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Everything posted by darkfreak0304

  1. [Name] Venna [What you look like] Black hair , a F.U. tatoo on my right arm and a tatoo that says "I hear the VOICES" on the left arm, only middle fingers and three heads [If last answer equals three heads, why on earth don't you chop the third one off and does it make it hard to play scrabble?] I used to have four, and no it doesn't make it hard to play scrable it justs get jealous [Age] (Keep under three billion years please) 100,000 [What type of towel you carry] a bage velevet towel [Bio] well this due and this other dude were walking into a vortex and they got lost and well out popped Venna [Idea for first mission] to figure out if the chicken came before the egg or visa versa
  2. Venna: A wolf! you here that Macavity someone to play with!But Lauren I didn't know you were a parstle tounge Lauren: A what? I can just talk to snakes. Tina: that's the same thing. Lauren: oh! Just then kids came around saying it was time to put on their Robes, venna hadn't noticed time had gone by so quickly. After putting on her robes she figured she would go ahead of the train. Venna: Hey i'm gonna meet you guys up ahead. I'll get bunks for you and I Hunter Venna put macavity into his carrier and then heads off to the lavoratory, there she changed into her crow form. she then hopped out the window and flew up to Hogwarts, changing back before heading in the main entrance. Venna: Hello Professor Persey. Professor Weasley: I should have never let Rob tell you that name. Venna: Sucks having your brother as games keeper eh? Professor Weasaly: well.. Wait a minute how did ou get heere already? err never mind jsut get to Hufflepuff until he others arive.
  3. Name: Venna Narul Nickname:Venna Age: 16 Digivice&color:D-arc, Black/Green Romance: Wild but needs someone who will be just as wild and strange as herself Friends: Impmon Personality: Mischeivious, love's to cause trouble also very wild and crazy, still she can keep a cool head and is pretty brave Side:??? Bio: Venna grew up on the streets of New York city, untill she was brought into an orphanage and then adopted, and brought to San Francisco, she doesn't know anyone and the onnly freinds she has is her digimon Impmon Digimon:Impmon Rookie:Impmon
  4. Venna still eyes Omi, then turns to Zach, Venna: Ok so we locate the 'catylyst' and then what? fight off the reaper? do we even know how strong it is, or are we destroying the catylyst? well whatever let's jsut head over their. Zach: Ok i got the location, we can figure the rest out on the way. Chris: Let's go veemon: DIGIVOLVE TOO X-VEEMON Impmon:DIGIVOLVE TOO BOOGEYMON! veryone loads up on boogey mon and X-veemon and then fly off to the catlyst.
  5. Venna grumbeled as she walked down the cars of the train, it seemed like they were all taken. WHY did she have to be late, it was generally not like her mad but it was her fith year, and she almost missed the train. Her mother took her this time instead of her father, and she couldn't understand walking through the portal, her mom was a muggle. Now Venna chuckled a bit looking back on it, "it will get better" she told her self. Macavity:Meow!! Venna looked dow nat her white and black striped catand storked it, then she came to a cart with two girls in it, one was a sixth year Tina Glas from ravenclaw, the other looked like a first year, actually she looked kind of familiar. Venna: it's ok macavity we will find a place, oh Hey!! hey Tina can I come in your guy's car all the others are taken cause I was late. Tina: sure, Oh this is Lauren Potter Venna:Oh hi nice to meet you I'm Venna Narula fith year in hufflepuff. Lauren: hello *Venna pulls out a box, she pokes a whole in it with her wand and points into it* Venna: Imobulous! here wan't a choclate frog? you won't have to chase it now.
  6. *Venna looks at the two boys, especially the second one, suspiciously* Venna: What The !@#$!!!!!!!!!! Were you stalking us???? Impmon: You like looking at her huh? *Impmon lights a fireball on his finger and points it at IC*
  7. Venna: Who??? OHH!!!! Them!!!!! eh no clue Impmon: sry not paying atention
  8. never turn your back on some whose drunk, yelling, acehing for a fight or a combination of any of those it's just asking for something to happen, but yah man i hate people like that and when the cop comes they just harass ya casue your a "youngun" well at least where i live but thats also cause i'm surrounded by dam rednecks errrrrrg
  9. morning comes morning goes with each morning our soul does grow within each stream of sun we realise our life has now begun. here at the end we learn the truth the secret why we lose our youth. within our passage we will know as morning comes and morning goes
  10. ok i'll switch but umm when is this starting Name: Venna Narul Age:16 Year of Hogwarts you are in: Fith What house are you inGryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin) Hufflepuff Looks: Long black hair, auburn eyes, around 5'6", fit with some showing and built stone like weighing around 152 Personality: Brav , quick in thought, loves adventures and always helps others in need, also quite smart, witty, and wily What is your Position: Beater What type of wand do you have:Pinewood with pegasus main, 7.5 inches What type of pet do you have and what is it's name(Cat, Owl, Toad, Rat, Dog): Cat, Macavity Special Gift: Animus-Crow
  11. Venna:Cmon you think i don't come prepared, we are supposed to save the world aren't we? I got some, here. *hands a sack of pendants to Zach with mocking smile* Zach:Thanks now lets go get that spirit Venna Allright Impmon lets go*swipes card*:Digivolution activate! Impmon:IMPMON DIGIVOLVE TOO---BOOGEYMON ZACH:DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE Veemon:VEEMON DIGIVOLVE TO----X-VEEMON
  12. Venna:Now Guys! Growlmon: Pyro Buster! Boogeymon:Red Ruby! *both attacks hit at the same time Raremon crashes to the ground as it bursts into dara shards, veemon growlmon and boogeymon each download it's data eqauly, then growlmon and Boogeymon devolve* Impmon:That was fun!
  13. Name: Venna Narul Age:16 Year of Hogwarts you are in: Fith What house are you inGryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin) Ravenclaw Looks: Long black hair, auburn eyes, around 5'6", fit with some showing and built stone like weighing around 152 Personality: Brav , quick in thought, loves adventures and always helps others in need, also quite smart, witty, and wily What is your Position: BEater What type of wand do you have:Pinewood with pegasus main, 7.5 inches What type of pet do you have and what is it's name(Cat, Owl, Toad, Rat, Dog): Cat, Macavity Special Gift: Animus-raven
  14. Venna flashes out of a small opening in space Venna:Sry im late got confused, and lost. Lets go Imp mon *swipes card* Impmon: IMPMON DIGIVOLVE TOO----BOOGEYMON!!!! Venna: Allright help Out Boogeymon: Red Ruby! *Flash Of red lightning strikes out from Boogeymon hurling Raremon away from growlmon* *Raremon gets back up and stares at the digimon* Boogeymon:dammit fall!!!
  15. Name: Venna Nayuan Nickname (if any): None Age/Grade(No one over 16):15 Personality:quiet most of the time, but has a somewhat synical and sydistic nature, loves to be mischievious and cause small problems. Still she is dependable and never back downs when she is needed Phys. Description(only average humans!): long dark greenish black hair, green eyes, frail appearance and pail skin, wears black long sleeve top cut a little above the waist, and baggy grey cargo pants, with a ripped black zip up sweater with tathered cuffs Family/Background(but I don't want all bleeding-heart stories!):She was adopted after living in an orphanage for four years, she knowsnothing of her old parents only an old picture of her birth and her mother holding her. Digimon Rookie(Name/Attacks):Impmon-Baddaboom Digimon Champion(Name/Attacks):Boogeymon-Death Crash, Ruby Eye Digimon Ultimate(Name/Attacks/):Phelesmon-Demon's Shout, BlackStatue Digimon Mega(Name/Attacks/):Beelzemon-double impacy, corona blaster Romance(what you like in a person):someone funny, not totaly outgoing but still can show some affection, also needs to be ok with strange things cause well thats venna(masochist, athiest,punk and semigoth) and has to be able to have fun
  16. Venna:SO what do we do?? nothing?? Chris: Well what are we supposed to do?? *Venna Thinks to her self* Venna: I don't know isn't there something else we could do? Can you contact bliss dothey know? cmon lets just not sit around here, we are supposed to save the world we need to do something NOW!!!!
  17. *Venna stares at the others impatiently* Venna:Not to sound pushy or anything, but isn't it time we go save the world? Zach: We are waiting for david to find out as much as he can from the spirit. *Venna looks at david whose eye's are closed but still looks like his brain is going on overdrive.* Venna:Is he all right? Chris:Yah he's fine he's just talking tothe spirit, loks kinda weird huh? Venna:Uh yah, you could say that *David opens his eyes* Venna:Ahh he's alive, so whats up, where to?
  18. hehe woops sad thing is thats only the first part....
  19. Episode: 1 images filtered by, Demons tearing across the land, horrible things done to his freinds and family. HE could only watch as demons maimed everything in sight. It was horrible, T.K. woke up knowing something was wrong with him. Their had to be something bothering him, this was the fith time this week he had this dream. he sat down at his desk, brushing back his hair, he thought to himself, What?s bothering me? hmm, he thought, kari has been annoying by just acting like she is just my freind and I want to be more, on that note Davis was annoying him to by always hitting on kari, he just didn? stop. He was still tore apart by the whole divorce thing with his parents, he hated it, hated not seeing his father. Then to make it even worse mat was becoming some kind of jerk, just being a total ***, whenever T.K. would go to his older brother for help, it seemed as matt would mock him, telling T.K. he should learn how to handle his own problems, he only cared about his band. T.K. slammed his fist down on the table, each time he thought about these things he became more annoyed, more angry, as if he wanted to make them all pay for putting him through these feelings. Suddenly a voice inside started shooting throughT.K.?s mind, ?Make them pay,? it hissed, ?you have the power, you always have...? T.K. grabbed at his head, GET OUT GET OUT, he shouted in his mind. He had to get a grip, go away somewhere to relax, he knew just the place As T.K. entered the digital worled anger and hatred sored throug him. A black mob was destroying everything. It was infectamon, a virus ultimate digimon, all it new was how to infest and destroy others. The thought of somethign so horrible enraged T.K This was it he would destroy them all, every single person or thing that was causing him pain would pay, starting with this. As Patomon neared T.K. Energy began flowing from his chest, his crest began burning with power unlike anyother T.K. had felt before. T.K. closed his eyes focusing on the power, letting it pour into Patomon... ?PATOMON WARP DIGIVOLVE TOO.......................MERCEMON!!!!!!!? Where patamon should of erupted into Seraphimon, he instead became something else. dark spiked armor covered his body, spiked guantlets leading up to a grim helmet with bat wings coming from the sides. Two black and torn wings ripped out of the back of the armor, tipping themselves with sharp sikes. T.K. Smiled, this was Mercemon, Seraphimon?s alternate form, he was pure power ,where the angelic light should have been, a demonic void covered the area. T.K. laughed as dark power bursted out all around him, demonic digimon burried deep in the darkest places now obmerged from the earth, making their home in the once glorious place.... Kari woke with a start, she could sense some great power sweeping over the digital world. She tried to tell herself it was just a dream and that she was imagining things, but she just couldn?t shake the feeling that something was gonnahappen.T.K. was already missing, so that just made things even worse, no one knew where he could be, even though Matt did say he was acting weird, T.K. just didn?t up and dissapear normally. Kari turned suddenly as her computer hummed, an dim light appeared from it and suddenly a form was standing in her room. ?T.K.?? kari looked puzzeled as she reached out for her freinds face. ?Where...? She was abruptly cut off. ?Quiet,? T.K. Grabed her arm tight, almost stopping circulation. ?Now we?ll do things my way.? Kari screamed as she was flung into the wall, ?T...K...? she mumbled in pure fear, what was a matter with him? Tai woke up, he thought he heard Kari scream, but he must have just been imagining things. He slowly laid back down, closing his eyes, and began to fall asleep when he heard a thump against kari?s wall. Tai rushed out of bed, he slammed open Kari?s door, he stood theirready for anything. As his eyes swept her room, he saw kari swung over on a person?s shoulder by her computer. The person held a digivice up to the screen and just as the computer lit up, tai saw T.K.?s face a moment before he dissapeared. Tai stood stunned, amazed at he had seen, he checked to make sur he wasn?t still asleep but unfornantly he wasn?t asleep. This nightmare was real.... Matt Woke up grabbing his Telephone as it rang, ?What the...Hello?? He said listenening attentively, ready to bash whoever was calling him at, what time was it.... 1 A.M.!!! ?TAI! What the..? Suddenly matt almost dropped the phone in desbelief, T.K. had... ?Yah I?ll get the others and meet you there.? He hung up the phone and slumped back, there had to be some reason for what T.K. did, he would never do this on purpose.... T.K. walked through the caverns he was now calling home, caves inside a small hill in the digital world. He turned to see Kari and Gatomon bound on the floor, Patomon, or Talomon actually, stood their and at a nod from T.K. rolled Gatomon out of the area. T.K. knelt by the young girl, and undid her bindings. ?T..T..T.K.?? kari stiffeled the strength to say, ?Whh...whh...Why?? a tear flittered down her face. ?Because of everything, My mother and father, MAT...? T.K.?s face started scrunching up with hatred, ?and Because of you, not letting me have you when i did, always being my freind and thats all. NOW YOU?LL BE MINE FOREVER!? He grabed Kari up again and flung her across the room, her body slamming into the hard rock walls. T.K. lept at her, ripping off her clothes, tearing them away. Slowly he started pounding his body into hers, grinding her soft flesh into the granite floor, tearing up her back as he flung her across the caves. Slowly all respect, and dignity Kari had ever earned in her life faded away into an empty hole. As T.K. wounded her spirit, the Energy inside him slowly creeped into her, every part in her body that was ever kind and light, slowly became hard and grim. A sydistic smile grew on her face as her eys darkened, she slowly started fightng back, bashing T.K. into the walls, both enjoying every momentof it, turning this beating into a game.... Tai shuttered as he looked out into the digital world, what once had been so lovely was now scouered, lands decimated and infested by demons. Blood scattered the area, Demon?s slowly coming up to Tai and Agumon. ?Where Is my Sister!? Tai demanded from one of the beasts, slowly it turned pointing to a group of caves in the distance. Tai glanced at Agumon, his freind nodded in response... ?AGUMON WARP DIGIVOLVE TOO...................WARGREYMON!!!!!!!!!!!? The great warrior knelt down letting Tai climb on, ?let?s go!? they took off heading for the caves, flying over thousands of demons as they went. As they landed Tai leaped down the last five feet or so, Clenching his fists in anger, ?T.K.! Where Are you.? He yelled into the caves. ?Right here Tai!? T.K. said stepping out from behind the once destined leader, Tai noticed he had changed somewhatin the way his voice sounded, it was more syditic then ever. ?What did you do with my sister?? ?She?s righ their..? T.K. said pointing to a clif, where kari hung, loosely bound to a post, her clothes torn and ripped, her side bleading... T.K. Whistled and talomon came over to him, ready to digivolved, ?Your going to pay for this T.K.!!!? Tai roared as his temper engulfed his mind ?funny i was thinking more of the other way..? T.K. laughed ?TALOMON WARP DIGIVOLVE TOO............................MERCEMON!!!!!!!!? Tai watched in horror as the demon grew, even though he was not as big, nor looked as strong as WarGreymon, Tai still knew they were in for a big fight, there was something telling him to walk away, but he couldn?t. ?Let?s Go!? said Tai to WarGreymon, the warrior nodded and charged, ?Terra Force!? He spun into an orange tornado, his skin becoming razor sharp blades as he pushed towards Mercemon, but the demon only dodged out of the way. ?Mega Claw!? Wargreymon lanced down at his adversary, but still he missed, mercemon just stayed on the retreat. ?Fight!? Tai roared at the retreating demon, ?Terra Force! Mega Claw!? Wargreymon rushed in again, this time even faster. his body blured as he stoped the tornado to slash, over Mercemon?s head creating an openning. ?DEMON?S BANE!? Mercemon?s spiked fist blured into WarGreymon?s chest, hammering through the ancient amor, and absorbing energy as it damaged. Now Mercemon assaulted battering Wargreymon left and right, ?DEMON?S BANE!? the spikes dug in deeper this time, more energy escaped into Mercemon as WarGreymon slowly started to fade. As the battle grew on Tai slowly started scaling the clif, when he reached Kari he breathed heavily as he started to undue her bindings. ?C?mon kari, we gotta get you out of here,? Then he noticed the smile on his sisters face... ?But Tai,? Her smile became more sydistic then ever, ?i don?t wanna go.? She laughed shoving her brother off the ledge. As Tai fell, Mercemon picked up the armored digimon and hurled him towards the earth, WarGreymon crashed throug hthe ground, creating a crevice where he lay. ?DEMON?S BANE!!!? Mercemon?s fist slamed through the beast?s armor, crushing Wargreymon?s chest and absorbing all of his energy, as life slipt out of Tai. Kari laughed as she watched her brother die, and his digimon burst into data scraps.. Matt and the others saw Wargreymon go down, out of view from them. ?We have to hurry!? All Matt had been able to gather in time were Cody, Davis, Ken,and himself, It would have to be enough... ?GABUMON WARP DIGIVOLVE TOO..................METALGARURUMON!!!!? ?VEEMON WARP DNA DIGIVOLVE TOO......... ?STINGMON WARP DNA DIGIVOLVE TOO.......... ..............IMPERIALDRAMON!!!!!? ?ARMADILOMON DIGIOLVE TOO.........ANKYLOMON!!!!!?The three digimon headed towards the battle, ready for anything..... When they arrived, all of them hoped off of their digimon, cody gasped as he saw Tai?s lifeless body laying in the mud. ?T.K.!? matt called, ?You have to stop this...? ?Who are you to tell me what to do...? T.K. sneered, ?You don?t even diserve to live!? Matt knew in his mind tht he had stop T.K., he just wished they didn?t have to fight. Metalgarurumon looked at him, and Matt nodded in response. The android took off, charging at Mercemon who in return leapt out to meet with his opponent. Just as the two were aboutto collide, Metalgarurumon arched upwards, changing his attack. ?ICE WOLF BIT!!!? floods of icey missiles showered upon Mercemon, metalgarurumon watched the mist from the missiles rise, gasping as he saw Mercemon laughing aloud, untouched. ?Is that all you got?? Metalgarurumon looked over to imperialdramon with a desperate gaze, ?A little helpl..? he shouted, ?Please!? Imperialdramon started to charge at Mercemon, but T.K. had his own helper.... ?BLACKTAILMON WARP DIGIVOLVE TOO............LADYVAMDEMON!!!!? LadyDeviomon appeared, but suddenly her claws grew into dark red talons, her black body became wrapped within a blew cape, Blood red wings streaked out of myotismon?s female alternate. She bolted into action, arching around Imperialdramon like a pesky gnat, she knew how to stop imperialdramon, she had seen it before. ?SPIRIT OF THE NIGHT!!!!!? A black beam of energy bolted through Imperialdramon?s head, ricotcheing down his mechanical spine. Energy was zapped out of him, his sensors and computer shut off as it did with skullsetamon, he was frozen. Cody looked up at the laughing she-demon, there had to be something he could, Ankylomon couldn?t do a thing against all these megas. suddenly a bright orange light appeared in front of Cody, a crest, he put it on. Cody closed his eyes, as he could feel the new power coursing through his body, it was the crest of reason, and it would help him.... ?ANKYLOMON DIGIVOLVE TOO........................ARMAMON!!!!!? ankylomon actually shrank in size, he stood upright as rock hard yellow armored scales covered his body, spiked rocky bracers covered his fists. his legs growing more muscular, as spikes grew along his tail. Cody stared in amazement as his digimon actually made it past ultimatewithout his help, he thought it would never happen. ?Hard rock!? Armamon rammed into Ladyvamdemon, energy coarsedaround his armor making it even stronger. ?NIGHT TALON!? the vampires? claws shot down at armamon in a deadly arch, but they just bounced off his skin, not even scratchign the natural armor. Cody only prayed this would by imperialdramon time to recoup..... Matt stood watchign the two powerful digimon, ?Demon?s Bane!? each time Mercemon struck he became even stronger. he looked over at his snickering younger brother, matt closed his eyes, he would have to end this himself. He rushed at T.K., but his brother was prepared. T.K. ducked down, sweeping Matt down with his leg, Leaping as his brother hit the ground. T.K. landed on top of matt, laying blows to his face as he did. Matt looked up, his face was bleeding, his nose was broken, T.K. just smiled as he picked up a nearby rock. ?See ya around Bro,? T.K. laughed as he bashed in matt?s head, watching as life seeped out of his body. Metalgarurumon, could feel hiss partner would die, knowing he would soon fall, their was only one thing for him to do, he loaded his data into Armamon, hoping it would be enough to stop this madness. Cody could feel the extra energy, as did Armamon, he just wished he could find away to talk to T.K., without this mad fighting. A tear slowly fell from his eyes as he watched matt and his partner turn into nothingness, then something extraodinary happened....... ?ARMAMON DIGIVOLVE TOO............ANGEARMAMON!!!!!!!? Armamon?s body became sheathed with a golden armor, two extra arms sprouted from his sides. Wings of light burst from his back, as a helemet covered his head and neck, and a symbol of a cross within a cross shown upon his chest, the sign of reason. The only part of angearmamon?s skin that was shown were his arms, between his chest armor and and spiked gold gauntlets, but the rock hard skin still covered his arm like chainmail. ?SPIRIT OF THE NIGHT!!!? Ladyvamdemon assaulted heavily, not letting Angearmamon?s flashy looks get to her. ?SACRED RUNES!!!!? Angearmamon opened up his arms, a blaze of light shot out as scriptured stones cut through the sky, riping apart Ladyvamdemon, shattering her across the digital realm as a pink egg appeared in kari?s hand. AngeArmamon turned to Imperialdramon, ?Holy Blessing!? a devine energy coursed throug the mechanical beast, repowering him. Yet Mercemon was quick to strike, and knew where to... ?ANGELIC DEMISE!!!? mercemon raised his hands, two globes one of light energy and one of dark energy appeared in them, he throug hthem down releasing a flurry of peircing light, but it wasn?t focused on the digimon... Davis gasped as the energy hit him, his arterery?s and organs collapsing under the pressureed blast. Ken watched in horror as his freind died, Imperialdramon burst apart, and an egg formed in Ken?s arm. The once dark destined looked at Cody, maybe the only person able to stop T.K. would be his DNA Digvolution partner...maybe... ?T.K.!? Cody yelled, ?I don?t want to fight you!? ?it?s too late!? T.K. roared, madness flittering through his eyes. Mercemon rushed in response, unsheathing a twisted black blade,the final battle ready to go down..... ?DARK BLADE!!!!? Energy coursed from the blade, but AngeArmamon had his own response, ?ANCESTRAL BLADE!!? An ancient sword of jewled power flickered through the air in the armored angel?s hands, Gold and Black slashes striked against eachother. The two digimon pressed against each other, ?Stop This madness.? strained Angearmamon through hsi gritted teeth, ?NEVER!!? roared Mercemon breaking off backing into the air, as AngeArmamon landing on the ground. ?ANGELIC DEMISE!!!? Energy showered down at Mercemon?s Adversary, ?SACRED RUNES!!!!? Angearmamon?s leg muscles gripped against the earth, his four arms burst out, energy spreading from it realeasing his own shower. The two attack?s collided, the affect totally null, they were both equal in strength. the two charged, meeting halfway in the air. ?DEMON?S BANE!!? ?HOLY BLESSING!!? black energy again coursed into mercemon?s attack, as gold energy flittered through AngeArmamon, the pair?s arm?s clashed, the energy struck and reverberated, both were flung back. But neither gained energy, Mercemon?s drain had no affect on AngeArmamon as he had boosted his own energy, they were both equal still. The two met again, limbs striking into eachother, AngeArmamon blocked off mercemon?s arms, locking them with his own four. He flipped his legs into the Demon?s face, sending him back but Mercemon still recovered quickly. The two clashed once more, they both struck with one blow, blocking eachothers, but each missing the second. Both Digimon?s spiked fists driving hard into eachother, flashes of energy colored the sky, as both digimon suddenly dedigivolved. Armadillomon fell into cody?s arms, as Talomon fluttered weakly back into T.K.?s. ?We are equal,? T.K. said, half in disbeleif, ?I only ask one thing, since we will get nowhere fighting.? He bowed his head down, as if stopping the fight was almost as bad as being defeated. ?And what is that?? Cody asked, he did not see how he could grant a murderer their request, but stil T.K. was his freind, and Cody just wanted all this killing to stop. ?For us to be left here,? he looked at Kari who seemed to be perfectl happy with this idea, ?by ourselves, not to be bothered, are demon?s cover this area, and it is small upon that, and we will assist you wih any threats that threaten our worlds.? Cody?s mind started realing with thoughts, he looked at ken, he seemed to dissaprove of the idea, but he was in no place to judge, he knew T.K. could have killed him with davis but for some reason did not. ?All right,? Cody started to agree, ? but only if you agree that you are not to harm another soul, unless it threatens your life or Kari?s.? Cody starred at his old freind, the madness had seemed to fade out of him, but this new T.K. still remaind, maybe this was how he would always be, Cody thought, remembering how much T.K. had hated evil when it threatened the world, maybe his was his true self jsut hid away. ?Allright, I agree, and swear my world, We will not hurt another sole unles are lives become indangered. ?Goodbye T.K.? Said Cody as he walked off, ?Good bye, friend..? a tear fell from Cody?s eye as he left T.K. and kari, ken following him. Another two of hisbest freinds lost, but this was how it would have to be, he thought. He would have to gather the angelic digimon into a seperate area though, knowing they might attack the Demon?s camp. Cody new what would have to be done, but he just didn?t know how he could explain it all to the others...it seemed as though their world was about to end, but still he knew inside this was meant to be.....
  20. *Venna holds back a slightly evil chuckle* Venna: Just let it out, we got your backs Impmon: yah I wanna blast somethin other then ur feet
  21. hope it's not too late to join Name: Venna Race: Reploid Side: Varun General Bios: Venna was prototype designed to look one the out side a young female human of 18 use for infiltration and assasination but still posses and armor within her skin which she may bring out for maximum use to battle. Weapons: Neo Buster- Buster that can charge for maximum blast or rapid charges Death Blade: similar to X blade but altered to easily cut through armor and sheild Hydrolich Joints: Used to increase velocity, jumping height and distance by enormous amounts. Also alows softer and swifter motions/actions Silencer: used to mute Buster so it can not be heard.
  22. Venna looks down at the spot where the spirit was... Venna: So we catch them? not destroy? Hello???? *Is annoyed tha zach and chis are not answering her* Impmon: I think they are ignoring us. Venna:Then get their attention, please *grins* Impmon: Ok! BADABOOM!!!!! *Launches a fireball at zach's feet*
  23. Venna walks into Jijimon's and looks quizaclly at chris, Zach, Guilmon, and Veemon. Impmon Jumps down from her shoulders. Venna:"You guys are the good guys right?" Impmon:"and you need are help, huh?"
  24. a white light appears and venna walks out with impmon behind her, her black hair twisting in the breeze as she looks around and sighs. Venna: sorry I'm late, well Impmon let's help. Impmon: fine lets finish this already.
  25. Name: Bruno Age: sixteen years too many DOB: january 8th 1986 Location: Montara, California USA One Word: Eeeeek! No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: outpatient Occupation: Lazy *** Color: green, black, greenish/black Food: Kibbi Beverage: Root Beer Alter Ego: Venna Dream Job: R&D for wizards or a Vet Self-Proclaimed: Geek Ethnicity: Sirian, Italian, Irsh Extracurricular: Video Hobby: Music, art, writing (poems and storys), reading and MTG Dessert: Phish Food (the ice cream eople im not that sick) Musician: Jimmi Hendrix Group: The Greatful Dead Mac or PC? Mac Nics: chris/freak/hujo/magic dude and Venna Blog: Yes Home Page: None yet Religion: true Aetheism Book: Xenocide, by Orson Scott Card Collections: comics, wise cracks, drawings, broken watches, broken bottles, and old tarrot cards Sport: wrestling Won't Eat: Lima Beans TV Show: 80's cartoons Words to live by: Pain is but a reason for the suffering Addicted to: Altoids, bad jokes Comic: calvin and Hobes, Peanuts, Love Hina Movie: point break
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