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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Very well said James. ^_^ I'm glad to know at least someone agrees that normal palestinian civilians are being mistreated. Many member here were actually saying it was okay to hurt them simply because there are some radical palestinians among them who target Israeli civilians. Two wrongs don't make a right and no one should disagree with that.[/COLOR][/quote] While I agree with much of what James said (Except regarding media bias; I've never seen anything in favor of Isreal in the media), I'm wondering why you're agreeing. I mean, he also said Isreal has a right to exist, which is the exact opposite of your point. I'm not trying to be obnoxious, I'm just curious.
  2. [QUOTE=DeathKnight] Arguable. If you follow a policy of cause and effect, it could be said fascism killed more. It's unfortunate that a system with such potential fell into the lap of Stalin, however- what horrid luck. [/QUOTE] And that it also fell into the lap of Mao, and Castro? How many times does it have to fail, horribly, before the system can be said to be flawed? [QUOTE]Irrelevant to me as a socialist because I support the dissolution of religion anyway, lol. Does that make me "evil"?[/QUOTE] Well, by the definition of just about every religion, yes. What is "evil" to a religion is what is counter to the teachings of that religion. [QUOTE]No response to this. I would say something about Democracies covertly doing the same thing, but I would expect alot of people to call me a conspiracy theorist or some such nonsense.[/QUOTE] All social systems require systemic curbing of individual desires in order to avoid anarchy, but communism requires the dissolution of individualism in exchange for collectivism. [QUOTE]How is sustaining your existence evil? I suppose that if you were an extreme advocate of free speech this intrusion would seem evil. I realize this implies that Communism is obsolete and has to hide the truth from it's citizens- oh well, I don't really see it as "evil" persay. An ill omen is more like it- a sign of the failure of totalitarian-communist regimes.[/QUOTE] For a communist system to work, you can't have anyone who doesn't follow the system; they must be expelled. A person in America can chose to be communist and distribute their property amongst their community, but a person in Cuba can't chose to be capitalist and save their property. [QUOTE]If altering history is "evil" then 80 percent of the nations that exist today are "evil", lol. Alteration or not telling the full story of historical lessons/events is common- Japan is a good example of this. If they are altering history specifically to survive, then this ties in to what I said just a bit prior to this. I definitely don't agree with any nation altering history for any reason. I wouldn't go so far as to us a word like "evil"- though, perhaps I should, heh.[/QUOTE] Yes, but how many nations need to alter their entire history? Communism's history is one of horror and failure. What does history teach us about communism? It teaches us that Churchill was right. "Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
  3. An electric shaver. I'm so @#$@%#$^$ing tired of cutting myself in the morning.
  4. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875] But I do think that the frequent labeling of communism as "evil" is kind of annoying, frankly. Why does everything have to be given some grand supernatural quality? It's so...gimmicky. You know? I'm so tired of bandwagons, lol.[/color][/QUOTE] Well, what do you define "evil" as, then? Communism is "evil" in the hummanitarian sense that it has killed more people than any other ideal in the past century. Communism is "evil" in the religious sense because all religions define "evil" as what is exactly counter to their religion, and communism calls for the dissolution of religion. (The government provides your means of living; the government is your god.) Communism is "evil" in the indivdualistic sense because it restricts the freedom of the individual to act in a way that suits them. Communism is "evil" in the philisophical sense that it surpresses all other philosophies; it has to, in order to sustain itself. Communism is "evil" in the historical sense that it must distort the truth of its own history; if it didn't, people might start wondering why they're applying a system that has failed in every single one of its variations. Which definition of evil do you think applies?
  5. Regarding two questions listed above: Mirage had no super powers; she just had a cool codename. [spoiler]Baby Jack's powers were a reflection of everything Edna designed his costume for. She said it was fire proof and bullet proof, so Jack lit himself on fire, and became bullet proof. The little devil thing I can only assume was a joke about Terrible Twos.[/spoiler] I thought the movie was surprisingly deep, when you look at the underlying themes: not the ones about family, but the ones about society. What idea keeps coming up in the film, echoed by Syndrome and Dash? The idea of some people being "special". Dash says it himself: if everyone's special, isn't that just another way of saying that no one's special? In modern society, we constantly tell our children that they're all special, and can do anything when reality tells us otherwise. Incredi-Boy's insistance that he could be a super-hero was the logical regergitation and perversion of that philosiphy: I can be anything I want; why can't I be a super hero? And, of course, the great tragedy of Syndrome's character is that he was "special", but he was so blinded by his obsession with super heroes that he didn't use his technological prowess towards heroic ends. He was so fixated on super heroics that he'd rather do evil things in an attempt to appear heroic than be a good, "average" person achieving heroic things. We tell ourselves that we can be anything we want, which creates the entitlement idea. Incredi-Boy wanted to be a hero, and felt that he deserved to simply because he wanted to. Yet, at the same time, what happened to the truely "special" heroes in the movie? They're torn down by society, and made to be just like everyone else. The mentality displayed was that the truely unique and gifted had to lower themselves to sub-par performance to secure the egos of those who didn't have such abilities. Violet and Dash were good contrasts of the results of such a mindset: Violet saw her abilities as a hassel, whereas Dash saw his inability to use them as a hassel. Mr. Incredible, however, was the best of both worlds; he wasn't only "special" because of his powers; he was simply a good person. Mrs. Incredible was wrong; he wasn't trying to relive the glory days. He was just trying to help people the best he could, and he couldn't deal with the artifical restrictions placed on his ability to do so. Whereas Syndrome was focused soley on glory and popularity, Mr. Incredible worked in secret until the very end of the movie. "Perfect heroism means doing unwittnessed what you're capable of doing before the entire world".
  6. HHPAM Show seems to be more like "The Comic Misadventures of Starfire and Raven", in my opinion. It's decent, but not the best.
  7. If an off-Broadway stage production could center around a young man plotting to kill President Bush, surely this is acceptable? Now, me, I find both that play and this game disgusting. However, I'm more interested in watching people try to defend one and decry the other.
  8. Crap, Drix beat me to pointing out the flaw in the question. I wanted to point out flaws...;_; I realize I'm going to regret getting into this, because this is a subject I can speak on for hours, and I already know I don't have the time to get into debates right now. ^^; However, communism is evil. It is evil because it restricts the natural freedoms people have. It is evil because more people have died in the name of it in the twentith century than any other cause. It is evil in the religious sense because it destroys religion. It destroy individuality, it destroys family, and placed the world on the brink of war for over three decades. Capitalism, without government intervention, is not a nice thing. Properly moderated capitalism is the best economic system in the world. Socialism is woefully inept.
  9. [QUOTE=DerelictDestiny][COLOR=DarkRed]It would be funny if I knew what you meant by your psychological profile. In what way does your profile match up with that of a homocidal maniac?This was a question I didn't expect to see, nor was I going to reply but DB there got me intrigued with his psychological profile. \[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually, this is a reference that I just realized no one would understand. duh. ^^; See, back in '98, after Columbine, many magazines and such created stories about other potential homocidal school kids, featuring a list of characteristics that parents should watch for. ^_^; Turns out, I had several of the characteristics that indicated I could have snapped and gone on a killing spree. This was news to me, because I never had any thoughts like that. That;s what I meant, if that makes sense.
  10. [QUOTE=AJeh][size=1]To DeathBug: When you heard his album tracks, did you listen to them and take them for what they were or just decide to put your own lil spin on them? You know.. just pick at the twisted humour that obviously you didn't appreciate.[b] And that Remember Me verse wasn't Eminem ;) [/size][/b][/QUOTE] I posted the lyrics with only one piece of commentary: that they were garbage.
  11. Maybe a way to attract the attention of the fairer sex (many of whom consider the term "chicks" derogatory) is to treat them as unique and interesting individuals who aren't so simple they can be won by a formula. And if you look nice and dress nice, then you're going to look better to most people, regardless of gender.
  12. You know what's funny? My psychological profile indicates that Id' answer 'yes'. But I won't, and this is a rather horrifying question to ask.
  13. I like punk, but what I hate most about the genre are A) The Political statements the bands make. For a genre that promotes individuality, they all tend to think the same. I mean, Johhny Ramone was my hero because he was the coolest Republican punk ever. B) The fans. Specifically, the snobby fans who decide which bands are and aren't "real punk".
  14. I'm getting a Duel Screen, but, the list of first-wave releases don't look too interesting, sadly enough. (Fortunatly, some of the later titles get my blood pumpimng.) I only buy one game at a time; I'm thinking I just want Spider-Man for the DS.
  15. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] Why do lots of people develop enmities of a sort with others online? I just view people's opinions as their own. [/size][/QUOTE] Well, regarding Cloricus, in the process of arguing his opinion, he was a jerk. Really, I think that sums it up. I argue with CHW and Godel Sensei all the time, but we're nice about it. Therein lies the difference.
  16. I admire your ability to look beyond the surface of popular movies, I really do. This is an interesting piece. Sadly, I only saw half of American Pie, and on network TV, so...I really can't say anything constructive. ^^;
  17. Now, I really enjoyed Ocean's Eleven, but I don't expect O12 to be nearly as good, for the simple reason that O11 really didn't need a sequel. The story was good, but it was finished in the first movie. There was no reason for a sequel. Granted, it might be excellent; I'll probably end up seeing it. But, as of right now, I don't have high expectations. Hopefully, I'm wrong. ^__^
  18. The problem applying with that saying to life in Western countries is that it is an African proverb, and African counties are collectivists, viewing the family or the village as the basic social unit. In Western countries, we are individualistic, viewing the individual as the basic social unit. In the area the saying originates from, it's true, because the entire society is structured that way. In Western countires, it's not nearly as emphasized.
  19. Of course it can happen, and I'm sure it's nice if it does, but it's not neccessary.
  20. Here's my question: Who is it that finds these stick-wimmin attractive? I don't, and several people here have said they don't, yet obviously *someone* has to, or the image wouldn't propogate. There are signs of change, though; new manniquens are supposed to have enhanced posteriors, similar to J-Lo or Byonce. The times, they are a changin'.
  21. I'd argue that point, for the simple reason that I never had a warm community growing up; I remained isolated, and I was taught love, compassion and acceptance by my own family. It takes responsible parents to raise a child.
  22. There's a fine line between holding solid principles and being inflexibe. There are many things I believe that you can convince me to change my mind on. However, there are core principles I hold that define part of my person. Just remember, everything isn't black and white, but it's not all gray either. Also, standing for everything is the same as standing for nothing.
  23. I've revised this work, and am submitting it to a school writing contest. Thoughts? Eyes of Jade- Hymn of A Devoted Lover From darkness and rejection I wish to find myself I see only imperfection And I despise myself Yet she tells me that I am more Than what I could hope to be I?ve never felt this way before Because she wants to be with me I was lonely and afraid Until I saw her eyes of jade Greater than anything man has made Are her lovely eyes of jade My artificial blood and flesh Are validated by her touch Her voice heals wounds that are still fresh Her smallest smile means so much If she were struck by foul disaster I would not wish to be alive Of my fate I am not the master For I need her near me to survive In my foolish days of apathetic youth I felt that I had but half a soul And before me now I see the truth Hers is the part that makes mine whole I cannot be without her My life revolves about her If I saw her suffer I would cry She means everything to me She and only she completes me If I were to lose her I would die I was lonely and afraid Until I saw her eyes of jade Greater than anything man has made Are her lovely eyes of jade
  24. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you and Chibi live in Texas? In that event, won't most potential criminals assume you have a gun anyways?
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