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Nekoshi chan

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Everything posted by Nekoshi chan

  1. This Gundam board is soooooo dead! I hope it's not against the rules or sumthin to post this link, but you guys just gotta see this web site! I didn't make it or anything, and it hasn't been updated for about 3 months, but it's HE-larious! Have you ever been there? W/E go to: [url]http://www.geocities.com/setzer_2001/[/url] =^^= Thousands upon thousands of funny funny things having to do with GW! See the rare Woody Haired Creature, find out what kind of Cell Phones the G-Boys use ((Heero: Where'd my cellphone go again?)) Learn about Wufei and Heero's fav TV shows ((you'll be surprised!)) Watch the episodes of GW Survivor! Here Duo's ANNOYING nickname for Wufei! Hear about the time when the G-Boys went to the beach and... well, a lot alot alot more! GO GO NOOOOOOW!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!? ((batteries not included :P)) *end commercial*
  2. **Quatre adopts a wardrobe similar to Heero's...** Other GW Dudes: *GASP!* ((the point: what's w/ Quatre's lame wardrobe? ;P *jumps on Quatre's sissy 'pink' blouse*))
  3. =^^= That better not have been the least bit sarcastic, Domon.
  4. Duo: *makes a face* Heero do you LET ONE RIP? Heero: He who smelt it you delt it! *Trowa walks in on Wufei, who hurriedly shuts of the TV... Trowa shrugs, and leaves.... Wufei goes back to watching 'Hamtaro', giggling hysterically and muttering the theme song* Hamtaro... ya blah blah ya ya... Hamtaro!
  5. Err, I always get into things late '^^= I just got into GW and personally I wish it would go on and on and on and on and on and....... And so what if they blew their Gundams up? =^^= Make new ones! Or sumthin....
  6. =^^= lmao some of this might keep me content for a while... more GW stuff! *It's GW Therapy Time* Shrink: So, Heero, what's your greatest fear? Heero: .... *whispers* clowns. Shrink: I see... *Trowa comes in, Heero freaks out, starts crying hysterically, and throws himself out the window... Trowa shrugs and sits down...* Next episode... :P The Shrink disucsses Trowa's Childhood (here's a preveiw): Trowa: ......................... =^^=
  7. =^^= I saw a whole page of these sumwhere for Gundam Wing =^^= some of them were... Quatre: *after blowing someone up* I'm not sorry for that. Wufei: D'you know what, I think I was wrong... men and woman really are equal! =^^= Dern it those aren't very funny and I can't remember any more, and I'm too lazy at the moment to think of any. ^^ o well... see you around!
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