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Everything posted by AnimeAddict

  1. Hi, I need everyone's help on my history day project this year. I have chosen the topic "How Anime Has Impacted America". With everyone at otakuboards.com being an anime fan, naturally, I've decided to petition for help. So, from a fan's perspective, how has anime imapcted america? J-rock, animation techniques, Disney, etc... Any help would be appreciated. Editorials too! ^^ FOR U.S RESIDENTS ONLY, PLEASE
  2. I was hooked on Demon Diary. It's funny but not really explicit so it's allright with me. Just as long they don't show the same sex going at it I'm fine. Othwerwise, it's just gross.
  3. I would have to say Episode 8 of Cowboy Bebop, Waltz for Venus. The way Roco died was just so unexpected. I sat there with a little "o" of surprise on my mouth. I liked Roco too.....
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Daz [/i] [B]i want to see the episode where unit 01 turns all weird and its armour breaks off but i want to kno which episode thatr is so i can either buy it or download it so if anyone knows pm me [/B][/QUOTE] Is that the one where the Eva's "true form" is revealed? (Where Unit-01 is more animal than anything else) That was a creepy episode. Can't say I liked that one too much.
  5. I've been asking myself this lately, "When should you stop watching anime?" Automatic response - Never!! But seriously, I imagine myself as a 87 year old blue-haired granny with a wooden leg, preaching to my grandchildren about the "good 'ol days of anime" and watching Bebop re-runs before I head off to the nursing home. :sleep: It's just ....... weird (or sick). Your thoughts? (I have the strangest thoughts.)
  6. Ah! I've explained this how many times now? LOL. Spoilers away.... [spoiler]Kaiba has a step brother, Noah. I'm sure you all have heard about Kaiba's father and how he tried to make him cold and mean in order to run his company. Noa is...well... is the 'product' of his efforts. Noah died and came back as a hologram and defeated Seto in a duel w/ the aid of The Big 5. The only reason seto's father adopted him was b/c he resembled Noah so much. There is ALSO another green haired boy which is the younger version of Kaiba, first season flashbacks...[/spoiler] Which is quite confusing. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Just added spoiler tags ;) -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. Oh, you mean the reincarnated bat? That was priceless! Poor Arthur... Actually, I'm a few chapters after that where they all decide to travel to Krikkit. This book is so random... :)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B] [spoiler]Next, Rei never actually existed as a human being. The Rei that you know is just a clone of an endless line of Reis created to fuel the very soul of Evangelion. This way, if one Rei is to die in an accident, another one can be taken from the group of Reis to go on living in her place.[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] Mm, hmm. Just another note on that: [spoiler] When Ritsuko (sp?) led Shinji and Misato into the core of NERV it showed millions of Reis. These are just empty shells used to pilot the Evas because they can just load the pilot's info. into her. She is actually the dummy plugs. [/spoiler] Am I right? It's been awhile since I watched those episodes. It's really hard to explain Evangelion. :wigout:
  9. [QUOTE] My (rhetorical) question is: What is Rei? [/B][/QUOTE] Bleh. Rei is a clone of the angel Lilith. Her body is comprised of the spares Shinji's mother (body parts). Basically all I can give you. Evangelion is one of the most confusing series I've watched, but probably one of my favorites. So technically she is an angel. Remember when Koaru (sp?) said they were alike? Also, when Rei was in Dogma, I believe, the computers detected an angel, but the signal went away.
  10. My sister commented on today's episode, "Get Back the Reverse-Blade Sword!" for Rurouni Kenshin, the villian, Hiruma Gohei, sounds like Jet. In some scenes you might hear the similarities...but I don't believe it.
  11. AnimeAddict


    Does anyone happen to know any ska bands? All the bands I'm aware of are Reel Big Fish, No Doubt, Pennywise, and Op. Ivy. Not alot to choose from...
  12. AnimeAddict


    Cool?? Haha..... that was possibly the worst movie this year, no offense cesar! The only good thing was the humour.
  13. ::scrathes out Asuka:: YAY! All better. I give it 8.4/10. The text is hard to see, but it matches the mood of the banner. Just change the color. I love the digital effect, great Mage!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by raiye [/i] [B][COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]It has alot of good points in it, but your asking for suggestions and I give you this one: The way you have it layed out is kind'a bad, maybe it isn't but it just seems so to me, it just seems like you don't have the words lined up or something......[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe it's just the way he writes. Look at E.E Cummings. A great poet, very unique style. Good job Vegeta. ^_^
  15. I'm up to.... Life The Universe & Everything. So far it's not as funny as the first. But I lovee Arthur. He and Ford work good together. Anyways, I've never heard about a movie...though I nkow they have action figures. Strange as that sounds... (they're very freaky looking)
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]I have absolutely no idea who you mean. [spoiler]There is a small green-haired, much younger version of Kaiba who accosts Seto about his past with Mokuba. I'm not too sure of the full details, but there are pictures on LeLoLa. Maybe it's him *shrugs*[/spoiler] Yeah, I know who the little green hair guy is: [spoiler] Kaiba has a step brother, Noa. (Noah?) I'm sure you all have heard about Kaiba's father and how he tried to make him cold and mean in order to run his company. Noa is...well... is the 'product' of his efforts. There is ALSO another green haired boy which is the younger version of Kaiba, first season flashbacks...[/spoiler] Just wanted to clear that up. Anyways, it also mentions 'hippocampus corporation'. I guess that means 'Kaiba' in japanese? This is too confusing.... I'm going to do some research. I'll let you know if find anything...... ^_^
  17. Who is 'hippocampus'? I swear it's a real person! Whenever I go to the official YGO Japanese site (http--www.tv-tokyo.co.jp-yuugiou-story) it keeps mentioning that. Maybe my translator stinks. I think it's Kaiba's name because on the character page both Mokuba and Seto have it. Perhaps Seto Kaiba means hippocampus instead of turmoil seahorse.
  18. I watch all 3 versions as well. Broaden my horizons, I guess. Thought I try to stick to the Japanese whenever possible. You have no idea how much they dubbed...... ::swears::
  19. um... you either mean the Rare Hunter sent to duel Yuugi or Rashid. Gogeta, did he have black hair?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hideki [/i] [B]I didn't like Eds voice either. It just didn't fit Ed either;) [/B][/QUOTE] ::in state of shock:: You kidding me? I thought Ed's voice fitted fine... In my opinion they Japanese and English voices are pretty close in tone..... p.s- do i make any sense? is 'fitted' a word?
  21. Hehe. None taken pk88. I actually kind of thought it was funny.
  22. Yeah, I saw the movie. It's one of those 'first season / stinky drawing / moderate plot' stories. In my opinion. ::ducks rock:: However, it was still very cute. ^_^ Yami no Yuugi kicks butt! However, I still don't see how a Red Eyes could beat a BEWD. Someone explain? I've watched the battle seen twice now and nothing comes to mind. Is is that ' the red eyes brings potential' thingy?
  23. 1.) That guy nailed to a cross. The clouds parting and a light shining down w/ a choir singing in a very corny Hollywood-ish way. 2.) I'm atheist. Need I say more? 3.) Well....considering I've never actually stepped foot in one to perform a religious act, I can't help you. ::walks away before she can force her views on others::
  24. Classical, hmm..... ::browses thru folders:: Ah! Found some. Most are from anime series but ,hey, where do all good things come from? ::wicked grin:: Partita III fur Violin Solo in E No. I - Bach Cello Suite No. I - Bach Molly on the Shore Canon in D - Pachebel LOTR songs, a little dramatic but good Well, that's about it for now. Everything else is on a CD somewhere in the depths of my bedroom or ska/punk cover bands, japansese, or South Park.
  25. Did anyone see Tech TV's Extended Play? They had a special on Dungeon Dice Monsters. All I can say is ....."ouch!" I recall some of their words: "The music in this game is so horrible that it gave me a headache. Most boring game ever. Simple and primitive gameplay." :flaming: Now I never played this game, but until I do I'm defending YGO's pride, heh. Just wanted to share that with you all....
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