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Everything posted by Syn

  1. I had an idea for a name for the band im in, Shogun Rose. So I thought, to go with the new name i'd thought up, i'd make a logo to go with it. Even if it doesnt make it as the band name, im going to use it for the name of a small bunch of graphics im going to include under its name. So heres the logo, granted its not the most original of logos, but it does the job. (If the edges look a bit rough its because my monitor sucks and it just looks blurry)
  2. The song when its finished, I have no idea, since the lyrics are a little on the short side, im hoping the music will buff it out a little bit. The words were meant to give you that darker image, its really the whole point really....but if you look deeper, its more of a sick way of looking at love and relationships. *shrug* Thanks for the few comments that people took the time to post.
  3. My first post in this forum ^__^; Wrote a song for this band im in, my first try at writing lyrics so I must say, im rather proud. I dont have much else to say, i'll let you get on with...reading it >>;; [center][b]Switchblade Romance[/b] Verse 1 Lying by you Blinded by the flames of desire Your body wrapped around mine I bleed in eulogy I spill my heart for you Chorus You cut me Watch me flow I cut you Peel back the skin And taste your life Verse 2 Lying by you Drowning within you As the fire burns You taste the lust Spill your heart for me Chorus You cut me Watch me flow I cut you Peel back the skin And taste your life Switchblade Romance[/center]
  4. I love it, its nice and simple, clean. The colours look nice, and I like the idea of stats and what not, reminds me of a magazine page...very nice though. I hope you dont mine me asking, but which fonts did you do yourself? Either way, very nice. [quote name='Kyokokeiji']did u cut and past the japanesse words or is that an actual font because i cant seem to fin a japanesse font and i really need one[/quote] If you read the topic, you'll find your answer. -_-' Sorry, back to the banner, 9/10. ^_^
  5. Like Kinetic said, the first looks great, everything fits together perfectly, the colours, the whole texture and feel of it. 8/10 The second I like more, but i'd say it needs more changing. What i'd change, is take out the opaque image of axl, and nudge the nice clean one over to the right and cut off the excess white to the left, the banners a little long IMO anyways and the opaque image looks kinda tacky and out of place, so you'd kill two birds with one stone. I mean it looks good how it is...just suggesting... 8/10
  6. Well...heh First off, the text placement is way off, plus, as was already said, it could be bigger. It looks like you've gotten lazy on the cutting out also, that really needs to be sorted out, it just looks tacky, plus its grey and white so it sticks out too much, not in a good way either. So yeah, for a first try, its not bad. Obviously a first attempt isnt going to be anything great, and I dont want to be negative but all this "thats awesome for a first try, thats great!" that kinda stuff doesnt really get anybody anywhere. So try and stay clear from overloading your banners with anime characters and the opacity thing, thats probably the biggest thing i'd suggest.
  7. [quote name='~Sara~][B']I see no differences here. I must be stupid, heh? :laugh:[/B][/quote] I must be stupid also x.x; Anyway, first off, fonts, the ones you've used dont look nice. This is just my point of view of course. The background, from what I can tell, looks nice, or would have looked nice, should we have been able to see it x.x; So yes, I think this banners very character heavy. Which is what I think you were going for, not my cup of tea but like I said, I think thats what you were going for x.x; But yeah, over all its not too bad, the character layout looks good, but I think it could do without so much text, makes it look messy. 7/10
  8. Heh. Im not just "dogging" your work, I woud've posted a link to a few sites but I think theres a rule somewhere saying not to. Either way, finding decent fonts isnt hard, just use google. Also, you should try some of the basic fonts such as arial, verdana, times new roman. They work just as well and people often seem to over look them.
  9. [QUOTE]Hey, I'm new at this, and I don't have photoshop, so don't laugh or make sarcastic remarks, but here is my avatar. Remember, this is my first time effort. CC and suggestions are my only request! Thanks! The avatar is from Gundam... Attached Images home-made.bmp (240.0 KB, 16 views) [/QUOTE] Um, I really hope you werent suggesting that you made the background also. If you were, then I suggest deleting this thread before anyone else see's it. If you werent then I would suggest a better font, perhaps try drawing the font with the pencil tool if you're using paint or whatever.
  10. hmm......im not sure......*pose* Ok.....first off.....the colours, they're beautiful, couldnt fault them if I tried, the fact that you've blended the border in somewhat is a nice touch also. The fact that you have a point behind, and appreciate the point that this image portrays adds to why I respect it, more than like it. Graphically though, the middle parts, the jagged parts in the foreground, I dont like, at all. I think its the emboss/bevel that makes it look...almost tacky, to me. The plus signs and the circle-ish design, I love, very nice touch. On the whole, I must say, this is one of your better pieces, to me anyway, since I love the softness of the background. And the colours match ;) i'd give this a 9 but the bevel lets it down for me, so, 8/10
  11. I think this is a pretty straight forward banner to be honest, which, I think, adds to why I like it so much. Its nice and simple with some nice little effects in the left there, nice and subtle, doesnt kick you in the face or draw the attention from the gundam, just there to add to the flavour. The gundam looks nice I feel, perhaps a bit too pale, could use darkening to match the background, but nothing drastic. The font, the closest thing to a dislike I have with this banner....but again....nothing too drastic....just a bit plain.....darken the pastely blue on the M and I and it should be fine. So, overall, a nice, straight forward banner. Good job ^_^
  12. Syn

    Deep Red

    Well....thanks for the comments, and thanks for your help Dan....ish... >>; I'll be sure to think about changing it...
  13. Syn

    Deep Red

    Yes....my latest piece. Deep Red. As far as im aware, Kurenai Beni means Deep Red in japanese, I might be wrong though. Anyway, this piece started out as a sort of ... sort of a tribute type thing, meant to represent the results of war. Its not often I get inspiration....a feeling that makes me want to make an image. Although I cant help but feel i've become lost in the production of the image rather than keeping in mind what I started out to achieve. On the whole im quite pleased with it, although there are some niggly little bits in it that im not happy about, but still, here it is: [center][b]Deep Red[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17723[/img][/center]
  14. ^_^ This is quite easily the best piece, by far, that you have ever produced. The colours are very nice. The font looks nice, fits in perfectly, and the contrast of brushes and the smoothness of the flower image works wonders for the piece. Very pleasing to look at. 10/10 Easily.
  15. ooo, cool cool. i'll post my entry later, sorry if this is late but i've only just seen the topic. ^_^;; EDIT: Ok, heres my piece attached. Good luck ^_^
  16. I agree with Zidane, I really wasnt impressed with the first title, at all. The game itself is awesome but short is an understatement. I've been looking for the second title but I havent been able to find it anywhere, but yes, im also interested to see whether they've added more length to it.
  17. Syn

    Set: Kenji

    Lol. Yes, I am. And yes, it is Kazuma, and yes the anime rocks lotses. Im not sure whether to add some more text, like a hittokiri kinda style thing. And maybe an icon, yah know, to fill it out some. I dunno though. I'll get back to you with that one.
  18. Syn

    Set: Kenji

    Yeah, I guess the heart and other various little ..... icons? have become a small trademakr of sorts for me. But without them it'd just be a white space, so I needed something to fill the space. *shrug* I honestly dont think it takes the focus away from the rest of the banner, but thats just me. :P Thanks for the reply.
  19. Well, what better reason to make a new avatar and banner than the opening of version 7? ^_^ Well, here they are, avatar and banner. What do you guys think? >>; ignore the fact that the orange kinda clashes with the blue...heh..:P
  20. Well heres my entry, im not happy with the text at all but im pretty happy with it over all. So here it is: [b]Portrait of Souls[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17409[/img]
  21. The banner looks nice enough. The border blends nicely with the rest of the banner without becomming invisible, which is nice. I dont think theres anything drasticly wrong with this banner other than the fonts you've used, I think the fonts are very clumsy when compared to how smooth the banner is. Another thing I would suggest is adding some more colours, maybe some pinks and purples. Nice though ^_^; At least you're sticking to a particular style. 8/10
  22. Yeah, heres my entry. >>; [IMG]http://www.myimgs.com/data/Kaisuke/comp_banner.jpg[/IMG]
  23. I accept. ^_^ No size restrictions, themes, colours, etc? I'll post my entry later...
  24. Syn

    Trigun banner

    Well, its different ^_^ Its a nice idea, I think its really cool, did you put the glint in yourself? Sadly, there is a downside. Yes, its a cool idea, no, it isnt working with the banner. I think the banners too small, therefore making it look cluttered, maybe try flipping the glasses over to the right, facing the left as the right side is less crowded. Just a thought. It is a really cool idea though, possibly work better on a larger canvas such as a wallpaper or even a bigger banner *shrug*
  25. Mwaha, that chat is so fun ^_^ it shall never die :P The banner, blegh, for what it is, its great, gets the job done. If it were any other chat, it would be less great. It could use some "tweaks" but it gets the job done. ^_^
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