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Everything posted by Syn

  1. Just out of interest, is it too late to join? If not then im definately interested. Syn
  2. Thanks for the feedback everyone :) means a lot that some people could actually be bothered to comment :) As for the clouds in the lower scene, yes they are just circles overlapped with a bit of shading and so on, the clouds in the top scene are airbrushed though.
  3. Well this has been a long time coming, almost a month i've spent on this and im finally happy with it. I started out with the name, the idea sprung into my head and that was it, I set out making it. I wasn't sure whether to go for a completely 2D look or a slightly more Cartoonesque look. Eventually, with help from Hitto, I decided to use both. I shant say anymore because..well..I dont want to. Please do comment, it does mean a lot, and especially with this image as im particularly proud of it. EDIT: It looks like Photobucket resized it *hiss* so yeah...*not impressed* So here it is: [CENTER][SIZE=3][u][B][COLOR=black]Twilight is MyLight[/COLOR][/B][/u] [/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y195/5graves/MyLight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  4. So yeah, havent post in a while so i thought i'd see what you all thought of this little thingy I was playing with. I was going to add some more to it but then I thought it'd ruin the simplicity, so i didnt bother. I must say im fairly pleased with this now i've done it. Nothing too flashy yet fairly pleasing to look at. Let me know what [I]you[/I] think anyways. [CENTER][U][B]Divine Intervention[/B] [/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24762&stc=1[/IMG][/CENTER]
  5. Syn

    New Beginnings

    heh, I might have been out of the scene for a while but I know how to use layers. x_x Was just a mixture of lazyness and regretting it later thats all.
  6. Well here ya go, the backgrounds an edited version of "New Beginnings" umm...I chose to put your user name on the avatar rather than the quote or whatever you wanted on it, hope thats ok. Anyways, see what ya think. [b]Avatar[/b] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24623[/img] [b]Banner[/b] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24622[/img]
  7. Syn

    New Beginnings

    Mmm, thanks for that everyone, and in all honesty, the top right corners only there because I ****** up and needed something to cover it with ._. But yeah, im still exploring the program, its like being totally new to it again x_x But anyways, thanks again.
  8. Thanks for your reply and i'd be honoured to make you something, i'll get on it tonight when I get back from college.
  9. I've recently acquired Photoshop CS and actually got a crack for this one, so its a permanent feature, this means I can start making graphics again properly. So here it is, my newest piece after a hell of a long time. Quite fittingly entitled: [center][b]New Beginnings[/b][/center] [CENTER][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24619[/img][/CENTER] Let me know what you think. [b]EDIT:[/b] I know this is only a small piece but its only an experimental piece to see what I remember from 7.0 and such, anyways, hope you like it.
  10. [B]Kitty[/B] Firstly, to get it out of the way, I dont like the fonts. I think the piece is generally subtle and the font just doesnt do it justice I dont think, too bulky and "in your face". (although I do like the glow effect you have on the text) The background to this however I find very pleasing to look at, the subtlety of the background with obvious complexity is very effective and I think this has been overlooked. The big bang theory, not something I would have thought of for this theme but that in itself is compelling and fits perfectly with this piece. [B]Ozymandius Jones[/B] I'd agree with Retribution about the colours, perfectly chosen, soft, warm and calming. Again, im not fond of the text and I think the border really takes away the simplicity and depth of the image. So my vote would have to go with [b]Kitty[/b] purely because it has the artistic side to it as well as the theme. (although it [i]was[/i] close)
  11. Mmm, hokay...thanks for replying to my thread again, means a lot. :) Now...to busines, the first banner I cant say im too fond of, purely because its too..full. The text seems, to me, badly placed and too big. Now the other version with less text is much better. I dont think its bland as such, just simple, which isnt a bad thing. (The picture to the left of the banner reminds me of axl rose though o_O) The next couple of banners are the same I feel. Though the 3rd banner has text over the character, which really makes the banner look messy and amateuristic. Again, the 4th is so much better. Simple, to the point, no messyness. The 5th banner, i must say, I really like. Its easy on the eyes and I like how you overlapped the images of the two characters to the right. Normally i'd put it down for going for the collage type effect but I think you pulled it off quite nicely. The only complaint I have about the 6th banner is that im not a fan of the text colour. Looks like..blegh..for lack of a better word.the rest of the banner looks fine though. And egh...the last banner, it looked so much better the first time round. If you have to have the extra text in there, I think it'd look better in the gap under the original text. This is just me but yeah...text over the characters...*shrug* :) -5Graves
  12. I dunno if this is what you were lookin' for.
  13. Couldnt be bothered doing both but heres the .Hack banner if you want it.
  14. Syn


    My latest and. in my opinion, greatest; [center][b]Midnight Romance[/b][/center] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22527[/img] I decided to try out some airbrushing, so I thought clouds would be a nice easy way to start out. Some abstract design at the bottom, using pretty much the same method I used for "I Miss You". Im not overly happy with the stars, they dont look random enough....ah well. Comment/rate if you would >_> -5Graves
  15. Syn


    Hmm, I assume the grainyness of the text, which is what puts me off this piece as well, is down to the rotation of it. With photoshop you get the Strong, Crisp, Sharp and...smooth? setting, it anti-alias' the text by itself so it shouldmt be grainy. I dont know, not bad for my first, particularly proud of the Band though. (great band, if you havent heard them, check them out) EDIT: Ok, heres my final edit of "I Miss You". I think im totally happy with it now, the border reminds me of a frame from some art in a gallery or somethin'...what I was goin for anyway. The point of this piece is to show a spirit, got inspiration from the infamous "orbs" that are apparently ghost apparitions. Thats what the top right is about anyway. Mourning for a dead lover. anyway, here it is. [center][b][i]FINAL EDIT[/b][/i][/center] [center][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22526[/img][/center] [b]To elaborate:[/b] [b]Aequitas Gloria:[/b] but that image is liiiiike I dunno.... the reality to love? [b]Aequitas Gloria:[/b] like...when your "in love" [b]Aequitas Gloria:[/b] you get the whole not wanting it to end and thinking it wont [b]Aequitas Gloria:[/b] that image is meant to like...represent the loss of that feeling [b]Aequitas Gloria:[/b] but at the same time the beauty of the afterlife
  16. Syn


    Yep....its been a while but I thought i'd start making graphics again. So here they are, after like a year from making graphics, this is what I came out with. The Image of the band was a black and white photo just so you get a basic idea of what I actually did. Its a little more subtle but im quite pleased with how it turned out. [URL=http://www.avengedsevenfold.com/images/photos/depends/a7xpromo5.jpg](Original Image)[/URL] [center][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22524[/img][/center] "I miss you" Blegh, ok....i'll admit....this ones quite bad. I dont mind it too much, took me like 2 hours...the only thing im overly bothered about is the text, looks terrible, but im lazy so i'll just like...I dunno....make up for it next time or somethin'. [center][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22525[/img][/center] So yeah, rate/comment away. -5Graves (Syn)
  17. I actually quite like them, one thing though, and please dont take this the wrong way, but the zero banner looks kinda teriible. The pixel work looks tacky and the fonts you used dont help matters either. The Cloud banner, looks nice, I love the larger font. Not liking the smaller font as much but the larger font draws the eye away so its ok. One thing I dont like is the border though. I think a simple 1 pixel border would've done it. Again with this Sarutobi banner, I dont like the pixely type stuff, looks too messy and such. I like the font work on the "Sarutobi" text. That looks nice enough. I like how you kept the background greyscale but kept him with some colour, thats a nice touch. Though you could give him a quick brush over with the burn tool to bring some colour to make him stand out a bit more. And yeah...well im not a fan of this other one...so i'll just leave it alone. I wont put any ratings because..well you have my constructive criticism.
  18. Hmm, im bassist and/or guitarist in the manchester area. For the bass, my main influences i'd say are Flea from the red hot chilis, Marcus Miller, Duff McKagan from Guns n Roses and Jaco Pastorias, even though I dont actually like what he does/did, you have to respect the guy for doin' what he did. For the guitar, well I dont have many influences for the guitar as such, if I had to pick a few people as influences then i'd have to say ... hm... Kirk from Metallica and Synnyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold. I chose Gates because his tappings amazing, its nothing new but theres just something that always catches my ear. So yeah, he got me into the finger tapping technique.... I dont know if this was the point of this thread but ya know, anybody in the manchester area looking for a bassist or guitarist (rhythm) or just wants a jam or somethin', look me up.
  19. OOC: Again, sorry for not posting, i've been pretty busy. :P Alek stood up, smirking as he heard his name being shouted from outside. He looked out of the window to see Genes face peering back at him. His smile broadened, not believing his luck. Pulling out his gun he walked slowly towards the window, gun in hand, exiting the shop. "Hello, Gene..." Alek said, smiling smugly, "Its been a while" "What're you up to, Alek? I thought you were in jail" Gene replied, becomming slightly more defensive as he saw Alek holding a gun. "Oh I was, no thanks to you, [i]Gene[/i]" Alek sneared. "Hey! Just you listen Ale--" "No, you listen, watch your back, Gene, because I [i]will[/i] destroy you." With that, Alek turned and walked away. Gene stood still, he stepped forward, getting ready to go after Alek but then decided against it, not wanting to cause a scene. "Who the hell was that, Gene?" asked Aisha. Gene smiled awkwardly, "Just an...uh...an old friend"
  20. [size=2]See, im torn, my usual list would probably go a little something like this: 1.Avenged Sevenfold 2.Killswitch Engaged 3.Machine Head 4.Guns n Roses 5.Metallica But when I think about it, I want to take into concideration, how they effected the music industry. so heres my new list, not much different really. (1st being the best) 1. Guns n Roses: What can I say? You think rock, power ballads, something nice, something hard. You think Guns n Roses, they're probably the most influencial band of their time. I mean their frontman, Axl, great voice that stands out, no one could reproduce that. Then Slash, probably more well known than Axl. His solo's, wow, I mean hes not the best guitarist in the world but hes up there. Then theres the country riffs that izzy brought to the band, and the punk riffs from Duff. They had everything. Of course im slightly biased as I really do love them. But to some extent, its true. 2. Sex Pistols: One for the Brits, because we're great. Yeah, they brought punk to light, without them, we wouldnt have a hell of a lot of bands that claim the punk name these days...which in some ways, im sure cant be all that bad x_x;; 3. Metallica: I had to put these in somewhere, back in the day...they were so refreshing, two guitars pumping away, kick all our *****. They're great. Another band that rocked with power, but had such touching lyrics with their ballady type songs, "Nothing Else Matters", "The One", some of the more well known pieces i'd say. 4. Slipknot: Hmm...well yeah, im pushing it for bands to choose from now, but I must say, though I never really got into slipknot, they blew everyone away at the time. A great live band, very heavy, they took the world by storm....The fact that they produced something that was so popular worldwide is seriously something to marvel and respect. 5. Avenged Sevenfold: Yeah, a lot of people wont agree with me on this one but I seriously would say that they are the band to look out for this year. Their latest album, Waking the Fallen, is in my opinion one of the best albums to be released this year. This album is probably the only album in a long time that I could happily sit and listen to for hours on end, I like every track on it. Which is rare. Mixing Metal and Punk with screaches, growls and beautiful lyrical melodies and harmonies. Easily my favourite band. (It killed me to put them last :/)[/size]
  21. [size=2]Heh, I wasn't going to post because I thought this thread was pretty much dead but I really had to. Different makes of guitar arent any easier to play in general, although granted people have their personal preferences, its all the same. The only thing thats different is that accoustics are easier to start out with. Accoustics arent as brutal as electric guitars, if an accoustic is slightly out of tune, you cant tell, but with an electric, it really shows. And something else, this is just my opinion, but BC Rich are so over priced its un true. They're not bad guitars in general but on the whole you're paying for the trademarked designs. Anyway...I dunno if that really had any preference to anyone but back to the topic. I've been playing the bass for over two years now and the guitar for one. I have a cherry red SG, epiphone. Though im hoping to get a BC Rich mockingbird i've seen going cheap (second hand). Since bass is more my thing I dont concentrate too much on equipment for my guitar, but I use a Zoom amp, I got it for its built in effects. And later on I bought a Boss Metal Zone pedal. As for songs, im in a couple of bands, we write our own stuff in both. I'll try and tab some out if I can be bothered sometime :P and covers, I did a lot of metallica, guns n roses, velvet revolver, blink 182 (because as mentioned before, a 3 year old can play Blink stuff and its fun) but im getting into playing Avenged Sevenfold and Killswitch Engaged songs now...i'll play anything, depends what mood im in. Sorry if that made no sense at all...I forgot what the topic was about half way through so I had to do a varied reply x_X;[/size]
  22. The wallpaper looks great as far as im concerned. The text, the smaller text anyway, is ruined by the resolution (which you already know) so thats a shame. The lighting effects are just..well..lovely ^_^ The whole thing, on whole, is very clean. Much like most of your work come to think of it. You're never happy with anything you do ¬_¬ stop being so damned picky...:P And i'd like to say that whoever, for whatever reason, rejected this wallpaper should be shot ^_^ The banners very nice, but I prefer it a lot more in that layout than as a banner by itself. The only thing I dont like about the banner is the "Z" in zero...that looks kind of off....other than that. *thumbs up*
  23. OOC: Sorry im so late posting up my little piece x_x;; Alek pushed open the door, smirking to himself as the door nearly drops off its hinges. He walked over and sat at a table, a quick glance around the musky bar confirmed that he was, indeed, the only person there, other than the bartender. A pretty young woman walked over to him and asked for his order, he declined and stated that he was waiting for someone. He sat back in his chair cockily, checking he still had his weapon in his belt. As he looked up, two suited men were entering the grotty bar and walking towards him. Alek leaned forwar slightly, still with a cocky smirk on his face. "Alek, Alek Schwartz?", one of the suited men asked. The man sat down as Alek nodded. The other man standing at the exit. "I believe you have a proposition for me?", Alek muttered. "yes, my boss would like to hire your services, we believe that you have a grudge against one Gene Starwind, we think this would make you the perfect candidate for this job" "Yes...carry on, whos your boss anyway?" Alek said, the man had obviously caught his attention. "Lord Hazanko.." The man said under his breath. "So its true...." Alek said, his smile broadening, "Tell your boss i'd be happy to help him out..."
  24. Well they both work for me :P The first one, I think, is the better of the two. It actually looks like graffiti. So yeah, when I say I like it, what I mean is, I love it ^_^;; Its nothing new by any means, but it looks good. The second one, well I cant say I like it, at all. I think it looks too much like kiddies bubble writing, but thats just me. I dont exactly know anything about graffiti...I just know what I like... I must say though, the part I like the most about the both of them is your little signature thing. Thats very cool, you should do a big piece based around it. Oh, ratings... [b]1st - 8/10 2nd - 4/10[/b]
  25. [b]Name:[/b] Alek Schwartz [b]Physical Description:[/b] [img]http://www.halovision.org/DAS/hv/imgs/pb-02.jpg[/img] [b]Biography:[/b] Alek used to be partners with Gene when they were in their teens, part of a small group of freelance thieves and bounty hunters. Alek and Gene were best friends until they were caught on a job, Alek was caught and thrown in jail whilest Gene fled and left him for dead. Alek never forgave Gene, now, 14 years later, Alek has become bitter and vengeful. Joining forces with Lord Hazanko he plans to hunt down Gene and settle the score. [b]Side Note:[/b] Alek uses a weapon similar to Genes, only his is less powerful yet more accurate. Hope thats ok ^_^;
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