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Everything posted by AnimeAddict

  1. I own Forbidden Memories for PS1. It's a really good game w/ great graphics. (although the music is really annoying *cringes*) It has new features when dueling like choosing a planet to protect your creature...............
  2. I believe in neither. Humans are completely independent, in charge of what they do. Regardless of what some people call "God". *ducks brick*. "take for example: you get married to somebody... how do you know its desinty? or if its just ....well it just so happened you fell in love and boom." As for that, you met the right person at the right time. *shrugs* My opinion.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]I don't know if I'm psychic or not, but I think I have some psychic abilities. Sometimes, I would start humming a song, and it either is a song that someone else was thinking about, or it comes on the radio the next minute. Cool, huh? I also get deja-voo (sp?) alot, and it's really weird.....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Mmm.... I never said I was psychic, just some uncanny ability probably. I too, don't believe in them *cough* Ms. Cleo *cough* . As for the radio, considering ALL stations play the same songs over, and over, and over again,,, you have a pretty good chance of hearing it. ;)
  4. How do you know if you are physic? I always want to hear a song on a radio and it comes on. I can predict what someone is going to say or do. It's pretty weird. Has anyone ever had one of these experiences?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]heh, I've been able to tell before. some indicators flattering, some NOT so flattering :worried:.FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Amen aibasuki! I once had a stalker in school. He followed me around to all my classes. Lol , when I actually hid from him he would ask where I was. :rolleyes: I don't think he liked me. I think he was insane. :whoops: Then I transferred to another school (for an unrealted matter) then I found out he joined all my classs. I feel really sorry for him.
  6. Mmm... true. I didn't mean to offend anyone Juu. Just my opinion. ;) I guess I would change if I didn't attend a private school that makes girls look...erm... like boys actually. (A polo shirt, khaki pants, a brown belt, and nothing "excessive". Plus only two types of jewelry.) I envy public school life.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]You'd rather be ugly? [/B][/QUOTE] HEH! :laugh: You sound EXACTLY like my mom. It's not that... it's just some people think that most girls are the stereo-typical "mall bums". On occasin I do dressup. But to the point, I consider myself a bit of a tomboy.
  8. yes... then they usually become my favorite store until I find a new one. (
  9. Ugh..... clothes. I hate those little pink, sparkly ones especially. What makes people think that all girls want to be "pretty". It annoys me so. I'm ranting aren't I?
  10. [B]I hope you don't mind but I translated the poem so more people could enjoy it. I happen to like the first and last one, the second I just don't understand, hehe. ^_^[/B] Poem of the North Star I walk for a road Seeking to the love that have lost A man to whom friend called betraied Myself, and dead person did me to seem. New strengths arise inside me AND I raise me, I Have new desires to live no longer I endure. I have travelled by many sides Seeking it him, king of the villains. Shin, with that name I knew him King, with this name he was going to suffer. Many men worked for him Torturando, killing. But they fear, I will destroy them Striking, attacking. One of its secuaces was tuerto Shouted: ?¡it Dies! ?, always happy But he it ignored the terrible one portento to know, that already was dead person. My name? It is Ken Shiro, a warrior confused. With seven scars Shin left Believed me to leave me dead person in a sea of pain But the it will see! Yes, the it will see. The strength that The love has given me that has removed me. The Hoctoshinken the quizo to exterminate, AND that same one Hoctoshinken is who will kill it. ------------------------------------------------------ Terranigma ?BETWEEN Dream and Reality? Crysta, ¿what is? A dream, or the reality perhaps? An image, that to the end, will disappear and all will forget it? Or is something more lasting, with an eternal existence? Oh. ..tantas you doubt Some I will be able to answer Other as questions will remain. But it does not it matter, because I herself where Am Dreaming, knowing that upon awaking My existence will begin to nublar. Dream that a fowl I am AND flying toward my love I am I Touch the door My attentive view By a look, before disappear. She opens, not ezperando a surprise I look at it, expecting a reaction A remembrance, or a prayer Little to little she herself acercaLagrimas in her eyes, although I does not create her. Extends its arms My name is shouted, for the time being I sit down my lips kissed A moment! Lips? What lips? I look at downward, and I see some hands. It takes me seconds to carry out what now is truth ¡I Have a human body! Looking at for up sonrio The cycle has been defeated ¿How? Quizas never I will know it. But if there is something that I Is herself that the love lasted for this time. The Life of Carrot Glace Small, small everywhere Of all they a kiss I want to have With my eyes coached I can see a pretty blonde, it does not matter where be. I have some friends A meaningless equipment we have been pals since in the school we were students. My sword, that by my parents was given Rare time needs to be unsheathed ¿Why is so little used? Therefore because is a remembrance, and not a weapon. They agree of those friends of the ones that I spoke? Therefore something of them Myself will count: The sisters Misu are twins They it do not know, but the beautiful encounter But, if by their life you they fear The wrath of them never reten. Marron is my young brother please the men, although he do not seem effeminate Alone once I have seen him to annoy AND to a man was about killing. The last one of my group, Gateau is called. Its past is something forgot But its power is not ignored. Why do we travel juntos? Oh, that is somewhat personal. Our job is very confidential Good this poem should finish. A pelirroja walks for there. [b][size=1]Please do not double post unless your fanfic/poem is too long, as in it exceeds OtakuBoard's character per post limit. In this case your poem translation does not. --Elite.[/b][/size]
  11. could the user who created a thread delete it?
  12. Lol, I know Des. I didn't write it though :)
  13. Just something I found online. It was funny to me at least. rock wants to go with as on his journey (worst decision he ever made) but cant because of his family. lowe and behold...the ugly guy in the hat is brocks dad.the man who walked out on them and did'nt return even when his mother died of stress. he says something like dad "dude...ive changed...you go off and ill look after the kids..*takes a slug of brandy* just let me go back to my cabin and ill get my hash pi..i mean stuff." brock "okay, i completely trust you, mr. rock salesman.take out your pen and paper and ill tell you everything you've missed in the kids' life" dad:"em...okay" brock: well theres no point in me delaying it...i won't bother going home and telling the kids the new arrangements...ill just go with ash here and you can barge in and scare the kids half to death as you try to explain who you are to them" is that a good decision.......em, no! his familyare probably all dead by now , after their dad promosed he was just going to the shops....and never came back. all they've had to live on are the chocolate bars misty sent them..that rightfully belonged to team rocket.
  14. I think OB should have a Japanese section. (Learning japanese, japanese help, phrases etc..) I'm not sure if you'll accept this idea because it has nothing to do with being a otaku... but people might appreciate it.
  15. That would be awesome, but imagine how expensive that would be. *frown*
  16. I read that Japan is in it's 5th season of Yu-gi-Oh! It's titled "Alcatraz Duel Tower". The openings are Warriors and Afureru Yuujyoo Ga Tomachinai. Sung by Yuichi Ikusawa. I can't seem to find the audio/video anywhere, but I'm just filling you in. You can go to this website to get screenshots. [url]http://yugioh.esmartkid.com/mainmusic.html[/url] I especially like how the characters look in this one. More punkier. :) [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Please try not to double post in future. Use the 'Edit' button. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. Well they technically did go out on a date. Perhaps a road to a happy marriage? Hehe, I have such an active imagination.
  18. - You visit hospitals looking for Nurse Joy - You run up to police officers, adressing them as Jenny - You can actually make this anime face ^_^ - Everything is happy. *cough* Pokemon *cough* Sorry! I just think Pokemon has an optimistic attitude toward everything. ( I used a big word!)
  19. Hey that was pretty good Shinobi. A little weird though b/c I'm writing something along the lines of that... It was a little repetitive, but I give it 8/10. :)
  20. That doesn't make any sense. Why would Yami have a dream as Tea as the DMG?
  21. I was browsing through a Yu-gi-Oh! gallery and this picture pops up of Anzu/Tea as the Dark Magician Girl. Can anyone explain this?
  22. Does anyone know where I can fnd this Yami doll? It's really good, and I would kill to get it.
  23. I would lower... It gets your opponents life points down quicker which gives you the advantage.
  24. That's very cool.... but so evil. Yami Bakura has to be at least one of my favorite characters by now. What country did you read the manga in? And what RPG game was he playing?
  25. Ok, I'm curious. What do you need them for?
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