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Everything posted by electra

  1. I used to watch it, but as a kid, so I really can't recall too much and I would really like to find some good sites about this series. Anyone?
  2. Honestly, I've seen the very first episode of III, and that's it. I saw the whole season of I, but after that I really don't watch it.
  3. didn't like it. i was very dissapointed with it. good thing i only rented it.
  4. what are you guys talking about?! He is the world's martial arts champion, he can beat anyone. Didn't you see how he manhandled Cell? Not only does he have incredible strength, but he is also smart. Getting the gun and chopping Buu in half.
  5. Here's some more ridiclous news if you hate x-box and like Metal Gear Solid. don't know if you've heard or not, but xbox might get the first demo/trailer of MGS 3. But in the end playstation 2 will still get the game first.
  6. Man, it's been a while since I've played this. I think I'll start it up again.
  7. Anyone else play this under-rated rpg? I got it when it first came out and am now just starting it. It's pretty good so far.
  8. NBA Live. I like real simulations, not arcade. But it all depends on what you like.
  9. electra


    10 hours... well hopefully it'll still be worth it. :eek:
  10. To be honest, I absolutely hated Silent Hill 2. The original was a lot better, and scarier imo. Although I wish that they would have concentrated more on the first (as in storyline wise) instead of making two completely different games. The third one seems like it could be the best of the series, so that's a game I'm looking forward to.
  11. I'm pretty excited about this game... anyone have any clue when it comes to North America?
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