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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Xavier grinned. "Well, Sneasel, time to go! you ready to rock and roll?" "Sne!" "Okay!" Xavier met his partner's claw with a high five. With Sneael on his shoulder, Xavier gathered his stuff and went to watch the ship dock. He smiled as the island came into view. Well, he thought to himself. I've already got five Pokemon, and if I play my cards right, I can find the sixth one I'm looking for on that island! And even if I don't, I'll still walk all over the other guys in the competetion. First prize is as good as mine! Things are finally looking up!
  2. Any word on what the secret rares or Ultra rares will be? Will we finally get Dark Magician Girl, Magician of Black Chaos, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Panther Warrior, Meteor Dragon...the list goes on...
  3. Having picked up two LOB boosters, I'm quite disappointed. My holo card was Dark Hole, for cryin' out loud! I already had two from the Starters! Sigh...I'm thinki'n of giving LOB one more chance, and if it still disapoints I'll just eschew it and buy or trade for the rare useful cards. (I don't need an Exodia set)
  4. If you have all five Exodia pieces *in your hand*, (None can be on the field, so watch out for Cyber Jar!), you win one duel. Two more to go.
  5. That lawsuit, BTW, is so totally bogus... Heh, finally I get a benefit of having a friend who works at McDonalds! Bwahaha!
  6. All right! For a collector who admittedly came in "late in the game", (I just now got the Yugi starter deck, and my first pack was Pharoah's Servent; it's my secret shame), this is a Godsend! Kudos, UD! Kudos, kudos, kudos! My new word of the day? Kudos! Actually, the only thing they could have done better than this was to borrow a cue from Pokemon (can't believe I just said that!) and release something like "Yu-Gi-Oh! Legends", which would reprint the most popular cards from their previous releases. But hey, who's arguing? Come the 26th, I'm gonna' have a ton of money, and you can bet how I'll spend some of it! :D
  7. I'd have to read more info, but it looks nice...I *am* still playing EDS, so if it has any similar type of replay value, I'd get my money's worth. But I knew a lot more about Duel Monsters than Dungeon Dice Monster when I bought the game. Does anyone know how it would be played? Does it use the same monsters?
  8. They may not now, but they will eventually. (Remember the fuss two weeks ago over Swords of Revealing Light?) I'll be proactive and fix mine in advance.
  9. :wigout: Great jumpin' jellybeans!! You're saying that, in school, people....mock other people?! Over stupid stuff?! Good gravy, when did this start? I find it entirely impossible that one person would, to coin a phrase, "make fun of" someone else! What is this world coming to? Oh, wait, I live on this planet. Sorry, forgot that for a sec. Guys, no matter what you do, there will be someone who's a jerk to you for no reason. To bother about it and accuse them of "insulting the great name of Yu-Gi-Oh" is to waste time. Futhermore, by doing so, you're making it worth their while, because it clearly has gotten under your skin. I really don't like this thread, because it's basically a bunch of whining, no offense. Yeah, I get bugged by jocks, preps and jerks all the time, but do I let it bother me? No. You guys should'nt either. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]If you don't like the topic you're posting in, then don't post. This is supposed to be a thread where people vent their aggressions about how people treat their Yu-Gi-Oh interest. Although, I do agree, it has degenerated into 'they called it Pokemon' somewhat, so let's try and make it a bit more interesting/relevant, shall we? -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Hey, Altron Gundam, don't suppose you'd post one of those undefeated decks of yours, would ya'?
  11. You answered me, so now I shall answer you: No, you may not trap hole a monster set face down, because remember, that's a "Set", not a "Summons". Once they flip the monster over, *then* you can Trap Hole it.
  12. If you have Relinquished, Thousand Eyes Idol and Ploymerization in your hand, do you have to summon Relinquished before you can Polymerize and summon Thousand Eyes Restrict? Seeing as, at least for now, Thousand Eyes Restrict is the only fusion monster with a component that's a ritual monster, he's the only monster my question applies to. He's also the main monster in a deck I'm building, so, ya' see, I need to know to finish planning.
  13. The answer is: Nyromon (SP?), Gatomon's baby form. I know it was in the show, but think about it: the first time was a flashback, and the second was a dream sequence. The third time was from a fairly recent episode, and not everyone has seen it. In Adventure, it was never actually there, was it? Okay, that's weak, but after that, I got nothin'. Someone else try.
  14. The best quetes, IMHO, were from Pegasus: After he guessed Kaiba's BEWD card: "I was right, right? Please tell me I was right! I sooo hope I was right!" About Kaiba's Duel Disk: "I don't know if I should spin it like a top or roll it like a ball!" While dueling Kaiba: "My goodness! I had no idea you had such powerful cards at your disposal, Kaiba! I don't think I have a card in my whole deck that can compete with that beast! Whoops! Spoke too soon!" (Yeah, those three are from the same episode; I saw it yesterday. Sue me.)
  15. If I have a ritual monster, like Relinquished or Hungry Burger, but I have multiples of the monster in my deck, what's the proper ratio of Ritual monster cards to ritual magic cards? One per? Or would one magic card be good for two monsters, or vice versa?
  16. I need one or I will explode. That happens to me sometimes! [/B][/QUOTE] Yay! Gir!! "I love the little tacos! I love them good!!" Ahem. Shonen Jump should be at any comic shop or bookstore/newstand.
  17. I would guess a comic shop; I subscribed from their website, so I recieved it at home.
  18. I say lower your opponents, in most cases. (Unless, of course, you're playing with a Toon or Exodia deck.) I figure that since the whole object of the game is to get the other guy/gal down to Zero, why not speed up the process?
  19. The other two are Dragon Ball Z, beginning with the section where Namek blows up and ending with a cameo of Future Trunks, and a new strip called SandLand, about a quest by a human and Beelzebub, prince of Demons, to find a new source of water and free all the townspeoplew from the grip of an evil dictator. SandLand is done by the same guy who does DBZ. Want further proof? The Demon Lord Lucifer, father of Beelzebub, looks exactly like Deborah. (If you notice, he's shown reading "Faust".) As an added bonus, the Garlic Jr. Saga wasn't even in the manga, so we go right to the Androids! (Which is good, because I hated Garlic Jr.)
  20. Yayy! Pegasus structure!! Now all of us would-be megalomaniacs finally have a starter deck to call our own! I'm *so* there! Does anyone know what cards are involved?
  21. Hi, all. I started this thread because the original Yu-Gi-Oh Manga has been brought to the shores compliments of Shonen Jump magazine. I figured we'd need a place to discuss it, and since I got my issue yesterday, I'll start off: [spoiler]Yu-Gi-Oh Duel One: The Puzzle of the Gods Summary: Yugi Mutou has a run in with two bullies, Honda (Tristen) and Jonouchi (Joey), and they try to steal the strange Milleniumo Puzzle he's trying to solve. They're scared off by Anzu (Tea), but not before Jonouchi steals a piece of the Puzzle and tosses it into the school pond. A thug named Ushio tells Yugi that he'll take care of his problems. The next day, Ushio takes Yugi to Honda and Jonouchi, and beats the two senseless. Yugi tries to stop Ushio from hurting his "friends", and gets beaten up as well for his troubles. Ushio then tells Yugi that for his "bodyguard duties", he wants 200,000 Yen, or he'll hurt him even worse. He brandishes a daggar to prove his point. At home, Yugi works on the Millenium Puzzle to take his mind off his troubles, but finds that the Eye piece is missing. Yugi is depressed because now he'll never get to make his wish on the puzzle. (A legend says that if you make a wish on the Puzzle when you complete it, it will come true. yUgi wanted to wish for friends.) Yugi's grandpa gives Yugi the final piece and said a young man who asked not to be identified gave it to him. (Of course, it's Jonouchi.) Yugi completes the pzzle, and blacks out. That night on the school grounds, Ushio arrives; he'd been called by Yugi to recieve his money. When he finds Yugi, the boy is dressed in leather black attire with various Egyptian pieces on him. His eyes are also different; the kid looks slightly deranged. He has 400,000 yen in small bills, and he wants to play a Shadow Game with Ushio for the money. They would each place the stack of bills on their hands and use Ushio's knife to stab te bills. Any money that you can take off the stack, you can keep. The trick is to keep your greed in check so you don't stab your hand. As the game goes on, Ushio's greed reveals itself, and he tries to stab Yugi and keep the money. Yugi (Or, I should say "Yami Yugi", though he's not referred to by that name.) uses his powers to force Ushio into a "Penalty Game" for cheating. "Greed: The Illusion of Avarice" causes Ushio to see nothing but money all around him. Yami Yugi takes his money and leaves, having avenged Honda and Jonouchi. The next morning, Ushio is still in the school yard. He's rolling in a pile of leaves, babbling about how they're money and it's all his. Yugi shows up and doesn't remeber anything that happened to his after he solved the Puzzle. He sees Jonouchi in the halls, and Jonouchi thanks Yugi for standing up for them, and tells him they're friends, much to Yugi's delight. Jonouchi then runs off, disgusted that he could be so sappy, but Yugi's right behind him. "To be continued..." [/spoiler] I liked this, by the way. I particularly think Manga Yami Yugi's a lot more interesting than Anime Yami Yugi. And he dresses snappier. (If you read it, you'll notice that unlike in the Anime, Yami Yugi is the same hieght as normal Yugi) Also, several of the characters looke a little different than in the anime, particullarly Jonouchi, Honda and Yugi. (Half the time, Yugi has no nose!) As mangas go, this one's very good, IMO, and I can see why it was so popular in Japan. Oh, and for those of you wondering where the Duel Monsters cards are, it's explained in the opening that the cards don't show up until the fourth manga story, when Kaiba shows up. And as a special bonus, the Shonen Jump magazine ame with an exclusive BEWD foil card! Schweet! (I plan to summarize and review the manga each month when my edition of Shonen Jump arrives. Check back here!)
  22. Hey, a Time Wizard deck! I never thought of that! And I'm one of the few people crazy enough to wager the outcome of entire games on a coin toss!! I'll start planning one...hmm..is the Dark Sage out in the US yet?
  23. Hey, I was wondering, Which individual cards are the strongest (purely in stats) of their types? I know that The BEWD is the strongest dragon, and the Dark Magicican is the strongest Spelcaster, and I beliee the Insect Queen is the strongest Insect, but what are the stronest Fiends? Beasts? Warriors? Dinosaurs?
  24. What in the heck is Curse of a Thousand Blue eyes?
  25. I like Fiends and dragons, and a few spellcastors. but all of those have been done to death, and I wanted to try something original, something that I could play, and people would say, "Huh. never seen *that* before..." Maybe I should try Fiend/Dragon? I can actually plan that out.
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