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Everything posted by darkfreak0304
Venna: I'll check the skies! Tina: Allright I'll cover ground. Hunter, You come with me. Stop chasing that frog. Venna:here, Imobulous! The frog froze Hunter grabbed it and ae it. Venna then reformed to her Crow form, Tina to her Panther. Venna flew up into the air looking down as she dived into the trees. Combing the area she saw it, a cavern crawling with snakes, inside she could see the two people who had pushed them out. Venna flew back to the others and reformed, Venna:Found her!
Venna/Beelzemon:Well now here we are, we just have one problem. Saphire: and that is? Venna:We need to reach the stone, and one of us have to use are digivices to activate it. Saphire:You can do that right? Venna:Well i can go under water, but if I undid my digivice i'd devolve and well ya kno.... Saphire:OH! Venna:But Beelzemon and I will clear a path through the water,BlackWarGreymon did the same thing, you have to be brave and walk down there and put your digivice on it. Saphire:Um... Venna:If I lose control I'll come down and get you before teh water, Renamon too! Renamon:Of course, it is my duty! Saphire:well... ok Venna/Beelzemon:OK then here we go......CORONA DESTROYER!!!!! Beelzemon releases a vortex of energy splitting the water into two, creating a tunnel to the Destiny stone. They hold their energy as Saphire begins to run down, Renamon watching Anxiously
Venna:tina if you need help just wel... well we will help! she raises her wand as he entire chamber hushes, Tina stares at the two chanting. Tina:where is Laura!? The two parstletounges looked at her, one of them raising their hand, a wand gripped within. Venna:Deteriate! A red blast flew from venna's wand ripping into the man's wand, as it started to deteriorate in their hand. Venna:thank you Ginny Tina:Now where is Laura??? Just then some hissing was heard, a pile of snakes moved out of the way to show Laura. Venna began to watch the other fiure, but it was to late, his wand shot out a grey smoke, clouding the area.
Fluffy:Umm just a guess but maybe we find the others, i mean you all met before Venna:listen to the dragon, he's smart, sometimes Shadow:So how do we do that? Venna:Fluffy can fly......
David:Venna you don't mind do you? Saphire you can go with Venna, she's good at biomerging too. Venna grumbles under her breath. Venna:Allriht lets go, hop on. lets go impmon. Impmon:What, ahhh fine Impmon/Venna:Biomerge to BEELZEMON! Beelzemon:Allright you two lets go. Saphire and Renamon climb onto Beelzemon and they fly off to the ocean Saphire:Thanks Venna/Beelzemon:No problem
Venna:Well what if we do the whole little wave our digivices in the air and hope it works, seems to most of the time David:well it is the best shot we got Zach:Ok then lets get going Venna:Allright I'll go head for the ocean
Venna couldn't beleive her eyes, she was a bit scared for one of the few times in her life. There were snakes everywhere, but not jsut snakes, polimorphs, inventions, misshaps, throughout the entire chamber they stood in was covered with things that shouldn't have existed, and in the middle were to shadowy figures.Both were whisperin, in parstle tounge. Venna:ok so what do we do now?? Tina:I have no clue Hunter:And all I wanted to do was eat
OOC: if anyone else wants to join just post your stats and then join in, we really need day demons, (daemon, hell beast ,or dark preist the stats are in the recruitment if you wanna see them) Venna walked down the morbid corridors of hell, wearing her ritual robes, she hated them, but she was presenting herself to the tablets. Entering the chamber she knelt before the 8 golden runes, slowly they glowed as 8 demons reverted out of them Tablets:Venna we call upon you, you must destroy Dekena, there are others waiting for you and we will send more, prove to the rest of hte underworld the power of the Tablets. Venna:I will masters, your wish will be done. Venna then left instantly shimmering out of her robes into her general clothes. Then she burst into flame, leaving through hell to the upper realm. Upon arriving she saw two stalker demons confronting a hell beast. Venna:Hello desduena, need help A loud roar of fire was Vennas only answer, A small burst of lightning from venna's finger tip popped one demon's head as Desduena ate the half of the second demon. She then reverted to human form. Venna:please stay in your demonic form, yor human form is just too repulsive
umm no we got 2 out of 5 that can use demonic form and abilities in the sun, the two spellbanes can still fight and take a beating but they will be in human form and easier to kill, no strength or speed, the vampire can stay in dark areas, it's doable i've done it with almost this exact set, but if we could get more it would be great im gonna start it right now, my comp crashed last night so i had to wait untill this morning. If anyone wants to join they can just post stats on the forum
Venna watched as everyone ate, sitting down at the hufflepuff table she was too scared to eat anything in fear that snakes would attack or that the food would somehow be poisoned. She new it was impossible for it to be, but still she was scared, she would probably just hunt for food later that night. Just then two boys next to her collapsed, she looked around for the others, she had to tell them. Hunter, Rokas, and Bremma were all aboutto eat there food. Venna:Hunter no!!!!!!! it's poisoned Hunter:Huh? how?? that's impossible Venna:I don't know but look. Bremma: oh my.... Everyone around them began to collapse, most clutching there stomach, they saw tina come in and told her about the food. Venna then when up to Albus. Venna:Head master the food has been poisoned. Albus:It seems so, hmm we may have to find other arrangements for food. Percy, Fred, Ginny, get all those sick up to madame pompfrey. Then with a rap of his wand all the ood dissapeared, Albus explained as Venna went and found lauren. VEnna: Did you eat anything? Lauren:No, i saw the people collapsing too. Venna:good but we gotta figure this whole thing out, im gonna go down to see Ron.
Venna opens her eyes from meditation, she sees another figure within the temple, a boy kneeling down, a katana brought down on the ground. unsheeething her poisoned knife she calls to him. Venna:You there! what is your buisness Valen:I was summoned here, somehow Venna:Then we are on the same side it seems, others will come but they must hurry for the evil comes quicker Valen:Then we should leave here, Venna:but the others...
Venna:Ok so you emotionally scarred by digimon but the only thing you still fear is flight. ok, well if you wan't impmon and i can biomerge to beelzemon and then skim to the ground just under these guys. Saffire:No it's ok *Venna then begins to think about how they can split it up* Venna:Beelzemon and I can reach the one underwater, it's no problem for the big fallen angel and well since im biomerged with him I wont be affected by the non breathing thing, but im still not sure on what we are supposed to do.
allright im gonna start it later today also im gonna switch up my character so we have two day demons so we dont get totaly slaughtered
Venna flipped through the book, Venna:ok so you grow quickly upon entering this place....gotcha. Hmm what else, ooh attacks, poison spew, dragon breath, and others...... very useful book. Fluffy:can we get going now, I'm geting hungry Venna:Why didn't you eat the shelly things Fluffy:they tasted funny, Venna:Fair enough, Flyboy!!! Fluffly flapped his wings as he sprung into the air, Venna screamed in glee as they whisked through the air, faintly they saw the edge of the dessert, and two figures. Venna:Ahoy there!!! Fluffy:Hey thats another one of us, the girl got a nightmare Venna:You see far huh Fluffy:they dont call me a mystical beast Venna:For being hatched under an hour a go you sure are a smart allec Fluffy:I'd say something backbut its too easy. After Bickering the two reach the other girl and her nightmare, Venna:hye im venna and this is fluffy Frankie:Hi i'm frankie and this is shadow Venna:Shadow, how original
BWG: You have proved nothing to me!!!! Venna/Beelzemon:Then Allow me to prove this, CORONA DESTROYER!!! The gigantic blast rips towards blackwargreymon sending him backwards impacting into the side of a cliff. Megidramon:PyroDestroyer!!!! As the blast clears BlackWarGreymon slowly stands up, and laughs..... BlackWarGreymon:your good, but still I can go a bit more, BLACK TORNADO!!!!! His body begins to twist into a black tornado bringing Beelzemon and Megidramon into it. Venna/Beelzemon:I think not..DOUBLE IMPACT!!!!! Beelzemon pulled out his double barrled shot gun ained at Blackwargreymon as he neared the tornado and fired, the bullets ripped through the sky impacting into an enormous explosion as they reared through blackwargreymons skin Megidramon: Do you see us fit now. Blackwargreymon:I will take you to the destiny stones, that is what you want, isn't it??
Venna:nice work David:Thanks Venna looks at her watch and then sighs Venna:where to next? david: well we need to head back to meet the others, but we need to go the long way so we can lure the rockets out. Venna:Ok, hey wait a minute... wy don't we just take out the rockets. Be right back ill go ask cassady's brother for a map to her hide hout. she runs off as david yells to her, she then returns Venna:here David:but we don't have time
Once the bulls passed Venna grabbed Bremma and they ran off in the opposite direction, Venna was smiling a bit because the book was working. She then looks at it, reading... Duck. Venna:Duck!!!!! The two duck as viper snaps at them, Bremma:What the...hogwarts is turning into a ZOO Venna:I don't need the book for this, Serpintus Extermicus!!!!!! She waved her wand emiting a green spiral form it, slowly the spiral mirrored the viper and then struck at it killing the viper. Bremma:You know alot huh? Venna:don't tell anyone but I kinda study the dark arts and anceint powers, for the greater good yah know? Bremma:Works for me
Venna sat down at her imbuements class, Professor Percy was speaking to them, challenging the class to create a useful tool through imbuements, and it had to be something no one had thought of before, and it was going to be instead of their finals. Venna: But thats a week away!!!!!! Percy: Then you better get working right away. Venna grumbles, she begins to think of ideas, when she looks at one of her books. Grabbing some parchment she folds them together and waves her wand. Venna: Bindicus Libricus! The parchment now switched into a book, Venna:Now for the hard part......Grantis Intelis the book now contained knowladgable information. Venna looked up as Bremma came back from the bath room, in new robes. Venna:what happened? Bremma: Hunter and Iwere attacked by a giant rat, she's talking to Albus right now. What's up? Venna:We have to create a useful original tool with only imbuements. I'm working on a book that warns you when danger is near and lists most helpful things you can use in the exact dangerous system. Bremma:cool Venna:Yah, now next imbuement....Learnay Survivas! The book now contained information on what to do in dangerous situations. Venna:Sensatay Evil! The book now would sense danger and list what was best to do, if itworked, venna opened it up and there was a number one followed by, Run. Venna:Bremma we got to go!
Vnna crept up to the temple, she began to read...... "one will come, be pure of heart, light of good, and he shall be weakened....." Venna continued to read, then she felt an energy greater then anything else course through her. She was pure inside, she could feel it, energy coursed through her, closing her eyes she begins to meditate. Suddenly a sound is hear,d moving ahead, people screaming as a black shadow sweeps the area. She opens her eyes, and awaits the oncoming force. picking up her knives she touches the tip of one. Venna: Seeping Poison! A dark essence curved around the blade, now it would drain magical energy from any it wounded, the poison worked fast and crippled quickly. She now stood, waiting for the force ahead.
Venna looked at BlackwarGreymon, she thinks to herself... Venna:dam your gonna need help. Lets go Impmon! Impmon:Again I'm getting tired here. Venna:No rest for the wicked, a little help Claumon?? Calumon's crest glows, Venna/Impmon:Biomerge to Beelzemon!!!!! the Two Megas stand in front of Black Wargreymon's den. Venna/Beelzemon: BlackWarGreymon Come out!!! we need your Assistance. BWG: Who dare distrubs me. david: We Do, the destined, we are here to prove ourselves to you, in offer of your asistance. BWG: so be it, prepareto fall, TERRA DESTROYER!!!!! A black sphere begins to elclipse Beelzemon and Meghidramon VEnna/Beelzemon:Well here we go....
OOC: Sorry i wasn't here for a bit, saturdays are my off days. Venna walks up to Eusine, she starts to chuckle, looking straight at him. Slowly he beigins to look iritated. Eusine:What do you want?? Venna:nothing, just looking at how pathetic you are. Eusine:What!?!?!?!?!? Venna:You heard me, trying to find some legendary pokemon, doesn't even exist. your just a dirty old man, probably thinking nasty thoughts about me right now too. Eusine:WHY you Little..!!!!!? I challenge you to a battle. Venna begins to laugh, her plan is working perfectly. Venna: Fine, but if I win you leave the island. Eusine:And if I win?? Venna:I'll give you the location where Sucine is supposed to be, if it exists. Eusine:Allright.. we battle three pokemon each. GO WarTortle!!!! Venna:GO JOLTEON!!!! Lets show this old fool how to fight. Eusine:Wartortle use BodySlam!!! Wartortle rushes and and jumps at Jolteon. Venna:Fry It Jolteon, Thunderbolt!!! Jolteon unleashes a blast of thunder at the flying turtle. Wartortle lands flat on the ground, unconscious and badly hurt. Venna:Gonna have to better then that bub! Eusine:Just you wait....... GO Dewgong!!!! Venna:Eh, Jolteon cripple it, THUNDER ATTACK NOW!!!!!! The Earth shake as streams of lightning began shooting out of Jolteon, they streaked forward wrapping around and ingecting themselves inot the Dewgong as it whelped in agony. Slowly it fell to the ground unconscious and badly burnt. Eusine:Ok That's it, your gonna pay, time for the most powerful water pokemon on the island. Go Blastoise!!!!! Venna:The most powerful huh?? I got a match for it, and twice more. jolteon return, GO FRALIGATOR. The two huge pokemon face eachother. both monstrous, although Fraligator is slightly bigger Eusine:Charge him Blastoise, Show them whose the best, TackleAttack!!! Blastoise charges at Fraligator, bringing his head down, but the giant aliigator catches his agressor. The two struggle but slowly Fraligator beggins to push Blastoise down. Venna Begins to smile wickedly, her eyes flash a bit. Venna:You may wanna look away old man, Finish it Fraligator!!!!!!!BITE Attack!!!! Fraligator Crunches his fangs down on Blastoise's neck, The blastoise begins to falll down even more as Fraligator tightens his clamp. Venna:Give up old man, or Fraligator can clamp down harder. Eusine:Fine, we concede, you are trully more powerful. Venna:Fine now hop on that ferry, theres a pokecenter on board. Venna walks Eusine to the ferry, sees him off to the ferry and then walks back to david David:That was pretty brutal, you practically killed his Blastoise and Dewgong. Venna:and you expected him to leave if I asked nicely?? now what about the other one???
Venna/Beelzemon:Corona Destroyer!!!! The Gigantic Blast destroys he oncoming D-Reaper, Beelzemon and Venan devolve. Venna:Well then lets get going!
Venna Grabs her books, feeling releived she can finnaly get back to her classes. She Checks her schedule, Advanced Dark Arts Defense and Recognition, Imbuments and Curses, Advanced Transmigurfacation, Advanced Rare potions, and after all that her favorite Quidditch. Walking from breakfast she grabs some food to bring down to Ron. She walks up to his hut and knocks on the door. Venna:Ron You home??? Ron opens the door, his freckles and red hair shining in the morning sun. Ron:I heard you were getting into trouble last night, something about a monster... Venna:Yah you'll never guess what it was... Venna waits for Ron to guess, but he knows he probably wont get it right. Venna:A Vizedrix!!! Ron: Really?? Created or summoned? Venna:Created I hope.. That's why I came to talk to you, do you know of anyone that could prform a polymorph??? Ron shakes a bit thinking o himself, but then seems to dismiss the idea Ron: No but i'll birng it up with the headmaster, and I'll ask some freinds. Venna:Ok, well I'm off to Ginny's class Ron:You know you are supposd to call her Proffessor Weasley. Venna: What about the rest of you?? all Proffessor Weasley?? I think that would get to confusing. She walks to her class, she's early so she goes and chats with ginny. Venna:Proffessor Ginny Could you teach me how to defend against summoned creatures and hallucinations?? Ginny: Sure thing Venna, All you have to do is one imagine there not there and then say this spell, Dismisadinata. Here try it on this. Creatamor Gryfandi! A Griffin pops out of knowhere. Venna looks at it, keeping the thought in her mind that it's not real.... Venna:Dismisadinata! She snaps her wand, a blue line of magic sails out of it, contacting with the Griffin. The beast pops into blue smoke. Venna:Thanks Proffessor Ginny. Ginny:Your Welcome Dear, But why do you need to learn that spell? Venna:oh you kno, just to have it.
Venna looks at the dragon as it hatches, it's pruple with green pokadots and has little spikes down it's back with purple wings. Venna:I think I'll call him fluffy... hi fluffy!!!! Fluffy:I dont like that name...... Venna:Would you rather thor??? Fluffy:no??? How bout Craighorn The Unstoppable?? Venna:How bout Fluffy?? Fluffy: Why Fluffy? Venna:Why not?? Plus your green and pruple. Fluffy:Good point. Venna:So what can you do??? I thought only red dragons could spit fire?? Fluffy: I fly, I'm strong, and I can drink for a good amount of time while still holding my own, also I am pretty good at Karaokee. Venna:Oh thats it... Fluffy:Well I can also breathe venomous flames, you know toxic stuff, but that's only if i have to. Venna:Cool,Well lights green lets go. Venna and fluffy enter the door. She looks at him once they pass. Venna:Now if you be bad I'll put on your leash. She then looks around, the area is all hazy and dry, there is only sand and dust around them. Small creatures with shells pop up out of the sand. Venna:Are those things nice?? Fluffy:I don't think so..... Hop on. Just hen Fluffy grew big, his eye's glew bright yellow, and venna hoped on. One of the small creatures jumps at venna and trie's to bight her. She grabs it and throws it on the ground. Venna:Grr, there not nice, She looks down evily at the little things in shells. Venn:Roast em FLUffy.....
Venna turns around and looks behind te group.... Venna:Umm guys.. we got a small problem Azulongmon:What is it now??? Venna:D-reaper on our six. Calumon can you do your thing??? Calumon:Sure thing Venna! Calumon's symbol begins to glow..... Impmon/Venna:Biomerge to BEELZEMON Beelzemon/Venna: Corona Blaster!!! Think of something quick will yah???