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Everything posted by DeathBug
My fave card to use in play is "Cyber Jar". But get this: I do'nt have one! I have one in EDS, and ever since I first used it, I've had it in all my cyber-decks and have been looking for a real one. The ability to create chaos on the field but knowing it's about to happen is awesome. It works very well in a combo with "Big Eye." Now, not only do I know what's about to happen, I also know which cards I'll draw! I *own* the field! Bwuahahaha!
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
DeathBug replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Triforce rules [/i] [B]My Dad comes in my my room and says,"Why are you watching those crappy cartoons where the people talk and the haeds don't move" [/B][/QUOTE] The correct answer to that question is, "Probably 'cuz of bad parenting. Why?" (Said causually, without looking up.) -
Well, I think the explanation the show would give is that "Sailor Moon" gave to explain why no one recognizes the Sailor Scouts even though they wear no masks of any kind: the magic makes people ignore those blaringly obvious clues. (Yeah, it's a cop-out answer, but I didn't write it.) If you look at some of the earlier episodes, though, Yugi is usually never directly next to his friends during most of his transformations; he's on the dueling platform. that would theoretically make it slightly difficult to notice a small change in hieght. Sure, he acts differently, but I know several people who act more confident when doing something in their fields of expertiese. That I can buy. (But still, he gets like six inches taller, and his voice gets deeper! Can I even start to explain that? Nope!)
I'm tellijng you as a fair warning, dude, this thread is going to get closed. There's a permanent thread for deck ratings; it's called "Rate My Deck". You should post this there.
Anime If you could have/make any Millenium Item, what would it be?
DeathBug replied to MaceDavis's topic in Otaku Central
You missed one: the person who possess the puzzle will emerge victourious in any contest, at least of luck/skill. (I personally think that if Yugi took up track and field, the Puzzle would allow him to win any race, but that's just speculation on my part.) The Milleniumon Puzzle might be the most powerful, but I always believed that the Milleniumon Eye was the most useful of the items. Mind reading; everyone can use that power. Plus, it doesn't have an extra soul inside it, like other items I could mention. -
I checked, and I was wrong; it's not out. Dang. Well, if it *were*, the deck would rock out loud. Alas...
Someone told me Cyber Shield was in English. Im' taking their word for it. As for the Pet Dragon, he gains a boost by Rising Air Current for being an Air attribute monster. I considered adding a Lord of D. briefly, but he didn't fit in with the theme of the deck. Cyber Jar actually performs the double task of getting more Harpies on the field as well as getting monsters out to tribute for the Pet Dragon. Besides, I always like to have a Cyber Jar in my deck; if things go bad, I just throw that bad boy down and see the chaos that ensues. :)
I have a friend who totally wanted a Harpie Lady deck, so I designed this one for her. It has a Spellcaster subtype, and the majority of the monsters are female. I know this has probably been done before, but here's my take on it: Harpies Attack: 3 Harpie Lady Sisters 3 Harpie Lady 3 Harpie's Brother 1 Harpie's Pet Dragon 1 Cyber Jar 2 Magician of Faith 1 Witch of the Black Forest 3 Gemmenai Elves 3 Mystical Elf 1 Shadow of Eyes 1 Mirror Wall 1 Mirror Force 1 Seven Tools of the Bandit 1 Dust Tornadeo 1 Magic Jammer 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Change of Heart 3 Cyber Shield 3 Elegant Egotist 1 Heavey Storm 1 Monster Reborn 1 Pot of Greed 1 Raigeki 1 Rising Air Current 1 Swords Of Revealing Light Mostly self-explanatory, no? Whaddaya' think?
You can't actually do it; what you could do is calculate the odds of finding a pack like that. I know, vaguely, how to do it. Next time I buy a booster, I'll write down the stats of finding the rare cards they print. Factor that in with the number of cards in a booster, and the number of boosters in a box, and you should probably be able to calculate it; it's simple statistics. Of course, the odds against you will be very disheartening, but it's not impossible.
Getting all rares and super rares isn't actually an error; it's just a statistical improbability. You know the statistics for getting the rares? Well, you can calculate the odds of a single pack containing nothing but rares based on that. I could do it myself, but I'm too lazy. The point is, I can theoretically pick up a PSV pack with Jinzo, Thousand eyes Restrict, Premature Burial, Call of the Haunted, Ceasefire, Goblin Strike force and others, but the odds against it are very high. As you've clearly demonstrated, though, it's not impossible.
I always add Witty Phantomon, even if he doesn't match my deck theme. I actually have a reason, though; he's my Identity card. (You know, the card that really sums up your personality.) It's become my personal signiture in a deck; Witty Phantom means "I was here!"
Where are you getting your info? Relinquished...YES!!! Red Eyes Black Dragon...All right, I know hes' a weak card for two tributes, but I just want him to collect, because he's my personal favorite dragon. So, I must also say...YES!!! BTW, noticing an unfair matchup? Kaiba and Yugi are equals, but a match between Joey and Pegasus would be a wee bit one sided. Hopefully, most kids will want Joey and eschew Pegasus, making it easier to find... YES!!
The Battle City rules are the Upperdeck rules, and each player has 4000 LP instead of 2000. This is because when this season came out in Japan, they actually had the card game on the market, and they changed the show's rules appropriatly. Until now, the CCg hadn't actually been released in Japan.
I placed a Yami field card face down, and kept it that way for all but the last turn of the duel. It was really freaking my opponent out, because she latertold me she didn't have a field magic zone in her deck, and she wasn't sure what mine was. It was hilarious. She kept glancing at it every time she placed a card down. I usualy try to keep an emotionless poker face when dueling, but she was making it really hard... The best part was when she noticed a pattern with my monsters. Then she got really smug and told me what it was: a Mystic Plasma Zone. I told her if that's what she wanted to believe, that was fine. I had a light-type spellcaster on the field, and she played a Curse of Dragon. She was confident that I couldn't use the card, because it would make her dragon stronger than my spellcaster... The look on her face when I flipped it over and blew her away...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by egyptgirl [/i] [B] OH GOSH!!!! I am getting WAY too excited for this Saturday! And it's only the start of the week!:drunk: :excited: I miss Yu-Gi-Oh!!! :bawl: You can't really call this over-reacting, can you? [/B][/QUOTE] No, I don't. I mean, when I start getting used to having new episodes agin, it might change, but right now I ca'nt wait for Saturday, and it's only Sunday... Usually, when Yugi's in a tight spot, you can usually count on him to pull some super strong monster out of his deck, but this time, I can't think of how he'll get out of this one. How can he stop the guy from drawing a card? Time seal, maybe, but that's only one turn! Oh no!
You know, everyone was dissing Rex on the show, but I feel sorry for the guy. Weevil beat him down in the championship, (probably by cheating, knowing Weevil,) Mai kicks him out of his room by lying and saying she was psyhic, (poor guy thought he'd get kissed), and then, when he tries to duel her, she plays him for a sap *again* and he looses his Red Eyes to Joey. The poor dude never catches a break. And he played an honest duel; he didn't fake magic powers, swipe the rulebook, attack people in the dark, abduct people and force them to duel, beat up his friends to get starchips, steal souls or threaten to jump off a castle tower. He was arrogant, but so was Mako, and bad stuff never happened to Mako. Am I the only one who thinks so?
Yay! New opening! Me so happy! The episode was good, even though I could tell it was going to be a two-parter. But now that I know they're showing new episodes (Finally!!), I do'nt mind waiting. BTW, on Rare Hunter's computer screen, it you slowed it down, you could see the profiles he was watching. they were: Yugi/Rarest card: Dark Magician Mai/Rarest Card: This is the only one I couldn't tell, but it looked like either Shadow of Eyes or Harpie's Dargon. Rex Raptor/Rarest Card: Serpent Night Dragon Weevil/Rarest Card: Great Moth Mako/Rarest Card: Fortress Whale Bonz (Bandit Kieth's lacky; the zombie dude)/ Rarest Card: Call of the Haunted Kieth's red-haired Austrailian lacky/Rarest Card: FireWing Pegasus Kieth's black haired lacky/Rarest card: You know, I just plum forgot...sorry... But I'm excited about the new season!
*I* don't have a MST in my deck. I never owned one, and learned ways around that. Necessity is the mother of Invention.
I can't believe that I didn't think of it sooner. I'd seen pix of Reremon...it's so obvious! Okay, next Digimon. Bring it on. I'm ready.
Reremon Renamon's freshly-hatched form!!!
Okay, I got the second issue of Shonen Jump today, and will proceed with summarizing and commenting on the Yu-Gi-Oh content. I'll also, just for kicks, rate the stories. The stories are rated on a scale of one to five star chips, five being the absolute best, one being the absolute worst. You guys *do* read this, right? I wo'nt bother typing this all up if no one shows any interest. [spoiler] DUEL 2: LYING EYES Jonouchi and Yugi are walking to class, and Jonouchi tells Yugi about a new porn(!) movie he found, and promises to let Yugi borrow it. On the way to school, they see a television van parked outside the school building. The director inside sees Yugi and decides to use him in his film project. The director is filming a human interest story about bullying in schools. After he's done objectifying the female reporter, he sends an intern to find Yugi, and 'play the part of the bully'. Meanwhile, Jonouchi's decided the reason a TV van was outside the school is because a movie star must be attending classes there in disguise. Anzu disagrees, and the two get into an argument. Yugi wonders off and is met by the TV intern, who poses as a student. After Jonouchi goes off to find the hidden celebrity, the intern tells Yugi there really is a famous actress going to the school, and she wants to meet Yugi. Yugi agrees to meet him behind the gym at recess. Poor Yugi shows up bearing flowers, but on the director's cue, the intern starts beating the crap out of Yugi. Jonouchi shows up and puts a stop to it, but the director proceeds to kick the crap out of Jonouchi. The director laughs, saying he could show the film of Jonouchi getting beaten up and make him a luaghingstock if he complains. Yugi's puzzle activates as the director leaves. Later that night in the garage of the TV studio, Yami confronts the director, and accuses him of 'trespassing his soul'. He challanges him to a game, a simple dice game. ("People have been staking their fate on dice since ancient Egypt. Although, back then, we used 'astragali'-the uneven bones and calves of sheep...") They just roll a single die, and whoever rolls the highest number wins. Yami rolls a six, and the director says that he doesn't evenh ave to play; there's no way he can roll more than Yami, so he wins. Yami says that the game isn't over until both players have rolled, so the director takes the die and chucks it full force at Yami's head. At first, it appears as though the die landed on one, but a second look reveals that the die split in two from being thrown so hard; the other face up half was six, giving him a total of seven! Yami induces the Penalty Game, Mosaic Illusion. "For bending the truth in front of the cameras, then all you see shall be censored!" All the director can see has become Mosaic. (Mosaic is the 'tiling-out' effect used on TV shows like COPS, when they are'nt allowed to show peoples' faces.) The next morning, Jonouchi brings the porno tape to Yugi, but it's intercepted by Anzu, who thinks the title looks interesting (Video Girls), and says she'll borrow it. "Is it really that interesting?" Review: Well, the character moments were the best part of the story. tHe actual villain, in the form of the unnamed director, was a bit weak, and the plot was kind of contrieved. But everyone acted true to form: Jonouchi introducing Yugi to porn(!), Anzu shooting down Jonouchi's wild rumors about the TV star, Yugi bringing flowers to meet the actress... It's sad and kind of funny that out of all the kids att he school, the director chose Yugi as *the one* to be bullied. Poor Yugi just has that look about him... Of course, it was expectd that Jonouchi would come to Yugi's aid, but that also seemed out of place: where's the school principle while grown men are going around beating up school kids? And where the heck was Honda? My Rating: Two and a half Star Chips. The plot was weak, but the characters were strong, so I say that evens them out for an average score. (I give DULE 1: THE PUZZLE OF THE GODS four and a half Star Chips retroactivly; that was some good manga there.) [/spoiler] Later I'll summarize the second story in this month's issue: HARD BEAT.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rei [/i] [B]If Exodia's attack is infinite then how can these new cards beat it because their infinite? [/B][/QUOTE] On the show, they said that for dramatic effect. Because the monsters on the show physically appear, Exodia had to show up on the field like normal monsters. Again, it's for dramatic effect that he bothers to fight; he'll win every fight he's in, because those are the rules. Isis and Kaiba said the God Cards are stronger than Exodia, but that's also dramatic exageration. It has no relevance to the actual card game, and I doubt there will be an episode where Obilisk stomps Exodia, particularly because Yugi no longer has Exodia. In the card game, you can have all three God cards on the field, but if your opponent has the Exodia pieces in their hand, they still win. So to answer your question, the new cards shouldn't be able to beat Exodia, and if they do the show is innacurate. But like I said, I doubt it will come to a clash between them. (Yugi also said that the Gate Guardian is in the class of Exdia, and he was half right; they're both in the class of "pain in the butt monsters to use!")
Dude, even *I* could beat Yugi (and Joey and Kaiba and Pegasus and Mai and Bandit Kieth and Weevil...). And, if the EDS video game is to be taken as an example, I've beaten him dozens of times...
You're right, and so far, none of the technological monsters have been shown in the Shadow Realm or in the egyptian flashbacks. But as soon as they are, the problem arises again...
If this can be a thread for just strange thoughts, I have one: if all of the Duel Monsters Cards have counterparts in the Shadow Realm that were around since ancient Egyptian times, how can you have monsters like Cyber Commander, Machine King, or Cyber Jar, which are too technological to have even been imagined back then? Jeez, even Gaia the Fierce Knight is too futuristic for the ancient Egyptians...