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Everything posted by darkfreak0304
Venna and david hoped on the train, after getting off they headed to a small town. Venna points to a small rosy hut. Venna:That's where he lives. David:Casady used to live there? Venna: Yah, and that's my old house over there. Venna points to a small rundown shack. David:...oh... anyways lets go get her brother. Venna walks up to the door and knocks. Venna:Harry!!! Answer the door, It's me Venna!!! Just then they hears a loud thump and what sounds like a window breaking. David:Go around back, i'll check in here. David breaks the door down with his foot, Venna runs around back, she sees Harry held by two team rocket members. Rocket1:Hah you aren't getting us. Just then david drops from the window behind the rockets. Venna and david smile. Venna:wanna make a bet on that..GO Houndoom!!!
Venna: I really dont think it matters, sorry hunter. Hunter:But... Venna:Anyways does anyone know where that thing could have came from?
umm uh.... basic weapons here please, one mainly if your a spell bane you can't use any magic or magical items, and contact with a magical item hurts you... so I mean sword of the appocylapse sounds magical so if you wan't a weapon that yo ucan never unsheathe or touch then fine by me. and if you guys are choosing spellbane only because you have wings it's not gonna wokr that well and i may have to change my character, cause well we would all die during the day.
Venna walks up to the adress, she checks her paper and then walks in. Venna:Hello?? I'm here about some eggs. A lady walks up to her and points o a group of eggs, lady:the eggs are here... the lady walks off, Venna looks dazzeled as she stares at teh eggs Lady:Choose one only.... Venna:ok... she looks around at the eggs, then she notices it, the purple and green one, how could she pass that up, it just looked so ridiculous Venna:Umm miss, I'll take the purple and green pokadot one. The lady comes back and smiles, Lady: Are you sure... ok then, here is your care guide, and here is a leash for it. Ok now wait untill you get your door number assigned. Venna goes to nearby bench and sits down, she starts to thinking to herself.... Venna:What type of creature from a magical egg needs a leash???
Venna finnaly sees the meeting spot upahead, she ups her hand and yells to Zach and David, Venna/Beelzemon:HEy David we are here!!!! Sorry it took so long!! Venna lands as Bahumon follows and arrives. Beelzemon then devolves. Impmon: wow i'm tired now, i need some energy or something. Venna:yah tell me about it, all that digivolving is making me tired. Well here we are... where arethe othes??? David: I don't know they haven't arived yet. Zach:well we need to form a plan. Venna looks up to the soverign Venna:Any ideas old guys??
Name:Venna Narul Parent(s): Takato Color of D-Ark: Blacksih-Green Digimon Partner: Impmon Trademark Cards: Hyper Speed(increases teh speed and agility of partner) Strength of the Virus(Gives partner a slight increase in all atributes if they are a virus digimon) Night Shadow(Creates a shadow momentarily around partner concealing them if in the dark or shadows. lasts only a minute) Digimon Parners Digivolutions: rookie: impmon champion:boogiemon ultimate:Phelesmon biomerge/mega: Beelzemon
Venna: sounds like a Vizedrix... Lauren: A Vizedrix? Venna: yes think of giant bunny, but with snkae skin, claws and fangs. Hunter: but it didn't seem as if it were a natural creature Venna: they aren't have to be summoned or created by polymorphing a rabbit and a snake toghether. Lauren: So how do we stop it? Venna: if it's a polymorph then it's easy... Just then the Vizedrix leaped out at Venna, it's fangs cut close but she whirled underneath it. Venna: POLYPETRAFUSE!!!!! *Venna snapped her wand and a powerful pink surge of energy emited from it, coiling into the vizedrix. The blast knocked the creature all the way into the dark forrest.* Lauren: What di you do? Venna: I unfused it, helps to know about polymorphs and diffrent types of them, i've heard stories that your dad used a polymorph spell. Anyways if it worked then the vizedrix will split back into a rabbit and a snake, if not then well it will come back ina day or so really angry... Hunter: OH great an angry giant snake bunny. Venna:Well we can only hope for the best, now lets go find Tina.
Venna sighed, Venna: Ididn't mean it like that, i wasn't mocking you. I don't know what it's like to watch your family die, but I know what its like to lose yourfamily right before your eyes. Mine weren't killed, they tried to kill me, and because of that I've lost them and all trust i had in humanity
Vennna: well time to go pay Cassady a visit David: Do you know where she would be? Venna:No, but I know where her brother is, and he knows everything about her, he told me she was in Tea mRocket. David: well then lets go
Venna:Dam...Tought break. Oh well at least your alive.. Omi: Yah... Venna: Imean if you were dead then who would live on to cherish your family?
Venna stared at the group, looked back and forth and then finnaly caumly spoke. Venna: S owe know why here.. David: Uhuh.. Venna: And we know why you called us.. David: uhuh Venna: And they know what you need them for... David:Is there a point to this...? Venna: yes, So what am i needed for?
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
darkfreak0304 replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
Leaving look into the fleeting the eye watch it's light grow dimmer and dull look into it's heart's horizon as it's last setting comes abroad slowly now it will all leave us and in the end others will grieve us. -
hehe yah im in, i shoudl have checked back sooner. well umm when do we start???
Name: Hot Rod Allegiance:Auto Bot Function: warrior Physical Appearance: he looks like a red hot rod, robot form-red has two lil guns on his arms. Bio:Hot Rod is the all-American-boy Autobot. Not too sweet, not too sharp, not too snotty... not a goodie-goodie, but basically a typical adolescent who has dreams of doing great stuff and being as heroic and important as Optimus Prime and other famous and revered top Autobots. He tends to follow rules until they bug him - and he sometimes learns, to his regret, that disobeying wasn't exactly smart. And he often acts without thinking in an effort to do the right thing - and this gets him and sometimes his friends in trouble. But he's not afraid when trouble does arrive and is a brave and honorable fighter and friend. He is especially close to Kup, the grizzled old mentor of an Autobot, although he sometimes resents hearing "wisdom." And he likes Daniel, the Earth kid, a lot. (In a way, Hot Rod is big brother to Daniel - a role model - and Hot Rod knows it and takes the responsibility seriously.) In robot or automotive mode, Hot Rod is sometimes hot-headed, but always a well-meaning, admirable "lad" and popular with all who know him. Name:Inferno Allegiance:Predacons Function: warrior-wee bit insane too Physical Appearance:a red fireant, when he reforms to robot he looks kinda like a freak red fireant Bio:Inferno was once a maximal. However, due to a corrupted file and the predacons he beacame one of them.Insane but loyal. He was Megatron's undercommander and was the defenition of loyal, loyal without question or thought. He fought for the cause and helped nearly destroy Optimus Prime which would have caused his own destruction as well. He died at the hands of his master in a suited fiery blaze.
it's official, valen has a screw loose
Venna laughed a bit to herself, these Xmen didn't seem all that courageous, she wasn't even sure how they beat Sabertooth... Venna: it's ok Sil someone will come up with something sooner or later.
Venna looked out the window to see a creature standing over hunter and Tina, opening the window she jumped out, changing into her anigmus form. swooping down she landed infront of Hunter's body, holding out her wand she reformed standing at the ready. Venna:Naughty naughty big ol beasty! Just then something sounded behind Venna, she looked to see lauren standing there. Venna yelled to her Venna:get the other two out of here, then get whoever yo ucan out here now. I'll hol him off. Lauren: but.. Venna: Go lauren, get them to the medical wing!!! lauren nodded taking out her wand she looked at the bodys. Lauren: Lumdari Levioso! With a wave of her wand both bodies flew up to the medical ward, Lauren rolled up her sleeves and stood next to venna Venna: The second I freeze it hit it with all you got, I don't think it will last very long, i still can't see what it is. Lauren: allright Venna: Imobuous! NOW!!! The creature froze for a minute Venna: INfernicada! Waving her wand, venna created a blast of fire hurling towards teh creature. Venna:hit with all you got!!
hmm ok im in Name: Venna Narul Age: 18 Bio: Venna grew up in orphanage after orphanage untill she grew old enough to take care of herself, she knows the street really well, and loves to cause trouble, a bit of a riot rouser you could say Appearence: She is about 5'5" has long black hair, hazel eyes, she has a fit yet skinny appearance with a pale skin complexion. She wears ripped baggy tshirt and grey cargos, with a tattered zip up black sweat shirt beast:Shapeshifter
Venna walked up to the two arguing boys, she had no clothe's on except a small arm satchel with a black X on it. Venna: boys, Boys, boys, you have to do better then that if your gonna worry about getting slowed down, nothing to stop me, got my black fur, im concealed, and always warm. with that she kept walking to introduce herself ot the other girls, she heads over to sil and sticks out a hand. Venna: hi nice to meet you, I'm venna. Sil: Hi, I heard you were under cover, welcom Adriana: Hey, I'm adriana. Venna:hey, well see ya later, by the way sil, nice boots.
Faithful Fighting bullets flyacross terror stricken air as chrilren of the same so called god murder and maim their brothers within a strife with no cause. Blasphemy, to atrocity, new scapegoats they formulate man made fires burn without reason killing those they should be holding keeping warm throughout their life. All in all their soulds darken, not knowing for what they fight crying out in their torement, searching for the bloody truth. Soldiers scream, falling to the bloody ground, "I am forsaken for killing, in this war which lies create."
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
darkfreak0304 replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
Revelation An evangel sought but found everything that we wisehd to know ended within each secret silence slowly the tears fall as we realise the true meaning of this thought wicked life yet its purpose will not be remembered a bliss once lived will escape again slowly to creep forbid to exist resulting the end to pause here ceasing to move and resting in place slowly letting the future take its final path in which all will be seen the truth revealed and all will begin again. -
the emotions ar pretty powerful, dude, i like the poem alot it's pretty nice good work!
Hey this is the first time that i've posted poems on here before so yah just tell me what ya think, sry if you don't like it. Abyss only darkness crawls in here fear is the only essence known live within the dreams forgotten baned to this place long ago look into the endless chasm echoeing the cruelest thoughts sick ambitions and selfish goals only await those who approach within you within in me it is everywhere that we can see inside us all is all of this in the back of our minds, is the abyss
Sign Up Would anybody be intersted to be a part of a quite big project (RPG)?
darkfreak0304 replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
once again I offer my help i nanyway possible, if you need it just tell me what I can do and it looks like your characters are coming on great so it should be fine -
ok you got it down but daemon's don't hae wings i should have given you guys a description of them, but i mean i fgured you would have goten that from they can't fly. The only demon's you can be in this with wings are spell bane considering htey are one of the few true flying demons. other then that you got the description down pretty good. Heres descriptions of the demons: Vampire: one of the few that have no true human form, when they bear there teeth they seem more monstrous but still remain in demonic form even though they look like humans. The actual vampire itself is an embodiment never seen by anyone, within it's host body. Daemon: Genrealy still contain human stance, disfigurmants can include claws sharper teeth, change in eyes, skin color and ussauly contain tribal markings Hellbeast: there demonic form can only be described as big and ugly, they grow claws generally extra limbs and a tail, there heads are usaully serpintine looking yet there main body remains just as a bigger human chest and legs. Spikes protruding from teh spine are occasionally seen night warrior: Small in demonic form conataining six arms, the lowest two are used mainly for climbing and moving, there eyes genreally become yellow or light green and become wider as to see in the dark better. they posess claws and fangs all though generally d not use them as much as there weapons. Spell bane: Most spell Bane demons are dark in color, examp: black, dark blue, dark grey. They have long claws, and fangs, tehre eyes are wider and always black, wings come out of their backs, hind legs are built more and used for leaping and climbing even though they can climb. dark Preist: They look exactly like there human for mexcept there skin color changes, their skin wrinkles up, and yo ucan se their veins.