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Everything posted by Syn

  1. Looks nice, love that font aswell ^_^ The shape of it all's quite dodgey, but on a whole its ok. 7/10
  2. Well i've made a group of 5 images for a little ... thing I wanted to do, since im too lazy to post them up one by one, I just made one big image with the all on. Im going to explain all of them since they all have little meanings and such. From top left, the red one, to the right, the smallish one. Red sky at night: With this image I wanted to create a contradiction to the old say "red sky at night, shepherds delight" So its supposed to look evilish. On your mind: With this image I wanted to make it look like a dark nerve, like someone thinking about bad things really. Ever 14 (the white one, bottom left): I dont know why but somehow I wanted to create the good side to being childish because the chance to act childish doesnt last forever. I dont know why.....>>; Bustle: This image symbolises the busy cities and such, and all the people scurrying around and paying no attention to eachother, and all the pollution and basically how much value we place on material possetions on a whole. Serial Killers Refuge: If you look closely you can see a picture of a rather normal looking house, with this image I wanted to say that there is a darker side living in all of us. Pretty simple. Well, thats all of them, if you want any of the actual quality images posting up as singles then just ask, I doubt you will but hell, anythings possible. Enjoy.
  3. Syn


    thanks subversive, and its not just another chance to show off, it started out as being a stupid dark and light difference thing.....but I thought it looked better like this. thanks anyway though.
  4. Syn


    Made this, mainly out of boredom, but I wanted something that looked a little different from what I normally make, I guess you could say this was an experiment. Im quite pleased with the outcome but I cant for the life in me figure out why I put such a large border on it. So ignore the border and such....
  5. *bows in teh glory* grand...*sniffle* ..... grand
  6. heres mine, hope it isnt too late.
  7. Syn


    Ha :P this is because you did it to me. ^_^ You like a little bit better than me though, so ... yeah..... hope you like it. :)
  8. ¬_¬ I get to make one of you now. Looks nice, except for that stupid guy in the corner.
  9. Im with DD, plain lying to someone doesnt help them get better, it does suck to put it bluntly. If you cant take bad crits then dont post your work, even if it was great then not everyone would like it. So i'd have to say that im totally with DD on this. First thing you have to do if you want to get into making graphics seriously is get your hands on a copy of photoshop 7 or 6, or paint pro seems to be quite popular for some reason o.0; anywho.....well...what else is there to say...
  10. Nah, only thing I like about it is the shine animation. Its a weird size too.
  11. ¬_¬ fool, I never use tutorials. Bah. Tiz looking mighty fine there AJeh ^_^ 10/10
  12. ^_^ that owns, the style you used just suits the whole scene perfectly.
  13. I dont want to sound mean or anything, but I would suggest starting a new banner, im not fond of this one at all.
  14. Syn


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KittyLynn [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=dodgerblue]Juu-ness! It fits her very nicely. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, heh, I know. Thanks, and thanks for the thumbs DD >>; *ponders, what to do with those thumbs*
  15. Syn


    I dont think theres been a topic on this, and if there has then im sorry >>; I was wondering about having a comment system, where users can post comments on other users through there profiles. Just a thought.
  16. Syn


    Well, I asked Juu if I could use her for an image, she kindly said yes and this is what I eventually came out with. This took me a long time to get it how I liked it, hope you guys like it too. I give you Grace.
  17. If you want the edges to look smooth you do. you have to cut out the background, then I went over it all with the pencil tool so I could get the smoothest edge possible.
  18. Hitto said I should add more vectors.....so I did.... Im still going to make one more though.
  19. Well, I decided to make 3 entries, this one was just a ... well...a rushed version.....Im going to be making a much cleaner one later on. [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] This is the second version, this one took me ages to edit the spike pic, I think it came out nice looking though. [color=teal]Kenji, you know the rules perfectly well by now to know that you should at least wait for someone else to post. I kept the second post because the banner was so much better. -Syk3[/color]
  20. Syn

    more 3D

    the first ones nicer, and near the bottom the rendering doesnt look as smooth as it could, but I still think it looks nice. 9/10
  21. It looks really nice but the ending spoils it a lot with that cheap starburst effect thing >>;
  22. Syn

    First 3D

    Its a little messy, I think it would look better if it were smoother, it looks nice though. 8/10
  23. Since when have you been advertising for OB ? :P The sig owns as usual, plus onegai teacher *drool* 10/10
  24. Syn


    this would be one of the twins from the new matrix movie, I made a banner for me and AJeh using the twins, I wanted a simplistic design because it seemed to fit with the cool no talk and kick *** approach that the twins have. Anywho, what you guys think ?
  25. Syn

    Divine Skies

    it was just a one off, but once I started thinking, it would be something I would like to get into.
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