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~*Anime Girl*~

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Everything posted by ~*Anime Girl*~

  1. Hmm, looks interesting, never seen it though...
  2. [color=red] It's not a anime though... [/color]:raspberry
  3. [color=red] Which group do you like better? The legendary birds (Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos) or the legendary dogs? (Suicune, Raikou, Entai) ;) [/color]
  4. Definatly Flareon, it totally kicks a**! I love all, but fire is my specialty, so definatly Flareon! :bellylaug
  5. [color=green] I was wondering, anybody here like Powerpuff Girls? It's cool! :laugh: :rotflmao: [/color]
  6. My hamster is orange...if that matters. :o :blulaugh:
  7. Same here...specially if your a girl...around here though, Pokemon has faded, it's all Harry Potter, not that I don't like it, at Toys R Us, Pokemon Cards are 99 cents!
  8. Well, it would be a nice touch if you were Ash for Halloween. Right? Am I right? I feel wrong... :o
  9. *coughs and protects her hamster* It's okay Hammy...
  10. Does anybody here actually like it, I've seen few... :blulaugh:
  11. Anyone like Hamsters? I do. Anyone have a Hanster? I do. Anybody have a hamster that spins in cups? I do.
  12. I live on the computer. Sad, isn't it? :D :D
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]whooo that was a bit of a voilent storm up here in Michigan. There were 2 twisters (I don't know how strong they were) and a bunch of trees were falling. And worst of all one of the trees that fell killed someone. They were driving and then bam. A tree fell on there truck and they ended up dieing. The reason i mention this is because my brother was about 1/2 a mile away going to other direction. It was a good thing he left work when he did. otherwise my brother might have been the one who was in the truck that a tree fell on. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm, weird, I live in Wisconsin and our weather was beautyfull
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]I don't know if it's true or not, just let me say this. Anything is possible. [/B][/QUOTE] She's right, anything is really possible
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]oh man it was funny! this is the whole basic outline: I escape from a mental ward then go to talk to James and he says to not get hyper so much... he tells me not to drink beer so i go to a bar and get arrested then they throw me back into the ward and i break out using one of the crazy ppl as a battering ram. then the cops come after me and I run to James and ask him to help but he wont so they drag me to court. then i go before Judge Judy and she asks me what i have to say for my self and i say "nothing" and she says "im a big ol' lesbien and youre guilty" and i scream NOOOOO! and jump on her head and i break it on accident then i hop off of her and out the door and run like mad while an angry mob chases me but i blow them up and run away> Then i pick up james and run to Canada but James didnt have fun there so i yelled maple syrup and fly off with him to Japan. he like it here but then i steal a manga and have to skip countrys again. this time we go to Afganistan and see bin laden James kicks the dudes turban off as we leave and takes it and we fly off and i completely smoke the place but he has to go so i drop him while were flying over his house. and thats the WHOLE thing! it was hilarious! [/B][/QUOTE] You are on crack...end of story. Rather interesting story though.
  16. How many RPG's have we had? This realyl should go in Games and Stories
  17. I agree with you too Transic Nerve, but let's pray there wont be a WWIII, although Nostradamus, who predicted the first and second world wars, said: "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning". Strange :confused:
  18. Nostradamus, who predicted the first and second world wars, said: "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning". There are one of two things humans can be. Pawn or chessplayer. Most often, we never get to choose. **sigh** Oh well :o
  19. I sure hope America has brains then.....cuz i dont have them
  20. It wont, it shouldnt, id better not.......
  21. Hey, he is just trying to make us happier! **still jealous**
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