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Everything posted by darkfreak0304

  1. OOC: Sorry I've been gone for like five days, i'll try to catch back up IC: Venna watched from the Hufflepuff window darn percy had made it almost impossible for her to get back in, he was getting on to the anigmus she guessed. not wanting them to go into the dark forrest any more, But Venna couldn't find a place to reshape,Ron was gone for some reason, and she needed a safe place. She Tapped on the window hoping Hunter and Rokas would notice. Venna:CAW!!!! Venna kept tapping untill finnaly hunter came over and opened the window. Hunter: sorry Venna where have you been? Venna reshaped cricking her neck a little, Venna: Darn being stuck in thatt anigmus for so long is tireing. I couldn't find a place to revert, Ron is gone for some reason. what's been going on around here? Hunter: Well I cast a time spell and... Venna: A time spell, that's some pretty messy stuff, did they find out it was you Hunter: No.. but Tina got lectured by percy for going into the forrest... Venna: hmm well ill probably get that same lecture too then, and for missing my classes, hmmm well all will be allright. right rokas? Rokas: Right
  2. Beelzemon lands dropping Orien and sorcermon. They come to base of the bahumon's temple. Beelzemon storlls to the front of it. Venna/Beelzemon: Bahumon!!!!! Please come out we need your help!! Bahumon: Who calls for me! *Venna and Beelzemon devolve* Venna: we do, teh destined children we need your help. Bahumon: and what help do you need exactly? Venna: The D-reaper is back in the digital world, it wasn't destroyed last time only returned to its simplist state so we need your help to actually destroy it. Bahumon: Very well, if the true enimie has arisen again we must all come to stop it. Please Lead the way. Venna/Impmon: Biomerge to Beelzemon! *Orien and Sorcermon climb onto Bahumon as Beelzemon leads the way* Venna/Beelzemon: Here we go again
  3. Venna Stirred Restlessly, she was bored, she had a good go with amara today but stilll she was bored. Picking up an apple she started peeling the skin with her claws, slowly untill ever ypeice of skin was gone. Then she let it sit by her window so it could dry out in the sun. She started stairing out at the rest of the world when she heard foot steps. Turning she saw Magneto, Venna looked up anxiously at her. Venna: Boss can we go play with Xavier's recruits? Magneto: what do you mean Venna? Venna: Well you do wan't to nab that Craig kid so we don't need your powers, and there's always wolverine to play with. Plus I hear they have some new girlies that I can slap around, one that's power only works skin to skin. Hah I got no skin, only six inches of fur all along my body. Magneto stops to think, it would be good to grab that boy he nearly killed, and it would be good to scare Xavier... Magneto: Fine Take Sabertooth with you, I'll come shortly and have amara follow you. If you think she's up to it. Venna: Well why don't you jsut ask her, i'll go get toothy. *Venna points to Amara who is behind MAgneto and leaves them* Venna: Hey Sabertooth! Sabertooth emerges as Venna starts up her bike. Sabertooth: Where to now? Venna: Xavier's we get to play with the new recruits. With that she heads off on the bike, heading up to Xavier's spot, she was going to have a go with ol' chuck, he knew better then to play with her head. Venna: Allright you go head for the mess, I'll go visit X Sabertooth nod's as they scale the walls, Venna easily as Sabertooth struggles a bit. She then creeps into the air ducts, the same way she escaped from the house.Slowly she makes her way to Xavier's room, popping out of the duct she land's just behind him. Venna: So Miss me Professor? Xavier: Of course, I'm sorry about checking your mind earlier I just wanted to make sure that you lweren't really working for Magneto. Venna: Of course not, as much as I don't agree with you, I still don't want to erradicate them all just equality, and I hear you found another one like me, so I figure he may need the help. Xavier: yes except instead of becoming agile and stronger within the form of a beast, this boy has become larger, and stronger as his beast grows, it's good you can help hjim through it. Anything else, and will you be staying here for awhile? Venna: Maybe I duno, Oh by the way Magneto's on the way, Sabertooth is out playing around here somewhere. Xavier: He's in teh mess, I already alerted Logan, I think him and the kids should be able to handle sabertooth, but Magneto... Vena: I'll go and help. With that Venna went towards the mess, she missed this place, it scared her she even had to think evil just to act around MAgneto, maybe after this she would stay here and relax, try being herself once again. Venna ran through to the mess room where all teh kids were, she waved to Logan just as Sabertooth crashed through the walls. Venna: Play Time!! Eh Wolverine?
  4. I liked it, great poem dude
  5. Idon't beleive in prophecy's it would mean too many things and go against too many laws of nature. MAinly the fac that there would be proof of DNA strands throughout other people of having the same "gifts" or signs and there would be enought information left behind to track prophecers totheir inheritants.
  6. Venna: Allright let's go find Bahumon, Calumon a little help? Calumon: Sure Calumon's symbo lbegins to glow. Venna: Biomerge activate!!!!! Impmon/Venna: Biomerge into Beelzemon!!! Beelzemon/Venna: Allright c'mon Orien and sorcermon, we'll clear teh path for you if you two back us up. Orien: Ok, lets go Sorcermon: Digivolve to Dragon Sorcermon!! Venna/Beelzemon: Well Good luck boys, your on your own now!
  7. Aetheism,Satanism, Catholascism isn't it all just the same? just away to feel relaxed to know you have a plan that you've got it worked out you'll be ok, it's what you beleive. Nationalism, Capitalism, Communism something used to order others keep the people in their line a way to spread the common knowledge so that everyone can sit back and say it will all be ok, it's what you beleive.
  8. OK this is my first RPG so here it goes Story: Hell is in uppheaval, a faction of renegade demon's have challenged the rule of the underworld, led by a daemon named Dekena they have waged war upon the Hell power's above ground, becoming more and more powerful above ground waiting to invade and overthrow the powers of the underworld. The 8 tablets, one of the main powers of hell, wish to stop Dekena for two reasons, one because they like being in power, and two because whoever stops him will prove to be the most powerful faction of the underworld. You will be one of their agents, sent to destroy Dekena, those who support him, and those who try to stop the 8 tablets from destroying Dekena so that they can do it first. Heres what you need for character: Name: Demonic Type:(Choices for this posted below) Human Form Age: HUman Form Appearance: Weapon: ok here are the diffrent demon's you can choose from: Vampire : Typical vampires here nothing fancy sorry, they have fangs, drink blood, stronger then average human, faster then average human, can't fly(can still jump high though) can shift into a bat. Advantages-advanced strength and strength, die only through beheading, wounds to the heart, sunlight or demonic powers Disadvantages: Sunlight kills you, or any spell or power that resembles sunlight. No demonic powers. Blood lust- you will go crazy if you do not have blood for several days and will not stop untill you are fully sustained. Daemon: The mages of the demonic world. They summon elemental blasts of fire, electricity and ice to kill. Also use manipulation through the ways of teleportation and mind reading. Advantages: Good Spell casters, knowledgable ,access to elemental weapons, teleportation and mind reading Disadvantages: easy to kill, can die in as many ways as a human, just harder toget at. They can also still die through spells or powers used to specially vanquish demons. Spell Bane Demons: No official name, and are the true enimies of all spellcasters. Not only are they immune to all magic (this doesnot count actual demonic powers such as a Daemon's elemental attacks) but if magic is used on them they can drain it's energy to emit a blast of energy. They are cursed beasts that are as strong and quick as vampires, hideously looking, bear wings but are cursed to stay in their human form during the day and immediately change into their demonic forms at the first sign of nightfall no matter what. Advantage: Strong, Quick, hard to kill in the sense that they are very durable. Immune to magic, emmit energy blasts, wings(can fly) Disadvantage: Must come into human form during day and demonic form during night, not optional. Hideous looking ,can not use magic of any kind, a symbol of magic will not have it's intended effect onthem but can still hurt them untill they absorb it's energy. HellBEasts:Big ugly monsters, the strongest and biggest demons, they use only fire to kill, no weapons, and their strength. They may change in and out oftheir human form at any time, but are not as bright as other demons and generally wish to choose fighting over any other option. Advantage: extremely powerful with fire, extremely strong. Disadvantage: not very bright(yet not extremely stupid), average speed, can't use spells or magic. Night Warriors: assasins, used to slay and skilled in almost every weapon and form of murderous or poisonous magic. They are quick and silent and like the Spell banes they can only be in their demon form at night. HTey are not very stron and not very durable, if they are hit(which is very hard) they will generally have to retreat due tothe impact of the blow. Advantage: skilled in all weapons, well knowladged in diminishing spells and poisons, quick and silent. Disadvantage:weak, can only acess demonic form (including your speed) during the night. Black Preists: true spell casters, necormancers, they use the power of the dead to summon familiars, or temporary warriors or to inflict curses upon their enimies. They generaly stay in human form unless adressing a demonic lord for their demonic form offers no advantages. can be killed as easily as a human. average strength and speed, also most necormatic spells will hurt them temporarily. Advantage: Summon warrios and familliars, excellent spell casters Raise the dead and heal. Disadvantage: casting spells weaken them for a duration of time, easy to kill, no demoic powers only magic, summoned army's may be taken over by stronger necromancers, depends on level of skill. Looked down upon by other demons for their reliance on spells and not true powers. OK now her's my character Name: Venna Demon type: Daemon Human Forms Age: 18 HumanForm appearance: Young girl of 18, long black hair and black eyes, somewhat skinny but still fit. Weapon: black colored dirk.
  9. Name: Venna Narul Weapon: a Copper Stave and throwing knives magic: Poison and Dark history: Venna was found an oprhan by an old and poor hermit. Still he taught her to fight, and the powers to embu things with poisonous qualities, and to use the powers of darkness and night to ensure her safety. When The Hermit Died she was left to survive in the world on her own. She has short black hair, hazel eyes, and is about 5'4". Gender:Female Gender:
  10. Name: Venna Age: 16 Pokemon:Favorite:Houndoom: Crunch, Beat up, Fire Blast,Faint Attack Other: Charizard-Flame Thrower,Fireblast ,Slash, Sunny Day Fraligator-Bite, Hydropump, Surf, Rain Dance Jolteon: Thunder Bolt, Pin Missile, Quick Attack, Thunder Umbreon: Quick Attack, Beatup, Bite, Faint Attack Houndor: Theif, Bite, Ember, Pursuit Chosen Legendary Pokemon: Suicuine
  11. Vennna: No ofense all powerful flying birdy.... but are you gonna help us or not? Zhuqoiamon: If the Chaos is back then the entire world is endanger ,Yes I will Help. Wit that Zhuqoiamon offered his wing, Zhuqoiamon: come we must get the others. Thekids all climb on, flying faster then they ever did before. Venna looks to david and zack. Venna: Are you sure we can trust him? Zack: We have no choice.
  12. Venna chuckeled as she passed by the thundering boom, that kid they had taken in had been going on for hours now. Venna: HeyJakey! it's not going to work, the walls were built special, for YOU. Jake: What do you wan't with me. Venna: Wewanted to help, but then you tried to blast me, we aren't the type of people you do that too. Jake: How could you help me? *Venna walked over to the blast repellent glass and looked at Jake* Venna: BEcuase I know how it feels, to be alone, to be cast out, to be called a freak... I mean look at me? You think your problems are worse then mine? You emit blasts from your hand. I"M COVERED IN FUR. I've been hunted as a trophy and have had to run because Xavier told me to not fight back, as if they have the right to kill me. MAgnetoshowed me, if the humans will not get along with us then we must fight back we can not simply just let them find away to comit genocide against our people, we need to act now. Venna turned away as a tear began to fall from her eye, she wiped it up quickly so it wouldn't dampen her fur. Just then she looked up as magneto and a girl came in through the sky light. Venna:Oooh finnaly another girl. Oh by the way Jakey is in his cell, he didn't cooporate very well though. MAgneto: And where are the others? Venna: Sabertooth is out taking the call of the wild, he seems to be more beast then me even though I show it a whole lot more. And then Darwin, well he skipped turned around i think he headed for Xavier's I would have gone after him but I had Jakey on my back, don't want him wakeing up at Xavier's door now do we. Magneto: Hmm dissapointing, but you are right. This is our newest member, Amara, she shares similar goals as you, I'm sure you two will get along fine, why don't you take her into the training room so she can learn her powers. Venna: GLadly, bout time we got another girl around here, I'm sure we will have a grand ol' time. Amara grins at Venna. Amara: I'm sure of it.
  13. Venna looked up as they closed into the hotel, she saw a light on in the room and three people, one of them in a wheel chair. Instantly shebegan thinking, Venna:Darwin, hurl one of your cards at that window!!!! Darwin:wha!? VEnna: Just do it NOW!! Darwin's eyes glowed and he lit the charge onto the card hurling it towards the window. It streaked nicely towards the window but missed, impacting the side of the romm, but it was enough. Venna: C'mon Beasty lets go, Darwin hurry up we may need you for back up. Darwin: But how do we know which one not to hit? Sabertooth: The one that's not scared. Venna was instantly into the room throughthe blastwhole, she sawa white haired boy carrying Xavier away and to the black bird. But then she saw him, Jake... Venna: HAte to do it this way but.... You better come with me boy Jake: And why should I do that. Venna: BEcause Xavier will just throw you away, let the humans ravage you, he doesn't understand, the fear we have of them. It's even greater then the one they have of us. Trust me I know he won't help you, he couldn't help me. At this Venna showed a small X on her arm, It was Xavier's insignia, Jake had ben told that. ::Venna, leave him alone!:: She knew that voice it was proffessor X, Venna: WHy So you can let them destory him.you will only hurt him, cause him more greif then he already needs, he doesn't need your help charles, he needs answers, he needs the truth, something you can't provide. Venna looked at Jake, his hands started to glow, she hadn't been informed of his power, she didn't read that part, but sheknew it had to be something big. Jake: I'm going with Xavier Venna:Sorry can't let you do that, not letting him throw away another family member. Atthis JAke threw out hisarms energy ripped out of them, Venna dived underthe blasts, comming up she brought her claws to his neck. The silver held boy came back again, but Venna had teh advantage. Venna: Come closer and he's gone. Just then sabertooth crushed through the wall, smashing into hte silver hairedboy, launchin him down onto theground. Venna broughther fist into jakes temple knocking him out. Venna:Get blasty it's time to go. They Hopped back onto the bikes, venna holding jake, How could he be so blind, all of them, Xavieronly offered more pain, MAgneto offered a sollution.
  14. Venna looked at magneto as he came back,, shaking her head, she knew he had more power over her but still, she didn't like being a subordiante just being an equal allie. Venna: You lost another, he'll have more you know. Magneto: But our family will be the strongest, and the most rightous Venna: like sparky over there? Magneto: Do not judge him, his powers are great once he harnises them. Venna: we'll he is practically blind, i mean he couldn't even tell I was you know, a wolf practically Magneto: None the less he will soon come to be a great ali and member Venna: So what's next, need me to do some recruiting or something? Magneto handed her a paper, it had a hotel address, room number, and a name. MAgneto: be careful wit him, his power is great, and Xavier may already be trying to reach him, take Darwin and Sabertooth with you. Venna:Ooooh I get to take big beasty, a whole bunch of wild ferocity MAgneto rolled his eyes as Venna laughed and went on about the closest person who looked like her. The nVenna Wen't down to darwin and handed him three packs of purple and red playing cards. Venna: C'mon it's time to play with the Xavier babys!
  15. Venna couldn't beleive all of the lies she had heard, stalking in the aliways she knew that all Xavier had said was alie. Humans would never see through the diffrence between them and the mutants, they would always attack the mutantsout of fear. So then why should mutants not fight back? They were stronger, smater, they were just better then the humans, nothing could be said about that, they were after all called homo-SUPERIOR. Squattting in the shadows outside a club in D.C. Venna stopped and scratched at her back, Venna: Damn Flees just then cop a car came around the corner, the floodlight on it's roof traced slightly over Venna's dark furred body curled in the corner. IT wasn'tenough light to geta fulll glimpse of her, but enough to see some thing was there Cop 1: HEy Who's there the two officers came out pointing there gones at Venna Cop 2: it's a mutant! call forbackup. Cop 1: why it's just a little rat girl. At this Venna became enraged, dropping off her sweater she flashed to the side of the ali, clinging onto the brick wall as bullets were shot at where she once stood. Venna:Try Wolf! She howled asshe leaped at the first cop bringing her claws across his neck swiftly cleaning his lungs from teh rest of his body, leaving an empty bloody space. Cop2: Wha... don't move or i'll shoot! Teh humanpatheticaly aimed his gun, shaking it in utter teror, Venna only snickered as she closed. The officerfired but Venna was behing before he even pulled the trigger. Running herclawsalong his back, she dug them in, severing his spine from the rest of his body. Dropping him to the ground she cut a whole in his stomach and began to eat. Just as she finished a man floated down from teh sky in ametal purple and red suit, with a flowing purple cape. His face was covered by a shining helmet. Floating Man: Ahh Venna... Venna: Who are you?? Man: I am MAgneto, and I have an offer for you Venna: What kind of offer? MAgneto: Let's just say I too have an oppinion opposite of Charles Xavier. Venna smiled as she heard those words, Venna: Sounds like an offer I can't refuse.
  16. Hey sry my bio was so short i had to go, heres the full thing: Name: Venna Narul Age:17 Nationality:Sirian and North African, introduced to american society though Mutant Power: Wolfs Bane Bio: At about the age of 12 Venna started growing dark black fur, fangs, and claws. Before she knew it she was classified as a monster by everyone except her brother. Preffering to stalk at night she begins to hunt the smaller animals in africa and is soon hunted as a rare animal. pochers set off for he "wolf man" though they barely know the truth of the matter. Running away from society Venna finds snctuary with a small indigenous tribe who treated her as a gift from nature. Yet she could not hide, soon hunters came after her and she was forced to kill a man in order to survive. Fearing for her safety, Venna's brother sends word to Xavier to helped his sister Venna find a place in society. Xavier had her learn the native language, and created a passage into the woods for her to roam and hunt. But still Venna longed for htings to be normal and to be accepted by common society, longing for a companion venna scowers the city at night looking for some answer to her questions of why she must be the creature she is. Longing for answers she exposed herself in a condensed area on halloween, no one noticed her untill a small kid pulled at her fur. Alarmed Venna was immediately shunned and attacked by humans. Rage began to build inside her as she soon learned her purpose, to kill humans ,she was faster, stronge, deadlier then the humans, and soon found she loved the taste of them. living jsut to cause terror in the lives of humans and others, she was adopted into magnetos family of mutants and now is one of his most deadly weapons against humanity. Description: black fur across entire body with a long thick main going to her shoulder, yellow beady eyes and long fangs and claws. hunches a bit like a wolf, stands about 5'5" tall. she tends to wear a black ripped zipup sweater and baggy cargo pants, but for certain "errands" she wears a skin tight black leather suit.
  17. Venna reverts out of her crow form, sitting on a tree. She watches Nathan and Tina talk, she didn't know she was an anigmus too. Then She hears nathan say "some one is comming" Venna Reverts to her crow form, just as Tina changed back to a panther. Suddenly Venna saw shadows comming from behind Tina, she saw a wolf. Tina turned to defend herself but then Laruen and Bremma came with it, the wolf had to be hunter. Just then she saw something else creeping behind them, rasing there hand... a wand! Venna:Caw!Caw!!!! Venna divebombed off the branch and snatched up the wand in her mouth, hurtling into the brush she reverted, coming back up she raised her wand but the figure was gone. Hunter:Should have known it was you Venna, I didn't see you at the dinning hall either Venna: well it helps when people don't notice you, eh tina? Venna looked over at the panther, who now had reformed to Tina Tina:Yeah you could say that OOC: I'm also not gonna get a chance to come on till monday, because i have to use the schools computer
  18. Name: Venna Narul Age:17 Nationality:Sirian and North African, introduced to american society though Mutant Power: Wolfs Bane Bio: At about the age of 12 Venna started growing dark black fur, fangs, and claws. BEfore she knew it she was classified as a monster by everyone except her brother. Preffering to stalk at night she begins to hunt the smaller animals in africa and is soon hunted as a rare animal. Fearing for her safety her brother sends word to Xavier to helped his sister Venna find a place in society. Description: black fur across entire body with a long thick main going to her shoulder, yellow beady eyes and long fangs and claws. hunches a bit like a wolf, wears a black ripped zipup sweater and baggy cargo pants.
  19. Venna: Hey Zhuqoiamon get your fat *** out here!!!!! David: Umm thats now how we wan't to adress him Venna: Why not? Zach: because he is pow-er-ful Venna: oh...oh well
  20. I'd love to help in anyway i cn and am definately interested, and i agree with axel about making people create their own characters it makes things a bit more interesting and fun
  21. Venna looked around she was walking to Ron's hut when she saw thouasands of snake slithering out of the school Venna: What The.... *Trans foroms into her crow form and flies to Huffle puff common room to find hunter and her wolf, then she reshapes* Venna: What's with all the Snakes Hunter: I don't know Venna: ok hang on hre we go, Imobulous!!! *Venna points her wan at the snakes freezing the mass as she changes forms and begins teck at all the snakes necks killing them on the spot, then reforms* Venna: I love that spell
  22. Beelzemon/Venna: all right let me get out! *devolves into impmon and venna, still grabbing on* Venna: wow I'm tired
  23. Venna/Beelzemon: WTH is that!!!! Chris: That's Megidramon Venna/Beelzemon: NO!!! THAT!!! *Beelzemon points to a massive glob of red ooze covering the landscape, it shoots out a red orb hitting lady Devimondeleting her on spot* David: It's the D-Reaper Venna/Beelzemon: Everyone get into the air some how, we need to get out of here. MEgidramon and I can hold itoff untill eveyone is ready, then David and guilmon can ride on me. David: Allright cmon lets do this Chris: Digivolution Activate Orien: Digivolution activate Sorcermon digivolve to Dragon-Wizardmon Veemon digivolve to X-Veemon Venna/Beelzemon: CORONA BLASTER!!!!!!! *Beelzemon's arm changes into a metal cannon which then emits a powerful energy beam tearing away into the D-Reaper* Megidramon: MEGI FIRE!!!!!!! *Nuclear flames rip into the D-reaper herding it back even more* Chris: allright cmon everyone else lets go *Soldiermon, Chris, and Omi get on X-Veemon, Orein gets on Dragon Wizardmon and they fly off* Beelzemon/Venna: Allright now you devolve and i'll keep it at bay so you two can jump on Megidramon: Allright, one last one though, MEGI FLAME!!!!! *Megidramon devolves to guil mon* Beelzemon/Venna: Bye Bye reaper, CORONA DESTROYER!!!!!!! *A gigantic stream of energy flows out of Beelzemon's blaster elimanting the front flank of the D-reaper, but it soon starts to reform* Venna:LETS GO!!!!!!!! *david and guilmon hop on and beelzemon shoots off into the sky, he then turns his head to David* Beelzemon/Venna: so what do we do now???
  24. Venna:A digimon duh!!! now cmon lets get ready we are landing right now. David: Allright the catylst should be just over here, we have to find it before the reaper gets here. *Just then a cakling laughter fills the air< a lady devimon drops down in front of the group* LadyDevimon: Sorry can't let you do that! Venna:You guys Go ahead we can handle this Zach: But we.... Venna:Find the catylst trust me we can handle her. Impmon lets go all the way so we can finish this fast. Wel'' back you guys up the whole way. Impmon: All right let's do this. Venna:Bio Merge Activate Impmon: IMPMON BIOMERGE DIGIVOLVE TOO---BEELZEMON Venna/Beelzemon: All right little girl, play time is over Lady Devimon: Bring it on
  25. Venna: It's ok don't worry about her Tina: yah she's just one of the slytherins, not very pleasant yah know Venna: Yah I'd love to send a bluger her way Laruen: Umm thanks guys
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