over. To paraphrase a song, I'm waiting for karma to make it's rounds.
Seth looked like a refugee from the Matrix; he was dressed from head to toe in stark black. He ran his free hand through his spikey blacck and silver hair, and examined the cards in his hand. He just so happened to glance upwards at that moment, and smiled. "Hiro, Serena, so nice to see you again," he said. "It's been what, six months? Hiro, it was you I really came to duel, but this guy was so eager, who was I to refuse? Don't worry; I can win here without using my best tricks. You'll still have plenty of suprises waiting for you when we duel." Zach didn't like that. "You haven't won anything yet," he said. "Don't worry, I will," Seth answered. "I mean, I'm sure you're a good duelist and all, but I've beaten dozens of opponents, easily. Don't take it personally. In fact, the only person who's ever beaten me in a duel was Hiro himself. But that was when I was a weak newbie; now, my deck is unstoppable, and my skills are unmatched." Seth turned back to Hiro. "See, now that I'm a champion, I have to defeat the only person who beat me before my rise to the top. It's not about you, really; it's about my rep. I've improved by light years since you last saw me. See, first I-" He stopped and shook his head. "Nope, no sense in tipping my hat before we get started. I'll take out your buddy here in less than five turns. Count off." Seth drew one card from his deck. "Okay, spanky, let's see how you like this..." "I place two cards face down, and place Neo the Magic Swordsman on the field in defense mode." (1700/1000) "Your move, Zach."
*Looks down and sees the pudding* Uh-oh.... Anyway, now that this thread covers two topics, I'll post on each... Guys & gals, it's not just anime that has these people; every hobby/profession/art has those arrogant creeps who think they know all about the medium, and you just wanna' slap 'em a few times.... But you can't, mostly b/c there are laws and stuff. My advice? Ignore them, and report them if they don't use spoiler tags. [spoiler] I love using spoiler tags! [/spoiler] As for hentai...ech. First, I'm going to say that nine times out of ten, it's the female otaku who are vocally opposed to it. (By which I mean they make a point of saying they are opposed to hentai.) I guess nine girls somewhere must have spoken up, because I'm also opposed to hentai. Why? Several reasons: it's disgusting, it's unhealthy, it leads to negative stereotypes of otaku, it degrades the medium of manga and anime, it's inherantly stupid and it creeps me out. (American comics might not be on par w/ Manga, but at least there's no American comic equivilant to hentai.) However, the First Amendment being what it is in my country, I cannot say that hentai should be banned. Just don't expect me to support you if you go reading it. XP
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
DeathBug replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
Heh, i knew that thre was something up with Marik. Good one, Bandit! :) -
Writing Ultimates (Pseudo-Official Comics in General Thread!)
DeathBug replied to Semjaza's topic in Creative Works
Well, I picked up The Spectacular Spider-Man #1, written by my main man, Paul Jenkins. Features the return of Venom. Wow. First off, I like the character of Venom, but he has been so abused and misused during the past....tweleve years that it's not even funny. "Lethal Protector"? Eck. XP Jenkins makes use of the character in a way that's never been done before. I mean, dozens of writers wrote about him, but PJ is the only one to remember that Eddie Brock was a devout Catholic (And use this effectively). Also, PJ explores a natural extension of the characters. Eddie has an alien creatutre linked to his body, and as time goes on, it's consuming and/or mutating him. PJ also makes use of a facet of symbiote behavior brought up in the God-awful "Planet of the Symbiotes" story in '95. To recap, so you don't have to read: Symbiotes feed off of the adrienaline of their hosts, like a drug. Of course, the Venom symbiote has a host, Eddie Brock. So, why would it need adrienaline from outside victems? Speculation: [spoiler] I think Eddie is dying, for some reason. In the church scene, he keeps coughing. He also appeared to be wearing hospital garments, and his head was shaved. (Cancer?) [/spoiler] Of course, this isn't called "The Spectacular Venom", so where was ol' Pete at? I loved meeting Pete's neighbors, including Big John. ("I spilled me bloomin' drink!!") However, Pete's best scene was in the hospital, and seeing Flash's face. Wow. (For those who don't know, Norman Osborn/Green Goblin pumped Flash, a recovering alcoholic, full of whisky and put him behind the wheel of a semi-truck. Poor Flash survived, but has been in a coma for the past several issues, and may have sustained permanent brain damage. For details, check out "A Death in the Family", another great story by Paul Jenkins.) When Spidey and Venom finally meet...it was odd. Whatever's happened to Venom, it's seriously screwed him up. Gone is the arrogant "I want to eat your brains" Venom; Eddie is fatalistic and philisophical, speaking in religous rehteric. Of course, he still blames Spider-Man for his own mistakes, but there's something else going on here. I can't wait to snag the next issue and find out what happened to him to not only make him appear so "devolved", as spider-Man put it, but what he meant by the last line of the book: [spoiler] You do not understand, Spider-Man...there is no more Eddie"[/spoiler] Oh...and I loved Venom's speech ballons. So, let's run it down: Best part: The two-page scene with Eddie in the confessional. "I think He put a demon inside me", as the alien is drapped around him. For the first time ever, Venom is geniuenly scary. Worst part: Spidey thinking to himself that he and Eddie have a psychic link....they don't! Come on, PJ, I know you know your backstory better than that! You know, this has been the Year of Venom. First, we had the origin of Venom masterfully told in Ultimate Spider-Man. Then, he gets his own series, using an alien monster style story, a la' "The Thing" and "Aliens". But this one tops 'em all. It's a good time to be a Venom fan and finally see the character get the good storytelling he deserves, instead of all the crap they've shoved down our throats for the past decade. I can't wait to round out the year with the Marvel Selects Ultimate Venom action figure and diorama. (Featuring an unmasked Spidey webbed to a wall). Good times... :demon: [b]"The being that I was is gone....the change is complete..."[/b] :demon: -
"Well, you can't have it until I'm done with it," DeathBug said, waltzing. "Sometimes I loose it, though; if you ever find it, be sure to give it back. Then I can look for my marbles, too."
All righty. I've got it figured out.... :demon: Nothing too mean, but still, there's rivalry. When do we start?
"Your confidence inspires me," DeathBug said. "I won't be content until I've caused everyone in this room to trip!" DB rocked back and forth as though to fall, then stopped. "Or maybe not..." He lifted Bandit's arm up and twirled her around. "Are we having fun yet?"