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General Guy

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Everything posted by General Guy

  1. [OOC: I apologize for not have said anything. I was up in Oregon.] [color=darkblue][i][b]Unidentified vehicle. Range: 3000 meters.[/b][/i][/color] "...Huh? ...Ack! How long've I been asleep!?" Guy fiddled with the buttons and knobs on the ship. The radar showed a ship following him. He pressed a few buttons and looked for a bounty with a ship matching the one following him... None. He turned on the intercom. "Identify yourself!" Guy demanded. _ No response. He tried again. "Hello? I said 'Identify yourself!'" Still nothing. [color=darkblue][b][i]Range: 2900 Meters and closing.[/b][/i][/color] _ "Hey, I'm talking to you! If you get any closer I'm going to be forced to attack!" ...Still, nothing. "HEY!! I'm NOT playing around here buddy! Answer me, or you're toast!" ___ "...heh, heh..." The voice on the other end... [i]Was he laughing?[/i] Guy thought. _ "Who do you thi--" Missiles. Two of them from the hull of the trailing ship. "Oh, sh*t..." Guy flew around one, and it missed. Then, he shot at the second one. It blew up! "Ha! Eat that!" ___ "...Ha ha!" The voice was still laughing. [color=red][b][i]Incoming Projectile. Range: 800 meters.[/i][/b][/color] _ "Huh!?! Heat-Seeking..." Guy dodged the missile, but it turned around and continued following him. Just then, a CHAFF grenade dropped from the bottom of his ship. The missile hit it... and the missile just kept flying straight. "Yes!!" The grenade had disabled the tracking system on the missile. Guy turned on the N20 boosters and headed off before that mysterious psychopath could attack again.
  2. Yeah, it's not overly cute *cough*[b]Yoshi's Story[/b]*cough* but it does have a cute faction. I couldn't imagine the game without it.
  3. After a moment of thinking, Guy dashed outside and hopped into the Gemini. "Mars, it said? Hmm...that man on the phone must be delirious. I know who my dad was. Ahh.. either way, I guess he'll have to wait until I get back!" Guy threw a box that contained some food and ammunition into the backseat of the Gemini. "There must be some really rich guy who wants James Philip dead. I know there's probably going to be other people after this James Philip, and I know I won't stand a chance. I bet he's got the Secret Service protectin' him, or something.." He looked at the smog that was still building up from the smokestacks. "But damn, if I get that guy I'll be the richest guy I know! And boy I should really stop talking to myself." Guy chuckled a bit. Then he fired up the boosters and shot up into the air toward Mars. He turned the auto-pilot on and resumed his sleep.
  4. I was pretty mad when I heard Lance Bass was going to be doing the voice of Sephiroth. I've yet to play Kingdom Hearts, let alone hear him be Sephiroth, so I don't know if it's any good.
  5. The words kept echoing in his head. [i]Your real father[/i]. [i]Your real father[/i]. The man had given Guy directions to a harbor a nice distance away. Guy was going to meet the man there to learn more about his father. Just as Guy was getting ready to leave in his ship, he remembered that his computer was still on. He raced back inside his apartment to see what the alert was. He got inside, and checked it. It said on the screen, in bright red, "[color=red]Bounty on James Philip. Cost: 94,000,000 Woolongs. Location: Last seen on or near Mars.[/color]" Now he had a choice. He could track down the man who would tell him more of this startling revelation, or he could find James Philip and claim a 94,000,000 Woolong bounty. "*sigh* Decisions..."
  6. The smokestacks released plumes of thick grey smog. City lights flickered on and off. The sun tried to peek through the blanket of smoke that the industrial buildings left behind. Amongst this layer of foggy refuse, the Shining Star Apartment building stood. In room 35-C, a young man was sleeping this not-so-beautiful day away. While he dreamt, his laptop computer kept trying to alert him. It had no effect. Guy, the resident of apartment 35-C, was finally catching up on the sleep he had missed out on the past couple days. He was too busy packing his belongings, getting ready for the long, shameful trip back to Ganymede. The computer kept sounding, but still no avail to alert the young man. Suddenly, the phone rang, and accomplished what the computer could not. Guy rose, wiping the sleep from his eyes, and picked up the phone. "Hello?" Guy said. "Mr. Santiago?" the man on the other end asked. "...Who is this?" "Your father's dead." "Yes, he's been dead for 7 years." Guy announced. "No," the man replied, "Your [i]real[/i] father."
  7. Woah.. is it just me or does Leon look like Squall? :D Anyway, thanks for posting this info. I'm a big fan of the Resident Evil series, and of Capcom itself. I'm really looking forward to this new Resident Evil game. Viewtiful Joe looks to be interesting. The first picture from Killer7 looks like Spike, the second picture looks like Seifer. Or maybe I just need sleep. And...Konami with an announcement?? Maybe another Castlevania game? A port of the Metal Gear games? Gah, too excited. I'm really surprised at the Gamecube. It's going to have some very good titles out (Metroid Prime, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and these here). I feel bad for my friends with X-Box'es.:p
  8. It's difficult to decide, but I'd have to go with Vincent from FFVII. However, Mega Man, Terry from Fatal Fury, and Solid Snake are close behind.
  9. This was just posted on IGN.com: November 11, 2002 - In an interview with Japan's Dori-Maga (the former Dreamcast Magazine, now turned multi-platform), Square's Yoshinori Kitase made some comments regarding the possibility of a direct sequel to Final Fantasy VII. Kitase has participated in the development of all Final Fantasy games since part five of the series and now heads the company's R&D 1 team which is currently working away at FFX-2. "A sequel to FFVII?" comments Kitase while laughing. "In truth, there are many who'd like to make such a game, Nomura, who's working on Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, included. Many of the Square staff participated in the development of FFVII, and the memories are strong. Additionally, expressing the world of FFVII using today's technology would certainly be interesting (laughs). "However, FFVII still has many fans," he continues. "We couldn't make a bad product (laughs)." Continuing in response to the question of his team's plans for the term beginning April of 2003 (FFX-2 comes out in March), Kitase says, "Our plans are not yet set for the coming term. Whether we'll work on a brand new title or a sequel to a title that we already have I don't know yet, but I'd personally like to make something new." So, to recap, Kitase laughs a lot and many of the Square staff has interest in a sequel to FFVII while Kitase himself is more interested in working on something new. The majority of Kitase's R&D 1 staff worked on FFVII, though, so if were were to see a FFVII-2 (a game which, we fear, would almost certainly feature a love sequence involving Tifa and and jive-talkin' Barret), Kitase and his team would be the likeliest source. Stay tuned for more. -- Anoop Gantayat, Contributor
  10. Go around in the Stonehenge level, fighting Starman Supers. They're not very difficult (if you're at a good-enough level). After a nice amount of them, you'll eventually come across the Sword of Kings, the only weapon Poo can equip that doesn't lower his attack power.
  11. Name: Guy Aliases (if need be): N/A Age: 21 Height: 5'10 Build: Average Occupation: Hacker Clothing: Blue shirt, baggy tan cargo pants, black overshirt, combat boots Hair colour and style: messy blonde hair Eye colour: brown Weapons (optional): S.E. Desert Eagle Homeworld/town: Ganymede Background: Guy grew up in a predominantly rich family, the Santiago's. At age 8 he decided to use some of his funding to take computer lessons, learning how to program and "hack" into many major computer software programs. When he was 14, his father died, leaving him with his mother who treated him badly, and his brother Jacob, who constantly bullied him. At 15 he decided to use his computer skills to hack into the database of a national armory, thus shutting the defenses down long enough for him to break in. He took out as many weapons as he could carry and left on his ship, the Gemini, and went to Earth. After getting rid of his last name, he attempted to start a business as a bounty hunter. He found that the work was too difficult and quit soon after. At the age of 16, he started travelling around, doing odd jobs for money, until he was 18, when he moved into a cramped apartment complex. Misc. Data: Lethargic and stubborn, yet very smart. Uses his vast knowledge of computers to help his friends out. Ship data (if applicable), all ships will have a maximum size of 2 in the cockpit. Ship Name: Gemini Colour: Light Blue/White Cockpit size: 2 General Description: Very sleek and graceful, as well as armed to the teeth with dangerous weaponry. Armaments: Military-Grade Autorifle on each wing, one Hellfire (heat-seeking) missile next to the Autorifles, Nitrous Oxide (N20) boosters, Cold Fusion engine, 4 CHAFF (mechanic disabling) bombs on the bottom. Power/armour/speed(rank 1, 2 and 3, depending on which has the highest ration): | Power 3 | Armor 1 | Speed 2 |
  12. Well, I've had surgery before, it wasn't pretty but now I'm awfully healthy because of it. Back when I was just a li'l general in Corporal Mommy's tummy, I had to be taken out prematurely due to.. complications. A few years later, I went to the doctor and they said that I had a vein in my chest that was ready to burst because it was clogged due to the fact that I was taken out early. So I underwent an operation that took a chunk of my vein out, and pretty much threw it away, then they connected the broken vein again (probably with masking tape.. stupid cheap doctors) and now I'm healthy. Unfortunately, however, I have a small scar on my chest now.
  13. Okay, not to protect any of these guys (because a few of them have this weird idea that I don't like anyone here) but most of the people here are too young to drive, vote, drink, etc., A large portion of the posters here are between the 10-19 age area, so they can't take anyone out on a date, unless they live a block away and don't mind walking... (heh, that was a good one.. well.. not really).
  14. Name: Guy Age: 19 Description: Short, yellowish-blonde hair, green eyes, and always smiling. A dark blue tee hanging over his tan-colored cargo pants and a black overshirt on top. Two small scars on his left wrist, and one on his right. Quiet, but always has a joyful presence around him. Aspect: Charm
  15. Yeah, there were only like 2 or 3 Kraken in the Sea of Eden, and your chances of getting the Gutsy Bat are like 1 in 126 (or so my strategy guide tells me). Poo's (ultimate) weapon was fairly easy for me to get.. well.. not easy, just not as difficult as getting the Gutsy Bat (which I never got). trying to get Poo's weapon is also a nice way to train, ya know, kill two birds with one stone.
  16. Well, I think graphics seem to be more important in a game is because of commercials. When the average person is sitting there watching a TV show and it goes to a commercial of a square-shaped man without a face running to the other end of a big open field, the person would automatically say "Wow, that game looks awful" and not even consider renting it. However, if they see a beautifully-rendered cityscape with the most realistic-looking people walking around, the average person would say "Holy crap I gotta get me that game!" and purchase it instantly. Then they'd bring it home to find out that it was the most god-awful piece of garbage ever created. What I mean is, commercials don't allow you to test out games, just to look at them, so if they make 'em all purdy, people will buy them based solely on looks.
  17. Name: ??? Age: 15 DOB: November 25, 1986 Location: ????, California One Word: Thegreatestthingintheuniverse (does that count?) No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Indecisive Occupation: None... yet. Color: Dark Green Food: Flamin' Hot Cheetos Beverage: Pepsi Blue (probably the only person in the universe) Alter Ego: A pissed-off 15 year old. Dream Job: ??? Self-Proclaimed: Prick Ethnicity: German Extracurricular: Band Hobby: Writing Dessert: Ben & Jerry's Phish Food Musician: ??? Group: Rammstein Mac or PC? PC Nics: General Guy, Shy Guy, [b]NOT[/b] Mnemolth Blog: Sure... whatever THAT means. Home Page: [url]http://www.dragonlair.org[/url] Religion: N/A Book: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Collections: VHS Movies Won't Eat: Artichokes TV Show: anime, Family Guy (RIP) Words to live by: Please, Don't kill me. (Rimshot) :D Addicted to: Flamin' Hot Cheetos Comic: Foxtrot Movie: The Matrix
  18. I've only owned Super Mario Sunshine for about 2 weeks, and I've had my hands busy with Resident Evil, Animal Crossing, and Super Smash Brothers: Melee so I haven't had much time to play. I have about 20 sprites.. This game was really weird. It's very easy to get used to the controls, just like Mario 64 was. The graphics are a step up, especially the water effects; They're amazing. The controls, as I've said, are easy to get used to, but there are some more trickier moves (like the backflip/water spray) that take a little practice to master. The camera was annoying, and at some times downright evil. I think that this is the only (major) flaw this game has. My favorite part in this game so far was the battle on the roller coaster with ???? (Don't wanna give anything away ;) ).
  19. Name: Talis the Divine Class: Paladin Age: 28 Gender: Male Weapon: Rune Scepter, Gladius, Holy Water Sprinkler Spells: Holy Bolt, Charged Bolt Level: 1 Gold: 100 Dexterity: 15 Vitality: 30 Magic: 25 Strength: 20
  20. Animal Crossing is a game for the Gamecube.. well, you move into a town and you have nowhere to stay so this guy (Tom Nook) decides to give you a house. You have to pay him off, but you don't have NEARLY enough money so you work in his shop for a little to work off the money. Anyway, once you pay him off he upgrades your house and then you owe him more money, and that goes on for a while. I have one NES game, Donkey Kong. I had Donkey Kong jr. Math, but I got rid of it because it was.. well... lame. I've got the neutral corner of a boxing/wrestling ring which I'd be willing to trade if anyone is interested in it.
  21. Yeah, I miss all the old Mario games.. Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr. those were the days. I figured this would be a nice place to make my entrance.. Howdy everyone! Heh.. Lacking an NES of my own, I'm forced to relive my NES days through my Animal Crossing game... :(
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