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Everything posted by Taintedone

  1. Taintedone


    because the idiot parents I was living with at the time didn't like the show, and wouldn't let me watch it- I've moved out, so now, I'm watching it religiously so :P *runs into the void*
  2. Well, I've had this on my mind for awhile, but I'm just now getting it down to text- I hope you like it, it has an anime view in my mind as the scenes play out- well, any opinions on the matter will be much appreciated- laters! *returns to the void* Crystal Soul Chapter 1 The Beginning is the End is the Beginning?. ?Honey, where are you? Geez! I need him for something important and he?s never here when I do! Kaiu-no-baka! Why am I marrying this man?? Morrigaan stalked the apartment searching for her fiancé, slamming doors as she went. After another ten minutes, Morrigaan sighed and sat down on the couch. ?Well, if he?s not here, he must be at the gym, or at a bar with friends. I?ll just make myself pretty for him, and punish him by letting him only look, no touch!? Grinning mischievously, she picked herself off the couch, and went to the stand up mirror to see what she needed to do to make Kaiu beg for her. Morrigaan stood at 5?10?, and kept a very slim figure, long brunette hair flowed down her back, and she had an above-average sized bust. ?Hmmmm, I may not need to do much to hook him in for tonight? huh?? In the top right corner of the mirror, a note had been taped and had in Kaiu?s bad handwriting ?Morrigaan.? She plucked off, and flicked the note open to read ?We?re going home for our wedding. My home. Yours- Kaiu.? Tears streamed down her face, and her knees gave in to gravity. ?It has begun...? Morrigaan looked up at the mirror and saw her make-up running. ?Oh no! I need to fix this before he comes home!!!? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A man walked out of the gym, a towel over his shoulders. After about two minutes, two more men exit, and started following him. ?Hey! Get back here you punk!? Kaiu kept walking towards home, ignoring the two hulking men. ?Kaiu! Face us now! Coward!? That stopped Kaiu in his tracks. Slowly, the 5?11? Kaiu turned around, and ran a hand through his short black hair. ?What do you two want this time? Isn?t it enough I just beat your boss, who was stronger than both of you?? The two men stopped in front of him, one of them jabbing a finger into Kaiu?s chest. ?You just got the drop on him- you won?t be so lucky with us!? Kaiu inhaled. Five seconds later, Kaiu exhaled, and walked back to his apartment, leaving the two men on the street. Why can?t these people just leave me alone? All I want is to be with Morrigaan and be in peace. Kaiu smirked. Well, I know she?ll be pleased about the note I left. She has always wanted to go there, and I know I have some unfinished business there?. But we will get married there. I swear it. Kaiu swiped the key card to the apartment, and walked in. ?Lights.? The lights flickered on and he noticed some soft music playing in another room. ?Hmmmm. I wonder?? Kaiu tossed the towel onto a chair, and followed the sound. He stepped into the door to their bedroom, and got tackled to the ground. ?Hello love!? Morrigaan kissed quickly over Kaiu?s face. ?I got your note *kiss* is it true? How did you get pass being exiled? What?? Kaiu stopped her with a kiss and simply said ? I worked it out. Now, I assume there?s a reason you have me on the floor?? Morrigaan smiled ?Of course tiger- now, if you?ll be so kind to move us to the bed?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours later, Kaiu sneaked out of the bed and walked over to the spare room. Months ago, he had turned it into a sparring room, with a robot that had a now blunt blade installed, with advanced sword programming.[i] I need to unwind- she really got to me with the exile thing.[/i] He walked over to the well worn box, and used his thumb to open the lock. The lid flipped up, and showed a simple looking bracelet, with a red button, and a green button on opposite sides. Kaiu snapped the bracelet around his wrist, and pressed the green button. The bracelet melted into a liquid state and covered his forearm, with a small protrusion from the middle. With a thought, the protrusion formed into a blade one and a half meters forward, and a half meter back. [i]This brings back memories. The training with my grandfather, the attack?. the exile.[/i] Kaiu pressed a button on the training robot, and got ready to defend himself. Amidst the thrusts, slices, and blocks, his mind wandered back to the past. [i]It?s been 6 years since the attack. I still don?t know why he did it. I was practicing as grandfather had taught me, and heard the shooting. At first I couldn?t recognize the sound of a compressed laser firing.[/i] *slice* [i]Eden was a peaceful town, and had been for over a century. Yes, we kept an army up, but they were little more than peacekeepers, with non-lethal weaponry being employed.[/i] *lunge* [i] The Razor, the blade my grand father gave to me just before he died, was a relic from the Purification War, over a hundred years ago, and a secret from the town. All lethal weapons were supposedly destroyed then, but my great grandfather kept his, ?just in case?, and it?s been passed down since then.[/i] *block* [i]I looked outside the door to see the most horrible thing I had seen since then. A man in rags, obviously from outside the barrier, was standing in the middle of the street, with a laser rifle and firing wildly. All over the street were bodies. And the blood. Everywhere. All of those faces forever lost to me. [/i] *stab* [i] Time slowed down. The man turned to me, and I saw his face. His face was all twisted and broken, and had a leering smile, aimed at me. [/i]*slice*slice* [i]But it was his eyes, his empty stare, that scared me the most. Like he was being controlled. But that didn?t matter at the moment. I slid out the door, and raced at him, hoping to get to him before he could turn and shoot. I dodged out of the way of a shot aimed at my midsection, and pressed the green button. The Razor formed and I prepared to leap into the air. [/i]*slice*stab*thrust*slice* [i]I sprung like a coil, and the madman slowly raised the rifle to try and track me. [/i]*slice*slice*slice*slice* [i]I raised the blade over my head and let out a scream of anguish and fury.[/i] *slice*thrust*slice*CLANG*swing* [i]I landed and split him perfectly down the center, and a red mist sprayed into the air, coloring me red.[/i] *SLICE*bzzzzzzzzzzztZAP* Kaiu stopped his brooding to realize that he had destroyed the robot drone. ?Oh well.? [i]That wasn?t the end of it. I was arrested for the death of the man. We had a strict law in Eden- no killing. Capital punishment was abolished, so for my ?crime? I was exiled from Eden. I was able to make it past the wastelands to this dirtball, Blood and Dust, in the area of Avernus. I was able to keep up with my family through various sources, and I found out my mother had died. They said that it was natural causes, but I know that it was because her heart died the day I was sent away, for protecting the city. There will be a reckoning with the council. They will?.[/i] ?Honey? What?s up?? Morrigaan stumbled into the room. ?I heard you?. Great, that?s the second one this month. You know how hard it is to re?? Kaiu pressed the red button making the blade go back to it?s original form, and swept Morrigaan off her feet. ?I know something else that?s hard.? She raised an eyebrow. ?Like what?? ?I?ll show you?
  3. Taintedone


    Thank you much! *hands JC a peice of the void, which promptly dissapates* well, it's the thought that counts, right? *slips into void once again*
  4. Taintedone


    I think Wes got off lightly- oh well :P last weeks episode was cool though- I saw the scene where Fred was presenting her theory, and the portal opened up, and everything went all Cthulu, and I was like "this can't be good for her mind" I'm going to miss tonight's episode b/c of work, and my VCR is dead :( can somebody sum it up for me tonight? laters- *opens portal to the void to prepare for hell.... err work*
  5. The hole grows wider and forever deeper Doubts and fears rush in the void She clutches her chest to stop the pain where is the light?
  6. Taintedone


    I almost feel sorry for Wesley at this point- He screwed up once, and now look at him- alone, sour, and destined to be a hermit- though if he had taken my son, I wouldn't have shown him mercy either- I liekd the scene where Angel attacked him in the hospital- Wesley deserved it for the betrayal and subsequent loss of Angel's son-
  7. The little blue jay is innocent of the world please live forever I am only me so how can I hope to be more than what you see? I am the torn heart, am misery incarnate. All I need is life I long for a world Despair has no place in there but I'm in exile
  8. Thanks Vegitto- I'm more of a haiku person- here's another one though- she sits in the shadows but why does she stay? Is it to hide from life, or is it to bring light?
  9. streams fall from her eyes and winds sweep through her hair for she has lost her heart in the winter of eternity
  10. Taintedone


    Angel is one of my favorite shows- and I missed two seasons of it! argh! I'm also frustrated that they don't sell the angel seasons in the states- anyways, if you like angel (or buffy the vampire slayer)- here's a thread for ya
  11. The leaf flys away guided only by the wind of life. So shall I. -------------------------------- I lack strength today so I'm in over my head yet I shall go on. -------------------------------- In the falling rain I can't lose those final threads Reminds me of her -------------------------------- Rage against the pain Scream against the injustice and thus a hero
  12. my name is Bryan- I think it means Ruler? oh well- I'm going to go watch Slayers-
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