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Heres the second image in the series, [b]Call of the Haunted[/b] Comments and so on?
Well, I was just trying to think of cool names and junk. I started out with kenji then changed to this, I want to change back to kenji now but im not allowed >>;
Well, this is the first in a small line of graphics I decided to make called Silent'Eden I realise I haven't posted any graphics here for quite some time but I do however plan on post a lot more in this forum. Anyway, I dont particularly like the out come of this, seems like theres something missing, maybe i'll finish it off some other time. Rate as you see fit, c&c if you would also.
ouch, you need to use some opacity on those patterns. The four banners look really plain to me and the only thing that stands out are the horrible patterns. The square grid and otehr fancy pattern needs to have more opacity other wise it just dominates the banner. :/ sorry but I really dont like any of them. EDIT: I just saw the grey one of zidane, that ones a little better but the cutting could be a lot better though.
Its very simplistic, on the borderline to being boring. I like the design to the left, its different, the text sucks, its so bland, I love how you did the guy and the reflection effect. I hate the squares in the top right aswell. It needs some more to it but its not bad on a whole. 7/10
well, I think its great, and the background I cant complain about either. I think the background goes with the character so well. And I have zero complaints about. ^_^ 10/10
I dont think the legs are fat, I think it looks ok. The shoes do look a little weird though.
Kenji awoke to Pichu slapping over the head a few times. pichu: PI! PI! Kenji: what?! >.< Damnit, im late Kenji flew out of bed and threw on his clothes, put on his second belt with his pokeballs on and ran out the door, pichu followed. He ran out to the deck and ran down the ramp onto the sunny shores of the island. He stood stared, the island looked so beautiful, the golden sands, the blue sea, the green trees, it was perfect and untouched by humans. He ran onto the beach and saw everyone, a few people had already caught a few pokemon. Kenji: i'd better get to work he said with a grin Pichu: pi pi pichu Kenji: yeees yeees. Pichu grinned. Kenji smiled at pichu and headed off into the woods. He entered a clearing with a large pond, there was an earie mist surrounding kenji and the pond. He thought he'd found the mystical pokemon he had been searching for, but as he turned the corner into the clearing he noticed a purple dog shape. Kenji got out his pokenav and checked out the pokemon. eyelucion, pronounced: eye-loo-see-on This pokemons eyes glow a dark purple when it exacutes its powerful psychic abilities. Type: psychic Kenji: hmm, sounds like a decent pokemon. Absol, go! Kenji threw absols pokeball over in eyelucions direction and out came absol. Kenji: Absol, swords dance! Absol: Sol! Absol used swords dance and powered up its attack Kenji: now absol, slash attack! Absol lunged forward and swiped at the enemy, but eyelucion dodged the attack and lept backward. Its eyes then started to glow as absol flew backwards into a tree. Absol got back up and growled. Kenji: absol, use your bite attack Absol ran forward and dodged to the left, then right, then he pounced right over eyelucion and bit on the neck from behind. eyelucion seemed to be getting weak so kenji threw an empty pokeball at it. The pokeball rolled around a little then went silent. Kenji:...heh, good work absol, return. Absol returned to its pokeball with a smile, kenji approached his new pokemon and clipped it to his belt. Kenji: Manetric, you've been working hard lately, off you go to the PC box for a nice rest. Kenji then walked back out to the beach and sat down on a rock and started his lunch, he let out his pokemon, apart from eyelucion, and fed them their lunch.
Im not too bothered about CG art, I never tried it before. I just t hought the clouds looked nice and thought i'd give it a go since you said you used photoshop. Would it be ok if I used the end result of taht tutorial in an image I want to make, i'd give you guys credit for the clouds and junk.
Hmph, it seems this is sorta hard without a tablet thingy >>;
Kenji decided to take a walk, he didnt do too well in crowds. He walked passed a bulletin board and a particular notice caught his eye. "3 on 3 battle, see gavin in room 7" Kenji: Hmm...I could use a battle, havent had one since I beat that gym in Olivine. Pichu: Pi pi pi chu Kenji headed off for room 7, he had all his pokemon rested up and ready for anything. His pokeballs were clipped on the side of his belt for easy access. Finally after a lot of walking round and asking for directions, kenji finally found room 7. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. He heard some banging from inside and then the door opened. Gavin: Yes? Kenji: Im here about that 3 on 3 match you posted on the bulletin board. Gavin: Oh yes, well ... its sort of late right now, but if you want to start in the morning after breakfast that would be great. Kenji: Sure, meet on top deck at about 9:30 after breakfast. Gavin: ok, cya later Kenji:bye Kenji walked off as gavin closed the door. He couldnt wait to finally have the chance to battle somebody new. After returning to his room he checked on all his pokemon, pichu lept off his shoulder and curled up on kenjis pillow. Pichu: pi pi! Kenji: im coming He said with a deep sigh. Kenji brushed his teeth, set down his pokeballs by his bed on the cabinet and got into bed. As he turned off the light and settled down, pichu snuggled up to him and was soon sound asleep. Kenji followed soon after, it'd been a busy day.
Kenji: Hmph....how long is this stupid boat ride going to last? All his pokemon were tired and were all asleep in their pokeballs, Pichu was curled up under the sleeve of kenjis jacket that was tide around his waste. The sun was starting to go down and the boat ride was starting to take its tole on Kenjis nerves. He sat on the floor leaning against the railings staring out over the beautiful pink ocean. He scratched pichus head lightly and smiled down at him. ????: Hes a very sweet little pokemon, isnt he? Kenji looked up and saw a girls face. Ki: Im Ki, nice to meet you... The girl held out her hand. Kenji: uh....yeah...Kenji Kenji shook the girls hand. The two got to talking about random things to do with their pokemon and such. Ki: I should introduce you to some of my friends... Kenji: no no, thats ok rea Ki: nonesense, come on Ki grabbed kenji and dragged him over to a small group of people.
Kenji looked around and noticed how full the ship was becoming, he glanced around at all the pokemon roaming around and at a few of the trainers. He noticed a couple of trainers trading pokemon and chatting. Pichu: Pi pi? Kenji: What? You can go play if you want to, you dont have to stay with me. pichu looked around, he wanted to go play but he didnt want to leave Kenji either. Kenji: Its ok, go and have fun, make some new friends, dont be too long though, I want to get back to the room before it gets [i]too[/i] busy. Pichu: Chu! Pichu grinned and ran off. Kenji saw all the pokemon that were out and about so he decided to let a few of his pokemon out aswell. Kenji: Go Kurai, Surudoi, Ankoku, Eien, Blaziken, Manetric.... He placed all 6 pokeballs on the ground and all his pokemon were released. His pokemon stretched and looked around. Kenji: You guys ok for staying in the sun for a little bit? His pokemon nodded their approval. Manetric, kurai, Eien all lay down and soaked up some of the sun. Blaziken and Ankoku sat and relaxed with Surudoi. Lady: Can I get you or your pokemon anything ? Kenji: Oh, yes, 3 large bowls of water and 2 glasses of water for me please. Lady: Ok, I wont be a second. The lady walked off and Kenji lay back soaking up some sun himself. He never really got the time to relax, always training and collecting gym battles plus he'd just finished the Johto league, he got 8th place which wasnt too bad for his first league. Lady: Here you go sir. Kenji:Thanks. The woman set down the bowls of water on the floor by the pokemon and left the glasses of water on a tray next to kenji. The pokemon shared the water 2 per bowl. Kenji looked over the edge of the boat and so quite a few water pokemon playing by the boat, and a girl playing with a vaporeon. Just then, Pichu ran up his leg and jumped on his head, scaring Kenji half to death. He laughed and handed Pichu the small glass of water.
Kenji brushed a few strands of hair out of his eyes as he stepped onto the peer and paused to take a look around. He stared out over te ocean and took a deep breath of the seaside air and sighed. He heard a rustling in his pack, he quickly took off his bag to take a look, before the flap of his bag was even half open, a small Pichu jumped out with candy smeared over its face. Pichu: PIII! Kenji: pichu --; you need to stay out of the candy, this has to last us till god knows when. Pichu just tilted his head and grinned. Kenji: ugh...nevermind, lets go... The pichu lept from his shoulder and bolted up to the boat. Kenji walked at a casual speed after him. Pichu began running back and forth between the boat and his master until kenji finally reached the boat. Kenji flashed the letter to the guard and collected his Pokenav as pichu lept up onto his shoulder. Pichu: pi pi pi ! Kenji: Fiiiiine He handed pichu a piece of chocolate from his pocket. Kenji: no more until dinner. Pichu: Chuuu Pichu replied with a muffled scoffing noise. Kenji and pichu found a room they liked and dropped off their stuff, they then headed up to the top deck, he noticed a small crowd of people to one end, he took a seat at the opposite end to them and took in the view of the ocean.
Name: Kenji Age: 16 Pokemon: Pichu (pet) Kurai-Absol Surudoi-Scizor Ankoku-Zangoose Eien-Houndoom Blaziken-Blaziken Manetric-Manetric Description: He wears dark blue jeans and black trainers, he wears a black tee shirt that he wears over a white long sleeved shirt. He has black hair. He generally tries to keep away from other people but his friendly Pichu makes up for this. He found his pichu abandonned under a fallen tree. He took the little guy in and they've been friends ever since. Bio: He decided to take the trip to the new island in the hope of fulfilling his dream of catching the legendary Suicune. Important Extra Items: Few potions, remedies, the basics.
I love the actual dragon but I hate the background. >>
the characters on the last one look cool but the banners just plain. The oni banner I like a lot, and the avatar, but I must agree that the game sucked quite a lot of monkey balls. But you made it look cool so thats ok ^_^
I'd probably spend more time practising my bass ... or my dog .... i'd probably get an [i]actual[/i] life
The auron image could be a little better in quality but I love what you did with it on a whole, nice cutting job and such. 8/10
Hmph, I was going to enter this piece into that unofficial art contest thing. Since it doesnt look like its going to take place anymore I guess i'll post it for you guys to rate. For those of you who dont know, the reaper is the blind reaper, I didnt draw or design it myself, I just cut it out. Well, what do you guys think, comments and critiques welcome. ^_^
The girls great but the dead guy looks kinda corny. >>; Still...not too bad, not your best by far.
Colors aren't bad but you seem to have a thing for trying to make your borders look all funky. The border ruins it in my mind. Straight forward borders look a lot nicer in my mind, of course that might just be me.
Two pixel border would be fine. I hate to put a downer on it but I hate the font, and I think the scanlines could be more transparent. Not too bad though.
Dont take this the wrong way but your black and white stuff really gets boring after a while. I really love that avatar though, some different pixel work in there which is nice. ^_^