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Everything posted by Syn

  1. yeah, I voted the comedian one, so yeah......interesting topic...
  2. Syn

    Imperial Flux

    Ok, I made it a dark blue color.
  3. Syn

    Divine Skies

    Whats there to get, its a picture of the sky o.0;
  4. skateboarding, woopage. I really really really want to snowboard, but I live in england and there isnt really any place to go for it. So I just skateboard, im not that good at it but its fun, I can do the basics so im ok. ^_^
  5. I seem to use flux in a lot of my images......anyway, this ones pretty different, I dunno if you'll like it or not but I do. If you would rate, comment, anything that could be improved ..... all is welcome.
  6. The picture in the background is a picture I took and edited myself. I love this piece, im so proud ^_^. Anyway, rate and such.
  7. You really need to save your banners in a different format other than bmp....
  8. Well, I decided to try something new out, new to me anyways. This is what I came up with, I think it turned out pretty nice. What do you think? EDIT: Once someones replied i'll post up the original pic that I used.
  9. My backgrounds just a pastel coloured blue, and my current skin is called Alien Assault v2 I think.
  10. Syn


    This is an animated story made by square. Its only 15 minutes long but it honestly is worth watching. Its like a side thing (based on the matrix) If you've seen it what did you think of it ? I was so excited when I saw it, it was shown on UK TV last night at 11:35pm on channel 5. Just to boost my excitement, tomorrow im going to go see reloaded :O Utter joy.
  11. Its great other than the blurry lines in places. I voted for the quite good one.
  12. Syn

    Ushi. ^_^

    Um, ww2 ? Thats a cow girl, not a bunny girl >>; Anywhos, cute and grand as always. 10 ooti 10
  13. The text is all horrible and stuff, and theres too much of it, you need it to be more simplistic. (font I mean)
  14. Im with Red, I think >>; Depends what context its in. In my mind beautiful isnt all based on looks, I think lust and the like is based more on looks, I dunno. I also agree with masked man, the way we define beautiful, nowadays anyway, is mainly based on what other people around us think. Blegh to it all.
  15. Syn


    Heh, well, the playstation logo is cut out horribly, the background could use.....well....more of a background, the cloud render really isnt much of a background. 2/10
  16. Syn

    Snow Labs

    Well, I was just messing around with the pen tool and thought "hey, lets make a skate park" So I started designing and stuff, and I decided to make the colors light and blue, so it looked more frostey, so I then made it into a snowboardy thing. Its supposed to be a halfpipe with a box and a little wall grind rail thing, space age looking and stuff, hence the little floating block, I guess its supposed to be abstract looking too. Im told it doesnt look much like that, so yeah.....anyway, I like it. I made a version without the "braught to you by Kaisuke" part, if anyone wants to use it but doesnt want to see my name on it.(pfft, yeah sure) Anyway, rates and comments would be nice. ^_^
  17. I voted air because.....well read the description >>;
  18. Only thing i'd change is the "my name is" font, its all blurry and stuff. 9/10 anyway :P
  19. Syn

    .Hack doodle

    I personally think its great, and its a hell of a lot better than a lot of art i've seen posted around here. 9/10
  20. Like I said over AIM, pure genious, total ownage. ^_^
  21. Lol, I wasnt having a go at you or anything, I was just saying... ^_^ You werent mean, if thats your opinion then whos to stop you? Maybe you do find it stupid, I personally find it amusing, but then again I still find the word boobies amusing so I cant really judge. >>;
  22. Says the person with "right behind you....heehee" as a location. I think its great, fonts a bit screwed in parts but me likes. And if you do get in trouble for offending people then thats just stupid IMO.
  23. Ok, heres the version you asked for, hope you like it.
  24. Heh, well for anyone who wants to say its too plain, I made for people with lots of icons on their desktop, or for someone who doesnt want a loud wallpaper every time they turn on their monitors. Its made as a mellow sort of thing. Easy on the eyes sort o' thing.
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