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Everything posted by ::Ex-Soldier::

  1. I think it looks hilarious. I also think it's an original idea. I read what he had to say on his website and I totally agree. I don't think the game is racist at all, just because it has the stereotype of blacks and the whole gangster thing. But it can't be shut down even if it is racist, because there are way more racist people like comedians, musicians, etc and they aren't hassled at all.
  2. I don't know too much about gut instinct. But I can say that with me "interest" with graffiti for the past 3 years, I've have many close calls, and some I would thank my gut for helping me out of. It's just a sort of strong feeling. But I think it's just luck. I mean, even if my friend gets a feeling that someone is watching us, or something bad will happen, we pack up, and leave. A few times I have ignored this gut instinct, and I have had terrible chases. I'd say, whatever you do, trust your instinct.
  3. I used to watch alot of Reboot. It to me was a great show, and even though I was young, I understood it and liked it alot.
  4. The perfect marriage can happen and probably has happened. Just because animals do not marry, does not mean we have to do the same. As Karma said, we are completely different other animals. And we know whats right and wrong, while an animal wouldn't.
  5. Never played with barbies ever. Only stabbed, burned, cracked, ate, and dismembered. Ah fun times. My grandma used to have old toys from my cousins. So I would find barbie dolls. I'd throw them against walls, stuck them in my mouth a few times to see what they tasted like too. And they burn well. Almost set myself on fire. If I ever get another barbie doll, I have great, fresh ideas for them.
  6. So sad. I've never experienced a broken bone which makes me pretty lucky I guess. I'm bound to get one soon though, with the stuff I'm doing...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_guy [/i] [B]It's not really a supperstition, but sometimes (liek now) when Im listening to my headphones and taking with people onAIM and posting, I fell liek somethings behind me, liek watching me, sneaking up on me, I keep lookign back to make sure nothings tehre, I've already done it like 5 times while posting this.. it scares me a lot [/B][/QUOTE] I do that alot too. I don't know why. I'm not even scared of what would be behind me if I found something. But I just want to know whats behind me. I don't know it's strange. And superstitions are actually pretty funny. I've never done one, but I probably would if I wanted to. But a few days ago, me and my friends were walking around at night...around 9. And we came across this little house with a cross on the window. So we looked to the side, and saw a white thing. It started moving, and it looked like it was coming closer to us. The more closer we went, the more of it we could make out. It looked like a man looking at us wearing white. The second time we went, it was gone. We went a third time and it was still there. We kept coming back and running, and for one time we stayed, and looked at it, and we heard noises and stuff. So me and a friend went up close, and it turned out to be light reflecting off a white fence. The bushes beside it gave us the impression that it was moving. Funny story. But it looked so real from far away. Oh and demon babe, I hope you're banned.
  8. Yeah, that shows cool. My fav sketch is the classic stuart. It's incerdibly stupid, but just so funny. I can't stop laughing when he gets on the ground and starts pushing with his feet at people. Hahaha. I'm sick.
  9. I remember back in 8th grade I told a teacher off on a tape recorder, not knowing they would find out. My stupid friend made everyone listen to it, and attracted the teachers attention. He confiscated it. Listened to it. And when he did, he seemed like nothing bothered him until I got into class. He called me out, and asked what was wrong with me and why I was so sick in the head. He then sent me to the office, and I got a suspension. It's been my 6th suspension to date. I said some pretty nasty things on that tape...funny though...I still talk to that teacher to this day. Nice guy.
  10. *cough* Musta missed or something. It happens to the best of us, right? Hehehe. *leaves*
  11. I hate the idea of it. I would be pretty freaked out if that happened in my school. I guess it's for the better. And how do you know it was weed? They could have had many other drugs too.
  12. See? If you doubt yourself about ****, he's going to walk all over you. Take action and don't let him. He could be dangerous. Has he ever been violent with other people or known to have temper problems?
  13. Yes. The song that is known as "woohoo" to some of you is called song #2 And yeah, I have there first and second CD. My fav song is 5/4. Great CD. Second wasn't bad either. And technoie is good!
  14. It's tough to keep it to one girl. But there are those who don't have this feeling at all. I mean, when I had a girlfriend, I really didn't look at any other girls. And kept away from the ones I suspected of liking me. And that got me nowhere. She dumped me afterwords. She liked another guy. Just remember that you may think you're the only one, but they can be deviant themselves. Damn girls...
  15. I think you should set him straight before he gets violent. You never know. I mean, he could be one of those people that go home and lick their feet in the dark corner of there bedroom, mumbling and laughing words of suicide, and blood. Psychotic way of looking at it, no?
  16. First Name: Ronld McDonald is my full name. Believe it. Age: Yeah Hair Color: Natural dirty blonde. Eye Color: Green Height: 5'6 Wardrobe: I'm not a goth or anything, but I like black. And white too. Personality: I find it funny how you said you were mysterious. How would you know? No offence or anything...just saying. Hair Style: Messy Favorite Music Type: Techno/Punk Favorite musical Band/Artist: Daft punk, atb, moby, prodigy, DJ mystik, anti flag, circle jerks, propagandhi, a global threat Hobbies: Graffiti, Music, Aggressive rollerblading
  17. Instead of waving at someone going passed, point at them with an angry face. Make a star or half a jumping jack in front of someone. I do this everyday, and the reaction is usually "What are you on?" or they'll be like "Why are you such a freak?". If they ask this, just stare at them in the same pose. It is best if you just walk into a store and do it. Or you could ring someones doorbell, and then make the star. And don't crack up. If they get mad, say you're an artist. They'll understand. Hide behind bushes late at night, and when people come by, just walk out, but don't say anything stupid like "boo" or anything like that. Just walk out as if you didn't know he was there.
  18. It just got boring after a while. And it really sucked when they gave me lots of chocolate. I hate chocolate.
  19. Hah. You and me too. I got nothing but 60's and 70's and I did have a nice little chat with my dad and mom. I wish I could change it, but I can't. Even iif you do have a talk with your parents, it just flies over, and then you can improve. But then there comes parent/teacher conferences. I have 1 week to live. Really.
  20. It's really funny sometimes. I don't read it very often, but when I do, it brightens my bad days. Although, yeah, it is sometimes stupid.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]If they call you all the time and you can't get rid of them, and they don't leave even after you poke them with a stick.....they like you. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. Either that or...they wan't something. Like...your house keys or something.
  22. Well, I really can't say. In real life, I talk very little. But I do laugh alot. But thats all I really do. I don't really know. If you first meet me in life, you'd think I was really rude. But all my friends know that Im not a bad person, but just that Im shy with meeting new people. Basically Im just myself here on OB.
  23. I'm excited, although report cards come out tommarow, and I won't have the best grades. Im not in the best mood, but I never am.
  24. Oh, believe me, I would probably just get the stool and still turn it off. I remember my mom put it in her room once, and I shut it off without her knowing. It's really strange. EDIT: Although, I think I may try it again.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B](reads above) Hahahahaahaah!!!!! Thats the funniest thing I've ever heard. [/B][/QUOTE] Believe me, it's not funny. It's really annoying, and I'm going to have about 50 lates on my report card.
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