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Everything posted by Syn

  1. My newest wallpaper, its a little abstract but mesa likes it ^_^. What do you think?
  2. Nah, as long as you give credit and take all the credit yourself then im sure its ok. As for the pixel stuff, you might want to get a different program other than paint >>;
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B] Kaisuke: Somehow I think you are capturing your imagination quite well. ;) For what you have there, it's a good job; decent text, great background, and, er, interesting picture, hehe. You could have added a little more, but I think you understand what we're asking for here. [i]Judge Rating[/i]: [b]8/10[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, that was just a quick version, I [i]was[/i] going to make another version but then I realised that we werent allowed to make more than one...... ¬_¬
  4. Syn

    My latest work

    Lol, dont be a fool, half decent graphics take time and effort, if banners are so easy to make then why ask syk3 to make your current one? Using someone elses work is ripping, no ifs, no buts. Its just plain low. Using characters and such is different, but just plain cutting things out of other peoples efforts is wrong. So dont try make us seem like the bad because to be honest you're the only one in the wrong here, so dont bother calling us the ungreatful ones when you're the one thats going round stealing peoples work.
  5. Theres nothing hidden, if your thinking of what im thinking of, then yes its there, but ..... well yah know, its not that bad, cant see it too much. >>;
  6. Well, I would've entered sooner but I thoughth it was only drawing, heres my entry anyway >>; its not got my name on but im sure that wont matter.
  7. Syn

    My latest work

    Yeah, um, im afraid that banners a rip >>; I have good reason to believe so anyway. Sorry for the off-site linking but yah know, these things must be done. [url]http://animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/dbz/full_33_1024.asp[/url] >>; Hopes you have a good explanation.
  8. Syn

    Lady K

    Well, I offered to make this for lady k, wanted to get your opinions on it, I personally am very proud of it ^_^. What are your views?
  9. Syn

    My new banner

    I love the art of zidane you used but it doesnt work as a banner in my opinion though.
  10. Syn


    Bland, probably. Thats what im going for though, I just think that in way too many boards, people are judged by whats in there signature, and I think that that's pretty stupid. Im using these "bland" banners partly because I personally like them, and secondly because I want to prove that banners dont have to be all complicated graphics. At the end of the day its my banner, im using it, and if I like it then thats what goes. so nyeh ^_^
  11. Name: Kurt X-Name: Nightcrawler Mutant Ability: Teleportation, sharpened reflexes and that sort of thing Children: None Good/bad: Good Hope that was right ^_^;;
  12. Syn


    Well I decided to go for the basic look, this new one is so basic its untrue, but it looks safisticated in a way, I dunno, I liek it so who cares.
  13. Syn


    Simples the point of it though, that leaf took me ages to do though ¬_¬
  14. Syn


    Yet another simple banner from meh, I dont know why but I liked the clean-ness of the bottom part then the scribbledness over it. Just looked cool, to me anyways, what do you guys think ?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]Hey, easy there. Double posting is [i][b]against the rules.[/b][/i] People who are doing so need to be reported, because it has been CLEARLY stated again and again not to double post, no matter what the excuse. (Will edit this to include ratings soon--need to go for now.) [/B][/QUOTE] Cant help it if you need to attach two images, vB only allowes one attachment per post. Love the x-men banner, the animated one, I cant do animation >>; annoys me, yours looks nice though.
  16. Syn


    Brightness is teh key though. Ah well, guess it isnt everyones cup of tea, I personally like the brightness, I think the darkness of the border stands out too much, but I guess it looks ok without it, as long as Zeh likes who cares right ?
  17. Syn


    Here you am. Rate it and so on if you peoples would >>;
  18. Syn


    Thats cool, I like it a lot. 10/10
  19. 10/10 ^_^ Cant say much else other than that. Meh loves it ^_^
  20. AJeh said I was taking tates place >>; well heres me sign up thing. Name : Kaisuke Nickname : None Age : 24 Bio : Young, skilled, taught by his older brother Ishigami who was killed in another tourney. Uses a massamune passed down through his family. Desc : based on teh image attached.
  21. Ooooooo, nice.....nothing much else to say, I thought it looked like it skipped a bit, but its just the design, cant explain it, I agree with hitto on the fading totally, but I dont think it needs it drastically. I think its pretty much perfect how it is. Reminds me of .hack >>;
  22. :O Lulu juu >>; fun fun fun. Looks great to me, the hand does look backwards but who cares, teh rest of it owns. pretty pretty pretty *envies the drawing skills ¬_¬*
  23. I think it'd look a lot better wtihout that glass skull thing to the right, other than that I think it pretty much owns. Oh, and the typo doesnt really fit IMO. 9/10
  24. Syn

    profile sig

    Cool, you even matchd the font ^_^ :P nice to see im on teh respet list aswell.
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