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Everything posted by Syn

  1. Well, this is the second wallpaper I made for orpg, which opens on the first of november by the way, its still based on the minimal design but I sort of like this one more. what do you think?
  2. Yeah, I might do that, I doubt we'd put them on the site but if anyone would like to use it but wants it in different colours then just ask. Thanks for the comments aswell.
  3. Ok, im currently working as a graphicy guy at my friends site, oracleRPG.com, he wanted a wallpaper to put up on the site for the public to use, you know, for when the site opens and stuff. Before anyone says its plain, thats the idea. He wanted like that and I agreed with him. Anyways, here it is.
  4. Its a little rough around the hair line, and I dont like how blurry the hair is, but I think he looks great in all, I certainly couldn't even come close to something like that. Good job.
  5. Syn

    Pink Diesel

    You sure changed your tune, what happened to "its not bad" ? pfft, damn my abuse of photoshop filters, how dare I even use photoshop again. u.u;
  6. Well I kinda got bored of that angelic.vision thing, so i'll probably finish that some other time. I started this piece whilest getting annoyed with the other. I really love the way this turned out, I just need to add some finishing touches but im quite proud of it so far. So.....here it is I guess.
  7. :P Like I told you over AIM, its very cool. Not sure about shinobi being the coolest......maybe thats something that should be changed :P
  8. Syn


    its supposed to be an angel type thing. Notice how I tried to get a sort of mech wing kinda thing to the sides :/ you can sort of make it out I guess. Thats just the way I saw it, I suppose you could see something different in it *Shrug*
  9. You cant do Hue in paint >>; and the fonts horrible. It needs a border aswell. You should get photoshop from kazaa. There really is no point in trying with paint really. Im sure its a nice attempt but you really do need to get a better program.
  10. Syn


    Heh, thanks for the input, I dont post much up here because not many people rate my stuff. Nice to know someone likes it though. ^_^
  11. Yeah, Gungraves a pretty sweet game anyway. It really does look kinda cluttered though, maybe a smaller font would be as good as taking it out all together. *shrug*
  12. Well its been ages since I last posted a piece of art in here. This is my latest piece, I thought it was a little bit different so I thouhgt i'd show you. Its by no means finished yet, its just a background so far. Its going to be called [b]Angelic.Vision[/b]. c & c please, i'll post the finished version up later.
  13. Take your name off it and it'll look a whole lot better. But as it is i'd say its a bit cluttered. Pretty simple aswell. 6/10
  14. :/ I dont like it, I dont like the color and I think it looks tacky. I dont like the font either. I like the line thingies though. 5/10
  15. Syn

    Ion core

    Nice idea I guess but you were lazy with the shading and its sort of bland, nothing special. 5/10
  16. Would look nicer if it was saved at a higher quality. Not too bad though. Daisuke looks pretty cool aswell.
  17. you need to get a pic of you up so we can see whether it [i]is[/i] any good. :P well I personally love it, and if you do look anything like that, then you're damn hot. I love the poses and stuff aswell, the star trek pose thingys funny too ^_^
  18. Sure, i'll join :P might aswell.
  19. Syn

    My drawing

    I dont know why, but to me the pose you've got her in makes her look like she has fat legs. :/ its not bad though.
  20. >>; There are a few people that have changed me...i'll only list a couple. AJeh: I dunno, hes a really fun guy and although sometimes I feel like I annoy the bajesus out of him, I still consider him a brother :/ Red: I dont talk to him an awful lot but when we do I enjoy, hes always there to give advice and he likes muse :P SPX: Yeah, shes probably the girl I get on with most at OB, shes a great person. Juu: Well, we havent talked much either, but you're always so friendly and you always put me in a good mood. :p Solo: Hes friendly and he plays yugioh, what more do you need ? Syk3: Hes a cool guy, a little bit [i]too[/i] obsessed with a certain young lady but who in the right mind wouldnt be. Anyway, he was probably the first real friend I made here and i'll never forget that, thanks syk3 :p There are a lot of people I want to list here but those are the ones that I thought of.
  21. The finished version looks nice. I really like how smooth the shading is. Good job. 8/10
  22. Syn


    >>; its a header for a site me and my friend are making. Not a signature banner, it goes at the top of the site page o.0;
  23. Syn


    The lines are just some random pixel stuff to fill up the space a bit since theres no text or anything on the blue part to the right.
  24. Syn


    This is a header I designed for my friend and I's site that we're planning on making. It'll be a graphics site eventually, so anyway, what do you think of the banner?
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