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Me? Why, thank yew! :tasty: [IMG]http://www.onrushhost.com/kameko/screencaps/yugioh/tristan_joey.jpg[/IMG] This one lends itself to captioning, so fire away.
With the new Legacy of Darkness expansion upon us, I thought it'd be interesting to see which cards from the new set everyone is most excited about. A lot of good warrior cards are being released, and, for the first time, I really want to build a warrior deck. However, there is still one other card that sticks out the most for me. Tyrant Dragon? Last Turn? Ryu Senshi? Nope, nope, nope. It's the all-powerful...Thunder Nyan Nyan! (I'm building the ultimate Light deck, and that card's so perfect for it. Plus, the card art is so kawii.) So, which cards are ya'll looking forward to, and why?
Let's see: Seshomeru's(SP?) little helper Imp from Inu-Yasha. Rex Raptor from Yu-Gi-Oh. (That guy never catches a break...) Arbok from Pokemon. (Ditto) The black cat from Trigun. DemiDevimon from Digimon. Azaka(SP?) and Komidake(SP?) from Tenchi Muyo. Oh, and Washu's little puppets! Norman from The Big O. Swanzo from Outlaw star. Also, the Ctarl Ctarl soldiers on Aisha's ship. (No matter what someone said, they started chanting it...) That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Because Rokas demanded it, the next chapter. BTW, I've written the first ten chapters, so I hope the storyline becomes more concrete by then. 4 The pilot of the predator ship smiled to himself as he watched his prey spiral downwards into the planet?s atmosphere. Now, all that remained was track the artifact he sought, and his mission would be complete. He brought his ship down. _________ Simon drifted in and out of consciousness, not feeling cold metallic tendrils work over his body. Instead, he inhabited the dim world between sleep and reality. Random events flashed through his mind: his last memory of his parents, his first memory of Susan, and his self-imposed soul searching. There was a sudden electric jolt through his body, harshly yanking him back to the real world. He shook his head groggily, flexing his muscles. He had a dim perception of something being wrong; something was out of place. It hit him like a ton of bricks: the shooting star. It had struck him at a speed well above one hundred miles per hour. He should be in pain; hell, he should be a paraplegic. Yet he was fine. Why? He performed a mental survey of his body, and everything was working normally. Nothing was out of place?except his right arm. It felt cold, like cool metal. Why was he reminded of cool metal? He got to his feet. Maybe he?d imagined the whole shooting star thing?he looked at his right hand and screamed. His right hand was metal. It was like his hand had been coated in liquid metal, ending in splotches around his wrist. It was silver and reflective, like a polished surface. What was going on? What in the hell was going on?! Terrified, he ran through the park. He didn?t know where he was going, but he couldn?t just stand around. Already he had decided that whatever happened to his hand had something to do with the shooting star that struck him. How long had he been unconscious? In his panic, he forgot his earlier caution regarding the picnic tables. So when a foot was stuck out to trip him, he didn?t see it until it was too late. The law of inertia working as it should, he was sent flying. However, instead of landing in a heap, he somehow managed to regain his balance while in mid-air. He landed on his feet; this surprised him so much he temporarily forgot his predicament. ?That wuz pretty neat, Lewis?? Brooks lisped, clearly intoxicated. ?Mebbe? you can be faster?n that in a fight!? ?Wha-why?? Simon asked. ?Brooks, you?re wasted, and being stupider than usual. I don?t have time for this?? ?He be tryin? you, man!? One of Brooks? teammates yelled. ?Beat his ***!? Stevens stumbled over to his compadre. ?Hey, man??member??member what he did to your shoes?that was nasty?? Brooks nodded. ?Hell yeah! You, you?re goin? down, you prick!? As Simon and Brooks faced off, neither of them noticed the two strangers who stood nearby, appearing as if from nowhere. One was a tall, Hispanic girl in blue jeans and a halter-top. Her companion was a short young man, about four feet tall. He appeared to be Caucasian, and wore a green turtle neck and khaki pants. Their enigmatic arrival was not noticed by anyone they watched, however. Brooks was circling Simon menacingly, occasionally punching the air near him. ?Brooks, I really don?t have time for this!? Simon said. ?Get out of the way!? ?Don?t you order me, bastard!? Brooks yelled. He took a swing for Simon?s jaw. Simon, acting on instincts he never knew he had, went into action.
Well...I don't much care for the drugs or heavy firearms...but I want a gunblade! (You know, from FFVIII). Yeah!
An entire community of Otaku? Well, we'd obviously have to establish the world's best diplomatic relationships with Japan.... I'd be willing to move, provided I could get an important position in the town infrastructure. (Heh, FBI agent...) Imagine whose pictures would be on our currency. (I want a newspaper, so I give the guy a Faye Valentine and I get back three Joey Wheelers as change...) I'm totally down with this idea. Viva la revolucion!!
.So, is anyone reading this? I'll post more if someone speaks up.
Well, I don't think that story elements (Sybiotes, clones) messed up Spidey; I think bad editorial policy did. I could write for hours on this philosiphy, but I'll spare you. Gwen Stacy, IMO, was doomed from the start, because Stan Lee admitted that he created her to be Pete's girlfriend, and he would have eventually married them. So, you'll notice that after Pete & Gwen first started dating, Gwen suddenly lost all personality. She used to be just as spunky as MJ, (anyone remember when she slapped Peter?), but once she became The Girlfriend, she didn't need to be all that interesting anymore. She became a whining ninny. Ironically, because MJ wasn't originally intended to be Pete's girlfriend, her character remained vibrant. Felica Hardy, of course, could never be more than friends with Pete; their relationship was purely physical. As it was pointed out in the books, the Black Cat and Spider-Man could be close, but Peter and Felicia would never work. ..Then they (editors) turned Felica into a whiny, spoiled brat so they could get rid of her without fans complaining. (Remember what I said about editors?) BTW, do you read Ultimate Spider-Man? The Gwen/MJ dynamic is *very* different, but still interesting, IMO.
Soulmates...the idea that there's one personfor everyone on Earth...("He must be very busy, then". "I think it means there's a different person for everyone." "Oh." "Your way would just be stupid." "Can your soulmate be a monkey?") Well, predestination implies a lack of free will, which I don't believe in. I believe, rather, that a person *becomes* a soulmate. I think you meet someone, and then realise when they're not around you feel incomplete. Is that a perfect scenario? Nope. But it's not a perfect world.
Fox Kids, not Kid's WB. Stupid difference, I know... However, if it's on FoxKids, it might get more exposure and gain more popularity in the US. *Shrugs* You never know...
Ah! That's where you'd be wrong! Goddess with the Third Eye's effect states that "This monster can take the place of any fusion-material monster. This monster may not take the place of any other monster in the current fusion." So, GWTTE substitutes for MTFO. Better still, GWTTE is only a level 4, so no tribute should I need to play her on her own. (It was envisioned as a Light deck, BTW; Fairies were just par the course. I eschewed BEWD because I don't like him.)
I've been reading the manga and will pick up the graphic novels soon. I'll try to watch the anime when it comes to Fox Kids this fall, but I hope it's not at the same time as Yu-Gi-Oh. Personally, I like Amiardru (SP?), but not enough other characters have been introduced yet to pick favorites, IMO. Ren seemed like a good villain, and the fiance-girl looks very interesting.
Domon: I'd ditch the Magnet Warriors in favor of other Warrior-types. Valkriyon really needs to have his own deck to be used properly. (I designed and posted one a few pages back; check it out.) Alexander: Can't really comment; never seen a deck like that before. However, a few cards that seem to me that could screw up your plan are Wall of Illusion, Mirror Force, Prohibition, Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, and Cyber Jar. Of course, should your opponent spring Magic cylinder in your attack phase, it could all blow up in your face. I'd take scenarios like this into account. HeroBear: Ditch Relinquished and Crab Turtle. Relinquished doesn't even match the rest of your deck, and Crab Turtle, while matching the deck, isn't really worth the trouble to bring out, especially if you can just drop a suijin on the field for less cards. I'd recommend a few defensive monsters, like Humanoid Slime. Now, on to my most carefully constructed, well-planned deck ever! Heaven's Light: Tribute monsters: Wingweaver Sanga of the Thunder Thunder Dragon x 3 Soul of Purity and Light x 2 Non-Tributes: Hysteric Fairy x3 Goddess with the Third Eye x3 Thunder Nyan Nyan x3 (I love this card; I don't know why) Forgiving Maiden x 3 Cerimonial Bell Magician of Faith x2 Fusion Monsters: Twin Headed Thunder Dragon x2 St. Joan x2 Traps: Mirror Force Solemn Wishes Seven tools of the Bandit x2 Magic Jammer x2 Waboku Light of Intervention Magic: Polymerization x 3 Fusion Gate Swords of Revealing Light Monster Reborn Graceful Charity x 2 Luminous Spark Regeki Change of Heart Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Harpie's Feather Duster There are so many possible combos with this deck that it blows my mind....my only regret is that I could work Giltia the D. Knight into it; I really like that card. Your thoughts?
"Oh...my...God...*that's* what 'Special Sauce' is made of?! Ewww!!!" Or "Wow...I didn't know you could get sent to the Shadow Realm for forgetting extra ketchup..." Or "Tea sees her first McDonald's Beanie Baby riot" Or "Who let Joey near the frozen yogurt machine?!" Or ".....pickles....so many pickles....." Or "Kuriboh! Get away from the meat grinder! Kuriboh...uh-oh...ick..."
I'm a Spiderfan, so of course I've heard of it. I've read most of it. My opinion: Well, this was all about style over substance, IMO. Anyone who's read the Essential Spider-Man volumes that collect the original stories from the sixties already knows how the events are going to turn out. Anyone reading the Spidey comic today would see the ending coming. However, that's not the point of the book. The point is the writing style and the art. I personally didn't like it, but a lot of people did. I should note that I usually eschew mini-series, so the fact that I bought it speaks volumes, at least in my case.
Things I've noticed: *Bikouribox, Flame Swordsman, Barox and Giltia the Dragon Knight are fusion monsters being played as regular monsters *Swordstalker doesn't have the special ability demonstrated in Yugi & Kiaba's second duel *Kaiba's Ryu-Kashin is actually Ryu-Kashin Powered. *The Masked Beast *could not* have been summoned, as anyone who's played "Worldwide Edition" can validate. *Valkiryon couldn't have been affected by De-Fusion *Soul Exchange can only steal one monster *Joey, who spent all of Duelist Kingdom fighting for his sister, should have thrown the Battle City duel to Mako Tsunami, because he was dueling for his father.
Of course it can be. That's what the stinkin' buggers are for.
I just saw it, and I loved it. Pixar movies blow Disney's other flicks away, IMO. If you liked Toy Story & Monsters, Inc, you'll like Finding Nemo.
Glad you clarified on what types of aliens.... "Yeah, like, there's this dudeat the 7-11, right? He, like, doesn't even speak English! Whoa! Call Agent Mulder!" Anyways.... Not only is it mathematically certain that there are aliens, that same math tells us that we will never contact each other. Oh, well.
Wow! That looks cool! .....just kidding. "See, Tristan! This is what you get if you tease Kuriboh!!"
Part Three, because I love you... 3 The sky was slowly getting darker as Simon sat in quiet contemplation. He?d found his favorite place in town: a hidden part of the park, where he could be alone with his thoughts. Due to his harsh treatment at the hands of his peers, he accepted solitude as a preferable state of being. Soon, the stars were coming out. Simon loved to watch the stairs, though he knew nothing of astronomy. It was actually rather interesting; he created his own constellations based on his first impressions of the heavenly outlines. Because the next day was Saturday, he would be out all night stargazing, sleeping in until well past noon. Why get up? He had no one to miss him. For a brief, poignant moment, Simon wished that things didn?t have to be this way. He wished that someone would care about him, or miss him. He could have been picky and wished it were Susan, but poignancy plays no favorites. Anything had to be better than being so terribly alone. The moment passed, though, as such moments have a way of doing; after they?re gone, their owner would deny their existence to everyone, even themselves. Simon was waiting for the sky to get bright enough to see the Lizard, one of his homemade constellations, when he noticed something: two of the stars were moving. He?d seen shooting stars before. He knew their pattern of movement: they fell downward quickly, disappearing from sight like a poignant moment. These moving stars weren?t doing that, though; they were diving sideways and up and down. It reminded Simon vaguely of Tom chasing Jerry? No, actually, it reminded him exactly of Tom chasing Jerry. Whatever the hell those things were, one was defiantly scared of the other. Suddenly, the star Simon had already dubbed ?Jerry? stopped. It stood still for a split-second, and then began to spiral downwards. Dozens of tinier pieces fell from it. What was going on? Simon lost track of the aggressive star, but couldn?t help but notice where the falling star was. It was heading towards him. One of the tiny pieces of star debris was defiantly coming down towards him. Excited, he leapt to his feet; whatever this thing was, he would see it when it landed! Leaving his Thoughtful Spot, he raced through the dense trees in of the park?s forested area. Getting towards the picnic tables, though, gave Simon a reason to take a detour. On the tables, Simon could see and hear Brooks. Stevens was also there, as well as three or four other football jocks. There were beer cans everywhere. Simon shuddered when he thought of what a team of drunken football players would do if they caught him, off of school grounds, no less. Electing to take the long way, Simon trudged through the underbrush and trees, almost getting lost as he shied away from the lampposts. Every few minutes he would glance over his shoulder to the falling star; as it got closer, he began to make out a shape? It was a sphere, a perfect sphere, about the size of a basketball. Now, Simon was no expert, but even he knew that a geometrically perfect sphere was not a shape found in nature. Sure, something could be round, or spherical, but the fact remains: no natural force can create a perfect sphere. Logically, whatever the stars were, they must have been unnatural? Simon managed to pull his legs free of the denser bushes and turned around again. He gasped. The falling star was now twenty feet above him, and it was coming right at him. He barely had time to comprehend that he falling star was not only spherical, but also metallic. On instinct, he turned around to run, but was suddenly struck in the back by the sphere at full speed. The impact sent him flying. Simon marveled for a second at just how far he was being thrown by the collision just before he was driven into the ground, the sphere still grinding into his back. Everything went dark. __________ If anyone reading any of this actually likes it, please comment so I know I'm not wasting my time by posting. Expect part four soon. :)
Part two... 2 Simon Lewis was a young man of about five foot ten, average build. He wore his black hair in a chaotic pattern that implied a lack of maintenance. He had green eyes and was perpetually snide. He wore, from head to foot, black: a black t-shirt, black jeans, a black windbreaker, and black tennis shoes. All of his clothes contained black and could therefore be mixed and matched with no care given to style or possible color clashing. When Simon was a young boy of five years old, his parents had died in a car crash. Simon was at day care at he time, but was picked up by social services. The new question was: where would the boy go? After checking the Lewis?s files, it was determined that the only living relatives were Mr. Lewis?s sister, Fran Richards. Fran, for her part, thought it would be wonderful to have a child around the house, and eagerly accepted him. However, like a young child with a new toy, Fran soon grew tired of the work involved in raising Simon and took a hands-off approach. Her husband, Lenny Richards, had no interest in the boy in any way, shape, or form, and Simon quickly realized he couldn?t count on his aunt and Uncle for anything. Thus Simon grew up somewhat bitter and quite snide. His dim view of the world and human nature could hardly be considered his fault, considering the environment he grew up in: Fran was something of a harlot, Lenny never got off the couch. When Brooks called Simon a ?goth?, he was incorrect, because ?goth? is a term for a social group, and Simon belonged to no social groups. He was alone, and he had convinced himself he was better off this way. He had made some friends before his parents died, but he was five then, and they were on the opposite coast of the country. Simon had lived in a cheerful suburb in Seattle, but Fran lived in a tacky suburb in Virginia, so there Simon went. Simon?s new house was rather slovenly, with an obnoxious paint job and a poorly cared-for lawn. He sighed as he opened the door, resigned to his fate of sub-mediocrity. As he walked inside, Fran came up to him hurriedly. ?It?s about time you got home,? she said, not making eye contact. ?Your money?s on the table.? Fran?s secret to legally imposed child rearing was to give the kids cash and let them worry about things like food and clothing. ?Where are you going?? Simon asked, deadpan. ?I?ve got to work late with Mr. Reilly at the office. I?ll be gone all night.? With that, she left. Simon rolled his eyes. It was funny, but no matter how much Fran ?worked late? with her male co-workers, she never got any work done. He wondered if there was a Mrs. Reilly, but decided he was better off not knowing. He went to his room. Simon?s room was the single neatest room in the house. This did not reflect on Simon?s habits, but was rather a reflection of his personality. The house was messy, so his room was clean. Had the house been clean, his room would have been messy. It was simple. Looking at Simon?s room would cause one to ponder exactly what kind of person lived there. It was full of contrasts. Above his bed was a large poster of the velociraptors from ?Jurassic Park?. His bookshelf held such diverse titles as The War of the Worlds, David Copperfield, The Andromeda Strain, The Cat in the Hat, Faust, The Silence of the Lambs, and Moby Dick. On his dresser were a mismatched assortment of playing cards, baseball cards, cards from movies and comic books, and game cards. A reproduction of the Mona Lisa was on his opposite wall. His modest collection of second hand VHS and CD?s were equally mismatched. ?Batman?, ?The Great Muppet Caper?, ?Young Frankenstien?, ?Ever After?, ?The Mask? and ?The Pokemon Movie? were among the tapes available for his viewing pleasure. His music collection consisted of REM, Tim McGraw, Mozart, Billy Idol, Blink-182, Madonna, and ?Thriller?. All in all, Simon?s room gave the suggestion of a very unique individual residing within, a theory that wouldn?t have been off the mark. Simon sighed once again and deposited his school supplies in their designated locations. He changed into casual attire, a simple action that merely necessitated changing his shirt. Determined to leave the house, he put on a jacket of predictable color and went into the kitchen to get his money. ?Hey,? Uncle Lenny called from his busted recliner in the living room. ?Where you goin?, boy?? ?Out.? Simon wished, just for once, that a one-word answer wouldn?t be enough to satisfy, but he was disappointed. ?Well, then, don?t take the last cola outta? the fridge. I?m savin? that.? Lenny never even bothered to look up from ?Jerry Springer?, a fact that did not escape Simon?s attention. ?Sure,? Simon said as he grabbed the last cola from the fridge. It wasn?t a blatant display of rebellion so much as it was a bid for attention. Sadly, Simon knew he would not get the attention, and accepted this. He walked out the front door, not bothering to say good-bye. He would go to the park, he decided. Simon loved the park, mostly because of the seclusion offered. With Susan off doing who-knows-what with who-knows-who, he felt that a bit of natural seclusion would do him a world of good. _________________________ She didn?t know what the planet?s name was, but it orbited the star marked as ?Sol? in the ship?s database. Her enemy was hot on her trail, so the time for further education was limited, to say the least. She turned to her companion. ?Did those last rounds damage the ship?? she asked authoritatively. Of course, she did not ask this in English, but due to the phonetic limitations of human keyboards, suspensions of belief must be made for the benefit of the audience. So, the audience will kindly pretend that she really did ask ?Did those last rounds damage the ship?? instead of a phrase sounding more like ?Ieyscazaa toloro muka ne?? Her companion nodded. ?The cargo hold is badly damaged! Another shot may knock us out of the sky!? Murphy?s Law working true to form, a sudden jolt raked through the ship. ?Our cargo hold?s been blown open!? ?Has the artifact been lost?? she demanded. ?Everything?s lost but that?s the least of our problems! I-!? Another jolt, and the ship?s lights went black. ?Scuz!!? she swore as the ship was pulled apart from the rear and began to descend into the planet?s atmosphere. ********* Part three coming soon....
This is my own personal work. Please comment, and I'll post more. _____________________________________ Sol 1 Simon knew who was shoving him before he even hit the ground. There was only one suspect, actually. As he crashed to the ground, he was already preparing to right himself and get into the inevitable altercation. Getting back to his feet, he turned around and sighed as his suspicions were confirmed. ?Well,? he said sarcastically to the aggressor. ?Why am I not surprised it?s you, Brooks?? Matthew Brooks, six foot three, wearing a varsity football jacket, was the perfect image of the obnoxious jock. His parents were rich and irresponsible, the later trait having been passed on to their offspring. Brooks took special pleasure in making Simon?s life a living Hell, and took to the task with a work ethic he applied to little else, least of all his studies. Next to Brooks was his best friend/crony, Tyler Stevens. Tyler was the second best player on the football team, the second most popular jock, and the second dumbest kid in the school. Brooks had first place in all those categories, and it seemed that Stevens was destined to be a second banana for the rest of his life. So he did the only smart thing produce in that position could do: hang out with the top banana. Stevens himself really had no problem with Simon personally, but the second banana never makes diplomatic policy. ?Hey there, Goth geek,? Brooks sneered. ?Did you have fun on your trip?? ?Yeah,? Stevens snickered. ?Wanna? go again?? ?Wow,? Simon said, deadpan. ?You guys thought that up all by yourselves. Want a cookie?? Brooks laughed, an irritating bray. ?That?s what I love about you, Simon. No matter what, you?re still an annoying prick!? ?It?s all you?re good for,? Stevens confirmed. Simon sighed and rolled his eyes. ?Well, glad I could help. And you know, I?d love to continue this conversation, because it?s really fascinating. I mean, I didn?t know anyone actually could be dumber that dirt. But I really have to go?? ?Hey,? Brooks grabbed Simon?s shoulder. ?I didn?t say you could go yet!? Simon yanked his shoulder away. ?Oh, I?m sorry. I didn?t know I had to ask Mommy permission to go anywhere.? Brooks glared. ?Watch yourself, Simon. Don?t forget where you are in the food chain.? Simon knew he was treading on thin ice, but his anger overtook his caution. ?You moron, can you even spell ?food chain??? Brooks nodded slightly to Stevens. Stevens stepped behind Simon and gabbed his arms. Brooks began to pummel Simon with a series of blows to the stomach. Simon felt queasy. After a minute, Brooks stopped and Stevens let him fall to his knees. Simon fell to the ground, reminded of his lunch in a most unpleasant manner. ?See?? Brooks gloated. ?This is what happens when punk-*** guys like you start thinkin? they?re somethin? special. You?re just a loser, got it?? ?Aww,? Stevens crooned. ?You hurt his feelings! He doesn?t have a smart-*** reply!? ?Actually,? Simon groaned. ?I have one?? ?What, hot shot?? Simon grinned up at Brooks. ?I just puked all over your shoes.? Stevens looked down. ?Matt, he ain?t lyin?. Your Nikes are all gross and stuff.? Brooks looked down too. ?Damn it! Come on,? he gestured to Stevens. ?I gotta? go home and change.? For good measure, Brooks kicked Simon before leaving. ?Later, loser!? he laughed as he and Stevens walked off. Later loser? Simon thought. Wow, did you think that one up all by yourself? He got to his feet and brushed himself off, the nasty taste of bile fresh in his throat. Damn jocks, he thought bitterly. He continued his walk home, then stopped suddenly. Across the street was the image of perfection and goodness, but She went by the name of Susan Hawkins. Simon sighed. Susan was a girl he?d known ever since he?d lived in this town, and She was the only human being he didn?t find repulsive in some manner. While others might say She was pretty, Simon would say She was beautiful. Not because of Her looks, which casual observers would describe merely as ?cute?, but because She possessed a trait almost unknown in most other people: She was actually nice to Simon. It would be going a bit too far to say the two were friends, though Simon would have given his right arm for it to be true. If you asked Her, She would say they were, in fact, friends, but She was one of those people who wanted to be friends with everyone, and Simon knew it. He could actually try to form a real friendship with Her, but he held Her in such high standards that She intimidated the heck out of him. He thought he might love Her, but he knew at least he was infatuated with Her. For a couple of high school juniors, the difference was minimal. Simon could at least claim his attraction to Her was purely mental and emotional, and he would be right; he did not lust for Her. A wild thought suddenly hit Simon like a truck ramming an armadillo: maybe he could go up to Her and ask Her out. On a date?! With Her?! Was he mad? ??what do I have to loose?? he asked himself. The answer: not a thing. If he could pull it off without passing out, he?d be proud. The worst that could happen was that She could say ?no?, in which case he would simply go home and forget the whole thing. It was a win-win scenario. Jay-walking across the street, Simon inhaled deeply, then called out, ?Susan!? At least, that?s what he meant to call out. It got caught in his throat in the last minute, so all that could be heard was a sound similar to a gag. Susan kept walking, not having heard a thing. Damn, she?s leaving! Simon thought, panicked. I?ve got to get it right this time! He counted down in his head. ?Three, two, one?? ?Hey, Susan!? She stopped and turned around. Yes! He thought. Wait?now what do I do? She smiled at him, Her perfect white teeth gleaming. ?Hey, Simon!? She said. ?What?s up?? To say Simon had butterflies in his stomach would have been a very large understatement. It would have been more appropriate to say that Simon had Mothra?s family reunion in his stomach, and they?d stated a game of Battle Tag. ?Hey, uh, hi!? he said, feeling stupid. ?Hey, you know, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to see the new Bond flick?with me?you know?? That?s it?! He demanded of himself. That?s the best you could do?! That?s it, you?re screwed! ?Thanks, you?re sweet,? She said, still smiling. ?But I?m going to be busy all weekend. I?m sorry.? As the entire Mothra family simultaneously burst into flames, Simon tried to keep his cool. ?Sure, no prob. I understand.? ?Okay.? She smiled again. ?See you Monday! Oh, wait, take one of these.? She handed Simon a purple flier; it was an advertisement for some event at her church. ?Thanks,? he said, not even looking at it. ?Bye!? She waved, walking away. Simon waved back weakly. ?See ya??? The entire walk home might not even have happened. It was as though Simon had been standing there, watching Susan walk away one minute, and the next he had been on his doorstep. All that was in-between was a horribly morbid self-examination that left him oblivious to his outside surroundings; he was lucky not to have been struck by a car. The question of the hour was, of course, why Susan hadn?t said yes. Was She really busy? Was She just blowing him off? Was he too upfront? Did She think it was a date? Would it have been a date? Hey, did he even know if She had a boyfriend? The most important question remained: did he just screw up the only chance he might have had to go out with Her? These questions were at the forefront of the young man?s mind as he entered his humble abode. However, up until now, the audience has know almost nothing of Simon; not his name, his appearance, his history, or anything else useful in forming any sort of opinion on him or his character. A closer examination is in order. To be continued...or not...you never know....maybe I'll continue it...or maybe I won't....you'll got to your grave, never knowing if it was continued or not! BUWAHAHAHAHA!!...ahem...nah, it's to be continued....
I may be out of my mind, but I know what love is. Serena may be whiny and ditzy, but at least that means she has a personality, which Darrien never had when they were together. Ryoko constantly throws hereself at Tenchi, but he shoot her down. Ayeka treated him like crap when they met, but he hooks up with her in the shed in the rain. That's graditude for you. I think *all* the girls are too good for Tenchi. If it weren't for "Tenchi in Tokyo", I'd have sworn he was gay. Seriously, no guy with that many girls around wouldn't hook up with *one* of them!
Okay, I've got two questions: *If I have Toon World or Premature Burial on the field, what would happen if I activated Imperial Order? *There's a Pharoah's Servant card called "Gradius"; it's a space ship deely. I know I've seen that ship before somewhere outside of Yu-Gi-Oh, but I can't remember where. Does anyone know where it comes from?