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Everything posted by ::Ex-Soldier::

  1. I find it funny how you go and say punk rock is dead when really, it's still alive, only hard to find. Ever heard of the germs? Adolescents? The Briefs? Riot 99? TSOL? Anti Nowhere league? Like...god...open your eyes, and SEARCH for punk, rather than dismiss it as dead because you can't find any real punk. Punk has just become popular is all. Deal with it. There are thousands of people out their who agree with you, and I am one of them, but punk is not DEAD. Thats a very bold and FINAL statement. As for goodcharlotte and those idiots, don't mind them, they're doing what they love...playing music. If anyone thinks they're punk, astleast you're their to correct them, and show them real bands...AKA Misfits.
  2. Well, just for a quick update, these boys have no been bothering me, nor my friends at all for the past few days. I think i scared them just a bit when I showed them I was really angry with what was going on, but I'm sure the problem is totally solved, I don't think it ever will be for sure. All I can do is keep fending them off, and maybe one day they will get the message and leave.
  3. I guess I was skateboarding, landed a backside salad, and I also learned varial heelflips. Theres not much else to be happy about...I have school tommarow...that dampens everything.
  4. I know really they won't do anything to me, because they know I will totally go crazy and smack my board over there back after I knock them out. Yesterday, they knew I meant business, so they said something stupid to try and act tough, and I stared at them all the way until they turned the corner.
  5. I'm suprised no one said final fantasy vii, but that game is definatley timeless. It never gets old with many different things to do after the game, and even after that, traveling around, collecting materia and mastering it...it's great to pass the time, and also the replay value is great because the beginning was definatley the best inside the polluted city. The character designs and city designs as well as storyline and music make it an amazing game that can be played over and over and over again. I'd also like to agree that legend of zelda ocarina of time was also a great game with many things to do, and a great soundtrack. Very timeless.
  6. I've been playing for about 2 years and the only advice I can give is tabs are fun and all, but you should learn the basic chords first, such as G, C, D, E, and a few others. F was hard when i first learned it, but it is an essential chord because in the F formation, it can be moved up the fret board to be any chord. Also, don't forget about the minor chords either. Chords rule.
  7. Ok, I live in a neighborhood, and all my friends do is stay outside skateboarding most of the time, and just hanging out. It's been like this for a very long while. But recently, within the last 3 months, a group of kids have been hanging around, giving us dirty looks, smashing things, acting "gangster", and recently, they knocked my friend off of his skateboard, and I was so pissed, I was ready to knock one of them out. There were times when a few other kids on bikes with bats wanted to fight the kids starting trouble. They obviously got scared, but whenever they are in big groups, they scoff at us, and I'm sick of it. Today, I got so pissed that I nearly felt a vein pop. One of them says "Sorry for pushing you off the skateboard" and then they both laugh as if it's funny, so I say "What's so funny?" and they come up behind me and start talking to me. I told them I wanted them to face me in the front, and stop being such ******* ****. So they both come up to me, as if they want to fight, and I'm ready for whatever happens. But they do nothing. It's as if they think they own this neighborhood, and even though it isn't about owning a neighborhood, it's the principal of acting big infront of people who have been here from a long time ago. They're not tough at all, and every other person in this neighborhood is sick of them. And I'm getting to the point where I think I'm gonna fight, I can't take it anymore. They piss me off so much, you can't believe. But I'm not sure if this can be resolved otherwise, because talking to them isn't working, and I think giving them a good beating will only make things worse, but I think it's gonna come down to that. What would you do? [b][color=red]Whoa, watch the language there; your use of swearing was unacceptable.--Charles[/color][/b]
  8. ::Ex-Soldier::


    [quote name='wrist cutter']What's worse is that they're the only ones to ever do such a dastardly deed![/quote] Even if a million others have done it, it's still extremely annoying. :rolleyes:
  9. Well, simple put, it wouldn't be very fun. I'm not a social person, but I'm also not antisocial. I won't go to a bar looking for people to talk to, and trying to make friends at school. Usually, I will wait for friends to come to me. And thats how it always works for me. Being alone on an island wouldn't be that great, because you have no one to talk to AT ALL. You're all alone, and I think can drive someone insane. After a few years, you might even kill yourself. Thankfully being stranded on an island is very UNLIKELY to happen. Hah.
  10. I've never ever done stuff like that, but I've skated in the rain, which is pretty hectic. Rails, and roads are more slippery, and I remember almost breaking my neck so I just decided to stop. Thunderstorms don't bother me. I dunno, being struck by lightening doesn't seem like it would ever happen, even though it's hit many people before.
  11. Haha, dope. They really do turn the bass up high, it's really annoying. I was watching much music yesterday, and I just blinked, and it was loyed banks or whatever, and that is like...the pefect example of what I hate. He has extremely wack rhymes. At one part he rhymes two words that don't rhyme, but he twists one so it does... :rolleyes: I think concious hip hop, or "hip hop that matters" is getting some steam now. With groups like...Sweatshop Union, and Kanye West, even though kanye isn't so concious as everyone thinks he is. He's not talking much about anything, he just has some different songs that no one is used to is all.
  12. I owned the first for a while because I think it was truely a brilliant game. I didn't play the second, but I heard alot of information about it being a let down and such, so I just decided to leave it alone. Hopefully, this will bring back the DMC feel. I actually like that it's a mindless action game with unlimited ammo and such. Because it's based on style, and it doesn't worry too much about items and such.
  13. Djing, MCing, Breakdancing, and Graffiti all form to create or support a very popular and sometimes annoying kind of music. Through graffiti, I have learned to love hip hop (I used to hate it bad) and I started to understand it. My friends used to ask me why I was into graffiti, but didn't listen to hip hop. It didn't make sense to them. I told them exactly what alot of you would say. But I want to understand why many of you hate on it, because I see many words fly around when it's talked about, and I think it's about time to clear things up. The main question here is, do you like hip hop? Why or why not? I find that alot of mainstream rap today is all about one thing. Money. I see it everywhere. Hip hop exploited to hell. Rap videos on, and seeing as how I live in toronto, I see that hip hop is more popular down here. I can walk down the street and see some people with white, low, tshirts and say "Oh look, some hip hop heads", but usually I'd be wrong. It'd probably be best now to quote a famous underground rapper. "Rap is something you do, hip hop is something you live" - KRS One I ticks me off a bit though how it is such a big stereotype nowadays. Rap videos FILLED to the PRIME with ********. Money, bling, popping people, etc. Notice how 50 cent doesn't call himself a "gangsta" but yet has pictures of himself with a gun, and is open about his love for guns. He also doesn't shut up (or maybe it's the fans that never shut up) about how he was shot I dunno how many times for drug dealing. For fucks sake, this doesn't make the man a king in hip hop! This makes him a bum! Every rapper now adays has to act tough, and front with other rappers. To the masses, hip hop is about all that bull. But to me, and alot of other, hip hop is still....hip hop. Their are so many underground rappers now adays that I can say that hip hop still lives, and shines. Because these artists still know what hip hop is. They aren't about the bling, the rep, the money. They're about telling us stories, and enlightening us on many subjects, even politics! I can name a few that really stand out like Gangstarr, Public Enemy, Dilated Peoples, Deltron 3030, even the streets is sticking it's head out, and though he is getting popular, he still knows what hip hop is about. Because not all hip hop is about that kind of stuff. I truely hope this trend dies. Maybe you may not like the style of music itself. I mean, many people think it just sounds bad, and it's hard to listen to. And thats ok! But when someone tells me they don't like hip hop because it's about bling and then name off a few bad artists, that is true ignorance! Ok, anyways, i think thats a bit more than I should have typed...but thats how I spin it. Anyways, let me know what you think, if you agree or not...ps, keep it mature.
  14. ::Ex-Soldier::


    I hate'em. I feel sometimes like they have no soul. Scratch that...I always feel that they have no soul. Or atleast there music has none. It feels as though they put no effort into their music. "They're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get us, they're not gonna get usssss." You get me right? All there songs are basically the same thing, and usually catchy. Anywho, I can see why people like them. It is because they are two hot lesbians, and in "all the things she said" or whatever (it was a smash) they're kissing, while in schoolgirl uniforms, in the rain. They use sex as a marketing plot.
  15. [quote name='Vash IDK']You know, I think everyone feels that way. I don't think there is one person in this world who can't say that's not one of their fears. It just depends on who is "brave" enough, if you will, to say it. I agree. Being alone forever is a scary thought.[/quote] Actually, I'm not really scared of dying "alone" because it's impossible. You cannot die alone, because everyone has atleast one friend I think. It is normal for humans to interact, and form bonds. It's impossible not to. You got your parents, they most likely care for you, and if they don't you still have friends to back you up. And worst comes to worst, I'm cool with being on my own. I can live by myself and not have any problems. Don't get me wrong, sometimes when I'm listening to some deep music I'll start thinking, and it is scary sometimes, but you'll really never know for sure til you die. :p Not much point in thinking about it at all, actually. Just stay positive, enjoy life. The longer you wait, the better it is.
  16. [QUOTE=Vash IDK]Wow, I don't think I like any teen movies. I hate ALL Agent Cody Banks movies Anything with Hillary Duff, or any other Disney inspired actor or actress Any movie with the words "Spy" or "Kids" in it. Does that cover everything :laugh:[/QUOTE] I'm totally with you. Whenever I hear anything about spy kids, or agent cody banks, or any movie with hillary duff, i cringe. I can't take teen movies, and seeing the commercials is usually enough for me to dismiss it as cheesy ****.
  17. If any of you have heard of the streets, he writes brilliant songs and always has brilliant lyrics. Very cleverly rhymed. Some of his song are very inspirational. You could just listen to them, and the lyrics come right to life. Also if any of you are into gangstarr, he has really good lyrics too.
  18. [QUOTE=Kazuko][size=1] Note my bolds in that. First off, you don't know who's calling Christians hypocrits? Look at my second bold. Buddy, look in a bloody mirror. No one has anything against Christians? Then you go on to say Christianity, the religion, does hypocritical things. Then you try to correct yourself saying "Not Christianity, but [b]the people[/b]". You just said no one has anything against Christians. And you're right, all churches should be more like carnivals. [Sorry if that was rant-ful. ] [Who am I kidding, that was completely rant-ful] [/size][/QUOTE] Now, where did I say that all christians are hypocrits? The second bold was stating how many christians sin, and know the sin, and yes, their are hypocrits. I myself am not trying to put down christians. I am stating my opinion, do you mind? I said nothing about christians in general in that whole post. Oh wait, maybe that was you putting words in my mouth. :rolleyes: Alright, moving on. I didn't "try" to correct myself. I did. And what I meant was, christianity as a religion is not hypocritical, but a few of the priests, and the believers are. Also, when I said noone has problems with christians, I thought that this was being argued in another thread, so she was clearing it up in a different thread. Maybe I typed it wrong, or maybe you just didn't read right. Anyhow, I found it funny how you commented on my little joke at the end. If you were being sarcastic, it was a joke, so don't cry. :rolleyes:
  19. [QUOTE=MangaFreak]Ok, there are lots of people who call us christians hypercrits. I'd like to corect them. We are not. Hypercrits are those who sin intensionately while we stumble in but try to get out. And why is it that if one stumbles we all are hypercrits and if all succeed we're all lunitics. Do you realy judge us so harshly? I hear you all saying things about us. Why? What do you have against us? What do we do to you? I mean seriously! Thats pretty much all.[/QUOTE] So, you're obviously a christian if you care this much. I don't know who has called you christians "hypercrits", or were you talking about all the media around it? I was baptized, but I don't really believe to much in god. What do you mean ONE stumbling? Is that a joke or something? Millions of christians make mistakes, and "sin" daily. So no, not one, but millions stumble daily. You hear us saying stuff? No one has anything against christians, but sometimes christianity seems very hypocritical in the sense that it preaches not to do something, and then goes and does it. Not christianity, but the people who believe in it and preach it. I went to church once. It wasn't all that fun, not that I want water slides in it or anything. :rolleyes:
  20. That six flags commercial is totally retarded. Whenever I see it, I cringe. As for any other commercials that piss me off (or make me laugh...) are any mc donalds commercials. They're always so terrible, that they're funny! They always try to reach out to certain stereotypes. One commercial they had like all these people at a concert, and it was supposed to be a Mcdonalds commercial. Also that poor guy who got his car for 500 bucks because he's "eating mcdeals". Damn, that guy needs a job, I think. I'll add on later. EDIT: Oh yeah, that guy in the nestea commercial who starts singing. Thats an awesome commercial. Alot of people say I look like him. :p
  21. I don't like them at all. You could even say I hate them. I'm into rock, but not that kind of rock like...theory of a deadman, nickleback, evenescence...that kind of hard, but not so hard sound. All their songs seem the same, and I hear them alot so it makes me want to kill myself, so I usually just change the channel, or put some of my own music on. And when she did that sort of acoustic song with that other guy...I dunno. I didn't even like that. The video was extremely cheesy. Ah whatever. It doesn't matter much, but thats my opinion for you.
  22. Well, firstly, you drew them very well. The smudging is no problem, because thats usually just the paper. It's really hard not to smudge it unless you don't touch it. Also, you should try coloring it, because that would be even better. Remake a copy, or edit in photoshop.
  23. Well, I'm a big as fan of ff7, and I think it's still the best FF ever, so I'd have to say cloud, or sephiroth. I mean, cloud is just so bad as with that great sword of his. The buster swore. I wish I had one of those... And sephiroth is even more bad ***, but in a more evil sense. I also really like cid because he swore alot, and said alot of funny **** too. Probably all the characters from FF7 anyways except for a few.
  24. [QUOTE=Harry] What I just keep in mind is if she dies before me, I win.[/QUOTE] Haha, thats actually pretty funny, because I was just gonna mention that. She IS old, and you don't have to deal with her for too much long because you don't even live with her do you? And even if you do, she is an old women, and she has to go sometime, even though that seems a bit cold...oh well. If she's really a witch, then i guess it isn't cold at all. Just try to grit your teeth and bear it, you know? Like this ---> :mad:
  25. I live in toronto, was born in toronto, and I'm too young to have something to do...I'm a graffiti artist I guess, thats the biggest part of my life. Besides that I go to school at an art school.
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