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Everything posted by Syn

  1. Beyblades cool, i've been looking for someone else who likes it, and for the wallpaper, dont take this the wrong way, but those effects are pretty n00bish, perhaps try some tutorials or something. =/ 2/10
  2. I think its pretty great. I cant say anything else because I really dont know a thing about drawing. 9.9/10
  3. Syn


    Well, its been a while, this one's a little different from my usual pieces, its not pink or purple either, its green :P I never meant for it to turn out like it did but im quite pleased with the outcome, anywho, here it is.
  4. Syn


    Pretty shexy, it reminds me of a crab o.0; Nice anyway.
  5. Theres no point in this topic, this sort of stuff is what this whole forum is here for.
  6. Syn


    Pfft, who needs a head ? Anyways, this is my atest banner, nice and simple, rather professional looking if I do say so myself. When i'd finished it, it reminded me of some shadowness stuff, believe me its not, the woman is actually a piece of Dr. Aki art from FF: Spirits within, just for those people who doubt meh ;P
  7. Syn

    FFE Advert II

    I dont know, I just think it makes a nice change from all the wanna be badass graphics you see now-a-days.
  8. The second revision of my old banner. Much better IMO, but what do you think? Im still very much a n00b at this sort of style, so there are a lot of things that need improving. Anyway, rate, c & c, anything else >>; (Banner in my sig)
  9. Syn

    Ed banner

    Ooo, Ein looks damn cool ^_^ 9/10
  10. I dont like the colours, the wires look ok, they would look better in a different colour though. 6/10
  11. Desprately needs a new font. Because of the size of the banner you want a smaller font, maybe make the font more transparent.
  12. Syn


    Another simple banner, I dont think its too simple, but you guys probably will. Anyway, what you think? Ratings and such are appreciated it.
  13. Syn

    Dead tree

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra [/i] [B]It's too smoothe to be a dead tree. Trees are jagged and make sharp bends in periodical points. Those are at best, simple tentacles on an contrasting background. Whoop-de-do. 3/10 [/B][/QUOTE] Have you ever tried to use the pen tool? Its not that easy I can tell you. But please, if you think you can do better then go ahead.
  14. Syn


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rikku [/i] [B][color=0099ff]I like it. =) But you might want to consider adding a light border, like the same colour you used for the font. Otherwise it's nice. Looks like the pyreflies are around her.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] It has a white border, which of course would be easily visible on FFR.
  15. Syn


    Yuna banner I just finished, im going to use it on FFR. Wht d'ya think?
  16. Syn

    Dead tree

    Well yeah, its another crappy one. What do you think ? Didnt take too long, just some simple stuff, used the pen tool, which is normally a *****, but it was kind today.
  17. Like the dragons, hate that font. Its pretty nice I suppose.
  18. Syn

    FFE Advert

    Thanks a lot james. And the banner now links to the site, although it wont be up until saturday.
  19. Syn


    It would look a lot better without the barcode thingy and the cut off corner. Other than that I suppose its ok. 6/10
  20. Syn

    new wall

    Its nice, I like it better than some of your others easily.
  21. Syn

    FFE Advert

    Theres nothing wrong with pink >.< Ask juu. :P
  22. banner for the new site i was asked to work on. Should be good once its up (up on saturday) Just some simple pixel stuff, what you think?
  23. Simple, which isn't always bad, but in this case it is. The characters crowd the image, the background isnt that great either to be perfectly honest.
  24. I dont like it, it takes too long. I got bored of the same effect (which isnt great) all the time.
  25. Syn


    I missed the animation, I had to refresh to see it. The long loop would be a great idea, especially with how fast the animation is. Im not fond of the background, the blue is nice though. Maybe a clearer font aswell.
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