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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. Not to offend, Spikey, but isn't that controlling? Tha'ts not how Xavier would talk, anyway...
  2. OOC: Kairi Cloud has just let me into the RPG, so my stats: Name: Xavier Nightshade Pokemon: Sneasel Trainer of mostly Dark Pokemon Okay, that's it. IC: Xavier stood by himself on the edge of the boat, watching the other battles and shaking his head. "Look at them, Sneasel," he said. "They're using their Pokemon and exposing their strategy. And if anything goes wrong, the Pokemon will be hurt before we even get to the island." "Snee!" "Yep." Xavier sipped a soda. "If they didn't think they were trained enough before they left, then they shouldn't have come. Not like us, huh, buddy? We trained hard ever since we got the invite, and this little boat ride is our last rest before getting there." "Sel!" "I hear you."
  3. I'm not alone! Yay! *sobs* Okay, enough of that. I think I'm just going to take some personality tests to determine what kind of deck I would most like...Do they even make tests for things like that?
  4. Name: Xavier Nightshade Pokepal: Sneasel He's a Dark Poekemon trainer. Are we startin with just one Pokemon, or do we have others?
  5. You know, what I personally like about Yu-Gi-Oh is that *any* card, if played right, can be the best card. On the show, who constantly gets Yugi out of jams? Kuriboh. What's a super cool Ritual monster with stats of 0/0? Relinquished. What weak dragon can be fused to form super powerful monsters? REBD What two star card can destroy any monster? Man Eater Bug In theory, with the right power ups, even a nuetral card like my Witty Phantom can totally dominate the game. It's all a matter of strategy...
  6. Heh, my best friend and I would pay to go into a booth and play the game, but we'd never attack; we'd just keep summoning monsters and seeing how cool they look. One duel would last for hours....
  7. I'm afraid I am in deck limbo. Over the past three weeks, I've planned a Relinquished deck, a Toon deck, a dragon deck, a Dark Magician Deck, and Buster Blader deck, a Machine deck and a defensive Exodia deck. Ironically, I don't have the cards to complete any of them, and now I can't decide which deck would be the best for me and my personality, because I'm a complex, multi-leveled individual. (I just *sound* like a maniac.) How do I finally decide whixh deck I am perfectly suited for??
  8. Ok, it's not Fan Fiction, but I didn't know where else to put it. Anyway, I'm interestred in writing those on line personality quiz things. You know, "What Digimon am I?', "What Yu-Gi-Oh card am I?" etc. I have the stuff written, but I don't know how to set something like that up. Is it a program or what? If anyone can help me, I'll give you credit on the quiz.
  9. First off, I never let anyone I don't knowq handle *any* of my stuff, partially because it's good sense, partially because Im' an obnoxious jerk. So I've never had this problem. *However*...if some dork actually tried to steal my cards, I would give him a long, cutting speech about how stealing degrades your character and tells the world that your integrity is only worth a few pices of cardbord...while I'm hitting him once for each star of the cards he stole. Bwahahaha!!!
  10. I know whay we could discuss; it's been bugging me for a while. Why, exactly, are hordes of Otaku girls in love with Bakura? My friends says she is totally in love with him, above all the other Anime Chars she's in love with. (Beezlemon, Davis, James, etc.,,) What's up with that?
  11. It's a very nice deck, and is a good example of an element deck. (I do'nt know why *I've* never tried an element deck; I always base my decks around individual monsters. Hmmm...)
  12. I was sent here, so her'es my question: what's a good US Buster Blader deck? Altron Gundam posted a Japanese one on the Otaku site, but most of the cards on it aren't availible in the US. I'm working on it, but Im' interested if anyone else has tried it or has any ideas. Heh, most of my friends use dragons...>:D
  13. Due to the high amount of Dragons among my friends, I was interested in plotting a Buster Blader Deck. Altron Gundam has a Japanese one posted at the Otaku site, but it's a Japanese deck, and I only play English. ill be plotting it, but does anyone have any ideas?
  14. Hmmm...I know I've seen a similar type of deck before, but where? Hmmm......;) Seriously, your deck looks supirior to my version...I need to take REBD out. (Sorry, Dragon Dude, but it's the Side Deck for you!) Further tweaking is in order for mine, but yours looks good, except: what the is Ouiji Board?
  15. You're right; however, Thousand eyes Idol has stats of 0/0 and no special ability. Ergo, he's a wasted card. Varasago has decent three-star stats, and has the ability to take the place of any monster in a fusion. So, I choose him for that purpose, as well as the REBD fusions.
  16. Only Meteor Dragon; I think he's due out soon, though.
  17. Well, after a little research & debate, I present what is undoubtedly only a rough draft of my dream Relinquished deck. Rate, review, and generally speak your mind. Magic/Trap Cards: Crush Virsus Raigeki Anti-Regaki Change of Heart Time Machine Harpy's Feather Duster (2) Trap Hole (2) Black Pendent Polymerization (2) Magic Jammer Black Illusion Ritual (2) Block Attack (2) Stop Defense (2) Swords of Revealing Light (2) MetalMorph Monster Reborn Pot of Greed Monsters: Dark Eyes Illusionist (2) Man Eater Bug (2) Wall of Illusion (3) Witty Phantom (2) Kourmi Dragon (2) MechanicalChaser (3) Relinquished (2) Red Eyes Black Dragon Cyber Jar Varsago (3) Sonic Bird (2) Magician of Faith (2) La Jinn (2) Red Eyes Black metal Dragon Fusion Monsters: Thousand Eyes restrict (2) Black Skull Dragon Red Eyes Meteor Dragon Your thoughts? I expect to revise it several times, so do'nt worry. ;)
  18. Ok, the third upgrade (second fusion, since Metal Dragon is actually I special summons; I knew that) is with the Meteor Dragon. I've never seen that card; is it even out in the US? Will it be in with Pharoah's Servent? And the Black Meteor Dragon? And off topic, but I figured you guys would know, when is Thousand Eyes Sacrifice coming over, and what is his new name? Is it Thousand Eyes Restrict, like on the show?
  19. I don't have a Summoned Skull, and I know I need one of them. What I've done many times before is discarded REBD when I used Magic Jammer, then used Monster Reborn to get him on the field with no tributes. I do plan to use the Metal Dragon, but I know there's a third Red Eyes fusion. Does anyone know what it is?
  20. For the deck I'm currentlyt working on, I want to have my fave heavy-hitter monster, Red Eyes Black Dragon, but I've read many conflicting opinions on its usefulness. I know that its strength is in its fusions, but I only know of two: Black Skull Dragon and Red Eyes Metal Dragon. I know there's a third, but I don't know the name, the stats, or the other monster. Is Red Eyes a good card to use as a beatdown backup plan? My main monster theme is a control deck with Thousand Eyes Relinquished. Is there any place for a Red Eyes, or is he destined to be trapped in my side deck?
  21. Ha Ha! Someone may have put Red Eyes Black Dragon, but I'll put my *second* favorite Dragon: Kourmi Dragon! Okay, now what happens?
  22. Age:16 Favorite Monster: Red Eyes Black Dragon Favorite Card: Relinquished Fave Character: Maximillion Pegasus, Seto Kaiba Fave Episode: Yugi V. Pegasus (all four parts...that duel was awesome!) Card I relate to: Witty Phantom Am I in now? What happens next?
  23. Toon Burner? Do you mean Toon/Pyro, or one that gets rid of toons? As I've said in other threads, I've decided to build a good-Relinqished deck, using dark-types as back-ups. I can't go anywhere without my Witty Phantoms and Kourmi Dragons. (I *really* want to use my REB Dragon, but for now, he's trapped in my side deck until I get some good fusions. Alas.)
  24. Millenium Eye. It has the most practical application, except for the staff.
  25. I vote for a Relinquished deck, for the pure and noble reason that I'm trying to build one now, and I'm lazy. Wait, did I say "pure and noble"? Scratch that.
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