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Everything posted by DeathBug
Metatron: Actually, as society progresses, people are more likely to group with others with similar goals or beliefs. Public schools are a good example. In first grade, everyone's organized together all willy-nilly, with no care given to each child's level of intelligence or dedication. However, by high school, you've got Honors, AP classes, remedial classes, the whole deal. As people progress, the end up with more people one similar wavelengths. DarK: Pollution is done through ignorance or apathy; obviously, no one wants to damage the environment. Fortunatly, ignorance and apathy are the easiest things in the world to eliminate. It may take a while, but I remain confident we can turn this situation around. Human beings are historically some of the most stubborn creatures on the planet. We'll perservere or die trying.
How do you know that people who care are in the minority? Seriously, you're just assuming they are. I happen to agree, but you know what? 49% is still a minority, but it's still an awful lot. Enough people care so that the problem will be solved. As for the ignorant masses, social progression will eventually weed them out. Like I said, any group that makes their environment uninhabitable is doomed, right?
DarK, please stop bringing politics into the equation; it makes you loose your place as an unbiased, rational thinker. If this debate makes anyone reading it think about what their place in the environment, then it's done enough. however, if you think it's pointless, why participate? Why not simply go off and contemplate how evil humanity is, or something? What scientific evience do you have to back up your views? If it's the scientific viewpioint, there must be some. Subversive: When I used monkeys as an example, I wan't saying anything about evolution, I judt picked them at random because I like monkeys. I especially like those little spider monkeys, with the long tails they can grab stuff with. You know, like the "Outbreak" monkey. those are cool. Hey...there was another post after mine a few minutes ago...I don't know what happened, but I would'nt purposefully double post.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarK DeatH [/i] [B]That's what I was trying to make that one there to understand... Mankind cares about itself only... But it seems like he doesn't want to understand that... [/B][/QUOTE] "That one there"? I learned your name....:( Anyway, allow me to reinterate: We would not be discussing this if we only cared about ourselves. You care, I care, that one there cares. Yes, many do not, but those are the same people who talk during movies or speed in school zones. The only goal of any life form on the planet is to make more lifeforms. Anything else done towards any other purpose is extra. Guess what? We're still the only species that thinks about anything else. If you think that humankind (because womenkind is people, too) is basically evil, I can't change your mind. However, I think that's a pretty bleak outlook to have on life.
Metatron: We do no damage the environment, we only change it in ways that are bad for ourselves and other creatures with similar needs to ourselves. The environment *can't* be damaged, because life can adapt and thrive in any circumstances on this planet. You know, like how they say that cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast? Similar to that. There is no 'bad' for the environment, there's only 'bad' for us. When we pollute, we only shoot ourselves in the foot. James: Our vantige point for 'normal' is a static viewpoint; because we cannot predict a dynamic ecosystem, any 'normal' view must be a regression by definition. DarK: Animal species can't make other species extinct, because they have no concept of the word. They only want to do two things: eat and make more of themselves. They are not noble, they're ignorant. Human evolution ois just that: *human* evolution. And evolution creates species that can survive in their ecosystem. However, humans have progressed, because had they not, all theyt would care about is food and reproducing, like every other creature on the planet. Pollution is an evolutionary throwback, because logically, any species that makes its enviornment uninhabitable is doomed. However, humanity can recognize and try to rectify its flaws, and that makes it unique in the animal kingdom.
Humans keep the enviornment in balance just as well as any other creature. All creatures alther their environments; we just do it faster. Long before there were humans, thousands of species died because they exhausted their food supply. Didn't they upset the balance? Yet didn't everything keep going along fine? True many people are incapable of seeing an inch beyond their own noses, but I'm not defending them; we're still the only species able to see the larger picture of the ecosystem.
*There is no balance.* The environment is in constant flux. We're just the only species to notice. Species die out and are replaced all the time, weather patterns shift, techtonic plates move, it never ends. However, we cannot see beyond our current environment. The ecosystem would change with our without us; we're just smart enough to want it to remain the same. I can't speak for anyon else, but I do what I can to make the environment cleaner than I found it. Millions of people do a hell of a lot more than I do, as well. Do'nt say we aren't doing anything about it, when we are. DarK, I fail to see what politics has to do with anything. Humanity and the ecosystem surpass political decisions. You keep saying that we do'nt deserve to be here; so does Metatron. The difference is that he explains his views clearly, whereas you've just repreated the same thing over and over. We know your opinion, but you've failed to address anyone else's. Therefore, you are not contributing.
If humans only thought about themselves, then we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we? As for 'balance', other lifeforms do not keep in balance by any sort of choice on their part. They don't care about the ecosystem, they care about eating. The only reason any sort of 'balnce' exists is because there's always some lifefrom to eat any lifeforms that get too populated or rowdy. However, whenever a species gets smarter than the creature that prey on it, the environment changes. That's what humanity is doing. however, we're unique in the sense that we want to change iit back. DarK, if you're not going to contribute intelligently to the conversation, please shut up.
It's not our duty. The duty of every species is to make more of the species. We're adept at that. We want to preserve and repair the planet, despite that fact that doing so often conflicts with our own intrests. That's what makes us deserving: our ability to think beyond our immediate selves, and to think about, in this case, the rest of the ecosystem.
Okay...well, then I guess you'll have to leave, if you'd rather complain about the situation than fix it. So, where you gonna' go?
I've experienced an epipheny, reading this thread. Yes, humanity *does* deserve to be here. Would you like to know why? Because we're the only species who would have this debate. We're the only species who would care that we're doing something wrong, and try to correct that. No other species on Earth is capable of caring about more than itself and (at most) its immediate offspring. We're not perfect, but we can envision what perfection would be, and we can strive for it. That's what makes us worthy.
Prehaps it is a bit dismissive, but people far too often loose sight of the greater picture. Earth is going to keep chuggin' along whether we kill ourselves or not. What is happening here is that what's-there-name that started this thread is unhappy because the world apparently does not meet their standards. I say, tough beans. We should be greatful that we're in such a position of security that we can find fault with the way things work. You ever wonder why, say, a monkey isn't enviornmentally aware? Because the monkey is just trying to meet its basic needs. (And because it's just a monkey.) Humanity has reached the point where most of our basic needs are met, so we actually have the ability to berate our own progress.
That's my point. The effects would be negative to *us* and our envioronment right now, but what if a new little critter comes along that thrives on carbon monoxide? We'll croak, but he'll survive. Life is an unstoppable force, and we can't destroy it, only alter it. We might kill ourselves, but that's what we get, right? I refer you back to my oxygen analogy. We don't destroy the environment, we alter it. We might not like what we turn it into, but them's the breaks. I also have confidence that humanity can solve the pollution problems because if they don't, they'll die. Survival is a very good motivator.
Ahh, rhetoric... Why are humans so arrogant as to think that anything we do will seriously effect the Earth in the long run? Billions of years ago, plant-like micro organisms pumped so much toxin into the air that it permanantly altered the atmosphere. Oh no! Guess what? It was oxygen, one of the most corrosive gases around. Yet life goes on. Amazing, huh? Of course humans deserve to be here, simply by the fact that we are here. There's so much natural adversity to any lifeforms that for a single species to accomplish all we have is astounding. BTW, guys, the "planet" isn't alive. It's a rock. It doesn't care about what we do to it. The environment? The environment will survive easily. All we do when we pollute and kill animal species is change the environment into forms we find displeasing, or that are harmful to ourselves. So we're basically shooting ourselves in the foot. As for killing...so what? Humans kill humans, big deal. I don't like it, but that's not going to make me write the whole species off. All organisms kill to survive. Humans are only different because we've convinced ourselves that we're different. I'm a bit surprised, though, that none of the young ladies posting in this thread didn't decry *man* kind, but instead espout *woman*kind....
I hate Kari/TK....they're so annoyingly wholesome. I mean, do either of them have any real personal problems? Nope! They're so bland together. Plus, you know, Davis tries so darn hard... I also hate Rika/Ryo, because it's so predictable. "Oh, she can't stand him, so of course she likes him." Puh-leeze.
Anime Challenge: Where have all the staples gone?
DeathBug replied to DeathBug's topic in Otaku Central
I wasn't trying to make a point; I was thought that if we didn't use staples, we'd have to think harder on the decks and be more creative. Finances were not involved. -
I'm going to take so much heat for this, but...Serena and Darrien from Sailor Moon. I'm sorry, but I can't stand Darrien, and he got even more annoying when he was with Serena; after they became an item, he lost all personality traits. (Tuxedo Bland, anyone?) Besides, the thought that Serena, who made googly eyes over every boy she ever met would only have one boyfriend, and be satisfied with that, is wierd. Also, Ryoko and Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo: that shouldn't happen. Tenchi should end up with Ayeka. I say this because I think Ryoko deserves a lot better than Tenchi, who's the least interesting character on his own show. (Even his Dad and Grandpa are cooler) Ryoko acts so totally sappy around Tenchi, it's sad.
Because if I don't post them now, they'll be lost forever, here are three decks I've designed recently: a Magnet deck, a Necrofear deck, and a Toon deck. Enjoy! Pegasus's Revenge: Toon Deck Monsters: Blue Eyes Toon Dragon Blue Eyes Toon Dragon Toon Summoned Skull Toon Summoned skull Toon Summoned skull Nimble Monoga Nimble Monoga Nimble Monoga Gemini Elf Gemini Elf Gemini Elf Forgiving Maiden Forgiving Maiden Forgiving Maiden Sinister Serpant Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Cyber Jar Jinzo Traps: Magic Cylinder Mirror Force Solemn Wishes Solemn Wishes Magic Jammer Magic Jammer Torrentil Tribute Magiks: Toon World Toon World Toon World Change of Heart Pot of Greed Monster Reborn Swords of Revealing Light Regeki Harpie's Feather Duster Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon Dien Kiento the Cure Master Dien Kiento the Cure Master Dien Kiento the Cure Master Tribute to the doomed Hard Core Rock deck: Monsters: Valkryion the Magna Warrior Valkriyon the Magna Warrior Alpha the Magnet Warrior x3 Beta the Magnet Warrior x3 Gamma the Magnet Warrior x3 Giant Soldier of Stone x 3 Cyber Jar Jinzo Giant Rat x3 Traps: Mirror Force Magic Cylinder Torrential Tribute Ultimate Offering Solemn Wishes Imperial Order Royal Command Magiks: Monster Reborn Swords of Revealing Light Graceful Charity Change of Heart Regeki Wasteland Tribute to the doomed Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon Shield and Sword Ax of Despair Shield and Sword Ax of Despair Yami Bakura's Rage Monsters: Dark Necrofear Dark Necrofear Summoned skull x3 Jinzo La Jinn x3 Wall of Illusion x3 Kuriboh x2 Sinister Serpant Big Eye Cyber Jar Ryu Kashin Powered x2 Sangan Traps: Mirror Force Imperial Order Solemn Wishes Torrential Tribune Royal Command Magic Cylinder GraveRobber Magiks: Change of Heart Regeki Graceful Charity Swords of REvealing Light Monster rEborn Yami Fairy Meteor Crush Ax of DEspair Ax of Despair Megamorph Tribute to the doomed Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon There you go. each has exactly 40 cards. Enjoy. (Man, I rule...:demon: )
Nightcrawler was a goofy dude in Claremont''s run, and they can't feature religion on Saturday morning cartoons, so given that, I think it's pretty accurate.
Well, I guess we should vote with our wallets if we are dissatisfied. The last property I was really excited about being a movie was Spider-Man, and that turned out pretty good. However, the differences are so vast, I hardly think i can compare them. A better comparison would be to DareDevil. That movie sucked, and DD fans were torqued off because it tarnished their fave character in the public eye. I fear this may be a bit like that. Well, on the plus side, a movie means more merchandise and interested in the property. And, there's always the slim chance that it might be good.... Even if the movie sucks, we'll always know the truth.
Actually, I don't think a DBZ movie would be as bad as an EVA movie. When you think about it, DBZ has a pretty simple plot compared to EVA, or other animes considered for film treatment. As long as they try to keep it as a martial-arts movie, I do'nt see a problem.
I appreciate the spirit, but this is a potential disaster. No way can a three-hour movie cram in all the philosiphy of 26 episodes and two movies.
I've read both Ultimate X-Men and seen X-Men: Evo, and I think that Evo is a better retelling of the story than Ultimate. in Ultimate, there's almost no characterization, and the action goes by so quickly that we don't get to care about the characters we meet. (Ironically, the exact opposite of Ultimate Spider-Man, whih places heavy emphasis on characterization.) I wish the Toad was British, though. The Britsh punk version of the Toad was always my favorite version.
I enjoy X-Men: Evolution, and wish they'd make a similar show starring Spider-Man. I wish they'd show some new episodes, though. (Heh, X-Men: Evo is better than Ultimate X-Men. Take a clue, Miller!)
Here is my greatest deck ever designed! (If only I had the cards to make it.) If you wish to use this deck, I give you my blessings. Use it well, grasshopper. ;) Monsters: The Masked Beast (My main man monster) The Masked Beast The Masked Beast Senju of the Thousand Hands (All Ritual decks need him.) Senju of the Thousand Hands Sonic Bird (Ditto) Sonic Bird Marie the Fallen One (Not to play, but to sacrifice for MB.) Marie the Fallen One (Get me some extra LP when she's tributed) Sinister Serpant (Very useful) Cyber Jar (To spice things up) Jinzo (Anti-trap) Forgiving Maiden (Defense monster; good effect, as well.) Forgiving Maiden Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Nice attack, *great* effect) Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Gemini Elf (Lots of damage really quickly) Gemini Elf Magician of Faith (To retrieve the Ritual Magic & other magics) Magician of Faith Witty Phantom (My image card, for good luck. ;) ) Total Monsters: 21 Traps: Mirror Force Solemn Wishes (500 LP? Niiiccceee) Imperial Order Torrential Tribute (Super Trap Hole!) Skull Lair (I love this card; it's gotten me out of many a jam.) Magic cylinder GraveRobber Total Traps: 7 Magic Cards: Curse of the Masked Beast x3 (Obviously...) Regeki Change of Heart Monster Reborn Graceful Charity (Combo'ed with "Solemn Wishes"...) Ebikyo Drakmond (Wierd name, but I love this bad boy.) Tribute to the Doomed (+ Sinister Sperpant, or Marie) Swords of Revealing Light Harpie's Feather Duster Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon Total Magiks: 13 Side Deck: Exchange (Use it when your hand's almost empty ^^) Prohibition (Kiss your best card goodbye!) De-Fusion (Even more fun if they used "Fusio Gate"...) Ground Collapse (Nice to mess with them) Pot of Greed (In case I'd need more cards) Royal Command (Bye bye flip-effects!) Snatch Steal (Your Blue Eyes is mine, now.) Buster Blader (For dragon decks) Ax of Despair (Just in case) Fairy Meteor Crush (For defensive decks) Giant Trunade (Just in case) Fairy Box (To mix things up a little) Mask of Restrict (*Very* seldom used...) Scapegoat (Love those little furry buggers...) DNA Surgery (Aww, Umi doesn't work on, say, Insects? Too bad!) Side deck: 15 There you have it! What do you think?