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Everything posted by DeathBug
DDM is supposed to be more advanced than Duel monsters. I'm not sure if that's true or if it's just challenging becase it's different. Does anyone have an info regarding?
I saw Akira, (my library had a copy, cool!), and I liked most of it. In fact, only one thing hampered my enjoyment of the movie: Tetsuo's voice was the exact same as Tai's from Digimon. I know that's stupid, but I knew that voice as nothing but Tai for three years...
"Yami" means "dark", or "darkness", in Japanese. It can also be used to mean "evil". In the case of the field card, it means "Darkness", the darkness giving power to the fiends and spellcasters. In the case of Yugi, he becomes "Yami" because in the original manga, Yami was kind of evil. sure, it was to people who deserved it, but the guy could be downright creepy. They cleaned him up for the anime, but the original was more fun...
I'm afraid Mirro Wall has pulled me out of a jam a few too many times for me to toss it aside. (With Wabaku, there's no way you can inflict damage, but with Mirror Wall, you can inflict damage *and* destroy monsters, if your monster is in attack mode.) I've never used an Imperial order, so I'll put that in and see how it goes...
Yeah, so if they're useless, and a pain in the first place, what's the big deal? They're overhyped novelties, IMHO. If they actually *did* something, that'd be something to see.
Darn it! Stop answering so fast, you! :demon: It's not fun anymore... I'll try one more time: What three cards did Yami Bakura pull from Pegasus's deck to predict his future, and what did each mean?
Yep. His mannerisms are dead-ringers for Pegasus. Here's a tough one: in Yugi v. Rare Hunter, RH is seen browsing a laptop featuring duelists and their rarest cards. What is Bonz's rarest card?
Cyber Commander *is* in the game, it just hasn't been brought over from japan yet. Which character was based on Pegasus in Kaiba's RPG world?
Yes, it works on three levels: *the majority of the monsters have flip effects that my opponent would just *** oo not activate. *Ceasefire and Cannon Soldier can do some major burning. *And, of course, Shadow Ghoul provides muscle after so many of the monsters are sent to the graveyard. :demon:
Shadow Ghoul/Effect deck Inspired by Yugi's Duel with Rebecca, I formed a Shadow Ghoul deck, but the Ghoul's actually the back-up plan. You'll see: Tribute Monster: Shadow Ghoul Non-Tribute Monsters: 2 Blast Sphere 3 Cannon Soldier Cyber Jar 3 Dark Elf 2 Giant Germ Kuriboh 2 Man-eater bug 3 Wall of Illusion 1 Witch of the Black Forest Trap: Ceasefire GraveRobber Magic Jammer Mirror Force Mirror Wall Seven tools of the bandit Ultimate Offering Magic: 3 Axe of Dispair Change of Heart Dien Kieto the Cure Master Heavy Storm Megamorph Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon Pot of Greed Shallow Grave Raigeki Swords Of Revealng Light
Let's see...[spoiler] DD finishes, 1 ep. Bandit Kieth returns, so that's three eps. Kaiba meets Ishizu, four eps. Yami & Tea, six eps, Joey looses his REBD, seven eps, Yugi vs. Rare Hunter, nine eps, Joey vs. Espa, eleven eps. [/spoiler] We're eleven episodes ahead of you. Sorry.
What's Magic Cylinder do? I've never heard of it? Is it Magic, trap, or what?
What would Pokemon Black even be about? I'd like a game where you get to join Team Rocket; maybe that's what Pokemon Black would be...
We know about Gene's, Melfina's and Aisha's past. We also know a little bit about Jim's. I, for one, want to know about Hilda's past, like how she lost her arm, or where she met Swanzo. I'd also like to see how she swiped Melfina in the first place.
Howdy! 1. Your OB name: Beelzebumon 2. Your Favorite OLS Character: I like them all, but I'm actually in love with Aisha, so she gets extra points. 3. Your Favorite OLS Episode: Beast Girl Ready to Pounce; I hadn't laughed that hards since Tenchi Muyo. 4. Your Aim s/n: ? N/A, I guess...
Well, today, Joey outsmarted Espa, and everything had a happy ending, except for one thing..... REX DIDN'T GET HIS SERPENT KNIGHT DRAGON BACK!!! Sure, that was my only beef with the episode, but come on! Esper was revealed as a chaet in front of the whole crowd! I thought for sure Rex would get his card back. (Actually, I thought Joey would let Esper keep Jinzo if he gave Rex's dragon back, but, whatever.) Maybe he got it back off-camera... I still liked the secenes with Tristen and Serinity. Also, seeing all the Ropa brothers together was a little bit creepy (Why does their hair look like cotten candy?). Did anyone else think Espa talked *way* too much, even more than other duelists? Even Bandit Keith did'nt talk that much! Oh, and the ring tone for Tea's cell phone was "Shuffle".
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
DeathBug replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
I know, thanks. It'd just be easier, though, if the one of the cards I wanted was in a stater I already knew I was buying. -
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
DeathBug replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
Dude, I was happy to start with. Relinquished!! Relinquished, man!! I can actually build a Relinquished deck! Finally! -
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
DeathBug replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
Well, you can give a kid a Relinquished, but you can't teach him how to use it properly. It only *looks* easy... -
In EDS, the secret to beating Pegasus is to remember his strategy. He uses his toons and Relinquished, so thnik about it: they both rely on magic cards to get the main players out. Keep two Magic jammers in your deck, as well as Heavy Storm, Harpie's Feather Duster and Mystical Space Typhoon. Also, if you get Prohibition, then prohibit the use of either Toon World or Black Illusion Ritual. If Relinquished gets out and manages to absorb a monster, use Giant Turnade, Harpi'es Faether Duster or Heavy Storm; it will destroy the monster Relinquished absorbed, and he'll be open to direct attack. And because he has stats of 0/0, it destroys him and is just as good as direct damage. Keep one Toon Summoned Skull in your deck when dueling him if he keeps getting his Toon World out; if he has a toon moster and you have a toon monster, he'll have to attack yours. Power it up with a Sword of Dark Destruction or Ax of Despair and watch the fun... Pegasus also uses the Vorse Raider, but if you have your own Vorse Raiders, or high-defense monster like Mystical Elf or Giant Soldier of Stone, you should be fine. He also has the Sinister Serpent, an anoyying monster that returns from the grave during his standby phase. Pay attention to where it goes in his hand; if he puts it out on the field, you'll know you can attack it with a weaker monster, and save the stronger one to do direct damage. Hope that helps. Personally, I love playing Pegasus. Good luck!
Yes, I just realized that this forum doesn't have a thread for discussing whatever the latest episode of Yu-Gi-Oh is, and I thought I'd start one. By the nature of the beast, this thread *will* contain spoilers, so read at your own risk. So, Joey vs. Esper? Seems like an okay duel, and I liked that Yugi decided not to give Joey advice, and let him work it on his own. I also liked Mokuba tracking down Esper's brothers; I like Mokuba, but he usually does nothing but get in trouble. Today, he actually did something! Yeah! I liked the scenes with Tristen and Serenity as well; the boy's got it bad. On the other hand, for once I'd like to see a good duel be shown in just one episode. That's just me... This episode further proves my point on how Rex Raptor never catches a break. I felt really bad when Rex asked Esper to take care of his Serpent Night Dragon, and Esper said it would make a good drink coaster. I hope Mokuba makes Esper give the card back after the duel. Rex even tried to help Joey out, showing that he doesn't hold grudges like *some* duelists. (Cough *Kaiba* Cough!) That's what I thought of the episode. What did you guys think?
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
DeathBug replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
*Looks at the list and starts humming* "Heaven, I'm in Heaven..." -
This is probably one of those things in a series that is best left alone. (Gee, Lois, you ever notice how Clark looks *exactly like* Superman, just with glasses? Makes you wonder...) I still vouch for the "magic effect" theory; it may be a lame cop-out, but it's a lame cop-out that covers every single instance, and most of the good theories can't do that. In the manga, everybody could tell the difference between Yugi and Yami, right from the start. [spoiler] Tea, hearing Yami's voice but not seeing him, falls in love with him, imagining him as a tall, dark and handsome mystery man who rescued her when she was in peril. In reality, he was right next to her, but he'd turned back into Yugi and was whining about being really hungry. Funny stuff. [/spoiler]
I have three ultra rares: Ceasefire, Goblin attack force, and the fiend Megacyber. I also have three super rares: Dust Tornado, Mirror Wall, and Backup Soldier. Ironically, none of my Ultra rares are all that useful to me. Alas.
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
DeathBug replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
Hopes broken, nothing! For a guy who came in late in the game and does'nt have cards like MST or 7 Tools, this is a God-send! Will either of them have Cyber-Jar?