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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Hey, bit of a question here: other than Harpie's Feather Duster, are any of the Magic Cards released since Pharoah's Servent "Staple" cards? I've been out of the loop since I lost my weekend job and have'nt even had a chance to pick up the new starter decks, much less boosters. What've I missed, Staple-wise?
  2. At the beginning of this year, my AP history teacher told me I could kiss my sociall ife good bye. I told him I'd heard better from worse. I was right. AP Language & AP US History were cake. The AP tests were cake. Next year, I'm takin' AP Micro & Marco Economics, AP Spanish Language, & AP English lit. Bring 'em on.
  3. In the actual game, there are cardboard cutouts that represent the dice paths. THe dice themselves are solid.
  4. If you role two Summon crests of the same level, the die may be opened, or 'dimensioned'. There are several possible ways to dimension the dice, in very different shapes. However, each die must touch part of your other dice that you've already opened. It's a cool game. If you have any other question, just PM me.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by blackgatomon [/i] [B] Is it just me, or does this kid have a sign on his back that says 'Kidnap me! Please!' [/B][/QUOTE] Seriously! heh, and, ironically, the person in the show who's been kidnapped the most times just bellow him is Kaiba himself. He was kidnapped by Pegasus and the Witty Phantom. Each time he was rescued by Yugi. Some tough guy...
  6. We're talkin' about *fictional* evil, right? Because real evil is bad. There's a school of thought that says that people are most interested in concepts that repulse them, as long as it stays rhetorical. So, an essentaily good person would be interested in darker fictional characters, because their motivations seem more alien to them. There's also a school of thought that says people want fictional characters to act in ways they secretly wish they could, but I do'nt buy that. Maybe it's just a big coincidence that most "evil" characters in an anime are more compelling and fleshed out than their heroes. As long as everyone can seperate reality from fiction, that's fine by me.
  7. Evil all the way. Darker, more evil characters are usually more complex. It doesn't take a genious to figure out, for example, why someone who got bit by a mutant spider would use his powers to help the innocent. I'm more interested in why a man would fly a purple glider and blow things up with tiny orange bombs.
  8. Drawn by destiny, or perhaps dumb luck, I have arrived. My screen-name marks me as "Beelzebumon", but that is of course simple hommage. No, my friends, my true name is Eric Wilson, September the 20th will mark the seventeenth celebration of my birth, and I hang my hat in Florida. I'm a Junior member of this forum. As I've been involved in this community, I notice that it has a lot to do with anime. Seeing as much, I suppose I should say something about anime to endear myself to the panel, what? My favorite ainme to date is Outlaw Star, but this may change over the summer as I watch Trigun and Cowboy Bebop for the first time. (An online personality test once told me I was Vash, and based on the reasons it gave, I could'nt argue.) I also like Tenchi Muyo!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Digimon Tamers, Yu-Gi-Oh, and the Big O. As far as manga goes, I subscribe to Shonen Jump and enjoy all the features therein, save for Sandland, which I don't feel strongly on either way. My non-anime tastes include the writings of John Grisham and Micheal Chrichton, stand-up commedy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Spider-Man. I've been reading those comics since I was nine, and am very well-versed in the lore. If I were crowned Otaku Idol, I'd work towards World Peace (TM). Wait, no I wouldn't....Strong Bad once posed the question of whether a person should use super-powers for good or for awesome. I am definatly in the "for awesome" catagory. I have to pee, so I think this introduction is over. Yep, it's over. Ciao For Now.
  9. Really? Huh...never saw those previews, so I don't know. *Shrugs*
  10. Well...I guess I'll need to, like, have a complete outline done first. tHen we'll talk. :)
  11. TZ: I told you, it's not a competetion, because our stories are completely different animals. If you need some help on that, I'd be happy to lend a hand to help get it off the ground. PM me. GinnyL: Yeah, I probably ggave a way a few spoilers, but those all happen fairly early in the story. I kept the really good surprises to myself. Which Digis do you personally think have been done to death? I've always been weary of using Ficmon, but if you've got pix of them, so I can imagine who I'm writing for, then maybe... If you're serious about a manga, I could start writing it as early as the end of May. (I'll be studying for exams prior to that. ;) )
  12. This is an outline of my first pathetic attmpt at a completly original Digimon Season. Tell me what ya'll think. Pleae be specific in your commentary. If enough people like it, I might actually make it a reality, so do'nt be shy. ********************************************************************** Digimon MAX Story: Forget everything you know. Forget Adventure, 02, Tamers and Frontier. This ain?t your little brother?s Digimon. The advent of the Internet has done the unimaginable: it has created an entirely new universe. Now, the inhabitants of our universe are travel to the Digital Universe, and nothing will ever be the same. The Digital Universe: The Digital Universe exists parallel to our own, and unbeknownst to us, every virus we program, file we load, or network we install affects the Digital Universe in very real ways. We create their weather, their geography, and their very lives. Conversely, large-scale events in the Digital Universe can wreak untold havoc on our digital systems. This hasn?t happened, yet?. The Digital Universe is composed of two sections, the livable ?topside? where Digimon live and work, which exists as physical structures comprehendable to normal minds. There is also the ?Hell Zone? underneath, an incomprhensable realm where binary has form, electricity forms oceans and the very fabric of reality is questionable. No normal being from either universe can survive there. They would be distorted and transformed in hideous, unimaginable ways, until death mercifully overcame them. Every man, woman and child in our universe has a counterpart Digital being in the Digital Universe. The presence of their human counterpart gives the Digimon unimaginable strength, and allows them to upgrade in ways they never thought possible. On occasion, Digital beings have passed between the words. Several national governments have vague ideas of what?s going on, and are doing their utmost to cover up and deal with the situation. Vademon: Vademon starts it all. He pulls three random teenagers to the Digital Universe, telling them he needs their help to overthrow a great evil. In actuality, Vademon is a raving madman, obsessed with traveling to the human world to meet his counterpart. He tries to kill the very teens he recruits, but they get away, and he is slain by HiAndromon. Xavier Reed: Xavier is from London, and has absolutely no need to be involved with any Digital Universe nonsense. His parents died when he was younger, and he lives in a flat with his older brother. He?s shy, and keeps others away with a vicious wit and sarcastic nature. He is full of self-doubt, but by the time this is over, things will change. His counterpart is Strabimon. Alexandre Bard: Alexandre is a black French-Canadian and the eldest of three children. He plays hockey and excels at academics, and tries to be an all-around responsible person. Unfortunately, he has little patience for people who are irresponsible, and this leads him into direct conflict with Xavier. Alexandre is very loyal, and has no problem with fighting. His counterpart is Candlemon. Rosa Martinez: Rosa is Venezuelan, and comes from a large family. She is very kind, and does her best to stop any fights that break out among the group. Do not take her kindness to mean she?s a pushover; she has no problems speaking her mind and standing up for herself. She will fight, but only as a last resort. He counterpart is Gatomon, whom she calls ?Gata?. Kai: Nothing is really known about Kai. He?s from Japan, and has been in the Digital Universe for an undetermined period of time. He?s very friendly and outgoing, and helps the others out when they arrive. Unfortunately, Kai?s friendly nature will prove to be his downfall; he?s stabbed to death by Seth. Kai?s counterpart is Pidomon. Megan Williamson: Megan, a Californian, meets the others in the Digital universe, asking for their help. Her mission is a simple one: she has to find her little brother, Peter, who was sucked into the Digital Universe months ago. She is shy and introverted, and tends to appear quiet and meek. Unknown to her, her father is actually working on a government project trying to build a reliable way to travel between worlds. Her counterpart is Floramon. Justimon: Justimon is a Guardian, the chosen protector of the Digital Universe from those who would abuse it or its inhabitants. He was chosen for this role as a Monodramon by the former Guardian, Magnamon. Monodramon?s brother, Impmon, wanted to be upgraded to a Guardian instead, and his rejection is a bone of contention between them. Justimon immediately takes to protecting the humans from evil forces. However, all heroes must eventually fall? Strabimon: Strabimon is Xavier?s counterpart, and doesn?t like it. Stubborn and unrefined, he feels that he needs a human counterpart only to upgrade, and nothing more. Because of his very humanlike appearance, he has little trouble walking around in the human world with little disguise. Though he can?t believe it, Strabimon actually starts to take a liking to Xavier, much to his chagrin. Strabimon upgrades to Lobomon, who upgrades to Garmmon. Strabimon and Xavier Biomerge to BeoWolfmon. Candlemon: Plain and simple, Candlemon is a goofball. He loves to play around and hang with friends. However, he?s also very protective of his friends, and won?t hesitate to turn up the heat if they?re in trouble. Candlemon upgrades to Meramon, who upgrades to SkullMeramon. Candlemon and Alexandre BioMerge to Boltmon. Gatomon: Gatomon actually traveled from the Digital Universe to ours to meet her counterpart, and for a while now has been posing as Rosa?s pet cat, ?Gata?. However, when Rosa was pulled into the Digital Universe, Gatomon followed. She is very maternal and responsible, and easily the most level-headed of the Digimon. Gatomon upgrades to Nefertimon. Rosa and Gatomon BioMerge to Magnadramon. Pidomon: Kai?s righteous counterpart, it?s unknown if this angelic Digimon can speak. He only says one word, but is then killed by Tyrannomon. Floramon: Floramon is Megan?s counterpart, and is the epitome of bubbly. She is very emotional, and wants to be friends with everyone. Floramon and Megan BioMerge to Rosemon. Lilith: Little is known of Lilith except that she?s powerful and very evil. At this point, it?s unknown even if she?s a human or a Digimon. What is known is that she seeks a Digital Core, an artifact of immense power. Her intentions cannot be benevolent. Her forces include HiAndromon, Kenneth, Kat, a host of Stingmon, and later Seth. HiAndromon: HiAndromon is a powerful Digimon, completely obedient to Lilith. However, he lacks creative thought, and is easily tricked. When he first pursues the humans, their Digimon counterparts are far to weak to defeat him. However, they outwit him and cause him to fall into the Hell Zone, where he dies. Kenneth Scott: Kenneth is uneducated white trash, and works for Lilith. He?s crass and unrefined, and totally disgusts Kat. He is resigned to grunt work, but is killed by Reapermon. His counterpart is Tyrannomon. Katherine Thompson: Katherine is a spoiled rich girl from Malibu, California. Despite her haughty attitude, Kat is actually deeply lonely, as her father spends no time with her. She follows Litlith for kicks, even though she can?t stand Kenny. At first, she is cruel to Seth, but after he returns with her to our dimension, she begins to pity him, then grows to love him. Her counterpart is Renamon. Seth: Seth is a clone created by Lilith to be the perfect human fighter. He is created from a sample of Xavier?s DNA, though there is no love lost between them. He is undyingly loyal to Lilith, and has a very robotic nature. He kills Kai on Lilith?s command, and has no problems with killing anyone. He considers Lilith his ?mother?; however, after being sent to the real universe with Kat, he transfers his puppy-like loyalty to her. His counterpart is Impmon. Tyrannomon: Tyrannomon is big, dumb, and ugly. He?s totally loyal to Kenneth, and is killed in the same instant as his counterpart by Reapermon. Tyrannomon upgrades to MetalTyrannomon. Renamon: Renamon is hyper, spontaneous and reckless. She acts on emotion, and never considers the consequences of her actions. She considers Kat her sister, and is very protective of her. Renamon upgrades to Yokomon, who upgrades to Doumon. Renamon and Kat BioMerge to Kazuhamon. Impmon: Impmon is the brother of Justimon, and resents him deeply. The studious Monodramon was selected to be the next Guardian over the delinquent Impmon, who only wanted the position to upgrade. When his reckless actions forced Justimon to cap his ability to upgrade, Impmon made a deal with Lilith to become Seth?s counterpart, thus regaining his ability to upgrade, as well as getting revenge on the brother he thinks wronged him. Impmon upgrades to Devimon, who upgrades to NeoDevimon. Seth and Impmon BioMerge to Beelzemon. Reapermon: Reapermon is an evil Digimon who competes with Lilth to find the Digital Core. Once, not too long ago, Reapermon was a gentle Monzemon who fell in love with a Kazemon. However, when she was brutally killed, he forced a Dark-BioMergance with his human counterpart to gain the power to restore her from death. Reapermon?s counterpart, Peter Williamson, is a young boy of five who has no control over his counterpart?s actions. Reapermon is obsessed with finding the Digital Core in order to amplify his powers so that he may raise Kazemon from the dead. Phantomon: Reapermon?s top lacky, Phantomon has strange ghostly powers. However, though he acts loyal to Reapermon, there are clues that he?s more than he seems? Gargoylemon: Gargoylemon is a simple Digimon who was cursed with a large amount of potential dark energy. The former Guardian, Maganamon, couldn?t allow him to unintentionally harm others, so he capped his upgrade ability to keep him in check. This unfortunate creature is kept as a kind of pet by Reapermon. NeoCerberumon: NeoCerberumon is the only Digimon who can exist in the Hell Zone. His motives are unknown. He sometimes supplies information to both Lilth and Reapermon, but no one knows why. Ghoulmon and Megidramon: Reapermon raises Kai and Kenneth?s bodies from the dead along with their counterparts, and BioMerges them into Ghoulmon and Megidramon, respectively. Though they have the appearance of former allies, they are soulless, mindless mockeries of everything the living humans stood for. Stingmon: The Stingmon are a hive that mindlessly serve Lilith after she killed their queen. They swarm enemies quickly, but scatter just as quickly when possible danger arrives. DemiDevimon: The DemiDevimon are Reapermon?s unwilling henchmen. Scared of Reapermon?s rage, they serve him, but would sell him out at the first opportunity. Steven Williamson: Mr. Williamson is the father of Megan and Peter. He works on a government project, ?Parallel?, whose goal is to gather information regarding the Digital universe. He believes his missing son was somehow sucked into this universe, and works to free him. Edward Crain: Mr. Crain is a scientist working on project ?Parallel?. He hides a dark secret, however: all of his information is being secretly fed to him by NeoCerberumon. Crain believes that the Digital Universe represents a threat to mankind, and feels it should be destroyed without delay. ************************************************** So, whaddaya' think?
  13. Well, since YuGiOh is Japanese, and a good majority of the Japanese don't practice the Christian faith, it can logically not be intended to be 'evil' by Christian standards.
  14. IMHO, the God cards are overrated. They aren't even Tournie-legal. I'm not going to preach that they "take the challenge out of the game", because I believe in using every advantage to the fullest. Thing is, I like to run a Relinquished/control deck. Let's see how much you like your Gods when my trio of Relinquishi have absorbed them....
  15. Do you guys know where to find this stuff?
  16. It came on before 'X-Men: Evolution'. .................seriously. That's also the same way I got to like digimon; it came on before 'Beast Machine: Transformers."
  17. Dub changes are often a sore spot with fans, but I'm getting kind of tired of the complaining. The company that dubs Yu-Gi-Oh felt a need to change the name to Millenium Necklace, probably because most kids don't know what a 'tauk' is. (Hey, what is a 'tauk'? I really don't know...) Now, for every dub change they make, they usually have a good reason. Why? *Because it costs them $money$ to make changes to the original!* You think they're going to waste time making changes for no reason? Sometimes, we as mature Otaku don't understand the changes, or don't agree that the change is necessary, but will complaining about it help? We know what the names should be, so where's the problem? Besides, if the companies couldn't make changes they deemed appropriate to get the show to conform to US children's TV standards, they just wouldn't show the programs at all. I think the trade-off is worth it.
  18. It's not evil; it's called "capitalism". They wouldn't sell for so much if someone weren't buying. (Can't imagine who, but, whatever...) BTW< I was in the Japanse section of EPCOT in Disney World, Olando, and they were selling a ton of Japanse Yu-Gi-Oh cards. They were $4 a pack. There was also a Japanse tin fearuring the Black Paladin (Buster Blade/Dark Magician fusion), for $40, so if you're going on a trip over spring break, remember that.
  19. [spoiler] Slightly off-topic, but what cards does Marik even use besides his God Card? [/spoiler]
  20. So, do I try to join a team, or will I be selected?
  21. Well, he said use a "Shadow" Digimon. Also, I use Impmon in a lot of other RPG's on Yahoo, so I like to diversify when I can. Besides, I can never decide on what Impmon's champion & ultimate forms are.
  22. No harm in trying. Besides, although you guys here have never seen me RP and have no reason to believe me, you should trust me when I tell you this: you want to see me play a villain. You really want to see me play a villain. :demon:
  23. Well, if there's still a spot left on the bad guys' team, I'm applying. Name: Xavier Age: 15 Hair/Eyes: Black D-3:silver with black trim Digimon: Betamon BlackSeadramon BlackMegaSeadramon ChaosMegaSeadramon Personality: Emotionally distant, sarcastic, confident, intelligent Appearance: Wears all black and silver
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B]Someone got a Relinquished in a Magic Ruler [/B][/QUOTE] Relinquished *is* from Magic Ruler, dude. Magic Ruler was the first line to have Ritual cards,
  25. He did'nt get ripped. TW was one of the cards that could *possibly* be in the starter deck, but it wasn't there. He wasn't swindled, just unlucky. Tough break, dude.
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