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Everything posted by DeathBug
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bandit Joeykuba [/i] [B]'Now to dance again. Maybe you fall this time." She said, joking. [/B][/QUOTE] DeathBug twirled her around. "Yeas, I'll be sure to be extra careful, 'kay?" he said. He waltzed around her slowly but deliberatly, trying to impress. *Ladies and Gentlemen, the topic has left the building* Well, tomorrow my Dad and I go to Best Buy to get a new one. I kept thinking of the teacher's death scene from "Final Destination"....
I'll be your rival, if you want. Are we talking friendly rivalry, or intense rivalry?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GreatDeitylink [/i] [B]A rabbit [/B][/QUOTE] Nope. It was a drawing of stick figure versions of Him and Lisa holding hands.
Answer: SiezureBot 3000 Question: what did Ralp Wiggum draw on his copy of "The Wind in the Willows"?
Character Info- Name: Seth Niteshade Age: 16 Height/Weight: 5 '10", 165 Bio: Once worked as an intern for Maximillion Pegasus; dislikes working in groups; snide and sarcastic but still a good guy Deck Info- Deck size:40 Deck type:Light Favorite card: Mystical Knight of Jackal
Okay, but that is the last timer. ^_^ Everyone pay attention! Bark of Dark Ruler is a normal Trap card, so it's destroyed after one use. Also, you need a fiend-type monster on the field to use it. You activate it when either a) an opponent attacks or b) you attack an opponent (After setting it for a turn first, of course.) With BoDR, you are allowed to give up life points (in incraments of 100) to lower an opposing monster's attack and defense by the same amount of life points you loose. (IE: If you give up 500 LP, a BEWD will have its stats lowered to 2500/2000, if you give 700, they will be 2200/1800, etc. ) Ideally, you want to lower the opposing monster until your monster can destroy it. However, BoDR really isn't all the great b/c a) It's only for Fiend decks, and b) it can only be used once.
Okay, I have a question that'a been bugging me fora bit: The Forgiving Maiden's text says that if she is face up, you may tribute her to return one monster destroyed in battle [b] this turn[/b] to youre hand. Well, because monster effects have a spell speed of one, and therefore can only be activated in your Main Phases, doesn't that mean that FM's effect can't ever be used, because it can't be triggered on your opponent's turn? If I'm right, then the only way it could be used is if you attack an opposing monster with a weaker monster. Is this correct, or am I off base?
Anime Yu-Gi-Oh! English CCG Article 1 - Best of Pharaonic Guardian
DeathBug replied to a topic in Otaku Central
What about all the Zombie (j. Undead) and zombie support cards coming out? There were several prominant ones aside from Spirit Reaper, like Fusion Richie or whatever it's called, as well as Book of Life. (Hypothetically, a zombie deck could have six recursion cards, unless BoM is restricted.) Should we wipe the dust off of the ol' Castle of Dark Illusions, or leave them in the shoebox? -
"Oh...okay..." DeathBug said. "Dang...now I have to think of a song..." "Okay, got it! Play 'Light Up My Room', by the Barenaked Ladies! I love that song!" As the songs starts to play, DB takes Bandit's hand and leads her onto the dance floor. _Toto, I don't think we're in the topic anymore..._ It's cool. I might be late now, b/c my moniter exploded. Well...not literally, but almost!...There were sparks, anyway.
I love Lupin the III. I think it actually deserves more credit for its dub; they updated all the cultural references and it's still interesting and clever. I also love how the theme music starts to play every time something good happens.
No, that was just an example. BoDR allows you to lower your opponent's monster attack & defense as much as you want. You have to pay an equal amount of LP, though.
Uhh.....Is it Larry? I bet it's some evil guy named Larry. "Are you ready, Larry? It's time to duel!" .....or not.... You might as well tell us the answer; no one's gonna' get that. (I'm just stoked that ol' Pegasus is still alive. W00t!)
Say you have a La Jinn on the field, with an attack power of 1800. Your opponent attacks with a Dark Elf, with an attack power of 2000. Using BoDR, you pay 300 life points to decrease the Elf's attack (and defense) by 300 points, leaving it at 1700, and thus too weak to survive fighting La Jinn. Dark Elf is destroyed, your monster survives and your opponent looses 100 LP. That's how BoDR works: you pay life points equal to the amount that you want to weaken your opponent's monsters when either they attack you or you attack them.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Early Jinzo rush = death to your opponent. Trap negation..staple it is. Three years of experience tell me that enough to know that. --; Volt Girl is a ho..notheless good for the deck. When Kaiba Structure comes out, your deck will be DDVD fodder(Crush Card Virus fodder) thus what Soul Reaper is for. There will be times when you won't get cards you need, which is where Soul Reaper comes in. He's also a good monster to tribute. Kuribou is the ultimate savior to duelists..if you d/l Apprentice I'd be glad to demonstrate how easily and how often I can break through your defenses. Cyber Pod, beatdowns best friend. You overload your field with monsters, you suddenly have monsters to sacrifice or go out on an all-out attack. If you don't run Imperial Order you lack magic AND trap negation since you hate APS as well..your deck'll be hurting. Nice base for your deck though. Overall not bad. 6/10. [/B][/QUOTE] Jinzo is a very powerful card. I know this. Staple? No. Beatdown staple? Probably. Kaiba Structure....I wish that it's release was close enough to be a threat. It's not here yet; I'll worry about it when it gets here. Cyber Jar....if the other guy's playing beatdown, which is likely when typeless beatdown is the dominant deck type over here, 50/50 odds are that my opponent will get a better set-up than I will. Besides, I don't like Flip-effects. They have never served me well. I don't have Imperial Order....so I can't even consider running it.... Considering that most decks I see...well, suck...I don't feel intimidated. Il'l just have to be sure not to duel you. You didn't answer my question, though. Soul of Purity and Light: any good?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]-1 Time Wizard, +1 Soul Reaper, you need tributes for Jackal Paladin, dark or not, Reaper is the ultimate staller. -2 Forgiving Maiden, +1 Kuribou, +1 Cyber Pod -1 Shining Abyss, +1 Jinzo(staple) +1 Magic Cylinder, +1 Waboku, -1 Royal Command, -1 Solemn Judgement -1 Seven Tools, -1 Jammer, +1 Imperial Order, +1 Heavy Storm -1 Lum. Spark, +1 Snatch Steal -1 Thunder Break(Rai Break), +1 Torrential Trib. [/B][/QUOTE] Soul Reaper would be a poor choice for this deck, because of it's strongest lvl. 4 monster, Thunder Nyan Nyan (although you probably know her by the Japanese name, Volt Girl). Soul Reaper, as a stall card, stays on the field an exceptionally long time, which would mean I couldn't play Volt Girl in that time. That would put me at a disadvantage. I've already stated my views on Kuriboh and Cyber Jar. However, in addition to keeping Royal Command, I've decided to drop the two Magicians of Faith, thus removing any dependance on flip effects. (Relying on flip effects has cost me several games, so I've decided to drop them. Besides, now RC won't backfire on me.) I'm considering replacing them with a pair of Neo the Magic Swordsman; however, I'm also going to experiment with Soul of Purity and Light. (Fiber Jar is really all that's keeping me from just adding her.) Don't have a Jinzo. (However, I'm not sure I'd call him a staple.) Heavy Storm, Magic Cylinder, Waboku, Snatch Steal, and Torrential Tribute are strong, but prevent me fron running better cards in their place. (Besides, they're quiet hard to find; I'm opptimistic in thinking I could even snag a Ring of Destruction. ^^; ) Imperial Order is very strong, and I would try to use it, but when it's in effect, my Luminous spark won't work. W/o the Lum Spark, most of my monsters loose a lot of points, and fall prey to Gemini Elfs, Goblins, and Bazoos. Lum. Spark is essential to this deck. Time Wizard is a very unreliable card; I'm aware of that. However, it's fun. I only use it when I'm loosing, anyway. BTW, what's your opinion on Soul of Purity and Light? At first I wanted to put it right in the deck, but Fiber Jar has proven to be very popular, and has made me wary of removing any monsters from play. However, I personally haven't actually played against a deck with Fiber Jar. Is it really that big a deal?
Well, the last time I worked on my light deck, it had Fusions, several tributes and some very odd magic cards. Also, there was no side deck to speak of. So, here I present my new Light deck, updated for PGD, streamlined, and with a few cards set up in the side deck. Tribute Monsters: Mystical Knight of Jackal Airknight Parshath Non-Tribute Monsters: Asura Priest Time Wizard Sinister Serpant Witch of the Black Forest Hysteric Fairy x3 Thunder Nyan Nyan x3 Forgiving Maiden x2 Magician of Faith x2 Shining Abyss x2 Traps: Mirror Force Seven Tools of the Bandit Royal Command Magic Jammer Regeki Burst Solemn Judgement Ring of Destruction (If I can find it ^^; ) Magic: Monster Reborn Regeki Dark Hole Harpie's Feather Duster Mystical Space Typhoon x3 Luminous Spark x3 Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Change of Heart United We Stand Mage Power Side Deck: Shield & Sword Reverse Trap (Anti-Bazoo, UWS, MP) Prohibition Swords of Revealing LIght Magic Reflector Spiritualism Miricle Dig Hand Destruction Soul of Purity and Light Exchange Book of Moon Convulsions of Nature DNA Surgery Spiritualism Giant Trunade
That was a photo taken from the set. You can probably guess what's going on in the scene...
This is my personal pet peeve, b/c HobGoblin is one of my favorite villians ever, so I don't mean to be rude, but I will be clear: [b] Harry Osborn was never and never should be the HobGoblin. Harry became the Green Goblin in his father's place. [spoiler]In the comics, he's dead. [/spoiler] [/b] The HobGoblin is a ruthless businessman named Roderick Kingsly, who found Norman's old notes abnd modified his equipment. If the movie makes Harry into the NobGoblin, I'll be majorly torqued, b/c Roderick Kingsly can beat Harry into the ground any day. Want more Goblin info? You might wantt o check the archieves of [url]www.spideykicksbutt.com.[/url] Good reading. Anywhoo, I have a new movie pic. Spidey saves a certain senior citizen.
The damage would go to you, b/c the monster is in your control.
Hey, what are the restrictions on the new cards going to be? I could see Hell Poemer being restricted... Are any of the new cards going to be on the restricted or semi-restricted list?
[spoiler] Well, we know for sure that there was a third Big type Megaduece; in the flashbacks to thirty years ago, there are three distinct robots shown: Big O, Big Duo, and a third robot. Hmmm....[/spoiler]
I am quite positive stereotyping goes on at my school, but i don't know what it is. I make a concious decision to ignore all social catagories so that I can remain unbiased when meeting new people. Granted, I'm anti-social, so I usually don't like the new people that I meet. But at least I hate them for the jerks that they are, not because of superficial social status. ("Superficial social status"...that sounded cool...I should write that down...)
I see; that is powerful. However, I'm naturally cautious when people tell me a new card is a staple. (I've been told, by experienced players, that Yata Garatsu is a staple, that Goblin Attack Force is a staple, that Injection Fairy Lily is a staple, Summoned Skull is a staple, etc. Apparently, some people cannot tell the difference between a strong card and a card that evey single deck can use. --;; )
Teacher: So, Yugi, where's your homework? Yugi: Uhh...my Kuriboh ate it.... Teacher: Yugi, you always say that! Yugi: But it's true! Yami Bakura: Ha ha, Yugi's in trouble! Teacher: I'm afraid it's detention for you. Report to the Shadow Realm after class today. *Yugi freaks out* :That Shadow Realm!?! No! You don't understand! Teacher: No buts! *Later, in the Shadow Realm Yugi: well, I guess it could be worse.... Hey! Yugi! *Yugi sees the Death Imitator, Panik, the Rare Hunter, Arkana, Strings, Lumis and all the other bad guys who've been sent to the Shadow Realm* Yugi: Uhhh...hi?
DeathBug took her hand and lead her across the dance fllor, over to the DJ's table. "Hey, deej," he said. Do me a favor and play whatever song this gal wants, okay? He tuirned back to Bandit. "What song do you want to dance to, ma'am?"