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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Tristen: Hey! Joey! Yugi1 Get over here! Major Mai/Tea catfight goin' down!! Bakura: Oh my! @_@
  2. Water decks don't have good cards? Hah! Legendary Fisherman, Suijin, Legendary Ocean, Tornado Wall, Aqua Wizard, Island Turtle, Penguin Soldier, Sinister Serpant, 7-Colored Fish, Giant Red Seasnake... And then mediocre cards... Humanoid Worm Drake, Crab Turtle, Umiikara, Aqua spirit, Undersea Warrior.... Water-decks are completely viable. :)
  3. Why wouldn't Cell be arrogant? I mean, the Z crew and Freeza were the toughest creatures in the universe, and Cell had al of their parts and more. Besides, if you look at it from his viewpoint, he had the abilities of all of his opponents, plus more. Perhaps if he were facing a previously unheard-of threat, like Buu, he would have been more cautious.
  4. I did not mean to offend. If you think the deck can't be improved, then you shouldn't have posted it. I just said what I would have done with that set of cards. If you want a more in-depth analysis and explanation: *I would only run two Goblins because of cards like Spear Dragon, Fairy Meteor Crush, Airknight and even Mad Sword Beast. *I wouldn't run Kuriboh at all because, in my experience, Kuriboh actually limits your total options. His effect only works if youy assume your opponent has done direct damage, and has the upper hand. He can't actually attack on his own, at least not effectivly. True, he can be used to block one monster, but if you wanted a weak defense monster, Sinister Serpant (j. Killer Snake) is a better choice, as he returns to your hand. *I'm very leary of using Cyber Pod, because it's almost always activated on your opponent's turn, and therefore your opponent will end up attacking first with his new monsters. If your opponent gets the same advantage you get, then it's not much of an advantage. When Cyber Pod was first released, he was much more powerful but with the release of other draw cards like Graceful Charity, I wouldn't use him as much. *I wouldn't use Giant Rat; I know he's to get Lily into your hand, but since the whole point of the deck is to rush the opponent, you'd be going through monsters very quickly anyway, and you also wouldn't leave your opponent with much time to get a monster on the field who could threaten you. *I wouldn't use Sangan, because I would drop most of the monsters that he could search for. *I wouldn't use Black Hole or Heavy Storm, but that's just my own personal preferance; with Tribute to the doomed, Harpie's Feather Duster, Regeki, Exiled Force (j. Initiate Troops) and Mystical Space Typhhon, I wouldn't bother to use a card who would also destroy my own monsters and Magic/traps. *I'd add Sinister Serpant, because of his recursion ability, and Fiber Jar, so you could retrieve you best c ards and continue the whoopilization. *If you use Nobleman of Extermination to wipe out the people who run 2/3 Wabokus, why run Waboku yourself and risk nutrilizing one of your own cards? *I'd use Graverobber, but I cant' give you any real scientific explanation; I just like to use it, and it always works for me.
  5. I myself wouldn't run so many Goblins, with Spear Dragons on the loose. Nor would I play Scapegoat; you only have one tribute monster, so getting a lot of monsters to the field isn't hard. I'd also swap out the Nobleman of Extermination for another N. of Crossout, and ditch Waboku for Royal Command. you only have one Flip-effect monster, so I don't think they would hurt you very much. I also wouldn't tell people your deck has no weaknesses....I did once, and all sorts of folks founds flaws in it....and I wasn't even playing them....
  6. I read the Spider-Man titles: Ultimate Spider-Man, Amazing spider-Man, the upcoming Spectacular Spider-Man, the new Venom series, Spider-Girl, and I'll probably read the new Kingpin series. However, I follow all of those except Spider-Girl by trade paperback; I find it easier and more cost-effective. I'm thinking of splurging and getting "Super Human", but I'll have to get Amazing Spider-Man vol. 4, The Life and Death of Spiders, first.
  7. My favorite American Cartoon is Invader Zim. "I shall rule you all with an iron fist! You! Obey the fist!" I also like the new TMNT, classic Simpsons, Adult Swim cartoons, and Cartoon Cartoons.
  8. I didn't read Ultimate War, because IMO, the more characters Miller uses, the less developed they are. So including the X-Men, the Ultimates *and* the Brotherhood (Toad's my favorite) would ensure that I probably wouldn't like the story. When you consider that Bendis writes two issues of Ultimate Spider-Man every month, and Bagley's drawn every issue, it really makes you wonder why the Ultimates doesn't come out on time. It's almost a quarterly book. At least in the past, quarterly books were double sized, but I just don't find myself willing to wait two and a half months for a 22-page story, especially when it's just part of a larger arc anyway. I'll pick up the paperback if I'm interested.
  9. Ultimates...eh. I've read "Super Human", but for some reason, they just don't click with me. The art is very well-done, and I thought Tony Stark was written to perfection, but...it just didn't click. (The fact that it's never published on time might be one of the reasons I'm not fond of it.) Ultimate X-Men had the coolest opening arc ever, but faltered a bit after that. After "Return to Weapon X," I stopped reading. I might have continued if Nightcrawler had joined the cast. My fave Ultimate title is, of course, Ultimate Spider-Man. Volume six, "Venom", blew me away. So...anyone looking forward to "Ultimate Six", featuring the Ultimate Sinister Six and a spidey/Ultimates crossover?
  10. I am a fan of Shonen Jump as well as American comics (specifically, Spider-Man and his three current spin-offs: Spider-Girl, Venom, and Kingpin.) I enjoy recieving SJ every month, and enjoy most of the manga inside. Specifically, I love Shamen King, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naturo and One Piece (in no particular order.) I like Yu Yu Hakusho, but not as much as the others. I am completely neutral on DBZ, and I don't like SandLand at all. However, I will not be renewing my subscription next year, because they're releasing all their mangas in paperback format, so i'd rather wait and buy thoses. (Incidentally, I'm also doing the same thing with the various Spider-Man titles I read.)
  11. "All right," Seth nodded, grinning. "Sorry, Toons, but the show is over. Hyozanryu, now!" Hyozanryu flapped it's wings and flew directly upwards, high into the air. At the same time, Seth deactivated his Imperial Order trap, allowing Magic cards to be used again. The Dimension Hole activated, pulling in Toon World and all the Toon monsters. The toons didn't even have time to react as they were sucked inside. The Dimension Hole closed, and the Toons were gone.
  12. I know I may regret this, but I'll give my opinion. First, I believe that people cannot choose a religion. In a sense, a religion chooses them. If you're confused, study a variety of religions, and one will jump out to you. You'll say, "Hey, that makes sense." Second, I'm a Christian, and I believe in the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, etc. However, I can't stand people bashing others because of their religion, nor can I stand people who try to convert others. I'll believe what I thinki s right, you believe what you think is right, and we'll know who was really right when we're dead. What bothers me is when people use religion as a substitute for independant thought. I do not think the Bible is %100 accurate, because it was written and translated by people, and people are flawed. I also do'nt think God is going to do everything for me. He helps those who help themselves. If I'm in a bind I'll ask Him for help, and I know He'll listen, but I'm never going to expect Him to do it for me. I'll try as hard as I can to accomplish my goals; once I've done all I can, it's in His hands. It is possible to be of a particular religion and not agree with everything that it preaches. I don't agree with the concept of converting others, because I think only the individual themselves can decide their faith. So, I don't follow the conversion concept. It's the same thing as when people of Catholic faiths believe that priests should marry, or that birth control is okay. I say, if God (or whatever diety you yourself believe in) didn't want us to think independantly, he wouldn't have let us in the first place. Just remember: even if you don't find a religion that suits you, you can subsrcibe to a philosiphy or dogma. In my opinion, the one dogma that can never go wrong is: "Treat others with the same kindness and courtesy as you yourself would want to recieve."
  13. Seth nodded. "Here's what we'll do. Activate the Dimension Hole, but first I'll activate this..." Seth held up a Trap Card. "Imperial Order!" "While Imperial Order's in effect, your magic card won't activate. When you're safely away, I'll recall Imperial Order, and the Dimension Hole will activate." Seth turned to his dragon. "Hyozanryo, this will take some timing... Go to Toon World!" Hyozanryu nodded and slowly flew to the storybook castle. The toons, still captivated with the shining dragon, followed. "Okay," Seth said. "As soon as you set your magic card Dimension Hole, I'll recall Hyozanryo and Imperial Order." He glanced to Kuske. "You ready?"
  14. I'd suggest a different deck from Gouf. I'm assuming you only want Fiend monsters, so that's all I'll use. Tribute Monsters: Summoned Skull Dark Ruler Ha Des Dark Necrofear Non-fusion Monsters: La Jin La Jin La Jin Opticlops Opticlops Opticlops Skull Knight #2 Skull Knight #2 Winged Minion Winged Minion Twin Headed Wolf Twin Headed Wolf Possessed Dark Soul Possessed Dark Soul Earthbound Spirit Earthbound Spirit Kuriboh (Every Fiend deck should have a Summoned Skull. Winged Minion acts as a power-up monsters. Only one Kuriboh is really needed. Skull Knight #2 gets you two summons for the price of one. Twin Headed Wolf takes out Flip-effects, and Possesed Dark Soul is nifty.) Traps: Mirror Force Magic Jammer Magic Jammer Seven Tools of the Bandit Seven Tools of the Bandit Light of Intervention Call of the Haunted (Rather generic traps. Alter to suit your own tastes) Magic: Monster Reborn Regeki Change of Heart Dark Hole Graceful Charity Swords of Revealing Light Pot of Greed Harpie's Feather Duster Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon Mystic Plasma Zone Mystic Plasma zone Tribute to the Doomed (Also, generic magics. Alter to suit your own style) Hope that helps you out. Gouf's wasn't bad, but it was a bit out-of-balance.
  15. Seth snickered, slightly. He snapped his fingers, and NeoDevimon leapt to his feet. "Very good, NeoDevimon. Just like we planned. This idiot now thinks we're no match for him. In addition, we now know his Digimon's attack techniques. In the future, we will crush him." Seth walked away. "Come along."
  16. NeoDevimon leapt into the air and slashed his claws at KappaDramon. "You lost your chance to run, tamer," Seth sneered. "Now, you're only way out is to kill myself and NeoDevimon. I doubt you can." NeoDevimon snarled. "Stun Claw!" he cried as his claws raked Kappadramon.
  17. Seth siezed up this new intruder. "Another weak tamer? The admissions standards of this world must have gone down the tubes..." He snapped his fingers, and NeoDevimon landed at his side. "Girl, I do'nt know who you are, but this is none of your concern. Leave now, or you may not like the outcome. NeoDevimon could profit very well from absorbing the data of a tamer's Digimon."
  18. OOC: Stun Claw: A claw attack that uses a poison to stun the enemy Guilty Claw: A very sharp claw attack charged with dark energy. Deep sorrow: ?? IC: Confident he'd lost his tail,Seth had NeoDevimon land at a Stingmon village. Seth stood back and watched as NeoDevimon used his new speed and powers to wipe the village off of the map. "One by one, all the weak Digimon are destroyed," he said to himself. "Soon, this world will be purified, and only the strongest Digimon will be left."
  19. OOC: NeoDevimon has three attacks: *Stun Claw *Guilty Claw *Deep Sorrow (I have no idea what this does, but I'll use it once I figure it out) IC: Seth sighed. "This is a waste of my time. I don't care who you are or why you keep following me. I don't need to bother with you; I already know NeoDevimon can handle any powers your Digimon may posess. I have Digimon villages to elimnate; I must go. Do not follow me." NeoDevimon picked up his tamer and flew into the air.
  20. Seth glared at this upstart. Who did he think he was? His strategy seemed to be to show up when they had just completed a battle; he obviously feared attacking them at full strength, and with good reason. On the other hand, there were possibilities he could exploit if this tamer would play along. If not, he could have NeoDevimon kill him at any time he wished. "NeoDevimon, on second thought, belay that order. Stand down." NeoDevimon landed next to Seth. Seth scoffed. "Your tactics are pathetic, tamer. Attacking after my Digimon is recovering from a battle? Your Digimon must be pitiful if that's all he can manage. However, I have no interest in you at this time. If you have any true business with me, spit it out. If you're just wasting my time, kindly leave."
  21. How about sound bytes? Like, every time you go to the Yu-Gi-Oh forum, Yami says "It's time to duel", or every time you go to the DBZ forum, Goku yells "Kamehameha", or some such thing.
  22. As the Terriermon village burned to the ground, Seth watched as Devimon killed the last of the Gargomon. Suddenly, the village's protector, Rapidmon, emerged. Furious, he charged Devimon with unbelievable speed. "Kill him, Devimon!" Seth commanded. "Kill him and take his data! If you are as fast as he is, you'll be able to defeat Maurimon." Nodding, Devimon plunged his claws into the Rapidmon, destroying him. He uploaded the data. Bakemon and Soulmon nodded. "Good job, boss. Has he Digivolved yet?" Seth shook his head. "A Digimon with as much untapped power as mine requires a lot of data to Digivolve. Now that he's got the speed of the fastest Digimon in the Digital World, I want to give him something else." "What?" "The ability to shapeshift." Seth snapped his fingers, and Devimon landed in front of Soulmon and Bakemon. "Touch of Evil!" he cried, attacking the two ghosts. They were destroyed instantly, and he loaded their data. "Good job, Devimon. Now, Digivolve." Devimon nodded. "Devimon, Matrix Digivolve to...NeoDevimon!" Seth smiled at the new creature. "Well, now, it is time to eliminate a potential problem, isn't it? I am confident your new form will be able to destroy Maurimon."
  23. Seth didn't follow the others. Instead, he approached some of the Toons. "If Toons are so bloody dangerous, why would you attack them if you could avoid it? Just because you don't know how to solve things peacefully doesn't mean that I can't. Toons are childish and simple-minded. They're easy to control." He drew a monster card from his deck. "I summon the light dragon Hyozanryu!" The dragon appeared in front of Seth as he continued. "This dragon was formed from the heart of a giant diamond. So, when sunlight shines through it..." As the sun's rays hit Hyozanryu's wings, it created a beautiful sparkling effect. Several of the Toons stopped fooling around and watched, captivated. "Now, if I lead Hyozanryu out of the town, the Toons will follow. See? No one got hurt."
  24. Seth stepped forward. "Hold up. Do we really want to destroy the Toons? I mean, they're causing trouble, sure, but it's really not their fault. They're not malicious, they're just out of place. Shouldn't we try to get them to leave before we up and wipe the buggers out?"
  25. It's a good thing Bra doesn't have her mother's temper, or a broken nail or dropped shopping bag *would* be a good enough incentive to go super saiyan. ;)
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