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Everything posted by darkfreak0304
Venna: what is it with you and dragons??? ??: umm i dunno. Valen:If he's right we better go. The tohers turned intothe tunnel as they saw even more portals, Venna looked at one it was dark, intune with her magic, it called to her and seemed peaceful. She looked inside it to see putrid plains, death all around, it seemed so nice to her. Venna: In here, know this plain. the others followed as she entered the portal an gasped at the sits in front of them. Venna: A word to teh wise, don't eat, drink, or touch anything that looks healthy, shiny, beautiful, or not demished, it will probably kill you.
Venna: Ok lets go Percy: No, we need to help her Venna: We are helping hr by leaving her alone. Percy: don't tell me what to do, I've seen far more then you have. Venna looked down and stepped behind, she hated whn she had to do this. Venna: Imobula repremando!!!!! Three green cords ran out from her wand, one rapped around percy's legs, the other his hand, and the third grabbed his wand and took it away. Venna: Sorry professor, but I can't let you do that, Tina was right when she said you have to leave Lauren alone. Right Tina? Tina stood up, the pegasus behind her, Tina: Good i thought you were about to do somethign stupid. Venna: cmon give some credit I'm not as dumb as these proffesors seem to be lately
Venna paced, she knew Tina was right in letting lauen alone, but they culd still do something. There was more of an evil alive then they had all thought. They could still do something, they could always do something, she wouldn't evil kill again, it wouldn't take anyone. Venna: Impactus Eruptus! Venna turned realeasing a shower of flame upon a figure who had just entered the room. Percy: Disavoy! A small feild absorbed the fire, as Percy cluched a burning shoulder Venna: sorry, a bit paraniod nowadays. Percy: Understandable, but Fred and I want to talk to you. Tina Feintd nad looks beat up, as do you. Venna:Yah and i havent even gone to aquidditch match yet. Percy:because of the attacks we havent had one yet. Anyways you need to tell me what's going on, the snakes, the weird creatures, and with lauren potter. Venna:I'm not sure whats going on, but what ever it is, it's evil, and it has lauren, in a cave within the forrest, it's some sort of necklace i think. Percy: bring me to it. Venna:Ok bet but you better not lose me, i only saw it from the air. Percy: Persona Levitisoma! He began to float in the air, as Venna reshaped into a crow. the two dove through the window, Venna was surprised percy could keep up, the two came to the cave and landed, Venna reformed to human form. Percy: OH dear....
Impmon: You Betcha! Venna: SO anyone know why we are all toghether??
Venna: I'm not sure what it is but isay kill it. Saffire: Wha... Your harsh. Venna: It came from the D-reaper, D-reaper bad. I say kill it before it kills us. David: She has a point. Sakuyamon: SO shall we kill BlackWArGreymon Beelzemon: Well he will just be reformed, but he's probably got a grip by now, the energy has been released, plus with you ithink we could takehim right now. Saffire:Uhoh! Just then the boys eyes shot open, Venna devolved and looked at them, they were bright yellow, no toehr color it looked as if he had been infected. Venna: I still say kill him.
Venna pulled out one of her daggers still carrying the poison, she walked up to the dragon and looked for an opening of some type. Suddenly steam started to emerge from teh ice covered beast. Valen:Get out of their!!!! karina lept up as the dragons chest began to expose, Venna only smiled. She held the knife as even more poison began to creep inside of it, The dragon's head slowly began to emerge, it's left eye suddenly peirced through the ice. Venna:Perfect. She whisped the knife through the air, it whisteled for less then a second untill it dove straight into the dragon's eye. The beast screamed as black lines began to creep along it's skin towards the creatures heart. The beast let out one final cry of desperation as it collapsed to the dragon. Venna walked back to karina who was still shaking. Venna:You ok? Karina:Yah just a bit shaken. Venna then looked at the kid, and with a swift motion landed her left fist into his face. Venna:Stupid Idiot
Beelzemon:Corona Blaster!!!!! The blazing energy smashed into War Greymon's stomach driving him down even more into the ground Beelzemon:Double Impact!!!!! The shotgun shell ripped into BlackWArGreymon's gut driving him downinto the goround, the D-reaper slowly began to cover blackwargreymon but still he began to stand up, though severely weakned. David:Hit em all atonce!!! Venna/Beelzemon:allright lets do this! MEgidramon: Pyro Force!!!!! Beelzemon:Corona Blazter!!! the two attacks slammed Black War Greymon back into the ground, teh D-reaper began to cover him. suddenly the d-reaper seemed to be imploding, light could be seen ripping out of it from the inside.
Alias Name: Venna Age: 19 Expertise: Computer Viruses, Explosives, Armed Combat, Situation Specialist Bio: another one of the youngest, she was found by morpheus after creating a virus which nocked out the CIA's mainframe for three weeks. She now has been on board for 3 years and has become a weaponry specialiast, used for unique situations in which morpheus has trained her for tight spots. She is also well learned in explosives and heavy artillery. Appearance: dark grungy black hair about shoulder length and greasy, wears a black tangtop and grey cargo pants, wears cleaner version of the samething with a black lleather trench coat while in the matrix. she is about 5'5" and has two scards across her left back shoulders, and two eye brow peircings and a lipring.
Venna:I gotcha, lead the d-reaper to Black WarGreymon, ok risky but it might work.... Saffire:so umm what do we do Venna/impmon:this...Biomerge too Beelzemon!!!!!! Saffire/Renamon:Biomerge to Sakuyamon!!!!!
Venna and impmon walked in circles lookingfor the other destined Venna: you sure this is thing is working??? Impmon:well its sposed to, it says that there should be two right around this corner... The two turned and saw two girls, one with a gatomon and one owith a turuiemon venna cupped her hands and yelled Venna:HEllo!!!!!!
Name:Venna Narul Alignment:Evil Z-Keeper counterpart:Nevva Age:18 Hair:long black, tangeled and grungey Eyes:dark green Build:5'4", solid body, fit frame but still thin Weapon: Black Dirk, Shadow Magic-given by killing a Z-keeper, Poison Magic-given by killing a Z-keeper Abilities:Shadow Phase-may move throughout anyshadows into any area with a shadow. Poisoned light: creates a dark light around her, anyone that is wounded by her while its around her is deeply poisoned ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z-Keeper:nevva Alignment:Good Age:18 Hair:Short blond, Eyes:Deep white, Build:6'2", solid build, extremely muscular frame Weapon:golden broad sword, Light, Holy, and Gureing. Abilities:Holy Light-creates protective sphere of light, Devine wrath-sends a blast of destructive light at target, healing-heals self or other person
Beelzemon:Corona Blaster!!!!! just as blob of d-reaper shot out towards saffire, the energy blaze ripped through it. Tearing away as Beelzemon flew in to pick up saffire and Renamon. They Had both fainted out of exhastion it looked like... Venna:Your not dying on me kid. We need to get them out of here! David:All right Megidramon: Pyro Force!!!!! The red energy ripped through to Beelzemon creating a small openeing. Beelzemon: Were not gona make it!!!! Megidramon: PYro Destroyer!!!! Beelzemon could see a red blaze above them covering the sky, suddenly the d-reaper folded away. Beelzemon flew out, his wings beating heavy. Venna:I gotcha ya two kids.
Venna:Wow throw a fireball at them and they just go fight another digimon..... really interesting people. Impmon:Well no one's perfect. Venna:Got that right, hey wait what's this. Venna's digivice began to glow and beep a diffrent color, Impmon: another digimon entered, it's this way though. Venna:well then lets go. They ran towards where the beep was, but nothing was there... Venna:So where is this thing??? Impmon:I dont...What The!!!! Just then a bright light erupted near them, the two rushed over to the light to find another girl, a man around her dad's age, a digivolving digimon, and a tuskmon. Impmon:We need to hit the Tuskmon while that lopmon digivolves! Venna: Ok, Digimodifyactivate... Strength of the Virus!!! Venna swiped the card, Impmon's muscle's began to bulge a bit and a dark light seemed to glow off of him. Impmon:Baddaboom!Baddaboom!Baddaboom! Impmon begna to release rapid fireballs at the tuskmon, but it only began to chargehim. Venna:Cmon what's taking so long for that digimon to digivolve Marie:Well first off im marie, and second off it's her first time.... Venna:Umm ok... Jus then the Tuskmon through impmon against a building Impmon:Can't do this alone..... Impmon fell down to the ground, Venna ranover to him, picking him up. Venna:Cmon Impmon, you cna do it, your better then that oaf, Just then Venna's D-ark began to glow, as did impmon Venna:Impmon?? Impmon: digivolve too.....
Beelzemon:Give her cover!!! Corona Blaster!!!! Megidramon:Pyro Force!!!!! The two blasts cleared the area as Saffire neared the sone, it began to glow as the stone's energy lifted into her Digivice, She ran back as the D-reaper began to close in on her, Beelzemon jumped behind her, Beelzemon:Double Impact!Double Impact!Double Impact! He loaded three charges ito the ground then flipped back, as the d-reaper covered the area where he fired it bexploded, wiping out the area behind Saffire. David:All right every one we need to release each of our energies Venna nad Beelzemon devolve and hold out there digivice's as does everyone else, suddenly brihgt golden light begins to rush out of all the digivices...
Venna/Impmon:Time to fly...BIomerge to Beelzemon!!!! Beelzemon:Ok lets go Sakuyamon and Beelzemon took off heading for the D-reaper Upon arival they saw the others getting overwhelmed. Beelzemon:Evening out the score. CORONA BLASTER!!!!!
Venna: Woah!!! did anyone just see big ugly dude chasing us??? Valen:Yes and he was intercepted by a woman. Karina:And another woman was following us. Venna then pulled out her knives, holding two in her hands, ready to throw them at any threat. Venna:Should we go help teh woman??the one protecting us I mean
Takato:Venna I don't wan't you leaving the house! Venna:you know you could have told me you were a tamer. Takato stopped, he was trying to be super tough dad but it wasn't working, he didn't want to be. Takato:How did you know? Venna: Ifigured if you knew what impmon was already, and you seemed to know about me having to leave to find the others, then you had to at some point too. And Dad, I have to go, you know that. Takato:I hate i when your right, your jsut like your mother, anyways just be careful, dont let anything bad happen to you. Impmon:don't worry i'll watch out for her Takato:yah but the last impmon i met tried to kill me, then he became my freind. Venna:well see we skipped the killing part. Impmon:Yah its ok bud, i like humans, you guys are pretty darn funny. Just then Venna's d-ark begins to beep again, Takato:ok follow the dots on the screen tothe closest tamer, it will probably be my freind henry's daughter marie, Venna:ok Venna picks up her back pack and impmon hops in it, they then walk out following the beeps, they start to speed up so Venna begins to run. Impmon:Woah slow down!!! Venna:Hah, sry forgot to mention i run every now and then, wait i saw a digimon. Venna stopped waving to a passing car, she then noticed that the beeps switched directions towards the passing car. Venna:Can you make it stop? please?? Impmon:sure, BaddaBoom!!! Impmon flew up and then launcheda small fireball impacting in front of the car forcing it to stop. Venna:Sorry about that! ICan explain....!
Venna:he's on the move Karina:Should we follow? Venna:Why not?? It's better then waiting for trouble to find us Karina: but the traps??? Venna:Well lets trust our fellow wack job shall we??? they both follow Valen as they see him walk into the shadows
Venna:Hmmm welll I got most of my stuff prepared, I'll use the shadows in here to scan the area. Karina: OK i'll start getting ready. Venna begins to close her eyes, when they repen but are lit black back into a trance, she scans the entire temple through it's shadows, she can't find anything but then finds some massive powersource. Venna:Woah....
Venna: is she done yet?? Impmon: Remember how long it took us???? venna:Well yah you were a bit slow huh? shy too! Impmon:Hey!!!......
IT was time's like these Venna wanted to figure out a way to talk in animal form, she would have to work on it later, now all she could do was caw. Venna:CAW CAW (this way guys!!!!) She dived into the tunel where she found lauren, three gigantic snakes stood around her, Tina followed her on the on the pegasus. Tina:it's the Necklace!!! Venna looked and saw the necklaec on teh snakes, it was teh same as the one on lauren. She tried to dive in but the snakes got in the way, she then dived to teh front of the cavern as tina and hunter arrived. Sshe then reformed. Venna:Allright now I'm mad. Diablique Sumant!!!!!! Venna flashed her wand as a gigantci boom emitted from it creating a cloud of red somoke, when the smoke cleared there were thousands of small flaming effrets attacking the snakes, burning holes in the side's of the serpents. Hunter:What do we do about Lauren???
Venna woke up like any other day, put on her grunge clothes, turned up the music, she counted to ten, once at ten she mocked her dad as he yelled. TAKATO: Venna!!! Turn down that music, It's five A.M.!!!!!! Venna:Fine dad!!!! Venna turned the music down and then walked over to her computer, running her hands through her knotted hair. She logged on to her e-mail when suddenly the screen went black for a second, it refocused but then there was just a black and white egg on the screen. Venna:What the??? She clicked on it and then it burst with black and white light, out shot a small furry creature that stood up, with a white face, black fur, and pointy ears with little wings, hardly notaceable. Impmon:What the?? What he hell you lookin at? Venna:Not you, I've seen worse. Impmon:Well then, What?? Venna:My dad's behind you and just fainted.... After waking up Takato venna came back with impmon Venna:You ok dad, i think impmon scared you.... Takato:please tell me you didn't say impmon Impmon:She did sucker Takato:Oh no not another one. Do you like humans? Impmon:Don't know about you, but venna seems my style. Venna:Yah he's pretty nice. Takato:Few....
OOC: sry we had power outage for like three days here Venna looked at the sight in marvel, a bright pink light began to shoot otu from renamon and Saffire. Zach:What's going on. Venna:easy seeing im the expert on this, they are biomergeing David:Awsome
Venna:Sorry about that, of course I have no control of it. ???: it's ok, so what do we do? Venna:we prepare, Sparda and others are on their way, I have several poisons and shadow portals open so we can attack them quickly,Valen has been praying for about three hours. ??: Well I'll get ready Valen:Yes but we need the others, now or we will fall
Venna looked at the girl, she was slowly recovering, Venna:You did great , and your fine, your gonna make an excellent tamer. Tenamon:Of course, it is her destiny. Saphire:Thank you, Venna:Not a problem, at this rate you ad Renamon will be Biomerging in no time. Just then Venna's digivice beeped, David:Venna, Come in. Venna:did you know these things could do this? Saphire:Nope Venna:This is Venna what's up?? David:We need your help, BWG is going nuts, did you drain the energy? Venna:Yup, saphire has got it David:Good gt over here now! Venna: Ok, DIgimodification, HYPER SPEED Impmon became entirely sped up, Venna:Now before we lose it.. IMPMON/VEnna:biomerge too Beelzemon!!!! Beelzemon/Venna:hop on! They all get on and head off to david