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Everything posted by Syn
Yes, the banner is just a mixture of brushes and cut out images. I know what you mean with the simpleness of banners aswell. Thanks for your input on the other piece also, I was wondering whether to take out the japanese text but its too late now, all saved and what not. I never save the .PSDs or whatever they are :/ Mebbe I should start. Anyways, thanks again.
Thanks for the comments everyone.....all two of you >>; Anwyay, still comment on the other piece, but this is a new banner type thing. This banner is to go with the new little project im doing, the [b]AEROSOUL[/b] project. Basically a graffiti/grungey bunch of images really. As for the banner, I might add some more text perhaps but my font sizes are all screwed up at the moment. Comment and such?
I just wanted to say something before this thread got closed. If your awesome graphix program makes banners like da 1 ur using den I feel 4 u. :/ yip.....
Im with James, the whole idea just sounds...well...stupid. I honestly dont see the harm in people hugging, kissing, holding hands, etc, in public. I mean, we have a school uniform which is bad enough but I think that trying to ban public affection is just an intrusion on free will.
No there isnt anything specific in the background, just some abstract thing. This is my latest piece and im particularly proud of it. Took me quite a long time to get it how I liked it but the thing that does it for me personally is the border. I dunno, im just weird >>; Anyway, rate, comment, whatever. Mental.Outburst Enjoy. EDIT: For the record, a friend helped me out with the top left since I dont have 3Dsmax or anything like that for making 3D renders. So I suppose its more of a collab really. Mostly my work though. >>;
Well, to address Barons comment, I really like the character, I think the gun looks really cool but...it wouldn't do for us all to be the same now would it. ^_^ I personally loved the handwriting font but I see what you mean with the pixel font. As for the border, check out Shrooms myOtaku page to see how he used it. This next banner is quite a bit different from my usual banners, its very simple but I think its pretty good. Nice and ... playful >>; Comments? EDIT: I just noticed how crappy the text looks, the "Kenji" text I mean, so if you could just ignore that, that'd be great. lol
Well this little border thing was requested by Shroom. I dont quite know what its for but it was requested anyways. Comments?
Wow, thanks for the comments everyone, and im flattered that you like my work so much. Thanks dragon girl also, im just so .........well ...... flattered. u-u;. Feedback is good. Anyway, enough of my lameyness, this is the banner I entered in Adams little 10,000 member thing. I was really pleased with how this turned out, but I dont think im going to win. I know her eyes look a bit weird but I think the character looks pretty cool, she looks all manga like. Anyway, I thought i'd post it here to get some feedback. comments?
well, instead of making a thread that keeps being left to the bottom, i'll just post everything in this thread. So, heres my latest banner, the icon's meant to look like a butterfly landed on the K. Most people know me as kenji anyway so I might aswell use it. But I think thats going to be little logo thing. The butterfly and funky J. What you think? (it has a white border before anyone says.)
Its a little big to use here but yeah if someone wanted to put their name on it then go ahead, giving me credit under it or whatever, a link to my profile would be nice also. But sure go ahead. For the record I didnt leave the space for a name to be honest but I see no reason why you couldnt.
well, I was bored and saw a thread somewhere about megaman and someone said they hardly ever see teh old school megaman. Well I thought i'd make a quick banner dedicated to the oldy one. Nothing fancy, and its a little big, you'll have to excuse the top left, its kinda blank. Anyways, here it is. Comment if you want. :/
Im inclined to go with CR on this one >>; I mean as far as ... joke banners shall we say, as far as joke banners go, its pretty good. But on the scale I would rate any other banner, I dont like it. The "hand writing" is a nice touch though. Plus syk is everyones biatch =o Jokiness - 9/10 Normalness - 4/10
I'd have to agree, photoshop is not only easier and more effective, its more professional. PSP I find is too basic, photoshop quite literally has everything. I would recommend photoshop to anyone looking for a program of that nature. Its by far the best out there, but also the most expensive. I'd advise trying to get a copy on disk from a friend or downloading an "illegal" version from kazaa for example. I personally wouldnt even think about purchasing photoshop or PSP for the prices they charge, especially when its easier to get it for free anyway. So yeah, if you're despret, then photoshop, if you're not too bothered, PSP, if you can live without, then do so, its much better to get a free copy anyway. *wouldnt advise [i]buying[/i] either of them*
I gave it a quick go, I might submit another but im pretty pleased with this one over all. *shrug* [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532097[/IMG]
:o I didnt see the completed version, I would've posted sooner. The completed version looks so much better. The eyes dont look too bad now they're both in. The mouth and nose look a little bit blurry but the rest looks great. 9/10
The eyes kinda off. The colour and shape really doesnt match the face. I think the colour is way too dark, thats just me. The, mouth and nose look fine though, but I think you should redo the eye, the placements kinda off aswell. Perhaps making the eye bigger would make it fit more with the rest of the face. *shrug* might just be me. Good job so far though. >>;
The first two are nice, pretty much the same standard as all your banners. The third....well....what the hell happened? Its...very ugly :/ I dont like it at all. The 4th im undecided on, I dont like animation but I like the idea behind it, plus it gives is a little peak into the new OB. So yeah, first two, nothing to complain about, third, ew, 4th, meh.
Mhm, like I said over aim, its very good. I love the shading. I think you should leave the work in progress on the final version aswell, or add something like it to the side. >.< Now stop bitchin about it and finish it, homework doesnt matter, just finish it. heh, looks great so far u-u
[b]A[/b]jeh, my best friend, dunno where i'd be without him. [b]B[/b]lue, my fave colour ^_^ [b]C[/b]hoice, wouldnt life be boring if we coulding choose different things? [b]D[/b]igital Art, I would say it was my ... deeper side. [b]E[/b]lwell, Mr.Elwell, great teacher, shame he left. [b]F[/b]ender, greatest guitar brand IMO. [b]G[/b]randparents, I love my grandparents a lot. [b]H[/b]ats, I dunno....they can keep you warm [i]and[/i] keep the sun off your head. [b]I[/b]ndependence, pretty much tells itself. [b]J[/b]imi Hendrix, revolutionised rock and what not [b]K[/b]yle, another best friend, been friends since we were like 3. [b]L[/b]ingerie, why not? [b]M[/b]other, my mum had a pretty hard time raising me as a single mother and what not, I love her loads though. :/ [b]N[/b]intendo, GameCube owns all. Nuff said. [b]O[/b]B, wouldnt have met so many great people if it werent for OB. [b]P[/b]ikachu, the little critter we all love to hate. ^_^ [b]Q[/b]uiet, as mentioned several times before, quiet times are sometimes the best times. [b]R[/b]ed, violent, sexy, bold, a colour with so many sides, the poet of colours. [b]S[/b]leep, I love sleep, sleep and dreaming..... [b]T[/b]ea, where would us english be without tea to fuel our stereotype? [b]U[/b]mbarella, they keep you dry? >>; [b]V[/b]alerie, she knows why. [b]W[/b]arwick, make nice guitars/basses. [b]X[/b]ylophone, funky. [b]Y[/b]ogi bear? >>; [b]Z[/b]ipper, Von. Von zipper....make some stuff....I dont really like them that much
Like I said over aim, its ******* awesome. The style, the cleanliness of it all. It all ties together perfectly. Your layouts are always fun and very impressive, pleasing to look at. One thing that really annoys me though....where do you find such high quality anime pictures? >.<
Well, this is a very quick and simple version of what I hope to make a whole lot better during the weekend. You get the basic idea, I probably wont use that particular image in the final one but I thought it looked quite nice anyways.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]First of all, POD, Linkin Park, and Trapt are not hard rock.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Amen sister. And i'd agree with semjaza on the fact that they often come back for a while and die down, but yes, metallica are legendary and will always do well.
Hee, thanks ^_^. Yes, I admit the text placement near the bottom is pretty poor, but thats because I had to ad the border on last, by then everything was merged. I think the spacing on "little japan" looks ok to be honest, but bleh, thanks for the comments anyways. ;p
Well, I used to skateboard but I kinda gave it up since I wanted to concentrate on my bass more. I'd really like to get into [i]aggressive[/i] inline skating but I dont know if I can be bothered buying some to be perfectly honest. And parents freak because extreme sports are dangerous, duh, the whole idea of extreme is that theres a certain element of danger involved. People just tend to see the bails and injuries involved with extreme sports and over look the technical side to landing and exacuting tricks. *nod*
The block font at the bottom is just some funky japaneseyness but there is a small pixel font over it that says "Little Japan". If you have an old computer then its probably just teh blurry screen, my upstairs PC has a pretty ****** monitor so its a little blurry for me aswell. Thanks for the comment though. Nice to see someone taking the 2 minutes out of their hectic lives to post. -_-;