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Everything posted by Syn

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by benmaden50 [/i] [B]sorry about this, but im new here and i dont know how to post new threads. can you please help [/B][/QUOTE] It couldnt be the "new thread" button could it ? No that'd be too simple. Silleh n00b. ;p
  2. Just center the thingeh and have a pattern behind the whole thing, with a drop shadow sort of thing on the layout then it'd look ok for higher resolutions.
  3. Yeah, anyway, nasty little bugger's 101 pixels high. I changed some small details on the pipes to make them more smooth looking, anywho I felt my contradiction one was sort of plain.
  4. I wont be using this anywhere else, but heres my latest banner, took me a while to get the wire stuff right, but I got it in the end. what d'ya think ?
  5. I think it kicks the current layouts ***, minus the stupid little circle things at the top corners. Good work, i'd say im sorry to see you go but im not really bothered. ;p later.
  6. Reminds me of the rail gun scope on red faction II. I dont think I like it but hell, its different. 7/10
  7. Syn

    150 x 150

    Its a character with a cloudy effect.....its not that hard to see...o.0; Thanks anyway I think.
  8. Syn

    150 x 150

    Hey, my latest piece, a 150 x 150 avatar that im hoping to use somewhere. heh. c & c rates or whatever.
  9. Being deprived of sleep, once I get past the need to fall asleep I get really hyper, I act like a total jackass, even more of a jackass sorry.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]^_^ Thanks, everyone! *takes a quick screenshot to prove Kenji did actually rate it 12/10* I feel all special. ^_^[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Was no typo either, make more!
  11. Nice, original, plain and simple. Gets the job done. :p EDIT: oop, rate - 7/10
  12. I dont know if im still ok for signing up, but i'll submit this anywho. Name: Kaisuke Ishigami Age: 25 Weapon:Silenced Marui Socom Mk.23 & A fully automatic KSC M93R Affiliaton: S.T.A.R.S Desc.: A well built asian man, black hair down to his ear lobes. quite handsome looking. dressed in a s.t.a.r.s uniforum (duh) Bio: Can be quite arrogant times but has the skills to back it up, got transfered from korea as he could speak fluent english.
  13. Looks like a wall.....a wet wall.....lol.
  14. Syn

    New Graphic

    A larger image in teh style would make a nice wallpaper. The second's not as good.
  15. Thats nice. 10/10. Nothing else to say really.
  16. Syn

    New Graphic

    heh, I changed it too since someone else did. hehe.
  17. Syn

    New Graphic

    Its nice I suppose, different colors and possibly better quality. Nice though.
  18. Syn


    Ok, I was bored, so I gave rikku a tattoo. :P
  19. Syn


    Me either, its kinda crappy, we should talk on aim or something.
  20. Syn


    Your Monoxide from animesystem right ? blegh, nice banner I suppose, not a fan of the color.
  21. Heeee ^^; Cuteth it is. 12/10 :P I love it.
  22. Syn

    AGAIN a banner

    Way too plain, possibly better with some typo and im sure it would look better without the wind effect.
  23. Its not that great, what program are you using ? The fonts kinda crappy and I hate the multi-color theme.
  24. Like I said on aim, one of your best, but it needs a new font.
  25. Seems to me like you're just cropping images, try some actual effects. x.x;
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