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Everything posted by Syn

  1. Sorry if it took a while for me to post. Hope no one else has done this one but I had a hard time finding one >>;[IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=440453[/IMG]
  2. Yugi: I shall prevail with ... THE HEART OF THE CARDS! Bakura: yoink! *bakura flees with yugis deck*
  3. Tiz grand, not quite sure how im going to use it yet but I will do. Thanks bunches ^_^
  4. Eugh, the banner looks tacky to me. The avatar looks nice but looks odd at a quick glance, but I really do like the avatar.
  5. The only thing I dont like about it is the border, I dont like it one bit. The rest is nice though.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rancid [/i] [B]Dark Ruler Ha Des.....I don't keep injection fairy lily in my deck. He's really good in my deck considering it's a Fiend deck. [/B][/QUOTE] Me too, Ha des or Necrofear for me >>; I dont have many rare cards...
  7. *clap* you've done it again, almost perfect in every aspect. 10/10 By the way, i'd really like to chat over aim and stuff, your stuffs really amazing.
  8. Im so jealous, I loved it so much I had to use it in a graphic, hope you dont mind, 10/10 anyway, I love it.
  9. Its nice, but I prefer the first version, I love the font though, what fonts are those?
  10. Syn


    Well, yeah it was just a quick piece and its meant to be pale. >>;
  11. Syn


    UNFINISHED Ok, this is my latest piece, its not quite finished yet, but I wanted to know what you guys thought of it so far. Im kinda stuck for stuff to do to it so if you could give me some tips and such, that'd be great.
  12. I used to visit your site, I forget which site I saw you on, maybe FFR or something like that, anyway they look pretty nice, some of them better than others anyway.
  13. yeah, like that, only with more colors and such, like I said.
  14. Hmm, its a start, could use a lot of work though, when I said strokes I meant like this (the attached image)
  15. Well I havent posted any banners on here or anything for ages, so here it is, my latest banner, Toon Blue eyes.
  16. Syn


    Yeah, um, ist this spam? I was looking at this and didnt know whether I should say something or not, but either way, welcome and so on.
  17. Looks really good, looks more like a transformer than a gundam though. 9/10 anyway.
  18. I dont like the fingers on his e=left hand but otherwise its really good.
  19. Syn

    Eternal Darkness

    Kazuma: We've done it! The end to this stupid war! Aerow: Yeah! Denny: What? You've....you've what?! how the hell did you manage that ?! Kazuma: I fell ..... Denny: .... Right Kazuma: ¬_¬ Shat ap.... Kazuma danced around excitedly then ran off to show everyone at the command centre. He came back bouncing around, he met the two in the mess hall, they were talking about dreams and such. Kazuma popped down 3 glasses and poured some random alcohol into the glasses. Kazuma: I dont know what the hell this is, I just found it lying around, but hell, if it dont kill yah then who cares, right ? They all down their drinks and hope for a quick end for this terrible war.
  20. The finished product owns, although he looks like more of a seymour hermit kinda thing. Either way he really does kick *** and I love how you used the colours.
  21. Syn

    Eternal Darkness

    Kazuma sat on his bed, bored out of his mind, eating a bowl of cereal. Kazuma: Bah..... He clasped his shoulder suddenly as a surge of pain ran through it. He lay back in utter boredom, he wasnt allowed to pilot his mech for another few weeks so he had nothing better to do other than sleep. Just then, some young nurces popped in, they talked with Kazuma for a while and then went, he then lay back and started reading a magazine.
  22. I think the shaded one looks better, and it was definately worth the time you spent on it. I think it owns personally.
  23. Syn

    Eternal Darkness

    Kazuma giggled to himself as he walked down the corridors on his way to his mech. He slipped a finger-less glove into his right hand and unzipped his black jacket. His steps echoed down the hall way, he passed a female nurse in a rather short skirt. He looked at her and smiled, she smiled back shyly and looked down. As kazuma walked passed he looked back to check out her behind. When he reached the hanger he waved hi to a couple of mechanics and ran some last minute checks before leaving the compound. His large suit loomed over the trees, suddenly, 4 red blips appeared on the short range scan, Kazuma reared round quickly and was confronted by 4 black suits. Kazuma: Hmph.... One of the suits fired a shot as another lunged forward with a sword. Kazuma dodged the shot and blocked the sword with the barrel of his rifle. He span and dug his beam saber deep into the stomach area of one suit and sliced up the back of another. The other two launched an attack at the same time. Kazuma shot one of them in the heart area and the other mech stabbed at Kazumas cockpit and almost landed an attack, but kazuma jumped back and thrust his saber through its head. Kazuma: God....this is getting stupid... To Kazumas horror, the short range scanner was over run with red blips. He looked over a forest and saw a whole attack force of dark mechs, tanks, foot soldiers and air craft. Kazuma: Its ..... its an army..... Kazuma hurried back to the compound as quick as he could, when a large black and silver mech stood in his path. ????: Hello, Kazuma.... Kazuma: What? Who are you? ????: Thats not important. The enemy struck kazumas cockpit, kazuma looked down and saw blood pouring from his left shoulder. ????: Heh, heh, heh...... Kazuma: Hmph, I have to tell ORGUN about this......you'll have to wait. Kazuma fired a barrage of shots at the enemies head, which all missed, but it gave him the chance to escape back to ORGUN complex.
  24. Syn

    Eternal Darkness

    Kazuma decided to take a break from tuning up his suit and went off to get something to eat from the mess hall. He baught a sandwich and took a seat at an empty table, he pulled out an ammunitions mag and started to read. He eventually got bored of looking at things he couldnt afford and got up from the table. Kazuma: Im so bored....nothing ever happens any more. With nothing at all interesting to do, he decided to take a walk around the complex and see if he could find someone he knew.
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