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This is a nice simple little piece that im quite pleased with over all. This piece was mostly just trying out some new fonts I downloaded. The hardest thing for me on this was rounding off the paint drips >>; but I dont think it looks too bad. Plus orange isnt a widely used colour so its nice to see something orangey. comments would be nice.
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Heh, well syk showed me all these snatch images he had for his banner a while back. I found one I lied and thought i'd give it a quick make-over. For this piece I wanted to make it seem as though he was knocked out .... unconcious.... you get my drift. I think it came off pretty well with the brightness and blurryness and what not. you know teh drill :/
:/ Im with SPX, neither of them are particularly nice. The font you used for your name looks horrible, the small font you used looks horrible aswell, you shouldnt have added a black border to it, the idea is that its faint. The 2D boxes look extremely tacky and really shouldnt be there. The other thing that I dont like is the monotone colours. You are allowed more than one colour in a banner you know :/ As for the colours, the blue/pink ones are better. 4/10 - Blue/pink 2/10 - orange (the shade of orange looks nasty)
I like it, like kinetic said, the shape and proportion and what have you is spot on, I couldn't complain. The colors are near exact also. To be honest I dont think the hair needs shading too badly. Yes it'd be nice but the shading on the beak is enough I think, it doesnt look any worse without the shading. Hope you understood that o-O
I think its pretty cool actually. The only thing I have something to gripe about is the ending, its a little bit too abrupt. Other than that I think its great, reminds me of the old FF games on the SNES and what not.
Yes, the bottom right hand corner is a problem. I dont know whether I should fill it with text or another red box or perhaps more circles. What would you suggest? >>; Thanks for the comments also. Or, perhaps I could make it a bit taller and add some more abstractedness.....hmmm *wanders off*
"Didnt come out great" ? Pfft, dont be stupid. I really like this banner, like I said on AIM though, animated banners I dont normally like. Without the animation on the words it would be even better. Just because its different from his normal style doesnt make it bad by any stretch of the imagination. I think this is, in some ways, better than some of his other stuff. I love how its almost fun to look at, the colors and cartoon/vector style makes it very appealing. And yes, protoman owns a large proportion of ***. 8/10
Other than the placement of the word "snatch" and the white pixel corners, I think it turned out ok. I know you didnt want your name to stand out but I think you should've used a slightly brighter colour on the "s". You should've taken the white pxel corners out like I said though. ;p 8/10
Yes, keeping with the MAD theme, I came up with this. I dont know whether it would be better suited under abstract or vector, so I put it under here. Its a little simplistic but im quite pleased with the out come. Comments welcome. >>; Used: Photoshop 7.0 [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/4008072/[/url]
Well, to be honest, I was only trying out some different things on each one, I liked all three and so I saved them all. The one to the left is just a monotone blue/grey/black/whatever. The centre one is is a light experimentation and text experiment and the right one is colour dodging and colour experiments. iLL Bit Crusher, sounds ... techish, I thought about making an image titled iLL Bit Crusher and had an image in my head of how it should look. So yeah, this is what I came up with, there is a larger white border but you cant see it for obvious reasons, but it does look better with the white border I feel. Thanks for the comments aswell.
iLL bit crusher, I made a couple of different versions of this and I must admit im rather proud of them all. The only thing I have to note is the start and skip looking buttons that look like a winamp skin, well I didnt make them, so credit to the person who made those. You'll have to excuse the quality as the image is saved as .GIF I was going for a tech kinda look for this, I made a couple of different versions as I couldnt deside which I liked better. Well, what do you think?
Well I dont think theres much else to say on the matter, the woman from FF12 is very pretty but the only art i've seen of her looks like shes picking her nose. I must agree that the colours in the recent FF games are lovely. Anyway, the sentinal banner, like I said on aim, the dodge effect looks great and ties the whole banner together. The blue looks great and everythings nicely blended together. Your best in my opinion.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875]Well, I've produced a couple more and added them to my list. They're actually probably my [i]least[/i] favourite banners right now...but that's because I made both incredibly quickly. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/banners/FFXII_2.gif[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/banners/ivalice.gif[/img][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :/ I really must agree. The first one looks ..... for lack of a better word, terrible. Its blurry, the character used is dull and frankly, unattractive. The second I quite like, the clouds look nice but im not so sure about the motion blur, which I assume you used, but what is noticable is the use of swirly things, be it brushes or font. I like the swirls and I think you used them well, giving the banners a sort of class. I love the font in the second, although I dont know what "Ivalice" is. number ratings aren't too popular but it gives a more accurate point of view.....well I know what I mean ¬_¬. First: 4/10 Second: 7/10
Sadly not many people reply to graphical art much anymore. Which is a shame because the talent on this board is gradually growing. Anyway, the banners. Blue: The backgrounds ok and I use "ok" lightly. It seems to me that the banner is ..... I dont know, low quality? Not so much the left but the right seems to be a bit grainy. The left side looks quite nice, the misty effect would've looked better throughout the whole banner I feel though. The thing that stands out the most though is that terrible font you used and use regularly. If I suggested anything that needs to be changed its that horrible font. Pink: see above. I dont like the shade either. :/ Blue: 7/10 pink: 5/10
Well, I play the bass and have been doing for coming up to a year now. Bass is quite different from the guitar i've found, the bass for starters has less strings (duh) E A D G are the basic tuning for the bass, I dont know about a guitar though. I couldn't tell which is harder to play out of the two but i'd think that every instrument is pretty much as hard as any other, its just how much you put into learning it. The only other thing with the bass thats a downfall is its not as popular so its harder to find things for it. Amps, music, distorters etc. Accoustic bass' i've found are really expensive also. I play with my fingers, plucking, but there are loads of styles that go with the bass that are easier to do on the bass than guitar such as slap, hammer ons and pull offs and what have you. In the long run the bass is a generally over looked but its gradually breaking through. I really enjoy the bass and urge anyone whos thinking about learning to do so. But yah know, you need to be commited and what have you, such as with any instrument.
Well, this image started out as a .... kill billesque shall we say, style of image. I was basing this on The mad capsule markets songs and what not. Really this is to celebrate my new series/set. MADcrusher 010 Ratings would be nice.
Yeah, I dont really have anything to say that hasnt been said already. I think it would look a hell of a lot better without vash in it, or maybe if you made him a more greenish colour it'd be a little bit better. The font, the font's just horrible and looks, to be honest, a little n00bish. The actual background/3D work looks quite nice, im not normally a fan of green but this isn't bad. The only other thing I have to say is that I agre with hitto totally in saying that you've improved a lot.
I had to scale it down a little so its kinda crappy quality >>;
OOC: Sorry it took so long but like I said, i've been busy lately. [COLOR=crimson]Kenji lay asleep in bed, he was awoke by a loud siren echoing through the hallways of the elite dorm section. His vision was blurred, he sat up struggling to focus on an eerie green glow piercing the darkness of his room. He wiped his eyes with his forearm and gradually focused on the green light. "6:45am" "6:45? The hell are we being called out for this early?" he moaned as he dragged his half naked body out of bed. He paused for a moment as he stood looking out of the large window, dressed in his black pants and boots, he tipped his foot with annoyance, his many buckles jingled on his boots as he did so. He gazed over the dank, dirty hell hole that was his home, he could see an orange glow somwhere in the west district. "hmph" Kenji slipped his shirt and jacket on and headed for the door of his room. [/COLOR]
I dont think its too bad. There are a couple of things I think could use some work, such as the text, I dont think the placement is too great. The other thing I dont like is the mosaic effect to the right, you should have just kept that nice blue/white gradient straight through. Other than that its nice, nice colors and what have, not too original though. 7/10
I dont want to sound mean or .... something along those lines but I must say that I laughed when I read the thread title. Great, you can cut an image out. *shrug* Like people keep saying, if you want to progress further then you need photoshop or at least paint shop pro. The only thing paint's good for is making bad quality pixel stuff. Yeah, for what you have to work with im sure its very nice but as banners on a whole go, it....most definately has room for improvement. 2.... 3 at a push / 10
Lol, yeah I agree, I would actually change it but I really cant be bothered. It started out as the panda being centered but that didnt look right either, I may just give the image a nudge to the right but I doubt I will because im pretty much in love with it how it is.
Well its meant to be plain, its meant more for the comedy than the actual graphical side of it. I think its really pleasing to look at though, like James and my friend hitto said, it doesnt have to be complicated to be a good piece of art, in this case a banner. Thanks very much for replying though, I appreciate it. ;p