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Everything posted by DeathBug

  1. [QUOTE=Lalaith Ril][color=indigo][i] I really don't know why I'm even commenting to that. Thats like saying killing Jews is fine because it was legal at one time, or perhaps driving 35 mph is a horrible crime because at one time it was illegal. ....I'll just stop there.... [/i][/color][/QUOTE] When was it legal in America to kill Jewish people?
  2. [QUOTE=JJRiddler][size=1]-_-' Oh man. Not to get off topic, how many of you guys that said no support Bush? [/size][/QUOTE] I support President Bush. Does that throw a wrinkle in your inference? Sorry.
  3. President Bush hardly cares what M&M has to say about him. Why anyone cares what that homophobic misogenist/poser has to say is beyond me. And, you can ask, but the stations more than likely won't listen, because the group of people who tend to follow Green Day tend to agree with the assertions made in the song. You can vote with your wallet and simply change the channel while it's on, though.
  4. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] PS. Does anyone want to start taking bets on how long this thread will last? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I'll make ya' a custom avatar if it's not locked before the end of the day. Takers can PM Me. Frankly, I think the government should only recognize civil unions, and the term "marriage" should only be used for unions blessed by churches or religious organizations.
  5. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] Oh, and in case you've forgotten...If I'm not doing it, it's not a trend [i]and it's not cool[/i].[/size][/QUOTE] Just a reminder, that if I'd taken your advice, I'd still be Beelzebumon.
  6. Yeah, shorten it to "Chibi". =P
  7. When I first joined the OB, I was "Beelzebumon", like the Digimon. Meaning, I joined in late '02. And I miss Devidramon. In my early days, all I did was post in the Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh forums, back when such things existed. I am downright embarassed about some of the lame-arse decks I posted in the YGO forum... Ahem. I recall being intimmidated by older members, becasuse it always seemed like they knew each other, and were all in on some huge inside joke I wasn't privy to. And, at the time, I stayed the Hell away from the political debates in the Otaku lounge. I had opinions, sure, and I they were right, but man, things were heated in there. In my first stab at taking a strong position on something, I picked a fight with PoisonTongue/Petey/P-Diddy/Bean/Siren that I am now taking the opportunity to completely apologize for. But I got better at it. You know, I was so happy when I finally reached one of ye ol' Posting pleatus we used to have; think it was "Advanced Member" or something of the sort... Then the site was upgraded and we didn't have those labels anymore. NOOOOO! MY STATUS!! AGGH! Ahem. Nowadays, I'm in college, and don't post as much, and I still can't shake the feeling that everyone's laughing at a huge inside joke I'm not privy to. But I make my own banners now. =P
  8. If you really, really wanna' impress someone before you kiss them, here's what you do: Suck on ice cubs for several hours prior to the smooch, so that your tongue is practically frozen. Then, rub olive oil on your lips. Your partner will love it; I guarentee.
  9. Are we going to make a distinction betweent "Hate" and "Anger" or "Feeling Hate" and "Acting on Hate"? I get angry, and I hate some things, like France, but I don't act on these emotions. When you're a young child, you act immediatly on any emtion that you feel, because you percieve everything in terms of you, you, you. Some people grow out of that. Some don't, and move to California.
  10. I'm just so glad that Houston and Boston both didn't go to the Series, because that's about the only thing that could have made this election even more obnoxious: Senator Kerry's and President Bush's hometown teams facing off. Then Kerry would bet some lobster, and Bush would bet some barbaque; it's funny because one's betting stuff from Massachusetts, and one's betting stuff from Texas, get it? And we'd laugh and laugh, because it's so dang funny...gah.
  11. While I love Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh!, Shaman King makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside,like a hug, or a bad hairball.
  12. If you had sex, would you be able to accept all the possible complications that could result from it? If you can't, you shouldn't be having it. If you don't want to have sex, then don't. I honestly don't see any good that could come from it at age 15 anyway. You're not weird; you just see the issue in a different light than your friends. Power to you.
  13. I'd sign up. ^__^ Granted, the methods that Plasmus or Cinderblock could reproduce baffle and scare me. When can we expect this in the Recruitment thread?
  14. For me, Bloodhound Gang is one of those odd phantom bands that arrives and then leaves like a musical stranger in the night. I never heard of them before Bad Touch, and I never heard of them after Bad Touch stopped being played. Well, until just now.
  15. [QUOTE=iggypopD]DeathBug, [spoiler] when Manta got sliced, did you feel the extremly large urge to point and laugh at the helpless little midget? I did.[/spoiler] [/QUOTE] No, I only laugh at misfortune when it's brought about by the abject stupidity of those it afflits. =P
  16. Well, truth is, I'm a super-smart, uber-sexy footballer-player wunderkind when I'm not wearing my glasses. Sadly, when I wear them, I'm a geek. And I have to wear them all the time. Sorry.
  17. Hmmm, sidekicks, sidekicks.... I like Manta, from Shaman King. I mean, this guy has almosr zero shamanic ability, and is useless in actual combat. Yet, he [spoiler]gets the living crap beat out of him by Ryu to help Yoh, and gets sliced and diced by Faust VIII in addition to that.[/spoiler] It's not their abilities, but their dedication to the cause that makes sidekicks special. And I don't know why, but super hero sidekicks suck.
  18. You know, scientists estimate that the species most likely to evolve to the rate of human beings are octopi, not roaches. Roaches only matter if nukes are involved, which they won't be. And, yeah, maybe I'm an idiot for thinking that human beings are basically good, and would survive apocalptic purges. Human beings are survivors; it be our best trait. When the world ends, I'll either be dead or in the shower.
  19. [quote name='Drix D'Zanth']If nonexistence were the fate of all humanity, then there's no point in adhereing to ANYTHING society demands of us! [/quote] We...we could spam up the OB! Spam spam spam spammity spam! Ahem. My opinion on death? Everyone's going to die, at some point. You can extend your life, and I'd advise you do that whenever possible, because living kicks arse. But don't loose sight of the fact that you'll eventually die. And don't worry about it. Not like there's anything you can do once you're there, neh?
  20. [quote name='TOTALIMMORTAL']Oh, I know! They both fricken suck! Don't you guys have any taste in music at all?[/quote] Yes, and it's different from yours. Is that a problem? [QUOTE]Seriously, both Yellowcard and LostProphets bring absolutely nothing new to the genre, and they're both just overpopular "teen" bands that everybody listens to. Just two more mindless pop-punk bands the world could do without.[/QUOTE] My, you're awful judgemental. Listening to the Misfits almost gave me a brain tumor, but I don't go decry it and its fans. I just don't listen to it. And Yellowcard brought a viola. [QUOTE] I must also add that all this "pop" punk crap is an overwhelming disgrace to punk. [/QUOTE] Isn't the imitation and comericalization of punk a signal to the genre's success? And, since the imitation bands are obviously different and easily classifiable as such...what's the problem? So punk has a mainstream offshoot. So what? [QUOTE]Punk rock was a form of music based on rebelity and saying what had to be said, and now it's turning into all this love song **** with absolutely no meaning at all. I suggest you all try listening to some real music.....[/QUOTE] I suggest you stop being such an elitist. Don't you realise what you're saying? "You kids call that crap music? Why, in my day, we listened to good music!"
  21. My neighbor has three tiny scottish terriers she lets run free in the yard; I always have to stop and count 'em off before I pull into the driveway. They made me nervous before, but I always figured, if worst came to worst, they'd have enough sense to get out of the way of my car. Until the day they activly ran to and under my car. Someone's going to accidently kill those tiny dogs, and I hope it's not me.
  22. If Lady Katana thought her opinion of Mobile Suit Gundam would generate heat, I'm about to be crucified. MSG was not only the worst Gundam series I've seen, it was one of the worst anime series I have seen. The characters were two-dimensional, the animation was bad even for the time-period, the philosophies presented were mindless circular debates that all ended in the same conclusion, the plot seemed to be some sadistic quest to torture both characters and viewers as long as possible, and watching it became a daily exercise in masochism. But, at least it wasn't Blue Gender. Oh, and I really liked Gundam Wing and 08th MS Team. Good watchin'.
  23. DeathBug

    Shaun of the Dead

    I laughed; I cried; I had a nice day. SotD was a neat lil' film; it wasn't the funniest movie I'd ever seen, but it lampoons both romantic cliches and zombie cliches quite handily. I'd highly recommend it to those who enjoy British humor or black comedies.
  24. I can make you a couple; give me a day or so, an' I'll PM them to you. For future reference, this thread would go in Suggestions and Feedback, I think.
  25. [color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]O_O Godel, por favor, tell me: did you revive this thread because I posted this story on my O, or is this just a huge coincidence? Either way, thank yew. And I'm eighteen.[/color][/size][/font]
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