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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Yep...I got, like, no help earlier, and this is the mess that results of it: The Eyes Have It Ritual Monsters: Relinquished x3 Fusion Monsters: Thousand Eyes Restrict x3 Tribute Monsters: Jinzo Other Monsters: Cyber Jar Witty Phantom Big Eye Goblin Attack Force x2 Versago the Destroyer x2 Wall of Illusion x2 Sinister Serpant Magician of Faith x2 Sonic Bird x2 Senju of the Thousand hands x2 Traps: Mirror Force Mirror Wall Magical Cylinder Magic Jammer Graverobber Seven tools of the bandit Magic Cards: Raigeki Monster Reborn Change of Heart Dark Magic Ritual x3 (Duh...) Polymerization Fusion Gate Harpie's Feather Duster Graceful Charity Mystical Space Typhoon Scapegoat Swords of Revealing Light Pot of Greed Okay, so how badly does it suck?
  2. Maybe I'm wrong, but aren't the cards in the starters choosen at random for each box? So there might be a few cards that are different (Time wizard, Polymerization, etc.,) they're generally the same. At least, that's how I thought it worked.
  3. Okay...I need some serious help...with LON coming out, plus the new starter decks, I thought I could finally construct my ultimate Relinquished deck, but....well, I recently realized that it would be a Ritual/Control/Fusion deck, which means I'm totally out of my league. Basically, staples for this deck include: Relinquished/TES, Cyber Jar, Jinzo, Big Eye, DMR, and a bunch of stuff I don't even know about yet from LON. And, of course, because it's my deck, it has the customary Witty Phantom. Help!
  4. All forms of art are subjective and are therefore a matter of taste. If you do not like the show, and have seen it a suffiecient amount of times to draw a fair conclusion, there is nothing I or anyone else can say to change your mind. The series is popular for the same reason any series is popular: a lot of people like it. I know that may sound stupid, but there is no accounting for taste. I could tell you why I like it, but my reasons would be different from Hypershadow's reasons, or Altron Gundam's reasons or Solo Termain's reasons or anyone else's reasons. I'm afraid that if you don't like the series, you just don't like it.
  5. Let me start out by saying that "Heart of the Cards" annoys the scuz out of me. That said, I believe the HOTC is a philosiphy, not an actual...other thing... The philosiphy generally involves having confidence in yourself (good to teach), knowing your friends support you (can't really help you in a duel, but a good life lesson), playing fairly, without cheating or boasting when your opponent looses, (the best part), a tenacity that doesn't allow you to quit before the games is played out, (again, life lesson), and probably something else I'm forgetting. However, there is a difference getween the HOTC and "having faith in your deck". HOTC, like I said, is a philosiphy, but having faith in your deck should mean that you assembled it so well and with such care that you have confidence in your ability to draw a useful card that can get you out of whatever mess you're in. true, luck of the draw is involved, but if you put your deck together well enough, luck should usually always be on your side. By the way, I am still a proponent of dueling with integrity, if not "Honor".
  6. Okay, if you've seen some of the eps, can you fill us in? [spoiler] Pegasus is pushing up roses, right? Did he survive the encounter with Yami Bakura? And if he didn't, why the title 'Pegasus's Invitation'?[/spoiler]
  7. Dueling with honor is essential. A person's integrity is everything. It is not dishonorable to play with the strongest monsters you can find, or to go all-out against a rookie. However, to gloat or cheat is utterly detestable. A person's worth is measured by what they're willing to sacrifice their integrity for. Don't let yousrself be measured by a card game.
  8. [spoiler] Wait, Pegagasus can't come back; even though I love the guy, he's dead! They edited the dialogue in the US version, but in the manga and Japanese version, the shock of having his Eye ripped out kills him. What's up? [/spoiler]
  9. Yugi destroyed *all* the cards Pegaus had on the field before Relinquished was even played, including gorgon's eye.
  10. Flame Swordsman. I do'nt have a good question today...sorry...
  11. Let me start by saying I love 'Tenchi Muyo'. I've seen every episode, and every episode of Tenchi Universe and Tenchi In Tokyo. I know those characters like the back of my hand. But there's one thing I never, ever understood: In the original 'Tenchi Muyo', at the end of the Baby episode, (Washu becomes attached to Tenchi's baby cousin.), Washu suddenly becomes twice her normal height, her voice gets deeper and her hair gets shorter. She flirts shamelessly with Tenchi, gets Ryoko and Ayeka upset, and generally causes a few minutes of chaos. So, the question is: What the @#$%$#%? How did she do that, why did she do that, and how come it's never mentioned before or since?
  12. Wait, I was referring to the guy who posted right after you, but his message is gone now and I forgot his name...creepy...
  13. Hey, hang on: Catzbane has a perfectly valid veiwpoint. (Although I would have advised a bit more discression than being so blatent about it on a Yu-Gi-Oh board...that's just begging for trouble..) Catzbane also made a good point: There is no reason why anyone should steal a trading card. When you steal something, you're telling the world that that's how much your integrity is worth. apparently, some people's integrity is worth a playing card. (Dude, if you're gonna' loose your integrity, loose it for, like, a bike or something...sheesh...) Besides, it would be improper to call Catzbane 'close-minded', because the view expressed is one that *differs* from the majority opinion. By definition, that makes it 'open-minded'. Finally, when you get right down to it, they *are* just cards. To some people, however, they represent hours spent hunting down rare cards and plotting their strategy. To others they represent a financial investment. To others, a hobby. Catzbane does not have an emotional attachment to his/her cards, so they don't represent much to him/her. And that's fine. It's the same as having an emotional attachment to a $2 stuffed animal or a love letter from a significant other. Value is in the eye of the beholder. (BTW, I *do* actually own cards and have a deck, so don't denounce my view.) Catzbane, though, can you be a *wee* bit more diplomatic in the future? Thanks a bunch.
  14. I'd like to use a God card once, just to see how they work and how effective they are. After that, I wouldn't use them, though I might keep them 'cause they look cool.
  15. Instead of burning your deck, can you send it to me? Uh, yeah, I'll burn it...don't you worry... Seriously, power-playing is as valida a dueling strategy as any other. It's also the easiest to counter, so what's the problem? Besides, we've established the god Cards don't actually do anything, and are for casual play only. Just tell your opponent not to use them.
  16. Sailor Moon is over in the US. the last season in Japan was sailor Moon Stars, but it won't be shown because of the sailor Star Lights. (They were a trio of boys who transformed into a trio of...well, girls. Yeah...)
  17. Elf Queen Level: Eight Stars (Fusion) Mystical Elf + Dark Elf Attack: 2000 Defense:2000 Attribute: Light Type: Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect Effect: At the cost of 2000 life points, you may transfer all of this monster's attack power to its defense, or vice versa, for one turn.
  18. Yami Yugi made a point of saying that Pegasus could have won their duel if he *hadn't* been using the Millenium Eye for so long; it allowed his dueling skills to deteriorate. Kind of a poetic justice...
  19. I think it went quickly because the duelists already knew each other, and their motivations. Plus, unlike Yugi, Joey didn't have to grill Weevilo n his plans for world domination, because Weevil didn't have any. I'm afraid that when compared to guys like Marik, Pegasus and Kaiba, duelists like Bandit Kieth, Weevil, Rex, Esper, Mako and even Mai are small fries.
  20. Weevil's a total creep. I'm sorry, but other than a really well-constructed deck, he has no redeaming qualities. Well, he does make Rex look a lot nicer.
  21. Well, I was on the fence about buying Worldwide, but not anymore! Harpie's Feather Duster!! Sinister Serpant!!
  22. Magician of Black Chaos. What is the attack of Rex Raptor's most valuble card?
  23. So, now we know what happened to Pegasus: he joined the circus and found a new girlfriend! J/K. (But seriously, there were a few similarities between my main man Pegasus and Arkana...) Why would anyone ever want to work for Marik, when we've seen how he treats his employees? Did he screw up Arkana's mind, like he did the Rare Hunter's? I liked Dark Magician Girl, but my little sister loved her. Her favorite Duel Monster was the dark Magician, so you can imagine who her new favorite is. Are we going to see Yugi duel the Quiet One next, or do we go to one of Joey's duels? Marik is really starting to creep me out. He kills his own, he attacked his own sister, he brainwashed Kieth, and, inlike certain people, wasn't motivated by love in his deeds. I ca'nt wait for Yami to kick his butt. The final irony: I know that in the original episodes, the disks in the arena were buzz saws, and the loser of the duel gets their feet lopped off. But the dub changed it so that the loser gets their mind sent to the Shadow Realm. Well, call me old-fashioned, but I'd rather loose my feet than my mind any day. The dub actually made a situation *more dangerous* then it originally was, yet by doing so, made the situation *less offensive* to parents. Are you guys as confussed as I am?
  24. I'm afraid the majority of your information is false: the kaiba and Yugi structures were released some time ago as the first imports of the game, called Strater Decks in the US. Niether of them contained a BEUD. Kaiba's contained a BEWD, Yugi's a Dark Magician. Pegasus and Joey Structures are coming out in March, containing Relinquished and REBD, respectivly. None of the other decks listed even exist.
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