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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. So many of my friends have told me that I'm like Vash, from Trigun. I can be really smart and skilled when I want to be, according to them, but most of the times I'm a goofy dork. I've never seen Trigun, though, so I can't verify this. However, I'm going to watch it on CN this summer. :)
  2. I believe it is Articuno. (If it's one of the new ones, I can't help.
  3. I've got the "Only In Dreams" video; it was nice. :) My personal favorite 'serious' CB vid was "Paint It Black", however.
  4. I must again summerize and say that the problem is that the parents don't want the took accept the responsibility for their children's behavior. They wish to be blameless, which is, of course, idiotic. Fortunatly, when our generation comes of age, we'll be the more intelligent people who will *think* before stupid crap like this goes on. BTW, I'm awaiting Doom III with baited breath. But can you imagine the firestorm that will appear when it's released? Never mind that it's an admittedly gorey 3-D version of one of the original violent video games. God, I get a headache just thinking about it.
  5. In addition to degrading parental responsibility, interfering with legitame gamers, and just being plain stupid, this law has (yet) another fallicy: it's unenforcable. There aren't going to be "Game Police" that go from store to store pouncing on youthful offenders sneaking away with Vice City, (At least I hope not.) Laws that can't be enforced degrade the fabric of government. Sometimes, they are useful; President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclimation couldn't actually be enforced when he issued it, but it sent an important message. The message was: Slavery is wrong. Sadly, the only message being sent here is: "Washington state lawmakers have far too much time on their hands."
  6. It's a nice movie, and actually family appropriate, for the most part. I enjoyed it when he kidnapped the groundhog. That was the best part.... "Maybe they're okay?" *BOOM*!! "Maybe not...."
  7. Let me start off by saying that I played "Doom" religously when I was eight, and I've never had a desire to hurt anyone, with the exception of N Sync. Parents blame video games for violence, but the're not responsible. It is the parent's responsibility to teach their kids the difference between fantasy and reality. It is also the individual parent's responsibility to know how mature their kids are, and judge for themselves whether or not they can be exposed to such things. Nowadays, people don't want to take these kinds of responsibilities, so they blame the game manufactuers, who are only trying to earn a living. It's kind of like the saying, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." I think Marilyn Manson summed it up best, once. (I hate his music, and the guy as a person freaks the hell right out of me, but this particular quote is very insightful.) "If some kid listens to my music and kills himself, then there's one less stupid person in the world. Raise your kids or I'll be raising them for you." Sadly, it seems that many parents can't be bothered to raise their kids.
  8. DeathBug

    The Simpsons

    I love the Simpsons, but they peaked around '98. Not that they have'nt had good episodes since, but it's still not up to the standards that they themselves set. Sadly, they're still better than most of the stuff on TV. Especially when you factor reality TV into the mix.
  9. I've got an idea to write my own fifth season of Digimon, but the thing is, I actually have two different ideas. So I'll leave the decision up to you, the Otaku public, on which project I should carry out. Similarties are obvious and to be expected, because the same guy (me) thought both ideas up. First, my continuation of Digimon: Tamers: ------- Neo-Tamers Tentative title until I can actually think of something good and clever. I need to read up on the mythology surrounding the name ?Hypnos?, then figure out something better. Basic Plot: After the whole D-Reaper incident, Hypnos took a lot of heat for dropping the ball in the first place, and having to be bailed out by a group of kids. So Yamaki suggests the obvious: why doesn?t Hypnos employ some of those kids? The barrier between the digital World and the Real World created as a by-product of Operation: Doodlebug has all but disintegrated as the Sovereigns rebuilt the digital World, returning to the status quo from the beginning of Tamers. That means Wild Ones are beginning to slip through again. A much smaller and more discreet Hypnos has decided to beat the threat at its own game, and have recruited some old and new tamers to protect the Real World from Digital threats. This takes place a few years after the end of Tamers, but I?m not sure exactly when, yet. Three to four years is a good estimate. Characters: Tally: Yamaki set up the new Hypnos, but he?s needed in other areas, so he choose the one person he can trust to succeed him: his former assistant. Tally feels self-conscious about the first really big solo job of her career, and for another reason: Reilly was actually better suited for the job. Reilly was the first choice, but she turned it down so she could be relocated with her new husband. (Yamaki.) Tally cares about the tamers under her care, and while she may seem nervous and panicky, when the chips are down, she?ll come through. Kazu: Yep, he?s back. And it gets better: due to his experience, he?s been chosen to lead the new group of tamers! (We?re doomed?) Actually, Kazu?s matured a lot as time passed, and takes his new duties very seriously. He still cracks the jokes, but knows when to shut up and get to work. His partner is, of course, Guardromon. (Guardromon: Andromon: HiAndromon.) Kenta: Kenta has become quite the computer expert since we last saw him, and has been assigned the task of Tally?s, well, Tally. Rather than fight, he works in the new Hypnos control room, and handles the computer banks. He has huge amounts of Digimon information at his fingertips, and keeps the tamers well informed. His partner, MarineAngemon, is always at his side. Suzie: Henri?s little sister has grown up, and is ready for her role on the new Tamer team. She?s the peacemaker of the group; she always tries to stop any disagreements and does her best to make everyone feel better. Easily the sweetest of the new tamers, her partner is Lopmon. (Lopmon: Turuiemon: Antylamon: Kerphymon) Alice: The mysterious girl who accompanied Dobermon to the real world has moved to Japan to be near her grandfather, and finally has a partner of her own. She?s thoughtful, quiet, and soft spoken, but is devoted to her friends. Her partner is BlackGatomon. (BlackGatomon: LadyDevimon: Lillithmon) BlackGatomon: The original bad girl, she?s a bit of an antithesis of Alice. She?s loud, outspoken, and would rather fight than resolve things diplomatically. Alice balances out her aggressive qualities, and she balances Alice?s timid qualities. She constantly makes fun of the other Digimon, but deep down actually likes them. Ai: Little more than a footnote in the original Tamers series, Impmon?s female tamer finally gets a chance to shine. Ai?s grown up into an extreme sports fanatic. If it?s dangerous, she?s in. However, she refuses to allow any possible danger come to her little brother, Mako. She accepts the invitation to the Hypnos team, but adamantly refuses to let Mako near it. Her headstrong attitude can get the tamers into trouble, but she would never say ?die?, or leave her teammates behind. As time goes on, she learns to think before she acts. Her partner is Impmon. (Impmon: Beelzemon) Mako: Mako is not an official part of the team, but when some bad stuff goes down, he?s there to help. He?s a shy, introverted young man, but excels at science. He is the opposite of Ai, and Impmon is actually a balance between them. His partner is Impmon. Calumon: Come on, it?s not Tamers without Calumon! No longer being the ?Shining Digivolution?, he?s enjoying life as a normal Digimon. He becomes a pseudo partner to Tally; although there?s no D-power between them, he takes a liking to her and starts to hang around the Hypnos HQ. Calumon?s only powers are the force field powers he demonstrated n the last battle with the D-Reaper, and they only activate under extreme duress. Ryo: Ryo went camping in the Digital World once again, and then went missing. In the middle of the story, he?s thrown into the middle of a battle, beaten within an inch of his life. Cyberdramon?s with him, except he?s not Cyberdramon anymore, he?s Monodramon. Apparently, he can no longer hold his ultimate form, and can only Digivolve to Champion. But why? And what happened to Ryo? (Monodramon: Strikedramon: Cyberdramon :Justimon) Part of this story involves finally sorting out Ryo?s past. I?ll be sticking to the game/S2 story. New Characters: Steven: Steve?s a Digimon fanatic. Sure, the original surge is long past, but Digimon, like Pokemon, still has a loyal following. Steve would like nothing more than to be a goggle boy, and have a strong Digimon like Agumon, Gabumon, Veemon, or Patamon. What he gets is Keramon. He doesn?t like him, and feels cheated. This creates friction? Steve also has a bit of a problem separating reality from fiction, and imagines himself the fearless goggle-wearing leader of the Digidestined; everyone else would tell him the truth is just the opposite. His family includes his mother and father, and uncle. Before this is over, he?s going to have to grow up, and fast. His partner is Keramon. (Keramon: Krysarimon: Infermon: Diaboromon) Keramon: Keramon is Steven?s partner, and loves him unconditionally. However, he feels as though Steve is disappointed in him, and can?t understand why. Keramon is wacky and fun loving, and would rather hang with his friends than fight. He will eventually gain Steven?s love and approval, but getting there might be a rough road? Vincent: Steve?s best friend, Vince is a loner with a quick wit. He has no other friends aside from Steven, and feels intimidated by suddenly having to work as a team with the other tamers. Vince knows next to nothing about Digimon, but studies all the information he can find about the ?D-Reaper Incident?. Most of it was never released to the public, so for a conspiracy theorist like Vince, getting to work inside Hypnos was a dream come true. Vince would rather run than fight, and often uses quotes to make a point. His partner is Veemon, which doesn?t make Steve feel better. Vince lives with his father. He also has a crush on a certain girl in his class named Ai. Veemon: Flamedramon is a cocky wise guy who talks a mile a minute. Vincent treats Flamedramon as an equal, and this is greatly appreciated. Flamedramon doesn?t mind fighting if it?s necessary, and loves to show off. He?s obsessed with rock music. (Flamedramon: Mangamon) Seeing as Armor evolving was never even mentioned in Tamers, if I introduce it, I can set the rules myself. And my rules say that Flamedramon Biomerges to Magnamon. Villains: Wild Ones: Random Wild digimon? Seth: Seth is a street-punk. He?s foul mouthed, violent, and constantly getting into legal trouble. He?s also a tamer, and his partner is Myotismon. At first, the other Tamers think Myotismon is a Wild One, but Seth then orders his partner to slap the other Digimon around. Seth?s arrogance is his downfall, and his partner is defeated, and they are taken into Hypnos custody. Myotismon: Myotismon is an aristocratic Digimon, a bit of a strange pairing for the crass and unrefined Seth. He doesn?t enjoy dirtying his hands fighting, but will without hesitation. He sticks to the shadows, and is never far from Seth. When Seth gets in over his head, Myotismon is there to bail him out, violently if necessary. MetalTyrannomon: The first real villain Digimon, he?s just a really strong Digimon who starts a lot of trouble. However, it?s after beating him that the tamers realize there?s an emergency in the Digital World. He?s a minion of another? Gigadramon/Megadramon: Also servant Digimon, this un-dynamic duo carries out their missions with extreme prejudice. They aren?t? very complex characters, so they don?t get much more space here. In keeping with Digimon tradition, their personalities will be modeled after a famous pop-culture duo. Maybe Jesse and Chester from ?Dude, Where?s My Car??? Reapermon: Here?s a super evil dude. After the D-Reaper was returned to its original state, the Sovereigns had to do something with it. So, they decided to transfer it into the core of a Digimon. (Hey, it worked for the Shining Digivolution?) Any who, the Digimon they created became infected with darkness from an unknown source. It evolved into Reapermon (from Digimon Rumble Arena), and turned on its creators. He used the bits of the D-Reaper within him to trap the four Digimon gods in four different locations, and decided to take over the Digital World himself. His reign of terror has sent all other Digimon deep into hiding, under the sands of the first layer of the digital world. Reapermon speaks in a deep, menacing voice with heavy breathing, not unlike Darth Vader. Airidramon: Masses of these digimon are Reapermon?s army. They?ve been brainwashed into servitude, and obey unthinkingly. DemiDevimon: DemiDevimon at first seems to be a sniveling lackey of Reapermon. Later, he reveals that all he really wants to do is go to the Real World and have a tamer. He gets tired of Reapermon?s abuse and helps out the Tamers. SkullMeramon: A strange lackey of Reapermon who seems to have his own agenda. He serves Reapermon, but also gathers data from fallen Digimon for an unknown purpose. This is because in actuality he is: Milleniumon: After DNA-Digivolving with Monodramon to form Cyberdramon, Milleniumon?s true mind was sent into dormancy. While Cyberdramon?s aggression was due to Milleniumon?s subconscious traits, Milleniumon himself was never actually aware. However, when Ryo began to BioMerge with Cyberdramon to form Justimon, it began to jar Milleniumon?s mind back into being. Finally, he was returned to his full capabilities and separated himself from Cyberdramon?forcefully. Ryo and Cyberdramon were Justimon when the separation occurred, and the Digimon they were fighting took the opportunity to lay the smack down on Ryo. Milleniumon?s spirit wondered aimlessly for a while, until he found the Sovereigns creating a Digimon from the de-evolved D-Reaper. Milleniumon used a Dark Spore to corrupt the new Digimon, and this evil power created Reapermon. He then possessed a Candlemon, causing his host to Warp-Digivolve to SkullMeramon. He swore his loyalty to Reapermon and allowed the hooded tyrant to perform the grunt work of conquering the Digital World while he worked in secret to reproduce the experiment preformed by the Digimon Emperor that created Kimeramon. After finally completing a new body for himself, Milleniumon abandoned the Candlemon host and revealed his true identity. His spirit entered the new body he?d created, and Milleniumon was reborn. His first act was to remove his Dark Spore from Reapermon. Without that energy, Reapermon returned to his original form: the very basest D-Reaper program. Milleniumon uses his powers over dimensions to remove the program from the Digital World, then sets his sights on the tamers? Character note: Milleniumon speaks like the character Venom from the Spider-Man comics. Because he?s composed of two beings, he says ?we?, not ?I? when referring to himself. Milleniumon, or rather, XeedMilleniumon, is the final villain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And here's the other story. It's my own, original idea: ----------------------------- Digimon MAX Story: Forget everything you know. Forget Adventure, 02, Tamers and Frontier. This ain?t your little brother?s Digimon. The advent of the Internet has done the unimaginable: it has created an entirely new universe. Now, the inhabitants of our universe are travel to the Digital Universe, and nothing will ever be the same. The Digital Universe: The Digital Universe exists parallel to our own, and unbeknownst to us, every virus we program, file we load, or network we install affects the Digital Universe in very real ways. We create their weather, their geography, and their very lives. Conversely, large-scale events in the Digital Universe can wreak untold havoc on our digital systems. This hasn?t happened, yet?. The Digital Universe is composed of two sections, the livable ?topside? where Digimon live and work, which exists as physical structures comprehendable to normal minds. There is also the ?Hell Zone? underneath, an incomprhensable realm where binary has form, electricity forms oceans and the very fabric of reality is questionable. No normal being from either universe can survive there. They would be distorted and transformed in hideous, unimaginable ways, until death mercifully overcame them. Every man, woman and child in our universe has a counterpart Digital being in the Digital Universe. The presence of their human counterpart gives the Digimon unimaginable strength, and allows them to upgrade in ways they never thought possible. On occasion, Digital beings have passed between the words. Several national governments have vague ideas of what?s going on, and are doing their utmost to cover up and deal with the situation. Vademon: Vademon starts it all. He pulls three random teenagers to the Digital Universe, telling them he needs their help to overthrow a great evil. In actuality, Vademon is a raving madman, obsessed with traveling to the human world to meet his counterpart. He tries to kill the very teens he recruits, but they get away, and he is slain by HiAndromon. Xavier Reed: Xavier is from London, and has absolutely no need to be involved with any Digital Universe nonsense. His parents died when he was younger, and he lives in a flat with his older brother. He?s shy, and keeps others away with a vicious wit and sarcastic nature. He is full of self-doubt, but by the time this is over, things will change. His counterpart is Strabimon. Alexandre Bard: Alexandre is a black French-Canadian and the eldest of three children. He plays hockey and excels at academics, and tries to be an all-around responsible person. Unfortunately, he has little patience for people who are irresponsible, and this leads him into direct conflict with Xavier. Alexandre is very loyal, and has no problem with fighting. His counterpart is Candlemon. Rosa Martinez: Rosa is Venezuelan, and comes from a large family. She is very kind, and does her best to stop any fights that break out among the group. Do not take her kindness to mean she?s a pushover; she has no problems speaking her mind and standing up for herself. She will fight, but only as a last resort. He counterpart is Gatomon, whom she calls ?Gata?. Kai: Nothing is really known about Kai. He?s from Japan, and has been in the Digital Universe for an undetermined period of time. He?s very friendly and outgoing, and helps the others out when they arrive. Unfortunately, Kai?s friendly nature will prove to be his downfall. Kai?s counterpart is Pidomon. Megan Williamson: Megan, a Californian, meets the others in the Digital universe, asking for their help. Her mission is a simple one: she has to find her little brother, Peter, who was sucked into the Digital Universe months ago. She is shy and introverted, and tends to appear quiet and meek. Unknown to her, her father is actually working on a government project trying to build a reliable way to travel between worlds. Her counterpart is Floramon. Justimon: Justimon is a Guardian, the chosen protector of the Digital Universe from those who would abuse it or its inhabitants. He was chosen for this role as a Monodramon by the former Guardian, Magnamon. Monodramon?s brother, Impmon, wanted to be upgraded to a Guardian instead, and his rejection is a bone of contention between them. Justimon immediately takes to protecting the humans from evil forces. However, all heroes must eventually fall? Strabimon: Strabimon is Xavier?s counterpart, and doesn?t like it. Stubborn and unrefined, he feels that he needs a human counterpart only to upgrade, and nothing more. Because of his very humanlike appearance, he has little trouble walking around in the human world with little disguise. Though he can?t believe it, Strabimon actually starts to take a liking to Xavier, much to his chagrin. Strabimon upgrades to Lobomon, who upgrades to Garmmon. Strabimon and Xavier Biomerge to BeoWolfmon. Candlemon: Plain and simple, Candlemon is a goofball. He loves to play around and hang with friends. However, he?s also very protective of his friends, and won?t hesitate to turn up the heat if they?re in trouble. Candlemon upgrades to Meramon, who upgrades to SkullMeramon. Candlemon and Alexandre BioMerge to Boltmon. Gatomon: Gatomon actually traveled from the Digital Universe to ours to meet her counterpart, and for a while now has been posing as Rosa?s pet cat, ?Gata?. However, when Rosa was pulled into the Digital Universe, Gatomon followed. She is very maternal and responsible, and easily the most level-headed of the Digimon. Gatomon upgrades to Nefertimon. Rosa and Gatomon BioMerge to Magnadramon. Pidomon: Kai?s righteous counterpart, it?s unknown if this angelic Digimon can speak. Floramon: Floramon is Megan?s counterpart, and is the epitome of bubbly. She is very emotional, and wants to be friends with everyone. Floramon and Megan BioMerge to Rosemon. Lilith: Little is known of Lilith except that she?s powerful and very evil. At this point, it?s unknown even if she?s a human or a Digimon. What is known is that she seeks a Digital Core, an artifact of immense power. Her intentions cannot be benevolent. Her forces include HiAndromon, Kenneth, Kat, a host of Stingmon, and later Seth. HiAndromon: HiAndromon is a powerful Digimon, completely obedient to Lilith. However, he lacks creative thought, and is easily tricked. When he first pursues the humans, their Digimon counterparts are far to weak to defeat him. Kenneth Scott: Kenneth is uneducated white trash, and works for Lilith. He?s crass and unrefined, and totally disgusts Kat. He is resigned to grunt work. His counterpart is Tyrannomon. Katherine Thompson: Katherine is a spoiled rich girl from Malibu, California. Despite her haughty attitude, Kat is actually deeply lonely, as her father spends no time with her. She follows Litlith for kicks, even though she can?t stand Kenny. At first, she is cruel to Seth, but after he returns with her to our dimension, she begins to pity him, then grows to love him. Her counterpart is Renamon. Seth: Seth is a clone created by Lilith to be the perfect human fighter. He is created from a sample of Xavier?s DNA, though there is no love lost between them. He is undyingly loyal to Lilith, and has a very robotic nature. He kills on Lilith?s command, and has no problems with killing. He considers Lilith his ?mother?; however, after being sent to the real universe with Kat, he transfers his puppy-like loyalty to her. His counterpart is Impmon. Tyrannomon: Tyrannomon is big, dumb, and ugly. He?s totally loyal to Kenneth. Tyrannomon upgrades to MetalTyrannomon. Renamon: Renamon is hyper, spontaneous and reckless. She acts on emotion, and never considers the consequences of her actions. She considers Kat her sister, and is very protective of her. Renamon upgrades to Yokomon, who upgrades to Doumon. Renamon and Kat BioMerge to Kazuhamon. Impmon: Impmon is the brother of Justimon, and resents him deeply. The studious Monodramon was selected to be the next Guardian over the delinquent Impmon, who only wanted the position to upgrade. When his reckless actions forced Justimon to cap his ability to upgrade, Impmon made a deal with Lilith to become Seth?s counterpart, thus regaining his ability to upgrade, as well as getting revenge on the brother he thinks wronged him. Impmon upgrades to Devimon, who upgrades to NeoDevimon. Seth and Impmon BioMerge to Beelzemon. Reapermon: Reapermon is an evil Digimon who competes with Lilth to find the Digital Core. Once, not too long ago, Reapermon was a gentle Monzemon who fell in love with a Kazemon. However, when she was brutally killed, he forced a Dark-BioMergance with his human counterpart to gain the power to restore her from death. Reapermon?s counterpart, Peter Williamson, is a young boy of five who has no control over his counterpart?s actions. Reapermon is obsessed with finding the Digital Core in order to amplify his powers so that he may raise Kazemon from the dead. Phantomon: Reapermon?s top lacky, Phantomon has strange ghostly powers. However, though he acts loyal to Reapermon, there are clues that he?s more than he seems? Gargoylemon: Gargoylemon is a simple Digimon who was cursed with a large amount of potential dark energy. The former Guardian, Maganamon, couldn?t allow him to unintentionally harm others, so he capped his upgrade ability to keep him in check. This unfortunate creature is kept as a kind of pet by Reapermon. NeoCerberumon: NeoCerberumon is the only Digimon who can exist in the Hell Zone. His motives are unknown. He sometimes supplies information to both Lilth and Reapermon, but no one knows why. Stingmon: The Stingmon are a hive that mindlessly serve Lilith after she killed their queen. They swarm enemies quickly, but scatter just as quickly when possible danger arrives. DemiDevimon: The DemiDevimon are Reapermon?s unwilling henchmen. Scared of Reapermon?s rage, they serve him, but would sell him out at the first opportunity. Steven Williamson: Mr. Williamson is the father of Megan and Peter. He works on a government project, ?Parallel?, whose goal is to gather information regarding the Digital universe. He believes his missing son was somehow sucked into this universe, and works to free him. Edward Crain: Mr. Crain is a scientist working on project ?Parallel?. He hides a dark secret, however: all of his information is being secretly fed to him by NeoCerberumon. Crain believes that the Digital Universe represents a threat to mankind, and feels it should be destroyed without delay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, vote on which you like best. Also, if it's not too much trouble, post your opinions, and why you have them. Hopefully I'll be able to start this summer.
  10. His movies are pretty good; I liked Dogma, especially the scenes with the angels. However, he should *not* write comic books, because he can't write the darn things on time. He started "Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do" in May/June of last year. It's still not finished, and there are only five isues in the series! He's only done three! At least I'm not a DareDevil fan, because he's only done *one* issue of "DareDevil/Bullseye: The Target". The worst part about that is that Brian Micheal Bendis, the writer who does the normal monthly DareDevil series, says that he won't use the character of Bullseye until Smith finishes his series. I liked Dogma a lot, though.
  11. Well, that's the challenging part of the challenge, isn't it? I'm working on one, but it's hard, especially when you know your opponent will be using most of the cards on the list. I'm not arrogant enough to assume I'm the best duelist around, so I started this up to see if anyone else could have better luck. The point is to think outside of the box.
  12. People get so emotional over graduation; this puzzles me. I take the walk next year, and I ca'nt say that I feel aprehensive or remorseful. In fact, I'll be glad not to see most of these people ever again. You just move on to college or the work force, where you have to interact with yet another group of random people. Some people's lives peak at high school, though, which is sad. (As Iv'e often said, "If this is as good as it's ever gonna' get, please kill me now.")
  13. I *know* that BEWD isn't a staple, but I've seen it used so often I put it on the list. It's a nub staple, at any rate.
  14. They say that Necessity is the mother of Invention, so I say, let's put that to the test. Here's the challenge: I challenge any duelists to make the best deck they can *without* using any of the followng cards: Regeki Mirror Force Magic Jammer Trap Hole Monster Reborn Pot of greed Change of Heart Summoned skull Jinzo Magic cylinder Swords of Revealing Light Witch of the Black Forest Cyber Jar Blue Eyes White Dragon Imperial Order Mystical Space Typhoon Seven Tools of the Bandit Gemini Elves Dark Hole Axe of Despair Graceful Charity Heavy Storm Harpie's Feather Duster Sinister Serpant Sangan Torriential Tribute See, the point is, without some of the (admittedly) strongest and most useful cards in the game, a duelist would be forced to come up with new ways to combat opponents who will have some of those. At the worst, you'll have to be a little more creative. At the best, you might think of winning card combos heretofor unthought of. (So, is this a decent idea, or am I totally out in left field?)
  15. DeathBug


    So, I read some reports from E3, and what do i find? Appearently, Nindento plans to release cartoons on GBA cartridges! They'll retail for under $20 American each, and... And that's all I know. Anyone have more specifics, because I'm very intrigued by the idea.
  16. Heh, you didsn't have an option for "I'd be a mutant". Not that it would be important; I'm pretty sure I'm a mutant right now. Our time will come.... Back on topic, I'd be totally into it if mutants were real. I'd like to be one, or date one, or hang with one. Mutants are cool, people. :)
  17. I'm an AMV junkie. I download them and plan them, but I can't make them. (One thing Iv'e noticed is, and I do'nt know why, is that there are *no* bad Cowboy BeBop AMV's. They're all high-quality.) My faves include "These Girls are Crazy", featuring Cowboy BeBop, "Jamming with Edward", (Featuring Ed from CB), Kid Rock's "Cowboy", set to Trigun, "She Blinded Me with Science", featuring Washu from Tenchi Muyo, and "Superman", featuring Trigun again. Also for laughs, look for "Livi'n in the Fridge", featuring CB, "Christmas at Ground Zero", featuring....I don't know, The EVA Mentos commercial, and "Cuz' I'm a Blonde", featuring all sorts of shows. The two most impressive AMV's I've ever seen, though, are "Tainted Donuts", featuring Spike versus Vash, and "Senshi on Springer", featuring Sailor Moon and...Jerry Springer. I'm a twisted little monkey. :demon:
  18. Thank you, sir. I'll be sure to read the announcments in the future.
  19. I've noticed a lot of posters have new names lately. How can I change mine? I've been "Beelzebumon" for a while now, and I think it's time for a change. Where do i go or who do I speak to about this? Thank you in advance for any replies.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B] In X2, [spoiler]he is seen getting on the plane with Magneto and Mystique[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] I know; saw it yesterday. Just because he did doesn't make him bad, IMO. But I understand.
  21. Name: Jason, right? X Name: Pyro Mutant Ability: Controlling flames Children (if any): None (Jeez, he's like, 17) Good or bad: Bad (Nuetral?)
  22. 'Dubya' is a nickname for US President George W. Bush. It's an exagerated Texan pronunciation of the letter W. Although I'm not sure, I believe it's almost always used derogatorily. It might not be, but I've never heard anyone call him that who was praising him. *Shrugs* I refuse to bring my own political opinions into this, however. I decided, on reflection, that Robin Hood is a criminal, but not a terrorist.
  23. When do you stop watching anime? When you're dead. Seriously, as long as you still enjoy something, and do'nt let it control your life, why stop? I'm not going to stop reading comic books for the forseeable future, either.
  24. I find that, as I get older, all of the nice, non-controversial kids' tales I knew are actually horribly controersial...don't get me started on The Lion King.... Makes me wish I was a nieve lil' kid again.
  25. I've never liked Robin Hood, some i'm inclined to say that he was. I mean, think about it: he steals. From those he considers unworthy of having the money. Really, who the heck is he to say whether or not someone deserves to have what they have? In the same note, who was he to decide who gets the stolen goods? If something's stolen from me, I don't say, "Well, the theif told me that he gave it to an orphanage, so it's okay." It's still stealing. The whole myth was a load of crock.
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