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Everything posted by Syn

  1. Syn

    profile sig

    changed it around a little bit, i think it looks much better this way.
  2. *big hearty smile* thankyah gunny ^_^ *huggles then jumps inside teh magic bag of doom*
  3. Syn

    profile sig

    Heh, thanks, ad the robots cool anyway. :P And as I explained to Zeh, I didnt have hardly enough room to add all the people on, so I added the people I first made friends with, seemed fair.
  4. Well, pfft, I thought i'd save people who wanted to know a little about me the time to search for info on me. Not that theres a great demand anyway, but I was bored. So here it is, james made the little robot thing to the right, just so you know. :p
  5. Syn


    Are the ruler things supposed to be there ? If so then they dont look right. lol. Looks like a rose ..... thing >>;
  6. it'd look a lot better without kye or whatever his name is and sol on the sides.
  7. Pay off I suppose is how proud I am, in a way, of the piece. Like the piece I made for the contest between me and hitto, I was so proud when I finished that, but with pixel art, I get bored, and frustrated when it doesnt go right, I find myself getting worked up over it all, then when its done I dont even stop to look at it. I hope that made sense >>;
  8. Its not as great as hittos piece, but heck, it sounded like fun, and it is ^_^ Anyway, I made the head and rushed it afterwards, I never intended on making a body either really, the name pretty much speaks for itself. c & c ? [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=386383[/img]
  9. 3-2 to me, possibly 3 all if shy makes up his mind. :P
  10. Hitto: 1 Kaisuke:0 Bah. Need to try some new techniques.
  11. Well, we decided to have a lil graphics battle, more of a contest really, we both made a piece, and we're putting it to your vote as to who should win. So, here are the images, Hitto will post his. l i f a F L U X [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=386274[/img]
  12. egh, pixel art *hiss* no offence to anyone who enjoys it but I find it boring and frustrating for a minimum pay off. I doubt you'll see much more pixel stuff from me anymore....=/
  13. Im really proud of this. Its a little bit of pic editing I did of Rikku, well not pic editing as such, just a random rikku graphic I suppose. I assume most of you have seen that image, the original I mean. This is probably the most different thing in my whole protfolio (if I had a portfolio it would be the most different thing anyway) So anyway, here it is.
  14. Well, some people have become bored of my normal stuff, so I tried my damnedest to make this piece look different, which it does. Its not really different but its differentish >>; I dunno you decide.
  15. God, even with a shitter program you can still kick meh booty at graphics. nicely done ¬_¬;
  16. I havent thought of a name for this piece yet, hence the lack of text, if anyone has some decent names then feel free to post them, anyway, what do you think? I madea blue remix sort of thing aswell, so i'll post that after someone replies. ( so I dont double post >>; ) Ratings, comments, whatever you want.... :P
  17. If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be? Larger avatars? If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be? Upcoming fads? (sorry I couldnt think of anything) Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? (ie: closer fan art links, contests, etc) Not really bothered, theotaku bores me >>;no offence... Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards? Most deffinately Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? (ie: shared moderators, scheduled chat events etc) Yes Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards? (ie: do you feel that we need more spam control or less? Or are we just right?) Just right IMO If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way? Probably not, possibly the odd time to check how a topic of mine is doing, but I dont post many so .... no Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins? smaller (but more than currently) Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? (if you had to choose only one option) original, indy art and such. Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB? (in other words, do you seek out Mods/Category Mods to help you when you are unsure of a rule or something like that) Yes. :P Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? (such as language restrictions, conflict resolution between members, strict blocking of sexual imagery, etc... - this question is aimed primarily at parents and members over 15 years) yes, heh.
  18. Syn


    Looks cool, face is a bit screwed but it doesnt look too bad.
  19. Great great great ^_^ only thing I dont like is the blurry line where the wall meets the floor. Other than that its great. Better than mine ¬_¬
  20. Syn

    chek it.ma sig

    Isnt that part of a spoono tutorial ?
  21. Syn


    ok, made a quick icon thing, made it darker and lighter as you put it over aim o.0; I think this does actually look nicer, even though I dont think the colors are exactly what you meant.
  22. Syn


    This the second version of this banner, i've had some problems with this one, I made this nice background but it looked empty, nothing I put in looked right, this is probably the best out of the ones i've made. Im still not entirely happy but im getting bored of seeing the same image every time I open photoshop.
  23. I honestly prefer strike, purely because of the color really.
  24. Both sexalised. nothing much I can say, they look simple but .... well they arent as simple as they look, but they look nice, you have a nice way with font aswell, unlike me, the font retard. lol 9/10
  25. Syn


    A new avatar, this is a real av resolution :P Anyway, its not what you'll be expecting, I just got bored so added random things to it, im going to make a larger image (not an avatar) to go with it.
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