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Everything posted by DeathBug
As a guy, I resent whatever implication was just made. I don't know what they were, but I'm sure they were there. You know, I could invite my girlfriend over here....then we'd have at least one couple. But I'm not sure if I want to crush the hopes and dreams of all the Otaku girls who thought I was availible....
Yamata Dragon: Yes, it works the way you think it will. However, I wouldn't ever play it in defense mode anyway. Thunder Nyan Nyan: Face-down cards would not affect it until they're flipped face up. *However*, even if the monster is destroyed as soon as it's flipped, Thunder Nyan Nyan is destroyed. If the monster is destropyed without being flipped, TNN survives.
10 Tybalt stumbled through the shadows, his chest still burning from the Sol system?s blast. He hadn?t had any time to prepare himself for the impact, and being tossed through a window like a common street brawler not only hurt his pride, but also disoriented him greatly. He would, he knew, have to get back to where he had hidden his ship, but he doubted he was in a condition to glide there. He stopped and observed himself in a small window. Closing his eyes, he felt his features rearrange in response to his thoughts. His wings completely retracted into his back, and his tail was sucked back into his body like a slurped noodle. When he opened his eyes again, he was a defenseless-looking middle-aged human male. Granted, he still had no shirt, and his injuries still hurt, but at least he wasn?t instantly noticeable as an out-of-towner. He continued his trek through the streets, soon coming across a young man in a hooded sweatshirt. Tybalt had never seen him before, so he had no way to recognize him as Tyler Stevens. Stevens had ditched his drinking buddies after Brooks? ignoble thrashing at Simon?s hands, and, still slightly drunk, was looking for a little ?fun? of a less-than-legal nature. Tyler could never tell his friends about his extra-curricular activities, especially not Brooks. Tyler couldn?t tell his friends lots of things, like who it was who trashed Brooks car with a crowbar last spring, or who lit the school?s auditorium on fire. Tyler was a very angry young man, with very violent tendencies, tendencies he kept hidden from most of the world. The most interesting aspect of this character was an unspoken resentment of those around him; being forced to keep his rage inside allowed it to fester, so whenever it surfaced, the results were very unfortunate. Tybalt knew none of this, and thought he could simply pass the young human male with no trouble. That was not to be. ?What happened to your shirt, pops?? Stevens asked nastily. ?I lost it,? Tybalt said simply, trying to pass. Stevens stepped in his way. ?Well, ain?t that too bad? Get ready to loose something else!? Stevens pulled a knife out of his sweatshirt. ?Give me your wallet, or I?ll slice you like an onion!? ?I have no wallet. Do not try me, delinquent,? Tybalt said, once again simply. ?You can leave right now; I won?t stop you.? ?Maybe you don?t get what?s going on, gramps,? Stevens sneered. ?If I don?t get any money, I at least get a good time!? He lunged towards Tybalt?s chest. Tybalt sighed as he grabbed Stevens? wrist. The knife stopped centimeters from Tybalt?s chest. Still holding his assailant?s wrist, Tybalt tossed him over his shoulders. Tyler landed with a small thud a few yards away. ?You bastard!? Stevens swore as he charged Tybalt?s back. Tybalt turned around swiftly and kicked the mugger upside the head. His heel connected with Stevens? right temple, effectively ending any chance of a continued assault. Stevens fell to the ground, unconscious. Deciding that there might be dangers in continuing in easy view of the public, Tybalt began to move among the shadows again. Against his better judgment, he crawled up a ladder leading to the top of a two-story building. He hopped among the rooftops for about five minutes, until he startled a flock of pigeons. They flew towards him, preventing him from landing on the next rooftop. Making a quick correction to his course, Tybalt positioned himself to land on a Terran watercraft parked in front of a small building. However, one final bird hit him square in the face; his missed the boat by inches and landed on the grass with an unceremonious thump. This is a tad bit humiliating, he thought. Suddenly, a door opened from the building in front of him. A young human female came out. ?What?s that sound? I- Oh, my! Sir, are you okay?? Tybalt decided to tell half the truth, anyway. ?I?I was mugged?I?m not sure where I am?? ?Oh, come with me, sir. I?ll get you fixed up. Let?s go inside.? ?Thank you, ma?am,? he said, getting to his feet and allowing her to lead him inside. She set him down and got him a blanket and some water. ?You?re very kind,? Tybalt commented, earnestly. She was the nicest human he?d met yet. ?I didn?t catch your name.? ?Oh, it?s Susan,? she said, getting him some soup. ?Susan Hawkins. Here.? She handed him a cup of soup. ?This is supposed to be for the residents of the shelter, but we can spare a little.? ?Thank you,? he said, sipping the soup. He really had to leave, but first he would finish his soup. He examined the girl, and a new thought occurred to him: she was about the same age as the human male who hosted the Sol system. What was his name?Simon, that was it. ?Tell me,? he said. ?Where?s the nearest school?? Susan looked puzzled by the question. ?Uh, well, the high school I attended is across town, you know, Washington High. The nearest elementary school is?? ?I must go,? Tybalt said, standing quickly. ?I thank you for your hospitality.? ?Wait, are you sure? I can call a cab?it?s not safe?? ?I?ll be fine.? He went out the door quickly, and by the time Susan got through the door, he was gone. ?Weird?? she muttered, closing the door. What a charming human, Tybalt thought as he arrived to the scrap yard he?d hidden his ship in. It?s always nice to deal with a being that doesn?t want to fight you or take something from you. He lifted aside a dismantled Chevy to reveal his ship. It was completely covered with other vehicles in various stages of deterioration. Should it be discovered, it was programmed to automatically fly itself to a secondary location. Tybalt felt secure. Entering the ship, he let his features return to normal. Towards the rear of the small ship was a nutrient bath. He took off his clothes and lowered himself inside, allowing the chemicals to flow over him and speed the healing of his wounds. He pressed a small button on the side of the bath, and a potable computer consol was released from the ceiling within his reach. Sighing, he began to type in his report, which was instantly transmitted to his father, untold parsecs away. So you didn?t retrieve the Sol system yet? The reply came back. ?No, father,? Tybalt said as he typed. ?There were unexpected difficulties. It bonded to a native of the planet.? You?ll have to kill him, then. ?I know, Sir. However, it may take time. I only have one bit of information on how to find him; I might know where he attends school. I?ll have to investigate, of course.? How hard could it be to find him? How many inhabitants are there on this planet? ?At least six billion.? And they?re standard humanoids? ?Yes. Class Beta-type humanoids.? There was a delay on the line, as though his father was pondering something. Finally: You know, adding a planet of six billion Beta-humanoids to my empire would give me enough power to crush the military forces poised against me. This got Tybalt?s attention. ?Father, unless something has changed drastically since I left, we don?t have the resources to defend the current assault on our home base and conquer a new planet.? I don?t plan to defend this base any longer. I believe now is the best time to relocate. This Earth-planet would be the perfect base of my Empire, especially with six billion new slaves. I?m going to ready the fleet to move out. ?What shall I do?? Study the planet; learn more about it. I?m putting the retrieval of the Sol system as a secondary objective. After all, once I control the planet, I can find the scuzball at my leisure. Do you understand? ?Yes, sir. Tybalt, signing out.? Tybalt sunk deeper into the nutrient bath and mused thoughtfully. _____________ Well, that's all I wrote so far. What's everyone think? Anything you like/dislike? Any character strike you as cool? Just give me your thoughts.
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
DeathBug replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I would pretty much be the worst President ever...but its not my fault, you guys voted me into office :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That is completely and absolutly hilarious.....You seem to have an ideal grasp of politics. ^_^ -
Pegasus: Are you boys playing nicely together? Do you want some cookies and lemonade? Bandit Kieth: You'll pay for this, Pegasus! No one makes a fool of me like this!.....can I have some lemonade? Kaiba, in the background: I want some lemonade too! Please?
If I could be the President of the United States for just one day
DeathBug replied to Phantom's topic in General Discussion
I'd give the Northern states smaller names to make it easier for map-makers to get them in. (A huge state like Texas has a small name, but the smallest state in the Union is Rhode Island? That's strange..) I would not give tax cuts to the poor because it's impossible; if you're below a certain income bracket, you don't have to pay taxes. I would keep "In God We Trust" on currency out of respect to the Founding Fathers who put it there. However, I would take "Under God" out of the pledge because that was added during the Cold War. I'd make fun of MTV, just because.... I'd tell off France. I'd keep KnightoftheRose and Crimson Spider the hell away from politics. (You can't just go kiling people, guys.) I'd withdraw US Forces from anywhere they're not wanted. Why risk American soldiers if all the people in those countries do is whine about them? I'd install a table hockey game in the oval office. I'd increase our diplomatic ties with Japan, so we can get more anime. I'd mess everything up and be impeached by the end of the week. Then again, if I got elected in the first place, there's something wrong. The electorial system is supposed to keep people like me *out* of the white House. -
Well, this time around, the winner is.... Masterdramon! Tristan: Must keep playing Candyland... Yugi: But Tristan, it's 3:30 A.M.! Runner-up is Solo. Okay, Masterdramon, post the next pic. :)
9 Simon yelled out an indiscernible yowl when Tybalt lunged at him. He stumbled backwards, barely avoiding his opponent?s thrust. Don?t panic, Simon, he told himself. This is your life now. This is what you have to deal with. You can get out of here alive. Just focus? He fell backwards and shoved his feet into Tybalt?s chest. Grabbing Tybalt by the wrists, he tossed the fighter over himself, and then got to his feet. Discerningly, Tybalt easily landed on his feet. ?Interesting,? he said. ?Your reflexes are far too fast for a creature of your strength level and muscle ratio. The Sol system has already markedly enhanced you, after less than an hour. It?s a very worthy prize.? ?Yeah, well, if it were up to me, you could just have the damn thing,? Simon snapped. ?I sure didn?t want it!? ?We must play with the hand life has provided us,? Tybalt sneered, forming a new plasma blade. ?That?s easy to say when you?re not the one who needs to die- watch out!? Simon ducked down quickly to avoid Tybalt?s next attack. The demonic-looking warrior could spar with the best of them, and Simon certainly wasn?t the best. ?Flippant, aren?t we? I would meet my own execution with more dignity, but to each their own?? Simon hatched a new plan: run like hell. He made it about ten feet before he felt the impact to his back knock him to the ground. Tybalt had leapt after him and executed a perfect flying kick. ?Executed? sounded like poor word choice to Simon, but he had more pressing concerns. Tybalt raised his plasma sword high, and then plunged it towards Simon?s chest. Simon used his metallic right arm to try and block the blow, but Tybalt kept pressing harder. Simon was slowly but surely loosing ground. ??And the rest is silence?? Tybalt muttered, sure of his victory. ?Go @#$%^ yourself?? Simon shot back. Tybalt snickered at his foe?s tenacity, but something caught his eye. Suddenly, he whipped his left hand out, intercepting Von?s staff. The reptilian pilot had tried to attack while Tybalt was preoccupied, but he wasn?t fast enough. ?Oops?? the lizard muttered. ?You could have left; I had no further use for your tracking device,? Tybalt said, irritated. ?Yet you interfered again. I can?t comprehend your motivations.? ?He helped us?? Von explained shakily. ?I wasn?t going to sit there and let you kill him?? ?Noble, but stupid?? Tybalt sneered. Simon, however, took his opening. While Tybalt was distracted, he kicked at his feet, trying to knock him off balance. It didn?t work. Tybalt held fast. ?Opportunistic, aren?t you?? Tybalt lifted Von into the air by his staff, and then tossed him into a nearby building. ?There. Now, if there are no further interruptions?? ?There will be!? Rena?s voice called out. She charged Tybalt from behind, shoving him off of Simon and smashing his face into the concrete. She lifted his face up and began to slam it into the sidewalk repeatedly. ?You think?you could ignore?a warrior of the?Ichnet Clan?? she demanded as she pummeled his head. ?You will?be lucky?if I let?you escape with?all of your teeth!? ?I take it you overcame the gas?? Tybalt muttered. Flipping around suddenly, he backhanded Rena off of him. ?Well, things just keep getting more complicated. It?s time to simplify the problem!? He formed a plasma dagger and shoved it to the back of Rena?s neck. Still slightly disoriented, there was no way she could turn around in time to block him. Simon saw all this, and was filled with a desire to help her. Desire and action are two different things, however; he was too far away to get there in time. He held up his right hand, the palm open. It was as if he expected his mere motion to stop Tybalt. The urge to get him away from her was predominate in his mind, which explains what happens next. The entire part of his arm that the metallic Sol system covered began to feel warm and tingly, as though it had put on a sweater on a dry morning. His fingertips began to glow, and a strange orange ball of energy formed at the center of his palm. It grew in size until it was as large as volleyball; then, it was launched at the target with astounding speed. This all happened in less than a second, so Tybalt had time only to glance at the approaching attack. Just before his dagger could pierce Rena?s skin, the energy connected. It burned into Tybalt?s muscular torso, which was still sore and shirtless from Simon?s antics with the flare gun earlier. The burning sensation, however, was nothing compared to the concussive impact: he was thrown off of Rena and sent crashing through the front window of a dingy five-and-dime. Simon was in shock, as was Von. Von, however, had a goofy grin on his face, like a child seeing a new toy. ?That?s it?? he whispered, the mechanic in him fascinated beyond description. ?That?s the power of the Sol system?? Police sirens in the background quickly brought the pair out of their daze. Tybalt got to his feet and swore. ?Scuz?it?s too early in the mission to involve local authorities?it might be prudent to make myself scarce for now?? He leapt into nearby shadows, and seemed to disappear. Simon didn?t notice this as he rushed to Rena?s side. ?Hey, Kit-Kat, you still with us?? She got to her feet as though nothing had happened. ?Sol being, what do those sirens indicate?? ?Uh, my name is ?Simon?, and that?s? the police. We should leave?? ?Very well. Von! Are you okay?? ?I?m fine?how are you two?? ?Tolerable. Come on, we?re leaving.? ?Jeez,? Simon muttered. ?Who died and made you queen? Come on, we got rid of Tybalt!? ?Are you really so dense?? She asked indignantly as they fled. ?Tybalt has merely experienced a setback. He won?t give up until he has the system, and he has much more cunning methods of getting it. Need I remind you that you have to die for him to get it?? ?You mean it?s not over?? Simon panted, crestfallen. Behind him, Von shook his head. ?Over?? Rena scoffed. ?Sol being, it?s barely begun!?
8 From his wrists to his mid-forearms, Tybalt had a pair of cybernetic cup-links under his skin. They were tiny field generators, with tiny wires that ran up the length of his arm to a component nudged into his neo cortex. They produced, according to his mental whims, green, translucent force fields, the types a science fiction write would dream of. Tybalt used them to create a variety of plasma weapons, usually blades. He could also produce shields or daggers. The daggers could be tossed, but they lost cohesion about ten feet away from his wrists and disseminated harmlessly. Von was not ten feet away, however, so the green, translucent plasma daggers Tybalt tossed were real and very deadly. He skittered, lizard-like, up the wall of a nearby building, then leapt over Tybalt in an attempt to get out of range. It didn?t work. ?Just give me the tracking device,? Tybalt said calmly. ?I don?t have to kill you, you understand. However, you may force my hand if you?re not careful.? ?N..no?? Von stammered, scared out of his bloody wits. ?Rena told me to keep it away from you. You?re just going to take the Sol system to your crazy father!? Tybalt didn?t like that. ?My father is the greatest warrior in the galaxy! I could train my whole life to achieve half his skills! I will not let you defile his name!? Forming a sharp-edged plasma blade on his left arm, Tybalt struck at Von?s chest. Von, however, was not unarmed. He had an expandable staff hidden on his person. He had quickly whipped it out and extended it while Tybalt was ranting. The staff had a sharp, distinctive barb on the end; it was the trademark weapon of Von?s people, and he had trained with it since he was a hatchling. He brought it up to block Tybalt?s blow, but the black warrior?s strength was overpowering his defenses. Tybalt suddenly ceased his attack and gasped in surprise. A sharp pain shot through his shoulder; Rena?s claws suddenly pulled out of his skin, dripping with his blood. ?I thought you incapacitated, Mistress Rena,? Tybalt said. ?I forgot to take your tenacity and stubbornness into account.? ?It will take more than you stupid smoke bombs to defeat a warrior of the Ichnet clan,? Rena sneered, trying to appear defiant. In fact, the gas Tybalt had used was working in full effect; her stance was unstable. She was physically unprepared to fight, but one thing a gas can?t counteract is personality. Rena was drugged up, but she was also too stubborn to let something like that stop her. ?Very well,? Tybalt said. ?Your funeral.? Simon raced through the streets, looking for Rena and Von. He turned a corner and ran smack-dap into a person running equally fast in the opposite direction. They fell to the ground. ?Hey!? Simon swore. ?What?s up? Where?s the fire, hotshot?? The man quickly got to his feet. ?Kid, don?t go that way! There?s some sort of freaky gang war or something going on back there!? ?Wait, what?? ?Yeah, there?s a big fight. And these guys look?weird. Like circus freaks or something. I?m getting the cops!? The man raced away, presumably to alert the authorities. Circus freaks? Simon thought. You don?t suppose?aww, of course it?s them. Who else would it be? Sounds like they found that Tybalt guy?great? Simon got up and ran to the source of the panic. Tybalt grabbed Rena?s arms and easily tossed her over his head. She landed with an unceremonious thump, making Von wince. Taking his opening, he leapt towards Tybalt, but the more experienced fighter easily dodged his clumsy attack. ?I hadn?t wanted to take the route of a common blackmailing thug,? Tybalt said. ?However, you leave me no choice. Here are my terms: you give me the tracker to find the Sol system, or I kill Mistress Rena right in front of you. It?s a simple proposition.? To emphasize his point, Tybalt grabbed Rena by the back of the neck and form a plasma blade close to her throat. ?She?s strong, but in her current state is far too disoriented to stop me.? ?Von?don?t let him have it?? Rena gasped, still in pain from the impact. ?I?I don?t know?? Von was in way over his head. ?Look, it?s simple: I will kill her, and then take the tracker device from you anyway, and the sol system will still be presented to my father. The only difference is that Mistress Rena will be dead. Do you want that?? Von took the silver rectangular box that was the tracker for the sol system out of his suit?s pocket. He glanced at it, then to Rena, then to Tybalt. He had no idea what to do. Tybalt sighed impatiently. ?Listen, just give me the tracker. This isn?t some epic story; no deus ex machine, no hero to come in and save you- AGGHH!? There was a violent impact on Tybalt?s back, and suddenly his entire torso burst into flames. Howling in pain, he released Rena and frantically tore his burning shirt off. ?Who?? He turned and saw a native of the planet. ?Who are you?? he demanded. Simon was nervous now. That guy had shrugged off a flare to his back. ?Uh?I?m Simon?and I was kind of hoping that the flare would stop you?? Suddenly, the tracker in Von?s hands began to beep violently. Tybalt glanced at it and then at Simon. He easily put two and two together. ?Oh, I get it. The Sol system activated prematurely and bonded to you.? ?Yup,? Simon sneered. ?And they told me it bonds for life. So you might as well leave right now, because you can?t get it anymore.? ?Oh, I think I can. I don?t even need the tracker anymore. I?ll just relieve you of the system myself. I?m sorry for the inconvenience it will cause.? Simon dropped the flare gun and backed away slowly. ?Hey, wait?they told me it bonds to a host for life?? ?Correct. The operative term is ?life?,? Tybalt said. He formed a plasma blade on his right arm and charged at Simon with astonishing speed. ?It?s nothing personal, but you have to die now!?
.......Anyone should go out with me. Anyone at all. Well, any girl. ...................................You won't be turned down, ladies; I have no standards whatsoever. *Needs a life*
Okay. Here we go: Name: Seth (last name unknown) Age: 15 Gender: Male Digimon: Impmon Evolution chain: Impmon->Devimon->NeoDevimon->Beelzemon Appearance: Has black hair and red eyes, and a scar on the left side of his face. Waers entirly black clothing with a black jacket. His t-shirt has the Egytian characters for his name on the front. Has silver stracks in his hair. Soul: Darkness History: Seth's family was killed in a car wreck, with himself as the only survivor. He closed himself off emotionally from the world and decded that his family perished because they were too weak to survive the accident. He entered the Digital World and met his partner, Impmon. Deciding that weakness should be eliminated, he now uses Impmon's powers to destroy everything in the Digital World. According to Seth's philosiphy, anything that cannot save itself or defeat Devimon is too weak to continue living. Seth has two minions, Bakemon and Soulmon. They are very dumb, and their only skill is DNA-Digivolving to Mummymon...who is still pretty dumb.
In my mind, a good villain (Oxymoron alert!) should not simply be evil. tHey should have a clear, understandable motivation. Also, they should be capable at what they do. When you have a relatable villain who is very skilled, it creates a sort of tradgedy within their character. I reference Magneto from the X-Men. He's a brilliant man, and, to some people, likeable. Yet he chooses a dark path when he could do so much good. He could be anything, but he's a criminal. That's kind of sad. A good villain shouldn't put up with backstabbing lackies. i hate backstabbing lackies. On the other hand, a good villain won't kill his lackies for minor reasons. As for personality, that's a personal taste.
I'd like to be a villain, if that's okay. :demon: Are there any special requirments for villains?
Can you believe I wasn't picked up for Otaku Idol with that kind of talent? The new pic: [IMG]http://www.theotaku.com/yugioh/pictures/018/image_002.jpg[/IMG]
Aww, what the heck...I'm goi'n for it... *The Yugi Bunch: A Caption in Song* Inspired by that purty picture up yonder To the tune of the Brady Bunch theme "This is the story Of a boy named Yugi Who believed that the cards had a heart, He was helped by the spirit in the puzzle, His friends were never apart. This is the story Of a boy named Kaiba, Who was busy with a company of his own, Except for three dragons and his little brother, He was all alone. But then one day when Yugi dueled Kaiba, Yami knew that it was much more than a hunch That this group must somehow save the world, That's the way they all became the Yugi Bunch. The Yugi bunch, the Yugi bunch, That's the way they became the Yugi bunch!!"
7 Simon was in the bad section of town, but he still didn?t care. He was confused and disoriented, and really not sure what he was doing. The events of the last half hour kept swirling in his mind. None of it made any sense! He ran past a homeless shelter, and then stopped cold. He listened again, and verified his suspicions: it was Her! Susan was inside the shelter. He was confused, of course, but he needed to talk to her. He needed to talk to somebody, anybody, and he knew she would listen. He wondered into the shelter, hiding his right arm under his jacket. The first thing he noticed was that it smelled like people. It smelled like huddled masses of people. It wasn?t an unpleasant smell; in fact, after all of the strange, alien things Simon had experienced, it was rather comforting. There was a dingy hallway, and Simon followed it towards the source of Susan?s voice. As he got closer to the partially opened door at the end, he realized She was laughing. Simon grinned; he loved to hear Her laugh. He peered through the door; it opened into a cafeteria. Behind the buffet line, Susan was one of the people serving food to the homeless patrons waiting patiently in line. Perhaps Simon was biased, but Susan seemed to be the most cheery, pleasant person in the serving line. She greeted each person with a hearty smile, and asked how they were. She seemed to know many of them by name, and took to the task with a zest all Her own. Oh my God, Simon realized. This is what She had to do. This is why She couldn?t go out with me. Good Lord, She?s amazing? Susan finished serving Her last patron, and took off Her hairnet and gloves. ?I?m going to take a break for a few minutes, Tony,? She told the man apparently named Tony; he had a look that suggested he was in charge of the place. ?Sure, Suzie,? he said, grinning. ?Go check on the boat, can you?? ?Sure.? As She walked away, She saw Simon in the doorway. ?Simon? What are you doing here?? Busted, Simon thought. Best to tell the partial truth. ?Well, I was walking by, you know, just walking, and I thought I heard you, so I came, and, well, here you are?? She smiled, showing those perfect teeth again. ?Yep, here I am. My church group volunteers here every week, and I always show up. Tomorrow, we?re taking some of the people in the shelter on a fishing trip. Do you want to come with me and see the boat?? ?Okay.? He followed Her out back, where a respectable fishing boat was waiting. ?Nice boat.? ?Yep. It?s Tony?s. He lets us use it for the fishing trips. Sometimes, it?s the only fun the people in the shelter get. It?s really rewarding.? Simon snickered while at the same time making sure his jacket covered his metallic right hand. ?I should have known you?d be involved in things like this.? ?We have to help those in need, Simon,? She said. ??There but for the grace of God go I?.? Simon sighed. ?Sometimes I think God forgot about me.? ?Don?t ever say that, Simon. God has a plan for everyone. I just know you?re destined for something important.? ?You?re just saying that. I mean, come on, what would I do?? ?Well, all you really need to do is to live the best way you can.? ?How?? ?I?m not sure?when it comes to the Bible, there?s a lot of debate on that part. The one thing I know for sure is that you always need to help others, no matter what. That?s what I?ve dedicated my life to doing.? Simon thought for a second, regarding Rena and Von. ?Hey, hypothetically, if you?ve got someone who needs help, but to help them would really complicate things on your end, should you do it?? ?Absolutely. Think about it; you might be the only one who can help out.? ?I didn?t realize it was so cut and dry?? ?Simon,? She looked into his eyes, and his heart skipped a beat. ?If you have the opportunity to help anyone, in anyway, it?s your responsibility to do so. That?s why I?m going to be a missionary when I graduate college. I?ll be able to help people all over the world.? ?A missionary?? ?Do you think that?s stupid?? ?No way.? He flashed a smile. ?In fact, I think you?d be the best damn missionary ever.? ?Thanks, but please watch the language.? ?Sorry.? She checked Her watch. ?I?ve got to go back. Are you going to be okay with you hypothetical problem?? Simon considered for a moment. ?Yeah, I think I am. Thank you.? She turned, then stopped and turned back. ?See? You needed help and I gave it to you. That wasn?t so bad.? She grinned. Simon snickered. ?All right, I get the idea. I?m gonna? book. See you Monday.? ?Bye.? As she went back inside, Simon climbed into the boat. If he was going to help Rena and Von, he wanted to be cautious; that Tybalt guy sounded dangerous. He checked underneath a floorboard of the boat, and found a pair of emergency kits. He opened one up. Perfect. It had a flare gun. Simon mentally acknowledged what a strange weapon of opportunity a flare gun was, but if worst came to worst, he?d probably need it. He hid it under the folds of his jacket and hopped off the boat. Now, he thought, time to find those two again. Man, is Susan persuasive or what? Hope they?re not getting into any trouble.
Name: Seth Adams Age: 16 Desired Duel monster: Giltia the Dragon Knight Deck Type: Light Bio: Seth is British, and one of Europe's top duelists. Despite this, he is very anti-social. He always dresses in black and stays by himself. In contrast to his dark appearance, his deck is full of Light monsters, and the card he most identifies with is a Light-attribute warrior. Seth duels to be the best, and now wishes to be the best in a new type of challenge.
Huh...probably "Basket Case", by Green Day. It captures the right tone of humor and irreverance, but also a bit of regret. That's me.
Well, confession time: I acceidentally left off part of chapter five. ^^; My bad. Anyway, I'll be posting that, along with chapter six. I'd ask for comments, but so far it seems that only Rokas is reading. Thus, this chapter is dedicated to Rokas, for paying attention. The predator ship touched down on Earth, and the pilot stretched his muscles. His quarry was within a two-mile radius; he would soon find them, retrieve the artifact, and return to the home base. Anything that interfered would be dealt with appropriately. It was a simple mission. 6 ??I totally don?t believe this?? Simon muttered. He really didn?t; already he was theorizing that he?d gotten hit on the head somewhere along in his day and was hallucinating furiously. Maybe if he were lucky, that grade he?d gotten on his math test would be a hallucination, too. ?I assure you, this is real,? the female alien said authoritatively. She had the tone of one that was used to being obeyed. ?It is very important that you cooperate.? ?Please?? the short male alien added. He had the tone of one used to receiving orders. It was an interesting dynamic. ?No, see, this is all in my head. I?m high or something. I didn?t think I was the type to use drugs, but apparently I was, ?cuz here we are?me and my hallucinations?? The female alien snorted in disgusted and backhanded Simon across the head. ?Are you awake now?? ?Ack! What the hell was that for? ET would never do that!? ?I told you, we don?t have time to waste! Now come with us!? ?No way! First, you tell me who you are and what you want! Then you tell me everything you know about this!? He gestured to his metallic right forearm. ?First, let?s?? the male alien began, but the female cut him off with a gesture. ?No, he?s right. He deserves to understand the situation before becoming involved any further.? Simon nodded. ?That?s the first thing you?ve said that makes sense. Start from the beginning. Who are you?? ?I am Mistress Rena of the Ichnet Clan,? she said, somewhat haughtily. ?This is my pilot and ship?s mechanic, Von Drazil.? ?Hi,? the alien now known as Von said meekly. ?We were shot down over your planet by a pursuing warrior,? Rena continued. ?His name is Tybalt. He is the son of a rogue warlord known as Natas. Natas has amassed a very respectful empire; however, he is a cruel, maniacal creature who has violated galactic peace laws without remorse, waging war on peaceful planets in violation of previous charters. He is currently the single most hostile force in the galaxy.? ?Wait, Natas is the most hostile, or his son?? Simon asked, confused. ?Natas. Tybalt simply follows orders.? ?Why was he after you?? ?Because I stole something he wanted. The ?Sol? system, a cybernetic enhancement device of unknown origin. I stole it, and he wants it, so he sent his son after us. We were shot down, but we were able to track the system. We tracked it to you.? Simon blinked, then blinked again. This was a lot of information to digest. ?Wait?you mean I?? Von nodded. ?Yeah, sorry, but the system?s bonded to your organic system. It can?t come off unless you?die?? ?What?! So that?s what?s been happening to me? This thing?s been ?enhancing? me?!? ?Yes. Now you must come with us,? Rena said again. ?We?ll need your help in dealing with Tybalt.? ?No!? Simon backed away. He was terrified for the third time that evening. ?You freaks stay away from me! This is so unreal! Good God, how am I even understanding you? You?re freaking aliens!? ?Like all intelligent species, we?ve been outfitted with translator chips in our throat,? Rena said, still maddeningly calm and haughty. ?Now come with us. Although I hate to admit it, we need your help. You are a native of this planet, and our ship was almost destroyed. We need your help while we?re here.? ?No! I don?t want any part of this! I just want this piece of crap off of me!? ?We told you, we can?t do that. It bonds for life.? Not waiting to hear anymore, Simon simply turned and ran from the park. He didn?t turn or stop. ?Uhh, should we follow him?? Von asked. ?No. He?s unstable and incompetent,? Rena said, snorting again in disgust. ?We?ll go into the town and find help elsewhere.? After a few minutes of wandering in the streets, deserted due to the late night darkness, the two foreigners began to feel a little less confident. Not that Rena would ever show it, of course. ?Maybe we should find him,? Von suggested. ?We still have the tracker?? ?We don?t need to use the tracker!? Rena snapped. ?We certainly don?t need the help of that cowardly Sol-being!? A small, circular canister landed in front of her feet, releasing a yellow gas into the air. ?Wha-? Rena began before the gas hit her nostrils. The world span in front of her. ?What?s going on?? ?If you have a device capable of tracking the Sol system,? a voice said out of nowhere. ?Please hand it over. I don?t want to kill you if it can be avoided.? Von and Rena turned to the source of the intrusion. It was a tall male humanoid, dressed from head to foot in stark, elegant black. He had red eyes that pierced the darkness. ?Tyb?Tybalt?? Von stammered. :?Of course. Don?t try to fight, Mistress Rena,? Tybalt continued in a slow, monotone voice. ?That gas canister was specifically built to match your species, sex and build. You are far to disoriented to walk forward, let alone fight me. Von, give me the tracking device.? ?Von,? Rena hissed, staggering. ?Don?t let him have it, no matter what!? ?But?? ?Don?t.? Rena looked into Von?s eyes with a pleading look, and he knew he wouldn?t give the tracker to Tybalt. He wouldn?t betray Rena like that. ?Well, I?m afraid I?ll have to take it by force, then.? Tybalt closed his eyes, and his features began to morph. Unlike Rena and Von, whose change in appearance had been caused by holographic technology, Tybalt possessed a shape shifting ability that allowed him to mimic a bipedal being of similar build. He revealed his true form. His skin was black. It wasn?t black in the sense that humans think of a person of African descent, it was completely black, a slick, oily black akin to a snake. His eyes were two slit that seemed to glow red. He had sharp, pointy teeth and no hair or scales. From his back, hidden under his shirt, two small, red wings sprouted. They were too small to allow total flight, but were just large enough to allow simple gliding. Finally, he had a slim, simple tail that ended in a triangular point. All in all, he had the appearance of a demon, but he held the air of being a respectable demon at least. ?Now, please don?t struggle,? he said as he attacked.
And the winner...Hmmm....I choose... Mina! Joey: My Back! Tristan: Hold on, I got it... Joey: Oh god, my foot! Tristan: I got that too...just push and... Joey: AHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAHHHHH Solo was the runner up, but Mina had this in the bag. Mina, you may post the next pic.
I don't understand the effect of the monster card "The Hunter with Seven Weapons". It reads: When this card is normal summoned, declare one type of monster. When battling that Type of monster, increase the attack of this card by 1000 points during the Damage calculations". (Original Atk: 1000) So...what happens? I declair Spellcaster, and my opponent comes at me with Gemeni Elf. Do I loose the card but my opponent gets damaged? Does the card power up to 2000 and wipe out the Elf? What's going on?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Digital Monster [/i] [B]Could I please point out that's not a blooper, that's your opinion. [/B][/QUOTE] I know, I'm sorry. But that's one of my pet peeves. (Seriously, doesn't that fly in the face of *everything* we know about Joey?) BTW, I found out that the CCG did not exist until the Battle City arc began, which is why there were so many errors in trhe Duelist Kingdom arc. C'est la vie. *The Living Arrow card is totally inconsistant in what it does. (Im' still not sure what it does) *The Castle of Dark Illusions powers up *zombies*, not Fiends. And gravity harness? *Joey's Flame Swordsman should have beaten the Battle Ox when he and Kaiba dueled. *Magical Hats is a trap card, not a magic card. *What the heck is up with the way Yugi almost beat the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon? There are so many errors in there....
Anime Which Animes Are Dubbed Best/Worst?
DeathBug replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Otaku Central
Best: Tenchi Muyo, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Lupin the 3rd Worst: Cardcaptors, Sailor Moon, DBZ In-between: Digimon, (At first, every guest star impersonating a celebrity was annoying, but after a while it just became part of the series), Trigun, (Everyone else was good, but for some reason Vash's voice always sounds...off...to me. I don't know why.), Gundam Wing -
Name: Seth Nightshade Age: 15 Gender: Male Desc: A very dark individual. Black hair, wears all black clothing. Bio: Seth's family died in a car wreak when he was a young boy, and he lives with his aunt. He is very cold emotionally, and has decided to be the greatest Digimon tamer in the world. Digi-vice color: Black Digimon: Betamon Rookie Name:Betamon Rookie Desc: Uh,...Betamon Attacks:Electro Blast, Beta Bite Champion Name:DarkRizamon Champion Desc: The black flaming lizard Digimon Attacks: Dark Flare, Snipe fang Ultimate Name: Cyberdramon Ultimate Desc: You know, Ryo's buddy. Attacks: Desolation Claw, Cyber Slash Mega Name: Dynasmon Mega Desc: The white Royal Knight from "Frontier" Attacks: Dragon Fury, Fire Wyven
5 Simon arched his back, getting out of the range of Brooks? swing. His right hand shot out and grabbed his attacker?s extended forearm. Hoping for the best, he applied pressure. Simon got more than the best. Brooks actually cried out in pain, which totally took Simon by surprise. Since when could he hurt Brooks? ?Damn you, Lewis!? the jock howled, yanking his arm away. ?I will kick your ***!? ?Gotta? catch me first,? Simon sneered, more confident than he expected. Brooks took another swing, with the opposite arm; however, rather than dodge, Simon got a wild notion. He outright blocked the attack, deflecting the blow with his forearm. Good lord, Simon thought. How the hell am I doing this? This isn?t possible! Maybe this has something to do with the metal stuff?if that?s the case, me likes muchly! Brooks grew frustrated again and charged Simon, having lost any type of planning. His drunken rage at being humiliated by this?this nobody was beyond measure. He was working on an animalistic level. The sudden brutality frightened Simon, so he decided to test his theory right then and there. If the metal stuff on his right hand was what caused his newfound skills, then perhaps the concentration would be strongest at the point of infestation (for lack of a better term.) All the while, the mysterious pair watching in the shadows stood silent. The shorter young man tried to make eye contact with his companion, but she remained focused on the battle. The look in her eyes revealed a simple truth: the gears were turning. Simon waited for Brooks to get close enough. As the larger teenage was within striking distance, Simon suddenly thrust his metallic right hand out into Brooks? stomach. It was like a bat hitting a baseball. Brooks was literally thrown off his feet, sailing about ten yards through the air before crashing into the side of his car. He slumped to the ground. ??.owww?.? Brooks? buddies, who had been hooting and hollering incoherently all through the fight were suddenly stuck dumb. Stevens glared at Simon. ??you?what the hell are you, man? What?s up with your hand?? Simon, for his part, was terrified at the reaction his attack had. The metal coating hadn?t just changed him; it had made him a freak. Although he always considered himself emotionally alienated, he had never been physically identifiable as unique. Now, the gripping realization that he might have to wear a Michael Jackson glove for the rest of his life made him want to wet himself. A second realization his harder: the metallic coating was spreading. At first, it had stopped at his wrist; now, it stopped in the middle of his forearm. When would it stop? Not looking back to the drunks, Simon raced away into the night. After a while, he found himself in a secluded spot and simply collapsed to his knees, totally overwhelmed. ?What?s happening to me?? he muttered aloud. ?Dear God?what?s happening to me?? ?I can tell you,? a feminine voice said. ?But you?ll have to cooperate fully.? Simon looked up; the strange Hispanic girl and her vertically challenged companion stood before him. ?Wha-who-who are you?? ?Observe.? Suddenly, their forms began to shimmer, like a television with bad reception. When it stopped, the people standing before him weren?t people anymore. The female was still tall, six feet even. Her body seemed to be covered in a light brown layer of fur, even on her face. She had triangular ears on the top of her head that ended in points. Her eyes were large, green, and almond-shaped. Her hair was strait and shoulder-length, and totally black. She wore a gray bodysuit that seemed to be armored in several places. It covered all but her head and hands. Her nails were silver, and sharp to the point of being claw-like. Behind her, one could see what appeared to be a tail. It whipped back and forth purposely. It was the same brown fur as on the rest of her body, except for the tip, which was the same black as her hair. One phrase popped into Simon?s head: ?cat girl.? Her short accomplice, on the other hand, was a different story. Standing about four and a half feet tall, his body was covered in light-green scales. His hands had no nails, but hand only three digits. He wore a bright silver jumpsuit, with a black belt around his waist. His feet were exposed through the suit; there were two spread-out toes, with a third, opposable toe out of his heel. He also had a tail, a thin thing that ended in two digits. His face, however, was the most interesting feature. He had two red, tangerine-sized eyes with a thin line for a pupil that spread horizontally across the orbs. In the center of his pupils was a v-shaped indention. His mouth had two rows of tiny, sharp teeth, with a skinny tongue. He had no hair on the top of his head, (or anywhere else on his body, but Simon couldn?t know that), but at his forehead, his head branched off into another v-shape. Between the indentations were another set of scales. Another two-word phrase: ?Lizard boy.? Simon had no doubt what he was seeing: these were aliens. Honest to God aliens. ?Whoa??