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Everything posted by ::Ex-Soldier::

  1. I really think MGS was a much better game in general. I have played most of the MGS's,I played some of th gameboy ones, MGS1, MGS2, and I played the remake of MGS1, and I must say I like it more because I like to have more storyline involved. With splinter cell, which was an alright game, it was really repetetive in the sense that they gave you a mission, do it. Another mission, do it. Yes, the plant was very very repetetive, but I wasn't expecting that damn stupid raiden to be a part of the game. You could very well buy MGS3, and find that you can't play as solid snake again...I hope not though...haha. Everybody complained about that in MGS2.
  2. [quote name='TOTALIMMORTAL']I dunno any underground rock bands but I know a ton of underground punk bands. Just about every real punk band starts underground. Listen to The Misfits, they're one of the best punk bands of all time,and theres Dropkick Murphys, Pennywise, Circle Jerks, Danzig, Samhain, Dead Kennedys, The Descendents, The Adoloscents, Exploited, hell even Social Distortion started underground but they're pretty popular now. I also suggest listening to Rage Against the Machine, they're not too popular either.[/quote] Best underground punk rock Black Flag Cirlce Jerks TSOL Riot99 Wasted Youth Theirs some good underground rock for ya. And if you want more, PM me, I used to be really really into the scene.
  3. Well, firstly, I've never had this ever happen to me. I am very luck enough to have hardly any enemies in the family (except for a few...) but I know these kinds of people very well, and yes they are very annoying. The most you can do is basically, ignore her, and keep fighting with her. It gets boring, but if you get real pissed off, and tell her straight, she may just...shut up! Many people are tough and all, think they're big, but when you let them know you're ticked off, they'll shut their yaps out of fear. Let her know you mean business! Also, talking to her nicely and asking her to stop won't work. Atleast I don't think it would, because you say you've talked to her already about how you're pregnant and she still loves to say ****. It's arogance and ignorance, but sadly, thats life.
  4. Oh, hey. This may get closed. :p
  5. That kid sounds quite demented. I never was like that, and probably never will be. When I flirt, I **** up always. And yeah, thats life. This kid sounds like he'll grow up to be a man whore, so watch him. Maybe he's just trying to be funny. Either way, I'd say you let it be, or beat him with a wooden spoon. Worked for me when i acted up. :p
  6. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]That could be argued by the fact that people will buy anything when it's new (IE Brittney Spears, Spice Girls, LFO ect) or buy into the hype of some genres of music. Does he have a second album out yet? [b]edit[/b]:My brother says that 50's real because he was in jail for 5 years for selling drugs. oooookay then [b]On topic[/b]:Of course,as a strange coincidence, rap music in general just gets on my nerves. No real lyrics, just a bunch of bass and someone yelling about how they did such and such to such and such and shot them up a lot. Then went and slept with that person's girl.[/color][/QUOTE] Now, see, this pisses me off slightly. Not that you are a bad person, and I don't want to make it seem like I don't like you, but people like you piss me off. You pass all rap off as "bunch of bass and someone yelling about how they did such and such to such and such and shot them up a lot. Then went and slept with that person's girl" when you most likely have never listened to any real, underground, or even mainstream rap that deals with real things. Deals with the problems with society, today. Just like any other music. I can say that rock is a bunch of guys rolling around with guitars screaming and talking about how their girlfriend dumped them. (stereotypical pop punk rock) Or how real punk is about killing everyone and overdosing on heroin. (stereotypical punk) Or I can say electronic music is just a hard beat with a little bit of melody. Like, you can generalise any kind of music. But I think it would be best not to, even if the majority of mainstream is all about bling bling, and ****. Not that I am a hardcore hip hop fan. I used to hate all hip hop. Only listened what I wanted to. But I opened my eyes a bit, and noticed that it's not all what it seems. Yeah, I needed to get that off my chest.
  7. Haha, it might have been your imagination. I've been known to start hearing stuff when it's really quiet too.
  8. Drama is real dumb. My old school used to be full of girls who thought they were "going out" when they were like...13....hahahaa. thats funny. Even if I'm 15, and it's been a while, having a SERIOUS relationship at this point in time is useless.
  9. Online crushes? Not even. I've had one, actually. It was small though...fairly small.
  10. Actually, the first is a piece which is an all out assault on colors, detail, etc. And my second is a throw up, which means it just something to put up to get my name out...you dig? I can't be doing pieces in hot spots, you know? [img]http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00399917f00000103.jpg[/img]
  11. I'm not sure why, but everything I do involves some form of procrastination. Even if it's something I really want, I really can't help but leave it all to the last minute, then it turns out like ****. Seriously...it sorta sucks. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator.
  12. Not everyone is a jerk. It's a forum, man...no one takes the internet seriously.
  13. Well, my most strangest, and probably most scariest one was a dream I had where I was 6 and I was at my grandmas. It was night time, and she was cooking for some odd reason, so she told me to go downstairs, and get some spice for her. I went into the basement, and I just kept walking into darkness, eventually, I hit something. It was like fur. I turned on the light, and it was a porcelaine doll, bigger than me, and only his skin was porcelain. His body was just black furry stuff. So I was like, ok, and I took a few steps back...then this is where it really got wierd. The whole dream totally changed on me. I had a coin for some reason in my hand, and I flipped it onto some pipes...which stills makes no sense at all to me. It was so random. But it clicked the pipes, fell to the ground, and angered the doll. It got up and started headlocking me, and trying to strangle me. I didn't know what to do, it's face seemed so defaced of feeling. It was really, really strange. I woke up after. I'll never forget that doll, even though it doesn't exist, it's ******* scary. :(
  14. Any electronic heads in here? Square pusher, aphex twin, daft punk, infected mushroom...? I've listened to electronic for a good amount of time, and I still can't get enough of it. Although sometimes it gives me a headache.
  15. I listen to ALOT of electronic music. Daft Punk, Deavid Soul, Kraftwerk, Squarepusher, Aphex twin, vnv nation...alot of good stuff, but hardly any lyrics...but I used to listen to alot of punk too, and some underground hip hop. I'd have to recommend some of At The Drive In's lyrics. They are a great, great band. Seriously. Check them out.
  16. I've seen this thread a million times in my lifetime, and each time I always type something different, because I have more than one fears. Firstly, I have a fear of death, myself. Not fear of dying normally, but dying by getting shot, or stabbed, or mugged really badly in an alley or something. I'm out late at night sometimes, and I dunno, that seems to be one of my biggest fears. I think "What will my parents think? What will my friends think?" y'know? How will they feel? Obviously bad, but theirs more... Other than that, not much of anything scares me. I swear, I could be one of the bravest or dumbest (probably the latter) anyone would meet.
  17. [QUOTE=Zudo]Thanks, but i already took care of it -grins-. The 'friend' is having a little trouble walking now. It was stupid think i could trust someone, with such a...uh..secret? I mean, people think just because im wiccan, that im also satanic, its not the same[/QUOTE] I don't know if anyone else noticed, but thats quite disturbing, actually...giving him walking problems? Thats even worse than discrimination against a religion. And what will this solve? You could have done something worthwhile, like talk to him, or sue him, or whatever, but no, you had to go and give him "trouble" walking.
  18. I've had some pretty embarassing **** happen to me, and the recent is like a month ago at school. On the second last day of school, we presented a play for drama. I had to come in and be like "Go to sleep!", but I forgot, and the camera caught me running in really quickly while looking confused, and then I get their, and I'm like "OH YEAH!" and then I do it. Retarded.
  19. Yeah, for sure. Another time I was in this bulk barn sort of thing, to pick up some candy (I had the munchies! :rolleyes: ) and the guy at the cash just got down on the ground. I looked around, and was confused, and about to laugh. This women walks in with her kid and says "don't worry, he's praying" so I'm like, oh, alright...so I put my stuff on the table, he gets up as if he's gonna let me pay, but then he gets right down again and start mumbling. I was gonna start laughing because my friend was being stupid, then he got up and let me buy my damn food. True story, tell your friends.
  20. I'll usually get that in algebra class or something :tasty: I don't really know, sometimes I have a really late reaction to stuff. I think it's because you're just thinking to hard, and your brain sorta flops on you. Then you just understand it.
  21. I played it at my friends house, and it was alright. Swinging through the air and the g force and that were all fun, but it wasn't something I would go out and buy. But it would be a good rent, if you're really bored.
  22. I remember this game a while ago called "Hunter the reckoning" or something. My friend wanted me to rent it, so I was like OK, I don't even care because we had a coupon, so we only spend 2 bucks, it was worth a try. Turned out to be the worst game I have ever played. The controls were simple, but the zombies were all the same, and it was just terrible. Plus the bosses took 20 minutes to beat them, it was so rediculous.
  23. Alot of wierd stuff happens to me, but me and my friend usually will just be sitting down and see a racoon drop from the tree, and birds hit windows. Animals can be really stupid sometimes. I can't really remember anything "wierd", but their was this one time this girl was running and screaming, and crying, so I was being stupid with my friend and was like "Why you cry? Why cry? Cry why?" and she went all crazy on me, and she was like "Don't look at my face!" and then her mother was like "What did you do to my kid?" so I just sorta got up and told her nothing, and they both started flipping. Then this van picked them up, thank god.
  24. I'm not posting any painted stuff, just to be safe, because y'know...it is illegal and all...but I do have sketches. Check'em out...critique! [img]http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00399917f00000100.jpg[/img] [img]http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00399917f00000105.jpg[/img] If you guys don't mind posting some painted stuff, let me know.
  25. Well, I'm 14 years of age, and I haven't had a girlfriend yet. I am fairly attractive (or atleast I'd like to think so), and I have been asked out countless times before, but the idea of ME getting a GIRLFRIEND is a strange idea. I'm not gay, it's just that I sorta don't have time, and all the girls that have been in interested in me, I have not had the same feelings. Girls tell me to comb my messy hair, but I never listen. I think some girls like long...messed up hair. And it looks good. Har har. Well, now I'm just off topic. I am thinking of asking this one girl out, but thats after the winter break, inwhich I will stock up on my spraypaint, maybe do a few bombs or pieces here and there, or maybe go to a rave or 2. *cough* I say bah to girls. Or no, wait. No I don't.
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